GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #3

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Is Karen Berry being evasive to the DT or is she truly in shock from what happened over 2 years ago?

What do you think? I'm truly curious.

I think KB was honest about that part, but I don't think AH was being honest. I think it was her easy way out. Someone says to you after you doing something "bad," 'oh hey, yeah I know, you're just covering for that other person right?? You didn't actually do this, right?"" And of course the easy thing would be to say "oh yes," or just nod your head slowly for even more impact.

I think AH and GH are both equally involved and equally to blame.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree that they were both involved & both to blame, was not trying to imply otherwise. I just think AH, seemingly accepting total blame for the murder to her sister in the beginning, was just trying to get her sister's cooperation. KB had just met GH for the first time so not sure she would have risked so much just to protect him. Definitely think GH was also directly involved in the murder of LA. I do NOT believe that he was only involved in the "cover up". He is also guilty of first degree murder IMO. Actually, I am more inclined to believe AH was just involved in the coverup, not directly the murder than the other way around. Even if LA told AH "you took my children, now I'm going to take yours, including Lilly" (which I don't believe LA said), why would AH believe this was possible & feel threatened by this statement? Until LA was murdered, AH had done nothing to justify losing her daughter. According to LA's attorney, she actually seemed to appreciate AH being with GH to help care for the boys. i think GH acted like a kid himself and the real caretaking in that household was done by AH. I am not excusing AH's involvement but don't think she had the motivation to be the planner & aggressor in this. This case is just horrific on so many levels.
Do you guys think that the defense knew that KB was going to say that AH told her she was covering for GH? If they knew this, why did they call her & consider what AH told her a "confession"? I am really confused by this.

Is Karen Berry being evasive to the DT or is she truly in shock from what happened over 2 years ago?

What do you think? I'm truly curious.

I can't say why I feel this way because I don't know exactly, but I really think she was a little of both. I don't think she was intentionally holding back or trying to be evasive, since she has from the beginning been very cooperative with LE, she knows what's at stake. I can't imagine the shock of hearing that your sister did these things. To me, she still looked stunned, ashamed, embarrassed, sad and angry. I just can't stand in judgement of her because I can't imagine what the last 2 years have been like for that family, knowing what position GH & AH put them in, not to mention the fact of what happened on and around their land. I DON'T think that KB had anything to do with it. GH & AH cleaned up pretty good and really tried to cover this up, I think they wanted as few loose ends as possible, so I really don't think they would have given anyone details that could have come back to them. I think they were very vague. I also think that KB knew what was up or speculated, but didn't want to directly ASK. She may have also been scared of GH. They had just brutally murdered someone and she had a pretty good idea they had, so there could be many reasons she stayed quiet.

As an aside, I'm ready for this to be over. This has been sad and painful. I pray for justice for Laura. A friend of mine is the cameraman for WRAL and he said this was the most gruesome trial he has been a part of. I pray that none of us have to endure another one like it, but sadly... it seems society is getting more and more depraved :(
Ooh we're getting "confused" again.

"They told me" Amanda was dead. In that Tuesday morning conversation. Then Boz states, "They told you Amanda was dead?" Then KB backtracks & says, "I'm confused. I don't know what your question is."
I know many don't agree, but my heart hurts for KB. I can see the horror and pain, and fear in her eyes. They ruined her life as well, she has to live with this forever and never asked for it. How dare they, not only murder Laura, bring her children into it, but bring innocent family into it as well. I don't think I've ever had such hatred for 2 people in my life.
The Judge just reminded the DT that "This IS your witness"

His tone in redirect was
KB is waffling and is not going to answer straight up. She keeps changing her answers. If I'm on the jury I'm not believing her. That doesn't help Grant, but it doesn't help Amanda either. I'm going to believe they are both involved and the sister is trying to cover for AH as well.
This trial has been Judge Stephens at his finest... I'm going to miss him.

"If you start your sentence with you are, that's not a question.... if you start with are you, THAT'S a question" LOL
Oh No this awful woman again on the stand?

I love how her sniffles and wobbly voice vanish when she is pi$$ed off and confrontational with what an attorney just asked.

She has a nice touch, though, there at the end of her tiny verbal tirade she ends it with a sniffle. This person is attacking her. Poor thing. Don't ask me but I bet she is hell to live with.
Oh No this awful woman again on the stand?

I love how her sniffles and wobbly voice vanish when she is pi$$ed off and confrontational with what an attorney just asked.

She has a nice touch, though, there at the end of her tiny verbal tirade she ends it with a sniffle. This person is attacking her. Poor thing. Don't ask me but I bet she is hell to live with.

She looks to me like she just wants out that chair, to get away for a stiff drink.
Wow! This is why they should be using the actual police interview tapes!!!
Wow. Had Judge Stephens been on the Cooper trial, not a one of Kurtz' questions (i.e. statements) would have gotten in until he learned to properly phrase a question as a question. Go judge!
Do we know what the age difference is between KB and AH?

Good morning everybody!
This trial has been Judge Stephens at his finest... I'm going to miss him.

"If you start your sentence with you are, that's not a question.... if you start with are you, THAT'S a question" LOL

I will miss him too, and this is my first exposure to him!
There is something about his voice and demeanor, I find him very soothing.
Yesterday I was just listening and not watching. I was working on a PC with my son, and I said to him this judge is the "Southern Barry White". Could listen to him all day long.
I also have this weird, grampa type crush on him :blushing:
(He may not be that old, it's just the grey hair, authority thing, lol).

PS- Scary side not...Both myself and my son were humming "Broomstick Rider" and singing the chorus for at least a couple hours after it played. Not that it is or would ever have been a mega-hit, but it did have a catchiness to it.
Wish I had never heard it :facepalm:
Why doesn't KB just accept the fact that her sister was quite willing to involve her in this case 'after the fact'.
If one of my siblings did that to me, I wouldn't hesitate throwing them under the bus. It would hurt me, but I still wouldn't hesitate.
Thankfully all my siblings are all decent law abiding citizens.
KB on the stand like this begs the questions:

Are GH & AH still communicating? (How?)

I would also like to know how AH feels about her own sister testifying for GH.

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