GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #6

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A 21-year-old Gresham woman has disappeared under what police have labeled 'suspicious' circumstances.
Whitney Heichel did not show up to work Tuesday morning and her vehicle, a black 1999 Ford Explorer (pictured in the photo gallery), was later found abandoned in the parking lot of the Wood Village WalMart at 23500 N.E. Sandy Boulevard.

The Latest: Jonathan Daniel Holt was arrested for the murder of Whitney Heichel

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A Beautiful Garden for Whitney
Thanks so much to La Louve & Sasquatch!

A Beautiful Garden for Whitney
Thanks so much to La Louve & Sasquatch!

You are welcome! Thank you Imamaze! The garden gets more beautiful, every time I drive out there! I am looking forward to seeing more flowers bloom, in the upcoming months! There is a lot of Love and Care put into the garden. I just sent off some updated photos to Whitney's family. I am sure that they will be touched with how well the garden is coming along!
I took advantage of the nice weather today, and took a trip out to Roslyn Lake to work on Whitney's Memorial Garden. It was a beautiful afternoon, so I decided to take the lawn mower out there and mow the grass, on each side of the garden. A few days ago, I followed La Louve's lead, and I finished up the garden border with local area rocks. I think that it defined the garden edges better, and cleaned it up a bit. La Louve had already done half of the garden with the rock border, and I thought it looked great! Thank you La Louve for your great advice! Here are some photos that I took this afternoon. The pink roses that La Louve planted have beautiful blooms! The last photo, shows the one surviving stem that came from the original roses that I placed back in November. It is slowly growing back.

Here is a link to the album in a higher resolution. If you want to see some of the past photo albums, click the link and go to the left side your browser. Click the arrow above the words "Show Albums and Stories". This will take you to the past albums, showing the progression of Whitney's Memorial Garden!
Sasquatch, La Louve - I don't know what it is but every time I see photos of this garden it just takes my breath away. I always start smiling and feel happiness inside of me. It just oozes life and love and hope and peace, it's incredible! I so wish I could come and see it in person. As that is very unlikely to happen please keep posting photos! :) Thank you, to both of you.
Hi everyone :)

Elainera, I am so glad you get that sense just from the photos! It really does have a lovely calming effect. Sasquatch, the new rock border looks awesome! Thank you so much for doing that and for mowing again :)

I went out yesterday to weed and water, as we are in for a dry warm week ahead. The blue pansy I put in a couple weeks ago is struggling a bit, but it has a few new buds so I'm hopeful for its future. I trimmed back the forget-me-nots in between the silk tulips and the new bed and then I moved them to the edge of the bed closest to the main road. I put a circle of rocks in front, closer to the turnout side of the bed, which Lordeebee, is for you to put in your plant. I also spread the dried forget me nots along the berm, to sow their seeds.

The Bluegirl rose is doing very well, has lots of new growth and the bud is developing nicely too. I pruned the miniature rose of the one bloom that was just about done, and put it on a flat rock with the Brigid candle, and a lovely seashell that someone left recently. The second bud has opened and it looks cute. It's kind of a hot pink color. Very vibrant. The original mini rose continues to amaze, it has so much new growth! It's got this hardy spirit for such a tiny little thing. It's probably no more than 5 inches tall.

I found some more auto glass about 40 feet west of the utility pole,and maybe a bead or spacer from the decoration hanging from the rear view mirror of the Explorer. I also sadly, found remains of what I believe was one of the chickens from last time. I worried a bit that they would be prey for coyotes and it seems one of the brown ones met its demise. Lots of feathers up in the area where I saw them recently. I added two of the tail feathers to the candle, rose, and shell. Poor chicken. :( But, some baby coyotes may survive to adulthood so such is the circle of life. *sigh*

I also put up a sign on the pole with the crisis line number and the youth suicide prevention hotline. I made it with bright green paper and blue sparkly lettering, so hopefully it will be visible at night too.

It was a lovely morning out there, some traffic and a couple cyclists. I find I like to sing and chant while I am working and I feel that sound energy is equally as healing as the color and flowers and all the love and tenderness we are expressing on behalf of all Websleuths for dear Whitney. Bless her dear heart. I can't help but think how much she would love the myriad of purple flowers we have planted in her honor.

I'll get some pictures added to this post a bit later on tonight.

La Louve

Oops! I almost forgot to report my animal sighting. While I was moving the clump of forget me nots, a small, pure white spider came crawling out. I had never seen that before, even the legs were white. In Navajo cosmology, Spider Woman is the Creatrix, spinning this world into being. She brought weaving and language to the Navajo people, among other gifts. To be visited by spiders is considered a great gift from Spider Woman.
I made a visit out to Roslyn Lake after work tonight to water the garden. It has been hot here for the last couple of days. Yesterday was nearly 90F and today was just a few degrees cooler.

The garden looked mostly good, though the new pansy is looking worse than last Sunday. I gave everything a good soaking with about 3 gallons of water.

While I was there, another neighbor stopped by to thank us for the garden. She was a young mom with her two little ones in the backseat. She said she and her hubby patronize Whitney's Starbucks all the time and so were familiar with her. She makes several trips a day along Thomas Road there and figures she also drove by that morning. She expressed how sad she felt by the heavy energy in the area (Whitney, the drownings, suicide attempt, etc.) and I shared our hope that the garden will help make it a place of beauty and light. She teared up when I said that and said she would remember that the next time she felt that heavy oppressive energy. We talked about the elephant sanctuary and how lovely that will be and how she hopes that will improve the area.

After she left I did a little clearing of the energy and chanting, claiming the space for Light and Beauty and Peace and Healing. I then did some cleansing with a bit of water I had left over. While I did that entire ritual, two robins sat at the end of the turnout watching and listening to me. As soon as I finished, they both chirped and flew off into a nearby tree where they continued to watch me.

Found a few more bits of glass too, in the same area I've been finding it about 20 paces west of the pole. The puddle closest to the garden was completely dried out today. The big puddle at the west end of the turnout is smaller, but has a bloom of bright green algae on it today.

Photos are from last Sunday.


La Louve


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You are welcome Elainera, and Thank you! I feel honored to be a part of Whitney's Memorial Garden Project, and honored to help bring some light and happiness to the area!

Your are welcome La Louve, and Thank you! It was my pleasure mowing and finishing up the rock border. When you started the rock border, it looked so nice that I couldn't wait to finish the other half, and give the edges some definition. Thanks for the great idea and already placing half of the border already! I think that it looks so much nicer now. The garden is an ever-changing place of beauty and hope!

La Louve, that is such a nice story about the lady with her kids. I do feel that the positive ripples are spreading. I am glad that she was touched by the garden and your words. I had a similar event take place yesterday as well. I printed out photos of the garden and pulled up to Whitney's Starbucks Drive-Thru Window. After I got my drink, I told the lady that we had planted a Memorial Garden for Whitney, and that I printed out photos so that her co-workers could see them. When I handed the packet of photos to her, she just paused for a few seconds as she put her hand up to her chest. She was so touched. She told me that she didn't know Whitney, but she had heard so many wonderful things about her. She had the same look as the lady with the horse trailer a few weeks ago, when she first saw the garden. She thought it was great that we put the garden together. She also apologized again for being speechless for a moment, and you could tell that it was a heartfelt moment. It was a moment of deep reflection, as a few other coworkers stopped what they were doing. It seemed like our little sphere had stopped in time, as the world kept spinning around us. I let them have the packet so that they could share with the other coworkers as well! Wednesday definitely was a day of ripples affecting many people!

Thank you also for driving out to water the garden. I didn't get a chance to post anything since I have been so busy with my kids this week, but I got a chance to go out on Tuesday and gave the garden some water as well. I decided to buy a second 5 gallon Coleman water container, so that I can bring 10 gallons of water out there every time I go out each week. With the Summer months arriving, it will be important for the flowers to have some water. It is a great workout holding the 5 gallon containers, as the water goes through the little drinking spout. They are originally made for drinking water and camping, and perfect for watering so that the rush of water doesn't destroy the mulch and flowers when it is poured. It is so peaceful out there.

Thank you also for getting more auto glass. That area was definitely a spot that had been sitting under water all Winter. It would have been impossible for anyone to find all of that glass with the mud and water. Now that it is drying up, the glass is starting to surface. Another area where I have found a lot of auto glass is West, from the double fence post all of the way to the far West power pole. I do feel that some even took place in that area. Right when I tell myself that I am done collecting auto glass, I come back during different weather or time of day, and I seem to find more glass. I send each collection bag off to the District Attorney, thinking it is my last batch. There seems to always be more glass found though.

I am sorry about the chickens and your one flower that isn't doing so well. I do know that some of the flowers toward the turnout, lost a lot of petals during the heavy rains. That is so great about the Robins! Thank you La Louve for bringing more light and positive energy to the area! There were a lot of negative events in the area, and it feels great to contribute in any way that we can to add a little light. Thanks also for the photos and adding that great Hotline Sign! It looks really nice and definitely will give someone a place to call, if they reach a dark moment in their life.

La Louve, Thank you for putting a lot of time and energy into the garden and area, You have a Big Heart and are spreading wonderful ripples of light! :)
I appriciate the park dedicated to Whitney, but I would sort of like to direct some discussion back to the evidence in this case. I know there has been the claim that he forced oral sex on her, is that still the claim? I ask this question because I have always thought it was weird and suspicious.
I appriciate the park dedicated to Whitney, but I would sort of like to direct some discussion back to the evidence in this case. I know there has been the claim that he forced oral sex on her, is that still the claim? I ask this question because I have always thought it was weird and suspicious.

Thanks PrairieWind! I agree with La Louve, about the fact that Law Enforcement never released specific details about the evidence of the Sodomy 1st Degree (ORS 163.405) Clackamas County charge. It is mentioned on page 3 and page 6 of the probable cause document (holt1.pdf) JonathanHoltProbableCauseDocument
Page 6 mentions that the oral sex claim was from Jonathan Holt's audio/video taped confession.

On May 13th, in Clackamas County, there was a Hearing Status Check with Judge Robert Herndon (same Judge that was on the Ward Weaver Case). The Sodomy charge was still on the list. Although the Aggravated Murder and Sodomy charges are in Clackamas County, you will notice that the Prosecuting Attorney, Donald Rees, is from Multnomah County.

Because they haven't released any more evidence to the public, that leaves us with speculation. In all of the research that I have done, JH seems to fall into a category of an Anger Retaliatory Rapist. IMO, the part about oral sex, falls more into the category of JH projecting his anger onto WH and using this as a weapon of humiliation, rather than it being an act of sexual gratification by itself. WH was most likely a substitute for someone or something that caused an intense rage in JH. We know that JH had a fight with his wife the night before, but that seemed to be only a final straw, of the many stressors piling up in his life. Many changes and stressors in JH's life consisted of 1. Change of apartment in the past few months 2. Unemployed for a few months, starting a new job. 3. Parents divorced in the past year and his mother moved away. 4. One of his friends got a job as an EMT, and JH never held employment in the field, even though he had an EMT license for almost a year longer than his friend. JH purchased a 9mm gun the day after his friend got his new job. 5. Marriage Problems :page 32 of the Prob. Cause Document mentions that he and his wife are having "Hard Problems". On page 38, JH mentions that he will probably lose his job and his wife. 6. He was still trying to live down the backlash from stealing a friend's rental car at Best Buy in August of 2011. He did this after having a fight with his wife about employment. 7. Transportation problems. Because of JH's lack of priorities (buying storage devices, computers, guns..etc) he didn't even have enough money to replace his old motorcycle battery.

Even after the sodomy and murder, the projected anger was still not over. JH continued to empty glass outside of the turnout at the double post, throw evidence out at Dodge Park, throw WH's sweater at Pleasant Home Road, and the list goes on. I feel that rage was not over until he had walked around all day. If JH was indeed an Anger Retaliatory Rapist, then he could easily blame WH for making him do this to her. Some ARRapists, can show some sort of sadness and want to help with their victims case. JH mentions on page 38 that if all of this stuff didn't happen (fake robbery..etc) that he would have been more helpful on the WH disappearance case. A twisted sense of remorse, placing blame on everything and everyone else, but himself.

IMO, JH had a lot of life stressors, and his triggers were relationships and unemployment. Somehow, JH projected anger from one of these categories onto innocent WH.

Resources on Anger Retaliatory Rapist Profile:
Signature Killers by Robert D. Keppel Ph.D with William J Birnes. 1997 Simon and Schuster Inc
The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations: The Grisly Business Unit By Robert D. Keppel, William Jack Birnes
Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool By Stephen T. Holmes
I have been so impressed by the combination of sleuthing and compassion shown on Whitney's thread. You all rock! :rockon:

I recently started following another thread. Daryn Collie is missing from Oklahoma. His car was recently found in Oregon! I'm posting a link to an article and his Websleuths thread here just in case anyone is interested.

Thank you for your kind words Tennlyn! I will take a look at this case as well! Thank you for sharing the links! :)
I took a trip out to Roslyn Lake a few days ago to add some water to Whitney's Garden and to look for some more auto glass. I watered the garden, then put on my latex gloves and grabbed a baggie to look for some more possible evidence. I found some small particles of glass in the rut next to the road, then I made my way down to the double posts, West of the turnout. The double posts area, is where I first found any evidence of glass, that was located outside of the turnout. When I bent down in that spot, I noticed a small purple and yellow Pansy growing in the ditch. It was by itself and in pretty dry soil. I was worried that it would eventually die because of the lack of water, so I scooped it up and placed it into Whitney's Garden. This way it could get enough water and not get crushed, next time the county mows the side brush on the road. After I went back to the double posts, I started finding auto glass chunks about the size of a Silver Dollar, under dried leaves. I found a small piece of a window's edge which was round and smooth. After spending some time looking through the ditch, I heard some rustling and then some thumps about 20 feet West of me. I looked up and saw 2 deer hopping over the fence into the field, West of the tree grove. They are beautiful creatures! They hopped through the field toward the river canyon. Later on when I decided to leave, I started turning right on Lusted Road and the deer started playfully running beside my truck, then jumping out in front of me when I stopped my truck. It was a nice morning out there with the great weather, flowers and nature all around me!

Here are some photos from my trip. The first photo is of Mt. Hood, which you can see from the road, on the drive out there. I took that photo on Friday. The rest of the photos I took on my Monday trip. The "Blue Girl Rose" now has a purple bud. It is growing just behind Whitney's Garden Sign, and is not quite tall enough to peek over the top yet. I gently pulled it forward to get a photo of it, with Whitney's sign.

GREAT PHOTOS Sasquatch! Thanks so much. Love those deer. I noticed in the photo of the pansy where you originally found it, there was another one just a bit to the left. Maybe I can find it next time I go out.

I went out Monday night and watered too, spraying down all the bark mulch. And then yesterday it started raining again. Typical! :)
GREAT PHOTOS Sasquatch! Thanks so much. Love those deer. I noticed in the photo of the pansy where you originally found it, there was another one just a bit to the left. Maybe I can find it next time I go out.

I went out Monday night and watered too, spraying down all the bark mulch. And then yesterday it started raining again. Typical! :)

You are welcome, Thank you La Louve! Thanks also for watering! I am sure that the flowers are loving all of the attention and the water that they are getting. It would be great if you could grab that second Pansy to plant. It should be in the ditch, around the first of the two poles. I didn't even notice that there was another flower to the left of the one that I found. You have a great eye for flowers and plants! :) I think that planting a couple of those Pansies in Whitney's Garden would look beautiful! I did a search for the type of Pansy that it is, and it looks like it is a "Viola Sorbet Lemon Royale".
You are welcome, Thank you La Louve! Thanks also for watering! I am sure that the flowers are loving all of the attention and the water that they are getting. It would be great if you could grab that second Pansy to plant. It should be in the ditch, around the first of the two poles. I didn't even notice that there was another flower to the left of the one that I found. You have a great eye for flowers and plants! :) I think that planting a couple of those Pansies in Whitney's Garden would look beautiful! I did a search for the type of Pansy that it is, and it looks like it is a "Viola Sorbet Lemon Royale".

I sometimes think Whitney's Garden is the best kept garden around these parts.

And it wasn't another flower I spotted, just the plant. If you look in the lower left corner of that photo, there is another clump of those particularly shaped leaves peaking out from behind a frond of grass. You just have to know what to look for :) I love the name of the viola too. Sounds good enough to eat. I wonder if it is a culinary flower! And isn't it amazing that you found that flower right where the window glass was knocked out. I got a little shiver when I read that.
I also sometimes think Whitney's Garden is the best kept garden around these parts.
And it wasn't another flower I spotted, just the plant. If you look in the lower left corner of that photo, there is another clump of those particularly shaped leaves peaking out from behind a frond of grass. You just have to know what to look for :) I love the name of the viola too. Sounds good enough to eat. I wonder if it is a culinary flower! And isn't it amazing that you found that flower right where the window glass was knocked out. I got a little shiver when I read that.

I agree with you, that it does sometimes appear to be the best kept garden in the area. I feel honored to work and spend time on Whitney's Memorial Garden, as well as feel honored to work along side you on this project! :) I can't wait until others plant something there too. Thank you for spotting the plant. I now see it in the photo. I did read that the "Viola Sorbet Lemon Royale" is edible, along with the other varieties of Violas/Pansies. The description also mentioned that the Viola Sorbet Lemon Royale flowers into Winter.

At first, finding the flower there gave me a little shiver, too. But when I saw the white and purple in the flower, it gave me a bit of a warm feeling. It has similar colors to Whitney's Sign. It also reminds me of the the narrative told to Katherine Raborn by her ancestors. She was a Georgia 911 Communications Officer and has a similar Cherokee background, like one of my Great Grandfather's. In her narrative she speaks of the "Cherokee Rose", which grew where the tears of the ancestors fell, as they were driven away from their homeland onto reservations. Where there was suffering, a flower grew. The white petals of the flowers symbolize tears. I believe that the first paragraph in her narrative speaks many volumes, about all of our dedication on this forum to helping find Justice for Whitney, as well as making the place of her final moments a place of beauty. None of us are leaving a "bare path", on this journey.

Here is a summary of her narrative:
I went out to Roslyn Lake, yesterday evening and mowed and watered Whitney's Garden. The "Blue Girl" Rose has opened up, and went from a dark purple to a lilac color. If the petals get enough sun, the color should eventually change to a lavender/silvery blue. My camera picks up mostly the pink hue. The first bud is growing behind the sign, so I pulled it forward gently to get a nice photo with Whitney's Sign. I love the color, and I can't wait until there are more blooms. I didn't see any animals out there, but on the other side of the berm in the lake bed, I heard Coyotes howling. What a beautiful sound.

Today marks 8 months since Whitney was taken from Clint, her family and her loved ones. Whitney's light truly does still shine on those she left behind.


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