MSM coverage of Baby Lisa, 10/29/11

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Retired WS Staff
Oct 28, 2009
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Discuss main stream media coverage here.

You guys know the drill. This is not to be a general discussion thread. Link to the MSM articles you are referencing.

As someone else pointed out, it is really odd that there are no MSM reports at all today thus far.
maybe its the quiet before the storm.

i at least though BS would have made an appearance by now
Does GMA or The Today Show air on the weekends?
They've been covering Lisa's case extensively.
I am really just sick of all the attention the parents are getting. This is not a publicity tour but a missing child.
In that video, Clint Van Zandt brought up a good point about children being interviewed. It was 5 months after Elizabeth Smart had been kidnapped that her younger sister remembered a critical detail of her sister's kidnapping. This is one reason why it's so important to interview the two boys.

Great Video and CVZ also brought up other great points on how these parents are not allowing the police to clear them so they can possibly move on. He said it best when he said he would do anything if this were his child or grandchild. I think without a doubt there is no one out there that isnt getting upset and banging their heads against the wall on this one. God how I wish an arrest would come in the form of DB in handcuffs.. Thanks for sharing the video once again.
Does the Today show reporter know something we don't know? She's saying this Monday it will be exactly one month since Lisa disappeared. Monday is the 31st, Lisa disappeared on the 3rd or 4th.

Maybe she means exactly four weeks.

Another thing: the other children are not Lisa's stepbrothers. They're her brothers, or half-brothers if you want, but not step.
it oddly quiet on the news front today.......i want to know where they all went to last night :|
this just gets crazier and crazier every day :crazy:
ex in practice, legal husband. It may also play a role in why they haven't divorced, if he has had all this stuff going on these last 3 years.
wow, wonder if this guy is actually around the Irwin home at this point?? One of those PTSS and you would walk into a home and perhaps never know it.
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