2010.07.01-Family/ LE Presume Kyron Is Alive~ Need SM To Cooperate UPDATED 2010.07.03

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Jul 31, 2004
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What are your thoughts on that? Is this wishful thinking or do they have information to the support this?
The are asking Terri to cooperate. Do you think they have gleaned any information from her? Did she lie and if so about what?


Desiree Young, who spoke through tears and had to pause at some points, also said that "Kyron is still alive" and that they continue to work with investigators to find him. She read from a prepared statement.

ARTICLE 7-3-2010

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Authorities believe a missing 7-year-old Oregon boy is still alive, and said the search for him is progressing faster than most searches of its kind

"We have no evidence that indicates that anything other than the fact that Kyron (Horman) is still alive and we are going to continue the investigation under that premise," Staton said.

Seriously if I thought my child's SM knew where he was if he were missing there would be no need for a plea on tv for her to cooperate and tell what she knows. I would by any means possible get it out of her. I would feel that I at least owe my child that much. Look at Beth she was willing to pay 6 figures to get her daughter's body back. JMO

I watched the video. FWIW, I haven't followed all the theories here about Kyron's disappearance so here is what I think based on just watching the Mother of a missing child speak.

She says that Kyron is still alive.

Of course she does. We rarely see parents say that their child is dead if there is no hard proof that their child is dead. JMHO.

She has the right to think he is alive. She more than likely believes that to the core of her being. How many times have we seen the Mother's of missing children say that right up until the child is found deceased? JMHO.

I read nothing into that statement other than Kyron's family believe him to be alive until it is proven otherwise. JMHO.

As for her urging Kyron's SM to cooperate I see that as a statement made seperately from the statement that she (and others in the family) believe Kyron is alive. JMHO. I don't see it as a flow of thoughts, but rather she made a statement about Kyron's being alive---then went onto the SM. JMHO.

Bless this family. I can't put myself in their shoes. All of my children are with me or I know exactly where they are and they keep in contact with me on a daily basis. But to have a child, a 7 yr old, and to not know if he is hungry, to not know if he is warm, or if he is scared...would be a level of anxiety that I personally could not deal with, I know myself well enough to know that I would either be on meds or be in the hospital for the anxiety. JMHO.
I don't know everything is to confusing in this case. It seems to me (MOO) that the family thinks SM has his hidden or knows where he is. Could be wishful thinking which will keep them going and looking for their son or could be that LE told them something to lead them to believe this. Also could be Dad read something on their home computer to lead them to believe it or over heard a phone call. It's really hard to tell with the little infomation thats coming out. All I do know is I HOPE Kyron is alive and SAFE
What are your thoughts on that? Is this wishful thinking or do they have information to the support this?
The are asking Terri to cooperate. Do you think they have gleaned any information from her?

JBean,just got back home.What is going on?TIA
Wishful thinking. Retaining hope in order to function.
I don't know what to think of that statement. I feel like the timeline of TH getting a lawyer and and DY's plea to TH to cooperate with LE is very odd. Almost like a setup or a way to get at the other co-conspirator/abductor (if there is one). She says Kyron is alive AND asks TH to cooperate? Very odd.
My feelings on it, is that DY seems to have said it as a FACT!

If it is not a fact and wishful thinking, then I wish they would just tell us the facts and nothing more. The public needs to know what they are looking for!.

I read so much speculation from so many on the internet about everything, I just want facts from the media and the family. I don't want to read between the lines, I don't want to participate in head games, etc.... I don't want to speculate, I just want to know the truth. Where is KYRON??????

If its just a feeling he is alive, then please state that, if it is a fact then state it as a fact. PLEASE!
I'm sorry, I just don't see how. It's not like he has an apartment somewhere. He is totally dependent for his care. If there were evidence of an accomplice then why isn't there a description? Why aren't they closer to finding him? Why wouldn't TH talk if there is an alive Kyron out there. It would certainly be better for her then if he isn't alive. My heart breaks for Desiree. I can see how she just can't accept him being gone without a body.
Wishful thinking. Who wants to believe their child is dead much less verbalize it.
Hoping and Praying this is true!!! LE seems to be pulling the strings in this case and BM, SD, and BD seem to trust what they are being told by LE. Please let this be true.
Only saw a snippet of this pc and I really think we are watching a family unravel and grasp at ANY little bit of hope...even if it's to convince themselves their son is still alive. I can't blame her one bit for her will to believe.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Desiree Young, the biological mother of Kyron Horman, missing since June 4, issued a short statement Thursday asking the boy's stepmother, Terri Horman, to cooperate with the investigation

'Desiree Young, who spoke through tears and had to pause at some points, also said that "Kyron is still alive" and that they continue to work with investigators to find him. She read from a prepared statement.
Dad did state that he is hopeful and needs to be hopeful at this time. He explained that. That was in the prior interview. If there's still no body found, of course they have to remain hopeful and say hopeful things else the public won't look.
I truly pray she is right. The one thing I do feel with certainty now, is that they (DY, KH and TY) learned something very important this past weekend that was convincing enough for Kyron's Mom to speak so absolutely in her belief. Please, please let this sweet little boy be alive and well. And, please let's bring him home to his loving family.
My feelings on it, is that DY seems to have said it as a FACT!

If it is not a fact and wishful thinking, then I wish they would just tell us the facts and nothing more. The public needs to know what they are looking for!.

I read so much speculation from so many on the internet about everything, I just want facts from the media and the family. I don't want to read between the lines, I don't want to participate in head games, etc.... I don't want to speculate, I just want to know the truth. Where is KYRON??????

If its just a feeling he is alive, then please state that, if it is a fact then state it as a fact. PLEASE!

I believe she did state it as a fact. "Kyron is still alive." IS being the operative word. I hope that helps your frustration. :)
I would be so wonderful to find him alive. If T had anything to with him being gone if he is alive this would be her way out.I guess we will find out soon. I won't give up on him. What my gut is telling me is not good.Stranger things have happened.We can always have hope.
I think LE has given her information that leads her to believe he is still alive.

For me, it makes the actions of everybody involved in this case make more sense, if that's possible.
DY also left a note at the school for Kyron. I hope it remains undisturbed by the media (read WW) and that he gets to read it one day.
The fact that this idea (Kyron is ALIVE) was expressed so explicitly made me wonder about some of the kidnap-and-ransom theories bouncing around. Then it occurred to me that it's possible TH killed Kyron (not going to speculate on motive or circumstance or premeditation cuz I have no clue), and in an effort to slow the investigation sent a "ransom demand" communication of some sort. Naturally, given the increased LE presence around her following this initial communication, there would never be a follow-up or any further contact with the person who demanded ransom.

Why withhold the information about his bee sting allergy for so long? It could be a coded message somehow tied to the initial ransom demand they received. Why are they so sure Kyron is alive? A ransom demand at some point would certainly give this impression, even if said demand were an insincere request merely used to keep LE looking in the wrong direction. Think about the Jon Benet Ramsey case. Whoever wrote the ransom note clearly did so to divert LE's reaction to a missing child. LE didn't fully know what they were dealing with until a body was found.

This is merely a theory, and it is not really supported with any good evidence, but it is a theory that I feel would explain the very odd behavior by LE for so long.
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