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thread to discuss the differing accounts and statements given by the parents.

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Interview with Judge Jeanine Pirro


Pt 2

Pt 3
October 6 Parents Answer Reporters' Questions.
Up until this point, I've believed that JI is simply shellshocked and he has nothing to do with this. But after seeing their interview with Pirro vs. their interview with Megyn Kelly on FOX, both of them contradicting their thoughts about the window, I'm not so sure. They're sticking together like glue, IMO. I understand Tacopina swooped in and basically programmed them, but it's strange how they would disagree together, then agree together.

Very very good... I especially like this part. No beating around the bush.

You didn’t call those cell phones one time since placing that 911 call? You didn’t think…maybe that’s how the kidnapper would ensure we would contact them! Maybe, if we call the number, the kidnapper will tell us what they want; money, your left nut, whatever…to get our baby back!
10/5/2011 – Press Conference with Lisa’s Parents

JI: “Monday night, or Tuesday morning, our daughter Lisa was taken from our home. Um, we just urge anyone that has any kind of information to, as to where she is or who she’s with, or anything, to please call the, uh, Tip Hotline or the police. And anything, even the smallest bit of information could help lead to her return. Uh, anybody that might have her, uh, uh, they can drop her off at any place safe, fire station, or hospital, or a church, no questions asked. We are, uh, just want her back.”

DB: “We just want our baby back. Please, bring her home. Our two other boys are waiting for her, please, just drop her off anywhere. We don’t care, just somewhere safe so she can come home, please.”

JI: “We uh, wanted to thank everyone that’s out here, the Kansas City police, the FBI, and search and rescue, and all the volunteers that are helping with the investigation. And um, The Center of Missing Children, and, uh, just ask you to keep her in her thoughts and prayers and help her bring her home.”
10/6/2011 Interview with DB and JI from KMBC.

DB: “ [first few words are inaudible] …no questions asked, just drop her off with somebody, at a hospital, a church, the fire department, the police station, anywhere. Just please bring her home.”

Reporter: “Jeremy, as we understand, you came home in the overnight hours. What did you find at 4 a.m., when you walked in the door?”

JI: “When I came home from work, the front door was unlocked, most of the lights were on in the house, and the window was, in the front, was open. Obviously, all very unusual and then I started checking on the kids. Checked on the boys first, and then we checked on her, that’s when we realized she was gone.”

Reporter: Can you imagine Jeremy, or remember, anyone that would want to take your daughter, who would want to harm you, or anything like that?”

DB: “No.”

JI: “No.”

DB: “The only thing I can think of is, you know, maybe somebody wanted a baby, and she…I hope that’s what it is.”

Reporter: “What do you want to tell that person, other than dropping them off, I mean, what do you want to tell them about Lisa?”

DB: “Um, she’s, she’s everything. She’s our little girl, she’s the center of our family and she’s, she means everything to my boys, and we, we c, we need her home. I can’t, I can’t be without her.”

Reporter: “Deborah, how are you explaining to the, to the two boys what is happening? And how are they taking all this in?”

DB: “Um, um, I, the, I just try to tell them that we’re gonna stay strong, we’re a family, we’re gonna pray, and, uh, she’s gonna come home. That we have to be strong for her.”

Reporter: “I understand that you were showing pictures to the boys and you call her Pumpkin Pie. Can you talk to us about that and about what the boys are saying, what they are wondering?”

DB: “Um…”

JI:” They just every time we talk to somebody, the police or anything, they run up and give us a hug and say, ‘Did they find her yet?’ We always tell them, ‘Not yet, not yet.’ That’s the only thing we know to tell them. Its…”

Reporter: “Can you talk about what’s in your hand here?”

JI: “Um, this is her Barney that she sleeps with every night. She, sometimes, she won’t go to sleep without it. So, um, I’d like to have her back, so she can have her Barney, and her family, her brothers. Just, we need her home.”

Reporter: “Did it look like anything was disturbed in her room? Did anything look out of place, other than her not being there?”

DB: “No. No. It’s like they just walked in and just g, just disappeared.”

JI: “They took her and took all of our phones so we couldn’t call anybody.”

Reporter: “They took your cell phones?”

JI: “Yeah. They took all the phones.”

DB: “They were on the counter in the kitchen. And there was, uh, whenever we, we woke up, I woke up, and he came home and I was, and he said, ‘She’s not in her crib” and I said, “What do you mean she’s not in the crib?’. And I just knew, you know, something was really wrong. We’re running around the house and we’re screaming for her, and she was nowhere, and then I said, “Call 911, call 911,” and he said, “Where are the phones?’ And they weren’t on the counter where I left them, they were gone.”

Reporter: “Did the boys hear anything at all? You said you, you, you had to wake the boys. Did, did they not hear anything coming in the window, or…?”

JI: “Uh, I don’t think so. The window that was open is nowhere near their bedroom, so, I don’t think they heard anything or, they’re both pretty heavy sleepers.”

Reporter: “What on the other side of that window that was left opened? Is that the living room window, the bedroom window?”

DB: “It’s actually the computer room where, it’s an extra living room.”

JI: “Computer room.” [DB is talking over him.]

Reporter: “As another day has passed now, how do you, how do you move forward with police being here, with your lives being…? I mean, have you had any sleep, tell us what you do today.”

DB: “Uh, uh, I’ve had a couple hours, but, um, not much. I mean, I close my eyes and I see her. I can’t… But I mean, we’re just trying to hold it together for, for our boys and for her. Just, you know, stay strong for her, so that we can try to think of anything, or anyone, or, any reason that this might have happened, and we still haven’t, but…”

Reporter: “Are you saying both your phones were taken as well?”

DB: “Yeah, um, three, three were taken. Um, 1 wasn’t even working, and it was sitting up there next to the other ones, I was reprogramming, I mean, all the numbers and all three of them were gone.”

Reporter: “What else was missing from your home? Anything else?”

DB: “We didn’t, we didn’t look, but, I don’t think so.”

JI: “Nothing that we know of.”

DB: “I mean, we called the cops, we ran outside, we waited for them, and you know, he was looking around outside, and I was just, you know, just holding my boys and they were crying and asking ‘What’s going on?’, ‘Where’s she at, why is she gone?’ and I mean , you know, and, the police came and I waved them down, I mean, I didn’t even check to, around the house. I didn’t think to care about any of that, I still don’t.”

Reporter: “Do you remember your last moments with Lisa? I mean, what were you doing? What was it like?”

DB: “Just change her, you know, put fresh clothes on her, and get her ready for bed, and gave her her bottle, and made sure her binky was in her crib in case she needed it, and she sleeps with her Barney, and she sleeps with her GloWorm and her blanket and that was, that was it.”

Reporter: “Are you hopeful that you are going to find her soon?”

DB: “I’m terrified, but I’m trying to be hopeful.”

Reporter: “You folks said that you, you didn’t know anybody that would do this, but did you notice anyone that had, maybe, an unusual interest in your child?”

DB: “I know everybody loves her. I mean, I go to the store and everybody says she’s beautiful, you know, and you, she likes everybody, she’s really playful and she’s, uh, really sweet, and, um, she’ll go to almost anyone. I mean, so I, I mean, anything beyond that, no.”

Reporter: “So, it wouldn’t surprise you that she was picked up without crying?”

JI: “Right.”

DB: “Well, yeah, she was sleeping and you, I mean…” [talking over JI]

JI: “…move her around and she won’t even…(inaudible)”

DB: “Sometimes she cries, it depends on how, how long of sleep she’s had, but, I mean, if you pick her up and you cuddle with her, she probably won’t cry.”

[Varied reporters thanking them for the interview.]

DB: “Thank you for coming out.”
The spots in the transcripts where there are just one or two letters of a word, that's whatever part of the word they said before they changed their mind and reworded their statement. Not meant to signify guilt in any way, since we all have had that moment where we started to say something and then thought of a better way to word it.
10/7/2011 - Robin Roberts GMA Interview with Lisa’s Parents

RR: “…You heard, um, in Dan Harris’ report, that the police are claiming that you have stopped cooperating. Is that true, Debbie?”

DB: “No, not at all. Since this, this, all this has happened, we’ve, um, never stopped cooperating.”

RR: “Jeremy, what would have led police to believe that you had stopped cooperating? What happened?”

JI: “We were, we were in interrogation for a really long time Tuesday, and we were there again yesterday answering questions and, I just, I c, couldn’t take it anymore. I told him I had to have a break. I told them I couldn’t do it anymore, and I couldn’t answer any more questions today, and, I, I, I asked to be let go and, so they let us, the let me go from the police station and then, an hour later or so, when we saw the press conference from the, from them…”

RR: “It’s commonplace, uh, unfortunately, with something like this, that the police look at the family first because you were the last to see your precious little girl, and I know, Debbie, you and Jeremy have told our team on the ground there in Kansas City, led by Dan Harris, Debbie, you have said that the police have accused you outright, have told you that?”

DB: “From, from the start, they’ve um, when I first, um, when they first questioned me, it, once I, uh, I couldn’t fill in gaps, it turned into, um, you did it, and the, uh, they, uh, they put the picture down of her on the table, and they said, um, ‘Look at your baby,” and, um, ‘Do what’s right for her,” and just tell everybody where she is so she can come home and I kept saying I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know. And it, I, I, 11 hours of it, and I, I just sat there, and I mean, I don’t, I didn’t even ask to leave. I, I didn’t ask for it stop. I wanted it to, but I, I didn’t ask. I just let them keep asking questions until they were done.”

RR: “And you’ve also told our team that the, the police, they are claiming that you’ve failed a polygraph test. Is that true?”

DB: “Yeah. Yeah, um, yesterday we went in, or we um, we called, um, someone and told them we, we, we have more, um, suspects. It seemed like they were, um, gonna talk to us in the car, and then they separated us. We don’t want anybody to feel like we, um, we were angry or, or, ungrateful. Um, we, we appreciate everything that everybody has done to try to bring her home, and uh, that’s our main goal. I don’t, I don’t care what they’ve done to me, I don’t care what they say about me, I don’t care what anybody says about me. I just want her to come home. Our, our focus is Lisa, is our Lisa coming home to be with us where she belongs. And whatever I have to do to get her home, we’ll do it.”

RR: “So both of you, set the record straight, because you know when people hear that the police are claiming all these things and saying that you have stopped cooperating that they become skeptical and suspicious. So, set the record straight right now and reassure people, did you have anything to do with the abduction of your daughter?”

DB: “Absolutely not.”

JI: “No.”

DB: “We b, we do, we want, we cannot stress enough to thank the Kansas City Police Department, because, um, you know, this, this is their job, this is, this is part of the process, and we appreciate everything they’ve done and, and all, all the volunteers and search and rescue and everybody that’s…I mean, we’ve got strangers making up Facebooks in her name and, and, you know, uh, and the FBI has, has done everything and, um, we, we, we, um, if, we’ve, we forgot anyone, we’re sorry, but, um, it’s hard to remember everything right now, but, we really appreciate everything everyone has done and we just, we just want to bring Lisa home.”
10/6/2011 GMA interview with Lisa’s Parents

Reporter: “So, so, so, Debbie, try and take us back to the last time you saw Lisa. You put her, you checked in on her around 10:30 Monday night?”

DB: “Um, Yeah. Between the time she went to bed and the time I went to bed, and uh, I gave her her bottle, I, I, I put her to sleep, and uh, that was the last time we seen her.”

Reporter: “And Jeremy, you got home just a few hours later and she just wasn’t there.”

JI: “I returned home from work at around 4 a.m., and windows were open and lights were on, and she was nowhere to be found.”

Reporter: “Right there, that’s so unusual. The window’s open, the lights on. That wouldn’t be normal at all?”

DB: “No.”

JI: “No, the front door was unlocked, also, so…”

Reporter: “So I know you’ve spent a long time talking to the police. Do you, and wracked your brains. Do you have any idea, any idea of anyone connected to you who might have done this?”

DB: “That’s the worst part, is we don’t, we don’t have a clue.”

JI: “We’ve been going over everything in our minds since this happened, we, we just don’t have any idea.”

[Platitudes from reporter].

Reporter: “You also have two other, uh, children. What have you been able to tell them? How are they handling all this?”

DB: “They, uh, they were doing alright for a little while, uh,they, they cried a little bit. Um, when we, we first noticed she was gone, um, they were crying and asking where she was, and, um, my 8 year old, who’s usually really strong, he, he kinda fell apart, and, where’s, we call her, uh, we call her Pumpkin Pie, and he said, ‘Where’s, where is, Pumpkin Pie, Mom?” And I, I couldn’t tell him.”

Reporter: “Well, we are all praying that whoever took Lisa, brings her back. What do you want to say to that person?”

DB: “Please, she has a family that loves her very much, and just take her somewhere safe. Take her to a church, a hospital, a fire department, just drop her off with somebody and then leave, no questions asked. We just want our baby back.”

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