No cause found for "freakish mystery illness" Morgellons

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Mar 4, 2009
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There have been a couple of Morgellons-related threads on WS, both from 2006.

Study of freakish mystery illness finds no cause (AP/
ATLANTA (AP) — Imagine having the feeling that tiny bugs are crawling on your body, that you have oozing sores and mysterious fibers sprouting from your skin. Sound like a horror movie? Well, at one point several years ago, government doctors were getting up to 20 calls a day from people saying they had such symptoms.

Many of these people were in California and one of that state's U.S. senators, Dianne Feinstein, asked for a scientific study. In 2008, federal health officials began to study people saying they were affected by this freakish condition called Morgellons.

The study cost nearly $600,000. Its long-awaited results, released Wednesday, conclude that Morgellons exists only in the patients' minds.

"We found no infectious cause," said Mark Eberhard, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official who was part of the 15-member study team.
the rest of this lengthy article at link above
I love the quote from the neurology professor, "The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

What a strange phenomenon. I really hate it when medical people tell women it is all in their heads!
I remember reading about this before, now I can't find the link. A doctor, I think he was in Texas, was creating a cream and something else, I think lemon sulphue tablets, can't remember nor find the link now. The doc passed away unfortunately, but someone kept the link going for a while and had pics of the "critters" of the cause. It freaked me out.

I don't know the answers, but I think it is real not in the head. Much like those young girls in the news now with the Turret's symptoms, I think that is chemical, not in their heads. Alas, I am not a doctor.
Weird that it was first seen in the late 17th century, eh? Especially with the "fibers."

Seems the National Institute of Health has a number of papers on it-- I hope they get to the bottom of it, as I live in Northern California! (and I know of one potential sufferer, hadn't heard the name of it, but know about the mystery skin condition.)
Here's a piece of useless information, I saw a TV programme about Morgellons where it was completely debunked, I cannot remember what the programme was called, who presented it or which channel it was on.
JMO there are lot of very real diseases that are in the head. It's not dichotomous: not in the head, real vs. in the head, not real.

Here is a somewhat skeptical site about Morgellons:

(Not MSM, a private blog, and I've just browsed, not read it through.)

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