2010.04.05 Tommy's Jail House Tapes Released

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Tommy wants Lindsey to write him because she gets bored but Lindsey tells him "she don't get bored"

TC is very very demanding of Lindsey but she doesn't seem to mind. ??? Me?-I'd tell him to shove it :innocent:
Talking about how clean her house is. Sounds elated about that and the fact that she can walk on the carpet in bare feet and it's clean. Makes me skeered to see what their trailer looked like!!
Lindsey doesn't know what a selling charge is. Tommy has to tell her. Really??? Dang does she live in a bubble??

Lindsey asks Tommy if his jail friend that just got sent to prison on selling charges is black? When Tommy says yes Lindsey laughs... I don't get it... why is that funny?
Tommy says he is facing 3 years- is that correct??

Also Lindsey tells him to stop closing his eyes cuz people are going to be commenting about that. She is very aware these tapes are being aired and shown. She says he looks weird when he does the eye closing thing.

*Forgive me for all the posts. I'm just typing as I listen.

ETA: Dang! It does look creepy!!
I have no sound.........long story......
Can someone tell me any important parts in tapes???
I watched the body language on silent.
I have no sound.........long story......
Can someone tell me any important parts in tapes???
I watched the body language on silent.

I can't get sound with the second vid. Anybody else?
Lindsey is quite critical of Tommy and what he is saying/doing in the tapes. She tells him not to call her girl and doesn't like that he hasn't shaved. Thinks it doesn't look good.
My take on this (I'm sure I'm way wrong): She is embarassed by him and what people are saying about him (and in effect her) after viewing these videos.

She has a computer now, maybe she is seeing the comments of "dopey" and stuff like that that peeps are saying about Tommy.
Strange.. I can hear the first video but can't hear anything in the second video...
Lindsey asks Tommy if his jail friend that just got sent to prison on selling charges is black? When Tommy says yes Lindsey laughs... I don't get it... why is that funny?


The first thing I thought of when I read that was Jr.'s statement about the black man/man in black. I'm not entirely sure why.
Talk about redacting a tape! :floorlaugh:

I hope they get the sound fixed.
Tc-start checking your d@mn mailbox
Lc-I dont have nothin to say
T- Oh well figure somethin out
L- I tell you on the phone everything
T- I like getting mail just write to me tell me wha tyou did that day
L- I tell you though
T- I like gettin mail, like gettin mail (repeats that three times :waitasec:)
L-Even if its not long, you dont care?
T- I dont care, better be at least a page, all my letters I find someting to talk to you about... i sit there n my room bored and think of something and just start writin it down
L-Yea but i dont get bored
T- I know
L- I dont have time to get bored
T- Shoot I'm stuck in my cell all day (poor baby :loser:)
L- Your daughters learned how to color on the wall
T- Don't let her have the markers unless your watchin em
L- Their down stairs she still sneaks and gets em
*talks about markers on the wall for a mintue*

T- Asking if walls are nice in new house
L- Yeah their nice, everythings nice, the carpets ugly but its clean
T- What color is it?
L- Like the color of my shirt (maroonish pink it looks like) We had it steam cleaned. its nice you can walk on it without getting dirt on your feet. i scrub it ya know
T- Well when i get home you wont have to do that no more. I'll be doing it
*talks about mopping and how to clean the floor for a bit*

ETA: that's just the first 3 1/2 minutes. working on the rest now. Omg! this takes forever to type! LOL
Wow Mew! What a trooper! Thanks so much! :blowkiss:
Tc- Well my buddy left otoday to go to prison
Lc- How long?
Tc- Six years
Lc- Omg can you imagine..?
Tc- No it sux but nothing i can do about it
Lc- What'd he do?
Tc- I don't know I think a sales charge but he's never had it before.
Lc- A what charge?
Tc- A sales charge (does sound like Tommy is saying sells not sales)
Lc- What's that?
Tc- (laughing) selling drugs
Lc- Ohhhh... He musta been black huh (breaks into a huge grin)?
Tc- (smiling) Yeah
*both laugh*
Tc- He did fifteen years already
Lc- You think he woulda learned (pot meet kettle :slap:)
Tc- Yeah, if I go once I'm gonna learn
Lc- Well what's Walt lookin' at?
Tc- I don't know
Lc- You dont know? You don't talk about these? (LOL I always get on my fiance for not getting all the gossip for me. He tells me a story about like a guy at work who called in sick and is in the hospital. I'm like well why, what happened. He's always "I don't know, no I didn't ask" It's frustrating LOL)
Tc- A robbery or something...
Lc- crazy...
TC- I know I learned my lesson about all this, I guess it was time for me to do the right thing in my life so I accept it.
Lc- (doesn't really say anything than asks Tommy if he can see how much time they have left for the call)
*I love you/miss you's exchanged*
Tc- (proclaims he learned his lesson again) Leave them pills alone
Lc- Who woulda thought
Tc- I didn't never think I'd be in here like this. I never thought I'd be in here facing three years... never in my wildest dreams.
Lc- I hope you don't get three years
Tc- Me either but I can't let it worry me, can't let it stress me out
Lc-Quit closin' your eyes, people are gonna be say somethin about that
Tc- O well I ddidn't know I was doin it (laughs)..... I love you baby girl
Lc- You know how when you close your eyes your eyes don't close, it looks crazy (laughs)
Tc- I know (both laugh)
Lc- I love you honey
Tc- I love you too. Don't forget to put money in my account today
Lc- I won't I brought the card.
Tc- O man this sux
*talks about the card she brought again*
Lc-I love you
Tc- I love you too girl
Lc- Don't call me that. (Tc laughs) I hat that, don't call me that
*Lindsey calls him boy jokingly. Than they talk about how he needs to shave and he doesn't like to wake up early when they come around with the razors. She tells him it looks funny and to shave it all off. *
:floorlaugh: Mew, you transcribe like I take notes from the scanner! My own little commentaries! :D

From this second one, I'm seeing that Tommy doesn't really wholeheartedly believe he's going to spend time in jail. What, he thinks you have to be African American to get jail time on your first drug sales charge? He's in for a rude awakening, I think.

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