2010.12.22 - Today's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

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Posted: 11:11 pm EST December 21, 2010
Updated: 8:57 am EST December 22, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team doesn't want the jury in her murder trial to hear about Casey's sexual relationships, her alleged lies, or allegations of a habit of stealing. Late Tuesday, Casey's lead defense attorney, Jose Baez, filed six motions asking Chief Judge Belvin Perry to exclude key evidence and testimony in the murder case. The attorneys said certain pieces of evidence are "irrelevant and scandalous."

Casey Anthony team files motions to throw out irrelevant evidence


Video Report: http://www.cfnews13.com/video?clip=...m/newsvideo/cfn/caseymotions_122220100852.flv

Casey Anthony’s defense team filed six new motions Tuesday, all aimed at keeping possible evidence out of the courtroom.
Anthony’s attorneys said they are focused on testimony about her sexual relationships.

The defense said it also wants to block testimony from Casey’s father, George Anthony, who at one point said his daughter had a history of lying and stealing.
More motions filed in Anthony case


Defense wants Casey Anthony's sexual history excluded from trial
Attorneys file series of motions to block testimony

Casey Anthony defense attorneys filed a series of motions late Tuesday designed to keep statements and evidence they claim may prejudice their client out of the upcoming first-degree murder trial.

Among the statements they want blocked from entering the trial: Casey Anthony's sexual relations with Anthony Lazzaro and Anthony Rusciano.
Casey's Defense Wants Sex History Tossed Out


Video Report: http://www.wftv.com/video/26244616/index.html
Bill Sheaffer Commentary on New Motions: http://www.wftv.com/video/26246223/index.html

WFTV's legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said it will be a hard sell for the defense team.

"It's very important to show at the time that Caylee went missing that Casey's conduct was inconsistent with a mother whose child had gone missing," Sheaffer said.

Casey's parents have made statements stating that their daughter has a history of lying and stealing. But attorneys say Casey's character history has nothing to do with the allegations that she murdered her daughter, Caylee.

The defense also wants to keep the jury from hearing about a table knife found in Casey's car, and speculation that she almost told Texas Equusearch founder, Tim Miller, where Caylee's body was located.

Bill Sheaffer, says certain statements from Casey's parents about her past are irrelevant along with that table knife since Caylee wasn't stabbed.
Just heard on the local news that a hearing has been scheduled for January 3, at 1:30 p.m. to hear these motions.
6 Motions Filed In Casey Anthony Case
Motion Seeks To Block Statements About Anthony's Sexual Relationships


Six motions were filed on Tuesday that attorneys for Casey Anthony said will protect their client's right to a fair trial.

Judge Belvin Perry has slated a hearing for Jan. 3 on all six motions.
Prosecutors call for sanctions against the Casey Anthony defense


In a newly filed motion, Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton argues, "the state would contend that the defendant is in deliberate non-compliance with the court's order as to certain of their listed experts and that sanctions to address the non-compliance are necessary."

Ashton notes that the defense has said expert Dr. Henry Lee "will render opinions on…crime scene analysis, collection and preservation as well as recovery."

But he says the defense team's inability to summarize so-called "false claims" by crime scene investigators that Lee will rebut "is disingenuous and just plain laughable."
From: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...ny-defense-sanctions-20101222,0,7135166.story

Ashton filed a separate response to the court order to provide information about certain expert witnesses for the prosecution. In the response, Ashton says 36 of the state's 38 expert witnesses have submitted reports or co-signed reports about their testimony and opinions.

The remaining two who have not are Christine Ballard and David Bogart.

Ballard is a graduate student working for another expert in the case. Her expertise is forensic anthroplogy. She will testify about the creation of a "video superimposition involving a photograph of Caylee Anthony in life, a photograph of her skull and a photograph of the duct tape found with her skull," the document states.

Bogart is an expert in radio frequency engineering. He will testify about the "interpretation of movement and usage patterns of the defendant's mobile phone," according to the response.

Bogart's work is similar to that of another witness, and Ashton said a report will be provided when complete.
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