LDS Theories -- Relations to LeBarons/Chenoweths

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That company also hires all types of jobs.. I wanted to update but couldn't find my post lol. I wonder if she used her BST ss for this job

We have no evidence that she ever had a BST SS number. She only used that name for about 3 months in 1988 as a stepping stone to become Lori Kennedy. We do know that she applied for and was assigned a SS number under the name Lori Kennedy.

Why is this line of thought in the LeBaron thread? Did I miss some connection?
Sorry Claire it was an error in posting location on my part. I meant the other SS number, not the BST, I know Velling said she used at least 2.
The company she had unclaimed funds sells cleaning supplies. I wonder if she worked as housekeeping. ( like merry maids or self employed contract cleaning.. ) my mom did that while going to school, made lots of cash.

I know this is in the wrong thread, but wanted to reply to Linda's post. In the occupations thread, there was speculation that she may have worked as an apartment manager/custodial in exchange for an apartment. This is a comm on practice to offer living quarters as part of compensation. Connection to letter of reference: employee AND tenant?
Susan wrote me again today. I had asked her who else I could contact.. This is so nice of her!! Here is what she wrote
, is there a way you could send me a better, clearer pic of Jane Doe? I would be willing to fwd it to a couple of my contacts from Ervil's family and see what sort of response I get. If they're interested, I could send them the original link to the story you sent to me. I don't think they'd appreciate me giving you their contact info, but we could try it this way?"

I sent her all the pics we have of FLEK so excited :)

This is so awesome, I read about Susan, she has had a fascinating but hard life. Soon as I get caught up financially, I want to order her book. Anyhow, I was just wishing last week someone would contact her because maybe her and her contacts can settle it for us, but yes, the DNA test would definitely settle it. Thanks for contacting her. :)
Amazing link that gives great detail of each of the fundamentalists and some history!
Ross Lebaron died in the late 80's in IDAHO. I can't wait to hear back from Susan. Really, even if it is ruled out, the fundamentalists are a very interesting study! Linda Patterson

Interesting Linda! From there I went here: mentions Boise Idaho.

'Joseph Leslie Broadbent was a leader in the early stages of Mormon fundamentalism. In 1927, Broadbent published a pamphlet Celestial Marriage advocating the practice of plural marriage. This was a factor in his excommunication by the LDS Church in 1929. Joseph Broadbent is listed in the online IGI with his original 1899 LDS baptism and original 1910 endowment. He was posthumously baptized in 1990. Included on the 1990 baptism entry is another record of Broadbent's 1910 endowment. IGI entries for Broadbent show his original 1915 marriage sealing to his first wife, Rula Louise Kelsch, and a 2005 sealing to her. Joseph Broadbent was also sealed by proxy to two other wives, Fawnita Jessop and Anna Kmetsch (Kmetzsch), on the same day, May 24, 1994 in the Boise Idaho Temple. On exactly the same date, and in exactly the same LDS temple where John Barlow was sealed by proxy to his fourth wife, Martha Jessop-Joseph Leslie Broadbent was sealed to his parents on January 15, 2008 in the Monticello Utah Temple. '

A Kris Jensen married Dayer LeBaron which took me to this link.

You know, the more I think that LEK said to her MIL 'we don't do that' to putting announcements in the paper makes me think 'we' could be either Morman or LDS connnection/LeBaron or relation. Just thinking out loud!
Just picking up on Linda's post, I went to the following link and this surname jumped out at me. I believe that the "kim" people have been trying to track in the laciner thread had also used the surname Johnson and they were trying to figure put where that came from. Am I remembering that correctly? The other thing that jumped put at me is the year of this man's death and where he lived. Did she break free after his death? Just something to think about and maybe dig into if anyone is interested.

Leroy Sunderland Johnson was the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church), based in Colorado City, Arizona. Johnson, who died in 1986, aged 98, was excommunicated from the LDS Church in 1935 for his support of plural marriage. Leroy Johnson’s original 1896 LDS baptism is listed on the same IGI record as his original 1914 endowment. Another entry lists his original 1914 marriage sealing to Josephine Ford. Leroy Johnson was baptized by proxy in 1995, and endowed and sealed to his parents in 1996.


Rulon Timpson Jeffs was the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, based in Colorado City, Arizona. Jeffs assumed the leadership of the FLDS Church after the death of Leroy Johnson in 1986. Rulon Jeff’s first wife, Zola (Brown) Jeffs, was divorced from him in April 1941 because he insisted on taking a plural wife. Two weeks later, Jeffs was excommunicated from the LDS Church. He was caught in one of the government roundups of polygamists in 1944 and was held briefly in the Salt Lake County Jail. When Jeffs died in 2002, aged 92, as the leader of what is thought to be America’s largest polygamous sect, he was believed to have 19-75 wives, and to have fathered more than 60 children. (Warren Steed Jeffs, a son of Rulon Jeffs, took over the leadership of the FLDS Church, after the death of his father. The FLDS Church has been a source of controversy over the years because of its polygamist beliefs and allegations of men marrying underage girls. Warren Jeffs achieved notoriety—and prison time—because of his involvement with underage marriage.) Many wives of FLDS patriarch, Rulon Jeffs, are probably alive today and would not be considered suitable candidates for posthumous marriage sealings. In an apparent act of Mormon madness, however, on April 25, 2007—Rulon Jeffs, the polygamist leader with many wives—was sealed by proxy to his now deceased first wife—Zola Grace Brown (Jeffs)—the spouse he was divorced from sixty-six years earlier because she refused to submit to his polygamous urges. The off-the-wall marriage sealing between Jeffs and Brown occurred in the St. George Utah Temple. In the same LDS temple in Utah, Jeffs was posthumously baptized and endowed in 2005, and sealed to his parents in 2006.
The person from laciner thread.. Johnson is her married name. W--- I think, is maiden name.... Herstory may have insight on this
Evidently according to the Chenoweth family Facebook group there are two genetic traits that are common
1- webbed toes
2- "The other is the mark of two fingers on the forehead, always of a pale pink color, and never very noticeable except in extreme anger or excitement. "

Wonder if this is the forehead thing y'all keep seeing in her pics lol

My good friend once said " that could be right too"
LOL LINDA, when you mentioned the forehead, that's what I thought too!
LOL LINDA, when you mentioned the forehead, that's what I thought too!

As to the Johnson name. If this Kim married a Johnson, maybe she saw the old Man's death as her chance to get out of it. Do we know where her Johnson husband came from?
LOL LINDA, when you mentioned the forehead, that's what I thought too!

As to the Johnson name. If this Kim married a Johnson, maybe she saw the old Man's death as her chance to get out of it. Do we know where her Johnson husband came from?

Not sure if Kim is connected to FLEK yet or not. Kim is alive and well and living up north on the east coast. I wont post more on her for privacy... I am still working on a connection.
The LeBaron clan have been a bunch of busy beavers for many years:

1972: Joel F. LeBaron (leader of the Church of the Firstborn since 1955) killed by Dan Jordan and Gamaliel Rios

1974: Los Molinos raid, resulting in deaths of Edmundo Aguilar and Moroni Mendez; 13 others wounded

1975: Neomi Zarate killed by Vonda White and Yolanda Rios (wives of Ervil)

1975: Robert Simons killed by Eddie Marston (stepson of Ervil)

1975: Grover Vest killed by Vonda White

1977: Rebecca LeBaron (a daughter of Ervil) killed by Duane Chynoweth (brother in law of Ervil)

1977: Rulon C. Allred killed by Rena Chynoweth (Ervil's 13th wife) and Ramona Marston (a stepdaughter of Ervil)

1977: Lorna Chynoweth (a wife of Ervil) blood atoned by her sons Andrew and Andres Zarate on orders of Arturo LeBaron (Ervil's son and successor). Body not found.

1981: Ervil LeBaron dies in Utah prison

1983: Arturo LeBaron killed by Leo Evoniuk; Heber LeBaron becomes patriarch

1984: Gamaliel Rios killed by Heber in Mexico; Raul Rios also killed

1984: Yolanda Rios (a wife of Ervil and sister to Gamaliel and Raul) killed by Heber LeBaron faction

1985: Andres and Alex Zarate likely killed by Heber faction (body not found)

1986: Andrew LeBaron killed by Heber faction; body not found

1986: Heber LeBaron robs bank in Dallas, escapes to Mexico and is deposed by Aaron LeBaron, who becomes new leader

1987: Jorge LeBaron (a son of Ervil) killed by Douglas Barlow

1987: Mary LeBaron killed by Heber, her husband

1987: Sandra LeBaron killed by Richard, her brother

1987: Leo Evoniuk killed by Heber LeBaron and Douglas Barlow; body not found

1987: Dan Jordan killed by Heber LeBaron and Patricia LeBaron (wife of Heber and half-sister of Dan)

1988: Duane Chynoweth (a brother-in-law of Ervil) and 8-year old daughter killed by Richard and Patricia LeBaron

1988: Mark Cynoweth (Ervil's brother-in-law and son-in-law) killed by Heber, Cynthia and Natasha LeBaron on orders of Aaron LeBaron

1991: Natasha LeBaron (daughter of Lorna) killed by Thomas, her half-brother and a follower of Aaron LeBaron's faction. Body not found.

(Information taken from the appendix of Irene Spencer's book Cult Insanity.)

The book The Blood Covenant by Rena has timelines, family trees, and lots of family pics! Gooood book!!

here is a link I found that has the exact same family tree as in the book that I just mentioned:
So, I was googling JTL because I think the resemblance between her and LEK is somewhat striking, and I stumbled across this article:

It is the story of the daughter of Ervil Lebaron, half-sister of JTL, and details how she lived in and escaped the sect. It talks about being forced to work in the appliance repair business, time spent in Denver, etc. She mentions in 1983 the sect basically split into 4 groups: Denver, Houston, Monterrey, California and the "La Jolla" compound in Sonora, Mexico. She was also sent to work at an appliance repair shop in Dallas... you with me so far?

One of two daughter born to Ervil, she was forced to marry a half brother as a teenager, the article details great amounts of violence and moving around the country. It briefly talks about the "Four o'clock murders" in June of 1988. Ervil died in 1981 but left this hit list... it seems like LEK started working on making her identity change in 1988... maybe she knew what was coming and realized it was time to get out? Also the daughter EL talks about how she "went a little wild" after breaking free - to me this could explain LEK's contrasting history of perhaps being a dancer at one point but then also being seemingly very religious later in life. Also there is talk about how some family members won't talk to her, others are in hiding, etc.

So ultimately, I have two major thoughts:

1) Since JTL was convicted of a federal crime, did the feds collect a DNA sample and put it into CODIS? Has her DNA ever been compared to Velling's LEK sample to see if there is any partial match suggestive of shared ancestry?

2) The more I read the more I like the connection to the Lebarons.

- The love of Cuban food fits with the SoCal/LA connection to me.
- The Lebaron compounds in Mexico were not far south of Socal, and Las Vegas / Boulder City sits on I-15 between LA and Salt Lake City or Denver, if you're moving around the country conducting family business... maybe the mail drop in Boulder City gave her a convenient drop point to collect the documents she needed to make her escape.
- The sheer resemblance between JTL and LEK (and some resemblance between EL and LEK)
- This daughter of Ervil (EL) who is an actress, escaped the cult, and lived happily in LA and Texas... LEK has some evidence of being a performer, and also, in many ways perhaps a terrific "actress" in life, in that she fooled all these people for so long.
- Trajectory of escaping a cult or restrictive life (that is, acting out or "wild" for a time before trending more religious, especially if one carries great guilt)
- Timing of the construction of the BST false identity early in 1988, just prior to the 4 o'clock murders
- Fact that many people involved in this group might not want to talk about recognizing LEK and might be happy she's gone, while others who have escaped might not want to talk to law enforcement for fear of being found or discovered or getting in trouble for using similarly assumed identities...
- Also I haven't looked at the exact time line but there may be some similarities between her decline and JTL being brought to justice and tried. It could have brought up painful memories LEK was surpressing, or caused her great stress and anxiety that she might be implicated in the trial or otherwise found out.

Anyway, apologize for the rambling post and apologize if any of this has been covered before, but so many things point back towards the Lebarons... if Ervil really had some 50-60 children, it is so hard to imagine tracking down what happened to all of them...

Truth is out there...
Another Oregon cult with Los Angeles ties. FLEK allegedly shot herself three days after another person involved in the cult was shot and killed sitting in a car in Texas.

In reading this story, I think the people in Cleveland who felt horrible that they didn't notice three women held captive for over ten years in an urban house, have nothing to be ashamed of, in light of the over 50 children discovered held captive and abused in this story.
Hello everyone! This is the topic that finally got me to join here. My gut is screaming at me that she's related to the LeBarons. The resemblance and the timeline fits so perfectly for someone trying to disappear. I was going to attach a mugshot of JTL in her younger years next to the pic of Flek's (BST at the time) passport photo. Since I'm new here I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload the split pic image I created. I've been driving my boyfriend and friends crazy for months now asking them on their opinions on whether or not she looks like this or that missing person. They have all said no UNTIL I showed them the mugshot compared to the passport photo. One of my friends even thought it WAS the same person! The noses even tilt off to the side the same (even though different directions). And looking at certain younger pics of Evril I can see the nose looks the same as hers in the passport photo too. Almost bulbous at the tip? Its my opinion that she did have a nose job to shave that down eventually as its disappeared in her later pics. Anyway, thanks for all the research you guys have done here. I'm captivated. I wonder if we will ever really know!
Oh and one more thing... a friend of mine is from Longview (I live in TX) and still has family there. They know the Ruffs as acquaintances. She said they are a lovely family and pretty much the whole town has their sympathies. Sleuth on my friends!
Hello everyone! This is the topic that finally got me to join here. My gut is screaming at me that she's related to the LeBarons. The resemblance and the timeline fits so perfectly for someone trying to disappear. I was going to attach a mugshot of JTL in her younger years next to the pic of Flek's (BST at the time) passport photo. Since I'm new here I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload the split pic image I created. I've been driving my boyfriend and friends crazy for months now asking them on their opinions on whether or not she looks like this or that missing person. They have all said no UNTIL I showed them the mugshot compared to the passport photo. One of my friends even thought it WAS the same person! The noses even tilt off to the side the same (even though different directions). And looking at certain younger pics of Evril I can see the nose looks the same as hers in the passport photo too. Almost bulbous at the tip? Its my opinion that she did have a nose job to shave that down eventually as its disappeared in her later pics. Anyway, thanks for all the research you guys have done here. I'm captivated. I wonder if we will ever really know!
Oh and one more thing... a friend of mine is from Longview (I live in TX) and still has family there. They know the Ruffs as acquaintances. She said they are a lovely family and pretty much the whole town has their sympathies. Sleuth on my friends!

-- under 'quote' while in the box to post, click on the paper clip to add a photo.


At 4:30, when they show Rena in her red coat in the picture, I can't even believe the resemblance. Also so striking her hand size, shown really well not far from the beginning.

I know I am repeating what others have said, but I just checked on this forum after a while, and I can't believe this thread!

Just.. wow.

And I was looking for pics of Jacqueline Tarsa Lebaron and found this one

Just crazy the resemblances. Real, actual resemblances, not just hopeful guesses and stretches.

And the timeline. Just, again... wow.

editted to add: that upper lip, those eyebrows and the look in her eyes
At 4:30, when they show Rena in her red coat in the picture, I can't even believe the resemblance. Also so striking her hand size, shown really well not far from the beginning.

I know I am repeating what others have said, but I just checked on this forum after a while, and I can't believe this thread!

Just.. wow.

And I was looking for pics of Jacqueline Tarsa Lebaron and found this one

Just crazy the resemblances. Real, actual resemblances, not just hopeful guesses and stretches.

And the timeline. Just, again... wow.

editted to add: that upper lip, those eyebrows and the look in her eyes

Thank you!!!!! Telicity! That was EXACTLY the mugshot I was referring to. That could almost be FLEK at about 18, eerie. And I agree about the picture of the other woman too. Something about the lip and nostrils. They have a resemblance. And Sidekick, thank you. :)
Ok I think I was able to upload it from my cell and not my computer. I'm slightly computer challenged. This should be the pic stitch of the two. Am I crazy? But to me they look so much alike!


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