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Please remember the following when discussing the Allison Baden-Clay case:
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Gerard Bayden-Clay has been arrested and charged with the murder of Allison Bayden-Clay

Thread 1

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Thread 5

Thread 6

Thread 7

Thread 8

Thread 9

Thread 10

Thread 11

Thread 12

Thread 13

Thread 14
Thread 15

Thread 16

Thread 17

Thread 18

Thread 19

Thread 20

Thread 21
Thread 22

Thread 23

Thread 24

Thread 25

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Thread 27

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Thread 29

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Thread 32

Thread 33

Thread 34

Thread 35

Thread 36

Thread 37

REMEMBER: No cutting and pasting of comments from other social or media websites. You may paraphrase and provide a link.

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Allison Baden-Clay case
itsthevibe verified insider
Squizzey1 is a verified insider
XyzQuestions is a verified insider

DrWatson is a Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon

alioop is a verified attorney (solicitor)
The court date of 3 September is not going to give us anything to grasp onto unless GBC spills his guts or something dramatic happens before then.

The accused is not required to attend the “committal mention.” This is when the defence and prosecution stand together and report to the magistrate that they have done what he told them to do - that they have been good little girls and boys.

Takes you back to your school days, does it not?
The court date of 3 September is not going to give us anything to grasp onto unless GBS spills his guts or something dramatic happens before then.

The accused is not required to attend the “committal mention.” This is when the defence and prosecution stand together and report to the magistrate that they have done what he told them to do. That they have been good little girls and boys.

Takes you back to your school days, does it not?

He might think twice after this.
Increase the non-parole period for murder from 15 to 20 years imprisonment (for a single murder) and from 20 to 30 years imprisonment for multiple murders

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Wow I think we will soon have thread 1 taken up by moderator postings!

Thanks Alioop for that great answer to my question. How to proceed now ..... the suspense of hanging out for snippets of info from the MSM is going to just about kill me.

I thought we might be able to see some decent info from the affidavits at least. Alas she cries!
Is the 3 September hearing at the new Court building or at the old one? Funny when I ask that because I remember when the old one was the new one. Anyone going who can report back to WS? Thanks.
Much has been written about the early response and police reaction to GBCs 7.30am phone call to 000 on 20/4/2012. The link below from WA News on 27/6/2012 helps to clarify the reason for that response. Scratches on face (deep) were very obvious and his explanation was just nonsense. It is very fitting that the last act that Allison performed is responsible for where he is today. Life (and death) often works in mysterious ways thankfully.
Much has been written about the early response and police reaction to GBCs 7.30am phone call to 000 on 20/4/2012. The link below from WA News on 27/6/2012 helps to clarify the reason for that response. Scratches on face (deep) were very obvious and his explanation was just nonsense. It is very fitting that the last act that Allison performed is responsible for where he is today. Life (and death) often works in mysterious ways thankfully.

Thanks for this KG1. Do we know for sure if they took photos of his face on that first day?
Thanks for this KG1. Do we know for sure if they took photos of his face on that first day?

Photos were taken on the following day Thinking...

June 27, 2012

April 21, 2012

Mr Baden-Clay voluntarily attended the Indooroopilly Police Station with his lawyers and voluntarily provided a DNA sample and allowed police to take photos of his body.

Scratches and abrasions on his chest, torso and neck were photographed
April 20, 2012 (the day Mrs Baden-Clay was reported missing)

Police had noticed scratches on Mr Baden-Clay's right side cheek, which were photographed by scenes of crimes officers.

April 21, 2012
Mr Baden-Clay voluntarily attended the Indooroopilly Police Station with his lawyers and voluntarily provided a DNA sample and allowed police to take photos of his body.

Scratches and abrasions on his chest, torso and neck were photographed.

Read more:

Read more:
April 20, 2012 (the day Mrs Baden-Clay was reported missing)

Police had noticed scratches on Mr Baden-Clay's right side cheek, which were photographed by scenes of crimes officers.

April 21, 2012
Mr Baden-Clay voluntarily attended the Indooroopilly Police Station with his lawyers and voluntarily provided a DNA sample and allowed police to take photos of his body.

Scratches and abrasions on his chest, torso and neck were photographed.

Read more:

Read more:

Thanks marly and amee - I had read that his chest, torso and neck were photographed the next day, but I hadn't seen that the face was photographed by scenes of crime officers - thank goodness for that.
Allison Baden-Clay case
itsthevibe verified insider
Squizzey1 is a verified insider
XyzQuestions is a verified insider

DrWatson is a Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon

Don't forget me Summer.
Is the 3 September hearing at the new Court building or at the old one? Funny when I ask that because I remember when the old one was the new one. Anyone going who can report back to WS? Thanks.

The brand new court building at 415 George Street (with the weird expensive arty eyes out the front) is for the District and Supreme Court. The Magistrates Court that does all the committals is at 363 George Street on the corner of Turbot street, Brisbane which has the big silver squiggle out the front. Not made by some psycho japanese artist like the "eyes" but by my cabinet maker's son.

It would be good if someone could go for the mention on 3 september.

Edit, I don't say "psycho" in any derogatory sense. The artist is actually locked up in a psychiatric institution in Japan.
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