TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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Hailey is 13 years old. She was heading to stay with a friend on Monday Dec. 27th but never made it. She is 5'1" with hazel eyes and brown hair. She also has pierced ears. She was last seen at 1804 Chestnut, wearing navy blue sweat pants, a light colored T-shirt and pink and white shoes.
Anyone who has seen Hailey contact the Colorado City Police Dept. at 325-128-5294

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I understand what you are saying.

As I have said before, the past year or so, unfortunately, we have not been able to spend as much 'face-time' together as we would like... our families, jobs, other obligations take up quite a bit of time. We still talk as much as we can.

Now that Hailey is missing, I make it a point to go over nearly every single day, and I talk to her several times a day on the phone. It sucks that it has taken something so horrific to get us to see each other as often as we used to.

When we became friends, she was with Clint, and our families did quite a bit together. Even though I spent time around Clint, I never talked to him that much, I talked to Billie, and my husband talked to Clint, and our kids talked to each other.

Billie talked to me about Clint, and she talks to me about SA. But mostly we talk about other things.... we spend most of our time with out husbands/BF's - who wants to talk about them?

Since that is the case...and I totally understand what you mean about how life can get in the way..especially when your children are growing up...there's only so many hours in the day..But, I just have to ask this cgtzg, Is there not any chance in your mind that maybe some things in Billie's life might have changed in the last couple of years when you didn't have as much contact? Have you even considered that..for your sake?
I don't know how to bring posts over from another thread, but I posted a question towards the end of the thread and wanted to ask again, in case you didn't see it and it relates to the post above.

Is there any information regarding why this person did not come forward with the sighting info sooner?
I do understand how Family and Friends stand up for the ones that they love and care for.

Thanks CZT....you are a good friend to Billie. I hope she understands how much you have put yourself out there to defend her.

I also understand how SA's family want to show their loving support for him. I live in Florida and I remember how Ted Bundy's mother refused to believe the horrible things that people said about her "little boy." IIRC she was still alive when he was given his lethal injection. As some people used to say... "He met up with Old Sparky." But I think the Electric Chair had be done away with before he met his Death Sentence.

BTW...is Texas a Death Penalty State?

I just wanted to say that we could hear at any time about these witnesses.But at this time,BD has changed some things she's said in the different interviews with NG and LE has said she has with them,also.A few years of not seeing someone and only talking on the phone might not give a true picture of what's been going on with BD since she's been with SA.Looking at some of the things we've seen lately that shows the people who she's surrounded herself with,might have brought changes in her life that wasn't there a few years ago.JMO But at this time SA is a suspect and if the sightings were before 3pm,it doesn't matter as that's the time he says he last saw her.
CZ -

I had a question in the last thread too. I know you said you do not want to publically name the person from the latest sighting but can you tell us the time frame of when this person supposedly saw HD?

Also, just so I am clear, are you saying that BD told you this and she told you that LE CONFIRMED to her (BD) that this was a credible sighting?
According to the search warrants: (page 6)


"There are NO witnesses who saw HD walking on the date she is believed to
have left her residence"


This to me says "sightings unconfirmed".

And that's all I have to say about that. - Forrest Gump

Not picking on you at all...but you partially quoted my post and I want to make sure my perspective / interpretation is not merged with yours. For clarification, my post stated:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

I'm wondering if these sitings were ruled out or occurred after the search warrants were executed.

According to the search warrants: (page 6)


"There are NO witnesses who saw HD walking on the date she is believed to
have left her residence"


So are these new witnesses?

That's it. The personal conjecture was not mine!!!
Here is the deal as I see it. We have LE telling us things. We have Billie and others telling us things. LE has NO reason to "frame" these people, they are no body's. We are not talking about some "huge" crime where LE or other agencies are trying to set someone up, so WTH? I mean really......come on man. It's stoopid to think that LE is going to ignore evidence. This is a po' dunk town. No offense, I live in Texas, lol. The Rangers and the FBI are on top of this, get real.
Of course things take off like wildfire as soon as I step away. :snooty:
also all news says SA went to mom and grandma.........is there a dad/grandpa in his life?
ANY GOOD MALE figures in his life?
Seems that he tried to hard to show his masculine side with knives, guns, masks etc.
I have a question. Can SA just say he has a lawyer and never have to produce said lawyer? In other words, can he just tell LE that he has a lawyer or does he have to prove to LE that he has a lawyer?
Not picking on you at all...but you partially quoted my post and I want to make sure my perspective / interpretation is not merged with yours. For clarification, my post stated:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

That's it. The personal conjecture was not mine!!!

Yes, I did not know how to bring the whole post over, but I only snipped the part from the affidavit, not anything you said.

Cz: My last post got lost when the thread was closed.

In a nutshell: Has LE told Billie that the female business owner who claims to have certainly seen Hailey on 12/27 with another child checked out? This person had to have come forward late, after the search warrants. She would likely have to be poly'd and checked for credibility. If these things happened, I would expect it will be released to the media pronto because this is still being investigated as both a potential runaway and criminal case.

Anyway, Billie, of course, would have called LE to make sure this sighting was fully vetted and confirmed as accurate, right? She wouldn't want a false sighting to hinder progress and she'd want it released asap to help spur other people's memories...
I have a best friend who I have known for 18 years. We don't see each other much because of kids and life being busy. We talk perhaps once every few months on the phone and see each other maybe 4 -6 times per year. It's been that way since I had my first child 9 years ago. But she is my best friend.

BUT, I do know this. When we do talk there are primarily two things we talk about....our kids and our relationships.
I do understand how Family and Friends stand up for the ones that they love and care for.

Thanks CZT....you are a good friend to Billie. I hope she understands how much you have put yourself out there to defend her.

I also understand how SA's family want to show their loving support for him. I live in Florida and I remember how Ted Bundy's mother refused to believe the horrible things that people said about her "little boy." IIRC she was still alive when he was given his lethal injection. As some people used to say... "He met up with Old Sparky." But I think the Electric Chair had be done away with before he met his Death Sentence.

BTW...is Texas a Death Penalty State?


It sure is:woohoo:
Let's play devil's advocate here and say that the other sightings of Hailey that day are true. Then SA - at minimum - came back to do something nefarious that he didn't want LE or Billie to know about. Maybe something to Hailey, since he knew no one was around :)()- then he left and went about his way, leaving her there at the house. He goes back to CC after awhile, maybe to talk to Hailey, maybe to see what was going on at the house, whatever. Perhaps Hailey was there (it would fit with the timeline of the folks who saw her), they had an argument, she threatened to tell (as she already had told CJ about her fears - now maybe she was going to tell the whole story - IF something had happened, as this is all hypothetical). SA lost his temper, went overboard, and really hurt or killed Hailey during this 3:00-4:00 timeframe. So when DD knocked on the door, he had to hide Hailey and maybe clean up signs of a disturbance.

Question: what did DD do after coming home? (I think this is important, regardless of the sightings on Monday being true or not) Go straight to CD's? Go back out with some friends? Hang out for awhile? Seems like DD would have stayed around for awhile, after being at a friend's house all night and then going through the trouble of climbing in the window - why turn around and leave? So if H was still there, and DD was still around, when did SA get her out?

This is all hypothetical and based upon the other sightings panning out, and is all MOO.
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