GUILTY Canada - Man, 26, beaten, tortured, starved, Regina, Sask, 16 April 2010

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Venom Goose

Jun 30, 2008
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Dustin LaFortune, a 26-year-old from Winnipeg, MB, was reported missing by family in February of this year. He was dropped off at a Regina, SK hospital on April 16 by someone who claimed they were cousins. He had been horribly tortured: burned, stabbed, starved, and pieces of his lips and tongue were missing. He once weighed over 200 pounds and he is about 70-80 pounds now. His family suspects that his roommate (I believe his name is Dustin Paxton) tortured Dustin.

This is insane. There is a Facebook group for Dustin and there are more photos of his injuries on there. Just crazy.

Okay, here is more information about Paxton that's taken from Facebook:

"Dustin Ward Paxton was born in Manitoba. He grew up and went to school in rural communities outside Winnipeg. His parents live in Gimli, Mb.

He committed crimes as a young offender (we have no access to that information) and later as an adult, a Manitoba warrant was issued for his arrest. He was on the 2007 Crimestoppers Most Wanted List. There are people (in this group!) who know more and are reluctant to share details.

Paxton does NOT have a driver's licence.

Paxton moved to Calgary and set up a moving business called 'Two GUYS and a Truck'.

4203 Centre Street Northwest
Calgary, AB T2E 2Y8
(403) 457-7149

At least one of the moving vans Paxton used was registered to Dustin.

The licence plate number that appears in the Canpages video is: 08 L 481

Paxton advertises on UsedCalgary, Kijiji and other internet calssified pages. He is computer savvy.

Paxton is an OEM importer. He buys and sells cell phone parts, computer knock-offs and digital equipment from China.

Paxton is an extremely violent person. Before Dustin, Paxton seriously assaulted at least one other person that we know about...that person came forward and offered information to the police."

They think Paxton may be hiding in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba.

Something about all this just doesn't sit right with me.
I have nothing of value to add I'm sorry. But looking at that young man's pictures (Dustin) my heart goes out to his family and friends.

Especially his Mom, and to her I would say where there is love there is hope. Where there is breath there is hope. Bless this young man and may he make a full and complete recovery.
What evil has been perpetrated upon this young man. You can't even tell it's the same person in the two pictures. I cannot imagine the horror that Dustin endured for all that time. I truly hope he will be okay and the monster that did this to him will be caught soon and locked away forever.
good looking guy

wth happened?

strange, very strange ... and I think he was only taken to the hospital to avoid murder charges
Something tells me the drug Meth was involved in a big way.

I just have a strong feeling, for some reason.
Wow. Why wasn't Dustin protected? And I wonder, why didn't his girlfriend tell someone that his food was being restricted?

Hell's Angels. You don't mess around with those people. Any testimony "against" them would be considered...treason by them, no?
The fact that his tongue was cut does seem to suggest HA involvement, but I really can't see them torturing him for months and then leaving him at a hospital. If they got him for snitching, he'd be dead and likely not found for some time, IMO.

I'm thinking this is a lot more personal - as in a psychopath out for power thrills.

A very, very strange case.
This article features an interview with a family member.

The Edmonton Sun

By Michael Platt, QMI AGENCY
May 16, 2010

"CALGARY — From petty crime, to imprisoning and torturing another human being. It’s a huge leap from credit card fraud to sadistically abusing a prisoner unto the verge of death — and it’s a path relatives of the man blamed are praying he didn’t take.
“I just hope that it wasn’t him — he was a really smart kid who just got into trouble.”
So says the alleged torturer’s aunt, speaking from rural Manitoba, where the petty crook grew up before moving to Calgary..."

for complete article, click on link
OMG, how horrific and cruel!! I need to go look at pictures of kittens now. :(

I don't understand this, he was a big strapping guy...bigger than his roommate. How on earth did he manage to keep him there and subject him to this for so long??
Hmmm when I first read about this case, the first thing I thought of was a spurned lover or some sort of sadistic thrill gone horribly wrong.
This is just crazy and so sad!! I can't wait to find out more about the whys and hows. How long was he held captive?? I imagine it would take some time for the human body to lose 140 lbs but he was last heard from only a few months ago....this is really bizzare. I pray he makes a full recovery poor guy.
I'm puzzled by the several comments dotting these articles (from relatives, readers) pointing to schizophrenia as a contributing factor, especially at this early point -- why? Desire to find a straightforward explanation? The injuries and (apparent) starvation seem to indicate a concentrated pattern of abuse and not a violent eruption. What an odd story, almost theatrical/cinematic if it weren't so horrifically immediate.



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