IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #2

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I apologize if I sounded combative.I just hate seeing these kids who were mostly guilty of being dumb college kids having their lives so exposed. If it brings answers though it will be worth it. I may be completely wrong and if they did something horrific to Lauren then they should pay. I hope we know the answers soon and hopefully it will be good news but I fear it won't be.

There is no way for us to know, at this point, if any of these young people know what became of Lauren. But police would not be doing their job if they did not investigate them. If the fight had not happened, I think the focus might not remain on them, but that incident provides a "motive" of sorts, that could be seen as a reason someone would be angry at Lauren. So those involved would have to be considered POI's until they can be ruled out. It is unfortunate if it turns out the fight had nothing to do with anything and that Lauren did indeed leave under her own power only to run into a stranger looking for prey just as she walked away.

Posted earlier by mrsu. I think this is a very important post and I agree that the attorney for CR is being very talkative, and is suggesting there is new evidence/lead in the case. Maybe this new evidence is the video footage they mentioned from possibly N Walnut ST. Walnut runs to 11th st (where it was said to be last seen) and both Walnut and College are 1-way streets oppposite directions, so this could be very important information.
Posted earlier by mrsu. I think this is a very important post and I agree that the attorney for CR is being very talkative, and is suggesting there is new evidence/lead in the case. Maybe this new evidence is the video footage they mentioned from possibly N Walnut ST. Walnut runs to 11th st (where it was said to be last seen) and both Walnut and College are 1-way streets oppposite directions, so this could be very important information.

I think any footage of the area is very important, especially at the times in question after she was last seen to our knowledge on camera. If someone was supposedly not in the area, but their car is seen speeding off at 4:30am for instance. I am very hopeful still that the camera's all around that area will provide very useful for proving/disproving people's alibi's.

And for the boyfriend/family member of the boyfriend who tried to intimidate the reporter...that speaks volumes to me. Frustration is one thing, intimidation another!
Her keychain was found the next day near an alleyway behind a building about
100 yards from Rossman’s building.

IU student AJ Amin, 19, told The Journal News Friday that he saw a small
purple pouch with a gold key shortly before 3 am that morning on the
sidewalk near that building. He said he left it there and that a friend of
his put it on a railing when he saw it there a few hours later.

“I didn’t know they were hers,” said Amin, who had not yet given his account
to police.|head
Is this confirmed? I am not clear that the keys were hers!
this is probably the biggest bonanza the Bloomington criminal defense bar has seen in a very long time. most criminal defendants don't have much money. these kids might be completely innocent and their families can afford to hire the best in the area.
I agree with those that are saying a stranger abduction is still a possibility.

I mean, look at Morgan Harrington, Amber Dubois, Jonathan Foster, Chelsea King...

Lauren is a pretty blonde girl walking alone, intoxicated, at 4am... I really don't think a stranger abduction is THAT far fetched.
this is probably the biggest bonanza the Bloomington criminal defense bar has seen in a very long time. most criminal defendants don't have much money. these kids might be completely innocent and their families can afford to hire the best in the area.

The fact that all the 4 boys have lawyers make them seem less guilty in my eyes.
Presser: re developments over night
Capt. Q: 30-40 tips came in 9 PM-3 AM
- initial number; is a fluid number
Capt. Q: nothing rec'd right now to lead us to her, but we r hopeful
Capt. Q: re US Marshalls-were in town doing Sex Offenders (SO) search; no one taken in to custody; tells us that t individuals were in compliance
Questions: not speaking specifically about individuals or what was taken from anyone
Individuals who are not interviewed yet, may be other things keeping them from being here; our door open
No accurate # as to those we have spoken to and those we have not; some that r here and some that r not here; have indication that individuals will make themselves available to us-hopefully this week; nobody that we can keep from leaving this community; those who r not immediately available>they r going to make themselves available
I heard there are 2 guys that left Indiana and haven't spoken to the police. You can't really blame them since it's Summer and A LOT of people are leaving their college town to go home.
re the video, we will make t video available if we feel it is necessary; right now no (not releasing t video)
Paraphrasing---t video gives us t direction, but also t activity that has taken place...distinction tween your responsibility and ours-we r not to t point that we can release that yet (video)
Capt: When info broke, I was not available, apologize for discrepancies, not to be interpreted as a willingness to not cooperate...
Capt: keep in mind that even though someone may not appear in video, that can be valuable for our purposes
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