2010.04.17 Found Audio Tapes-Interviews of Ronald Cummings

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Mar 6, 2009
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There have been some very early interviews of Ronald Cummings posted tonight. Unfortunately they are not in a format I can bring here.

You can listen to the audio and bring your discussion here. The comments on the site are not permitted to be brought here.

Bring your discussion about the audios only here. And be forewarned strong language.

There have been some very early interviews of Ronald Cummings posted tonight. Unfortunately they are not in a format I can bring here.

You can listen to the audio and bring your discussion here. The comments on the site are not permitted to be brought here.

Bring your discussion about the audios only here. And be forewarned strong language.


Discuss the audios ONLY.
There have been some very early interviews of Ronald Cummings posted tonight. Unfortunately they are not in a format I can bring here.

You can listen to the audio and bring your discussion here. The comments on the site are not permitted to be brought here.

Bring your discussion about the audios only here. And be forewarned strong language.


Thanks Grandmaj :) I was just browsing to see if anyone had mentioned these yet ....
And of course I can't get a dang one to play on my computer !!!

Have I told you all how much I hate Windows Vista !!
I listened to these four tapes earlier. RC states he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop-put her on his lap, and let her steer home. He also said, he let her put the turn signal on. RC and Haleigh got out of the car RC kissed the kids, and Misty good bye told them he loved them, and went to work. He also talked about JO, and TC taking Austin to the lake to go fishing. JO told TC it would be the perfect place to kill somebody. RC talks about his gun that TC stole from him, and how he got it back. There was also a comment made by RC about Timmy waking up at 1:00 A:M: on the night Haleigh went missing, and JO and the van were gone.
Thank you Cat. I can't get these to play either.
So Ron heard about Jo and the perfect place to kill someone second hand from Tommy? That's new to me.

Why would Ron hide his gun in the culvert at Tommy's house?
If anybody can hear these could you please post what you hear ? Pretty Please :angel:

Ron said in one of those tapes that he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, but he also said he dropped her off at the bus stop that day. Weren't we told, that they drove to GGMS's house that morning to get a shirt for Haleigh, and then dropped her off at school, and Misty walked her to the classroom? :waitasec:

Interesting that he admitted to the gun story, but odd that he denied it everywhere else.

And to me in those conversations he doesn't seem so sure "Jo did it".

They are kind of hard to hear at times... they are wma files that can be opened in a default quicktime player
I am listening-I am going to keep a window open and paraphrase for you all.
These are made by Cobra.
They opened right up for me-I am in love with my new laptop!!
Ron said in one of those tapes that he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, but he also said he dropped her off at the bus stop that day. Weren't we told, that they drove to GGMS's house that morning to get a shirt for Haleigh, and then dropped her off at school, and Misty walked her to the classroom? :waitasec:

Interesting that he admitted to the gun story, but odd that he denied it everywhere else.

And to me in those conversations he doesn't seem so sure "Jo did it".


In Misty's hypnosis transcript, she says that they took her to school... that she (misty) walked Haleigh to her room, that morning.
I don't know if I should post this on this thread, but there is more audio here-

"HaLeigh Cummings-More About Cousin Joe and Hank Sr."
1 tape~

and THIS! May have been heard by everyone since these 5 audios have been posted here since March 8, 2010...but I have never heard them! Cobra and some woman named Barbara...who is she? As well as Cobra and Jerome going at it ..skeery!

"HaLeigh Cummings-More On Those Strange Audio Files"
5 tapes-
And of course I can't get a dang one to play on my computer !!!

Have I told you all how much I hate Windows Vista !!

I have Windows Vista mystic. The sound quality on the first batch was terrible, but they played fine on Windows Media Player. Have you tried that?
Windows Media Player will also play these clips.

Ron sounds like such a common , talkin pieces (guns) and bro this and bro that.... ugh. He fancies himself quite the gansta.
I have Windows Vista mystic. The sound quality on the first batch was terrible, but they played fine on Windows Media Player. Have you tried that?

Yes that is what my default is, mabey I need to run a check...I tried quicktime as well and nothing.....
Tape 1
Starts with Cobra verifying Joe’s name with Ron. Cobra asks Ron if he is 75% sure Joe did this-Ron says no, he isn’t sure at all.
Cobra says he’s heard about Ron knocking off drug dealers and asks if he brought the drama to his house.
Ron says no, absolutely not, nobody knew where he lived. the only people who have been to his house are Misty’s family, Joe and Nay Nay. Ron explains she is the one who took Misty to bleep Greg at Stokes Landing. Start talking about black people since WBG is black, Ron explains his best friend is black. Orlando’s name comes up, Ron says there is another Orlando (not his friend) who has a SSN # that is only a couple of numbers off from Orlando the friends SSN .
(my comment-how would he know that??)
Says he is a drug dealer and people are confusing him w/ Ron’s friend O. Ron worked with O his friend at Superior (this place was mentioned in the custody papers, IIRC) and O has worked there ever since. (my comment-this may be why people thought Ron worked with O at PDM) Cobra brings up heroin and needles, tells Ron it looks like he isn’t scared of needles, Ron asks him if it looks like he is a needle user, Cobra says no, your not tracking.
Cobra says he’s got RC's boy Joe figured out. Joe Told Tommy a bunch of bleep.
Talks about Joe and Hank and A going fishing at “that dock” . It got dark and scary and gators were spotted. Tommy said he has to get his son out of there.
RC says Joe said it would be the perfect place to kill somebody, throw them in the water and alligators would take care of the rest.
Cobra says he’s trying to get this bleep figured out, says sheriff and deputies won’t return his calls but he finally got a hold of someone with FDLE that afternoon.
Cobra tells RC about Snodgrass, blah, blah,
Sorry this took so long-I want it to be accurate!
Cobra says he is not investigating Ron, just everyone on the list-talking about an address, Ron wants Cobra to find Joe and talk to him, he gives him Joe’s address. Ron says the first day he met Joe that he stole his gun, it was the third day of Joe’s stay in the Satsuma area.
Ron says he felt like a criminal he went down to the ditch and retrieved the gun.
He figured if the gun was found on the premesis and the law finds it Joe won’t get in trouble because he could say anybody could have put it there. Ron goes on to say he got his bleep out of the culvert, took it home, sprayed it, cleaned it-it is the same piece FDLE has right now. (hmmm-so FDLE did confiscate the gun-I take this to be the 9mm handgun)
Ron thinks he is being followed and says he wants to find out who it is.
Cobra explains why he is in Satsuma-he doesn’t care about the custody issue or what anybody else says-he is there to find Haleigh.
Cobra says (I assume KP) he’s not getting into her case (custody), that’s her business, he don’t bleep with that
Tape 3
Talking about the van- Ron says he doesn’t know who had the van that afternoon (FEB 9)
Cobra asks what van Misty would be driving because he was told Misty picked up Haleigh from the bus stop in a van and Ron came “flying down through there sideways to the bus stop, looking for Misty, hey, where’s my girl?” (did Cobra get the story mixed up thinking Ron was driving like a maniac in the afternoon and not in the morning like Santos stated or did Santos get it mixed up?)
Ron says that is not true, he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, he dropped her off, too.
Ron explains the story we’ve all heard about the ride back to the trailer, Haleigh sat on his lap,…..
Cobra says he is glad to hear it wasn’t Misty who had the van or put the scratch on it-Joe’s name comes up saying he drove the van and put the scratch on it.
After he dropped Haleigh at home he kissed everyone bye and left for work.
Cobra asks Ron what did he mean when he said how the bleep could you let my daughter get stole bleep on the 911 call. Ron says he wanted to know what happened and thinks Misty didn’t have anything to do with it. He says the door was locked and the door was bump locked.
Tape 4
Someone (I can’t understand it-too much noise and talking over each other-be quiet Cobra and let Ron talk!!) got paid 10 grand to say that RC is a conf. informant. He says he is not an informant.
Ron says everyone is going to be subpoenaed in court including John Merchant. (don’t understand-for what?) Cobra says he called le 87 times and they won’t return his calls. Ron says he could probably get JM on the phone for him.
Ron brings up child support-says something about the $4100 that is being reported isn't right-it is $11,000.
Ron talks about how when he came home he looked for Haleigh for 3 mins. Then called 911. He says he got home at 3:23 and the 911 call was made at 3:26. Says there is video surveillance of him at the conv. store on the top of the hill where 2 lanes turns into 4 lanes.
Says le was asking him how he got home so quick-he told them he drove “like a cracker who is ready to get home from work”.
Joe’s name comes up again. Cobra says Lisa C. told him that the night this all went down Joe threatened Ron-he was going to make him pay.
Ron says as soon as my daughter went missing Joe left town.
Cobra mentions that Joe was staying with Timmy and Timmy woke up at 1:00 and Joe and the van were gone. (hmmmmm…..did his meds wear off?) Ron agrees and says that is why the van was impounded.
Repeat of van and bus stop talk that was on the previous tape.

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