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I remember when this guy and, his contemporary, the Boston Strangler were both getting news coverage here in the states.

There are about twice as many named suspects as listed in that Wiki article including a former car salesman who is still living. His name is out there but I hesitate to put it here because he is most likely innocent.
There is also a potential "ninth victim" listed by at least one author and not included in the Wiki article. Her name was Susan Smith and she vanished in March of 1965. I don't know any details beyond that. She is, I believe, listed as a possible victim in James Morton's book but I have not seen it.
@ Standreid, yes, I also know about the car salesman.
Somebody else posted elsewhere it could be his father, a BBC presenter who is still alive, If you know anything about that I'd appreciate a PM, thanks.
Hi Robin:

Yes, I did see that claim about the BBC presenter somewhere but don't know any more about it.

Over on and I've exchanged posts regarding the case with author Neil Milkins and Jeff Leahy, who has produced at least one TV program about the murders. Milkins thinks Harold Jones did it, as I recall. I'm not sure what he thinks about Mungo "Big John" Ireland. Freddie Mills was the first suspect I heard of.

I don't really have a "favorite" suspect although Ireland seems a little too convenient for me.
Hi Stan, yes I spoke to Neil too, he told me about the Fred Dineage program about Harold Jones.
I would have thought that DNA could be obtained from the victims, especially as there was so many dead women connected to the perp. The Met could justify the cost as it may solve a few crimes, but I guess they have so many more recent crimes on their books.
There was another person of interest but his name escapes me for now, an Irish chap who somebody thought could also be responsible for some of the Yorkshire ripper victims.

I must admit I haven't a 'favorite' either.
I would have thought that DNA could be obtained from the victims, especially as there was so many dead women connected to the perp.

I have been told that Tailford was cremated as possibly were some of the other victims. Hopefully not all were.
There was also a suspect, I believe unnamed at this point, who moved to Australia at the time the murders ceased in England.

I did see that the BBC guy was in his twenties at the time of the murders not that this would narrow the focus much.

Potential victim Susan Smith's nickname was said to be "Goldie". She supposedly spoke with a slight stutter.
Billy Tracey is the name I was thinking of.

I will have a look at the Susan Smith case.
Apart from a few mentions in some books, Susan Smith doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.
Yes, I have encountered the same problem. I think perhaps that Smith is only mentioned as a potential victim in James Morton's book Fighters. He excludes Figg so his total is still 8. The book is about the strange deaths of boxers Randolph Turpin and Stripper suspect Freddie Mills who I believe he thinks was innocent of the murders.
I've read somewhere that some people think this might have been connected to *advertiser censored* film making and perhaps snuff films.
Yes, some of the victims were supposedly in the so-called underground party and "blue films" industry so snuff films would only be about one step beyond that. Although certainly possible, I would rate this at not very likely.

There was murder of Vicki Pender who was killed in 1963 although she was beaten to death. Pender was a friend of Stripper victim Hannah Tailford and both were said to be in these "blue films". I can't find that Pender's murder was ever solved so this could possibly make 10 potential victims.

Also, some of the victims were reportedly pregnant at the time of their deaths which may or may not mean anything.

Another author has a conspiracy theory related to the murders involving killer Abdul Malik who was hanged in Trinidad during 1974.
Jones does seem a strong pissibility. he was capable fo killing viciously at just fifteen. Although the hammersmith victims were strangled unlike the two girls, he was olde rby then so maturity could account for the more restrained method of killing. The final victim was found six years before he died of cancer, I wonder when he was disgnosed? It also says he married and had a child, when was that?
Harold Jones is by no means the worst suspect but I have a little problem with his relative advanced age at the time of these murders.
To me this case is more interesting and bizarre than Zodiac so I'm puzzled as to why it has such a lesser following.
Potential victim Susan Smith's nickname was said to be "Goldie". She supposedly spoke with a slight stutter.

I have recently learned that Susan "Goldie" Smith was apparently later found alive. She was only "missing" because she had moved to Brixton. Susan was a friend of former Stripper victim Margaret McGowan so that made her of particular interest to police.
I always thought that the "BBC presenter" thing seemed very unlikely but now, post-Sir Jimmy Savile....
I don't believe I ever heard the "BBC presenter" named so he must still be living? There's also the former policeman who claims to know that the killer moved to Australia after the murders ceased.

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