CO - The Stalking and Mysterious Death of Morgan Ingram #1

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Aug 10, 2005
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I ran across this blog, and found it fascinating. You can spend hours reading her entries looking for leads or clues.
"One year ago today Morgan’s stalking started"

The family posts this on August 2nd.

Their daughter was stalked for 4 months, and in Dec of 2011 she died under mysterious circustances. There was no investigation.

The family has been posting events on the one year anniversary of the occurance each day leading up until her death.

So they will be posting every day until December.

Their site apparently is now getting over 40,000 hits a day as more and more people are reading about what they went through, and what little was done by police enforcement to catch the stalker and also to investigate her death.

The blog format is a bit conufusing. After each daily post, there is a separate comment section, and then also you scroll back up and hit 'next'
to read the next days post.

There are a months worth of posts now, and it seems there will be plenty to read in the coming weeks. They have been incredibly responsive to comments and also incredibly appreciative.

I'm curious to everybody's thoughts and insight on this.

May we discuss it?

Here are some ground rules for posting on this unique case:

1)no bashing of the family: THIS INCLUDES THE FORMAT OF THE BLOG
2)no sleuthing of the family
3)discuss the blog posts
4)do not copy and paste blog comments
5)no speculation on mental illness of the family or Morgan (there is nothing in the msm to back this up)
6)use the alert button to communicate any posts that you have a question with
7)leave the snark and personal attacks at the door


after reviewing the entire thread I will also add on sleuthing the parents' property.. :-( and also add:

8) use initials when posting any possible suspects. As far as sleuthing them yourselves we will stick only to what is in the msm or on the blog itself.

no discussion timeline/media/photo thread
Those were my words, and I may have stated them wrong.
Perhaps she said they have now had 40,000 hits(meaning in total since the blog began) I will look for where she mentions this.

editing to add, in a comment it is stated, "we are over 40,000 viewers per day going to this site" So I guess take it for what it is.

Also, I'm not one for facebook, for crime...I certainly wouldn't be interested in publicly 'liking' and discussing a case involving stalking and murder with no investigation (or very little) from law enforcement. It means there is somebody still out there. FB is too public.

Also her latest post is that they have been interviewed to be in the news this evening.

"Toady we where interviewed by Jeff Todd from CBS 4 Denver who was interested to hear about Morgan’s story and the mistreatment from the coroners and sherifs department here in Garfield county. The segment will be on the 5:00 PM News hour on CBS 4 (KCNC-TV) Denver. The support has been pouring in from all over the country and we truly can’t thank you enough. Please tune in!"
What an incredibly intruiging story. And I will be reading it again, and again.

WSers, there is enough info for us to make a difference here, even just so far as has been posted. I'm no good at a lot of the sleuthing stuff, but there are things I've seen already which make me think we could make a profound difference for this woman and her family.

I would suggest that folks read through the blog. See what you can see. And then come and post ideas, helps, hints, and thoughts...

This family needs our help. My heart weeps for the parents. As a victim of stalking myself, although not nearly as bad as this, I can tell you that it's a horrible crime, and is very scary to endure.

So please take a few minutes (or a few hours...) read through this blog, and see if you can't find some little thing that might make the difference.

Herding Cats
I watched the TV interview and found the story intriguing. Her death was pronounced as a suicide after 1st being declared an accidental overdose. Obviously her parents believe otherwise.

Garfield county LE stated emphatically that the case would not be re-opened.

I have some not very nice thoughts about the Carbondale / Glenwood Springs area which should not be put in print here. I spent a good portion of my childhood and teens there and my impressions and experiences lead me to be very open to what Morgan Ingallses parents believe, even though it is common for family of suicides to look for another explanation for the death.
Thanks for the link. I've bookmarked it so I can read it in-depth. Beautiful woman.
Marie, yes, it's common for relatives of suicide to want it to be something other than that.

But...sometimes, it *is* something other than suicide.

There are a few interesting points that Morgan's mom brings up: such as the drug used was not found on her list of meds from the pharmacy, and the plans she'd made for coming days.

Now, I'm the first to say that there can be other pharmacies, or, since she was at school, the school clinic, where she could get the Elavil. I don't know that all of those avenues have been checked. But if there was no bottle, no drug presence in her room when she died...where did the drug come from? Further, from what I understand, the initial autopsy was labeled accidental, because no fragments of pills, or pills themselves, were found in her stomach. So how was the Elavil administered?

And I'll also say that some suicides do a lot of planning, but in dark times, even with plans, it's hard to see how it can be done. And that's just one more thing that can't be accomplished, which may lead to a sudden despair, and a fast decision to suicide.

But there is also death by fright; when someone is, quite literally, scared to death.

The evidence of the stalking is undeniable. The evidence of the 'hunting' is undeniable. The SO's had been investigating; had bumped it to Felony status, and that assigns a detective to the case. For there to have been no investigation by the ME/Coroner is appalling at best, and cover-up at worst.

I read somewhere on the blog that those counties (cities?) have a suicide rate far higher than the national average. That alone leads me to believe that either the ME/Coroner tends to classify suspicious deaths not as murder but as suicides, or that the DA (or others) don't want cases which are not easily proved in a court.

It would be interesting to see the stats of convicted murderers and how they compare to other cities that the suicide statistics, it would be a nice point of reference and comparision...and might show a tendency towards mislabeling deaths.

All I know is I read the blog and hear the mother's grief and guilt. As to be expected, but still...the parents did their best, and yet their daughter, the (apparent) target of this stalking/terrorizing, died.

My heart bleeds...

Herding Cats
I believe the photo of the stalker watching the cops leave, shows this person believed they had control and where invisable and the law didn't apply to them. Disturbing to see, I think anything is possible with stalker. Bless Morgan and the family.

Questions about the 2011 death of Morgan Ingram, 20, are spreading through Facebook as people share links to the blog her parents have posted on the Internet.

Although officially ruled a suicide, Ingram's parents contend their daughter was murdered by a stalker, that authorities mishandled the case, and that the sheriff's department should reopen the investigation.

“I knew in my heart that she had been murdered,” said Toni Ingram on Friday, describing the morning when she discovered her daughter's lifeless body.

Questions about the 2011 death of Morgan Ingram, 20, are spreading through Facebook as people share links to the blog her parents have posted on the Internet.

Although officially ruled a suicide, Ingram's parents contend their daughter was murdered by a stalker, that authorities mishandled the case, and that the sheriff's department should reopen the investigation.

“I knew in my heart that she had been murdered,” said Toni Ingram on Friday, describing the morning when she discovered her daughter's lifeless body.

On September 2 there was a copy of an editorial written by a reader regarding the above article. Some good points are made. I've copied some below along with the link to the complete editorial (which was not written by the family). I'm the process of reading the blog. She certainly seemed to have a zest for life. If she was suffering in silence then it must have been exhausting to wear that mask, not impossible though. I'm currently in intensive treatment at a mental health facility because I'm worth it, I share this fact only to lend validity to my opinion that it's rare for a truly suicidal person to fight like she had to in terms of her stalker. I would think that would be too overwhelming and cracks in her veneer would start to show. At the facility I'm at there is little fight left period, even in my trauma group.

The author of the editorial does make quite a few accusations. Until I become more familiar with how the case was handled I'm trying to withhold judgment but I think the other side of the Post article is worth considering. I have a bad tendency to take MSM as fact and this was a good reminder about the dangers of doing so. :D

To the Post Independent in response to an article written on Sept. 1, 2012 by Jon Colson:

As previously reported in both the Aspen Times and the Post Independent Newspapers, Garfield County and Pitkin County in western Colorado both have an extremely high rate of &#8220;suicide&#8221;, with Pitkin county at over three times the national average and Garfield County even higher. Yet both these superfluously ideal, recreational Colorado counties show an almost nonexistent rate of murder. In fact, in the State of Colorado more people die of &#8220;suicide&#8221; than they do by motor vehicle accidents or any other method.Many theories abound on why this rate is extremely high but one logical theory is completely overlooked&#8230;that possible&#160;murders&#8230;are being called suicides by County Coroner&#8217;s and Law Enforcement agencies without either the investigative skills or the desire to fully investigate any death.It often seems, and is the butt of many local jokes, the only time a death will be termed a homicide in this valley is if there are fifty witnesses to a point blank shooting or stabbing and a suspect stands holding his bloody hands out, begging to be arrested. <respectfully snipped>

Nothing &#160;in her life indicates any desire to commit suicide yet events leading up to her death present a classic preclude to murder.
<respectfully snipped>

The Post Independent reporter also stated the accepted uses of amitriptyline. What he did not state were the less desirable, nefarious uses of this drug&#8230;as a tool of not only date rape but also murder. Several high profile and many lesser reported cases throughout the world have documented the use of amitriptyline as a weapon against other humans. The reporter also failed to mention the reason for this particular drug&#8217;s use by rapists and murderers. Amitriptyline not only has the ability to produce fast results in subduing a victim (when administered in medically unaccepted methods), but also is easily available, not only on the street but via online shopping. In reality, the wide spread use of antidepressants by over zealous Doctors has guaranteed each one of us most likely know someone who has amitriptyline (or more commonly known as Elavil) in their medicine cabinet. The Coroner&#8217;s office and the Sheriff&#8217;s office are negligent in their duties as employees of the people when they choose to label a death by drugs as a &#8220;suicide&#8221; when there is no evidence to support drugs were taken willingly by the victim or with a particular intent. &#8220;Morgan Ingram died from &#8220;amitriptyline intoxication&#8221; according to Kurtzman&#8217;s report.&#8221; This is not definitive of &#8220;suicide&#8221; and the only conclusion for the Coroner&#8217;s office giving this new diagnosis of death to the public, months after Morgan&#8217;s death, is the Coroner, in an attempt to stop any further investigation by the family & friends&#8230;decided to publicly discredit any information that was in direct disapproval or contradiction of his departments procedures and actions. The Post Independent reporter was extremely negligent in his duty as a reporter of &#8220;news&#8221; by neglecting to mention the Coroner&#8217;s office only decided to reclassify the victims death in retaliation for her family and friends pushing for justice. <respectfully snipped>

It is irresponsible by all parties concerned to then definitively state an intelligent, happy, talented young woman willingly gave away a life she herself said she loved.

Darcy Sautelet [/quote]

Thanks for starting this thread! I have bookmarked the blog and plan to follow. I hope that the truth is found, whatever that may be, and that the family is able to eventually come to a place of peace.
I'm just getting started...I don't care for the lay out - in the sense, there is a post about the story, then a post on stalkers, then the story, etc...

did anyone else actually hear the window being tapped? and the rocks being thrown against the closet window?
On September 2 there was a copy of an editorial written by a reader regarding the above article. Some good points are made. I've copied some below along with the link to the complete editorial (which was not written by the family). I'm the process of reading the blog. She certainly seemed to have a zest for life. If she was suffering in silence then it must have been exhausting to wear that mask, not impossible though. I'm currently in intensive treatment at a mental health facility because I'm worth it, I share this fact only to lend validity to my opinion that it's rare for a truly suicidal person to fight like she had to in terms of her stalker. I would think that would be too overwhelming and cracks in her veneer would start to show. At the facility I'm at there is little fight left period, even in my trauma group.

The author of the editorial does make quite a few accusations. Until I become more familiar with how the case was handled I'm trying to withhold judgment but I think the other side of the Post article is worth considering. I have a bad tendency to take MSM as fact and this was a good reminder about the dangers of doing so. :D

To the Post Independent in response to an article written on Sept. 1, 2012 by Jon Colson:

As previously reported in both the Aspen Times and the Post Independent Newspapers, Garfield County and Pitkin County in western Colorado both have an extremely high rate of “suicide”, with Pitkin county at over three times the national average and Garfield County even higher. Yet both these superfluously ideal, recreational Colorado counties show an almost nonexistent rate of murder. In fact, in the State of Colorado more people die of “suicide” than they do by motor vehicle accidents or any other method.Many theories abound on why this rate is extremely high but one logical theory is completely overlooked…that possible murders…are being called suicides by County Coroner’s and Law Enforcement agencies without either the investigative skills or the desire to fully investigate any death.It often seems, and is the butt of many local jokes, the only time a death will be termed a homicide in this valley is if there are fifty witnesses to a point blank shooting or stabbing and a suspect stands holding his bloody hands out, begging to be arrested. <respectfully snipped>

Nothing in her life indicates any desire to commit suicide yet events leading up to her death present a classic preclude to murder.
<respectfully snipped>

The Post Independent reporter also stated the accepted uses of amitriptyline. What he did not state were the less desirable, nefarious uses of this drug…as a tool of not only date rape but also murder. Several high profile and many lesser reported cases throughout the world have documented the use of amitriptyline as a weapon against other humans. The reporter also failed to mention the reason for this particular drug’s use by rapists and murderers. Amitriptyline not only has the ability to produce fast results in subduing a victim (when administered in medically unaccepted methods), but also is easily available, not only on the street but via online shopping. In reality, the wide spread use of antidepressants by over zealous Doctors has guaranteed each one of us most likely know someone who has amitriptyline (or more commonly known as Elavil) in their medicine cabinet. The Coroner’s office and the Sheriff’s office are negligent in their duties as employees of the people when they choose to label a death by drugs as a “suicide” when there is no evidence to support drugs were taken willingly by the victim or with a particular intent. “Morgan Ingram died from “amitriptyline intoxication” according to Kurtzman’s report.” This is not definitive of “suicide” and the only conclusion for the Coroner’s office giving this new diagnosis of death to the public, months after Morgan’s death, is the Coroner, in an attempt to stop any further investigation by the family & friends…decided to publicly discredit any information that was in direct disapproval or contradiction of his departments procedures and actions. The Post Independent reporter was extremely negligent in his duty as a reporter of “news” by neglecting to mention the Coroner’s office only decided to reclassify the victims death in retaliation for her family and friends pushing for justice. <respectfully snipped>

It is irresponsible by all parties concerned to then definitively state an intelligent, happy, talented young woman willingly gave away a life she herself said she loved.

Darcy Sautelet

Thanks for starting this thread! I have bookmarked the blog and plan to follow. I hope that the truth is found, whatever that may be, and that the family is able to eventually come to a place of peace.[/quote]

I am very impressed by Darcy Sautlet. She doesn't pull any punches and gives plenty of information to explain her position. I will keep her letter in mind as I follow other suspicious cases.

We have several cases on WS which were ruled suicide that leave me wondering what was missed, (or ignored), in the autopsy. I truly do believe that some coroners use suicide or accident as a catch-all for cases they do not wish to pursue further. Rebecca Zahu is one of them. Kathleen Savio was another; thank God that one finally got fixed!
Omg, I just spent tha last hour+ reading it all from the very beginning. My heart started pounding in some parts.....especially when the hunters cam caught the stalker. How scary. This story is best read from the beginning and watching how each day changes the whole family.

I didn't find the layout that bad once I figured it out. Click next. Some post are long and some short. Some are all in one day, pictures and such, and some just go day to day.
My 15 yr old is going to read it every day too.
wow, I just finished reading the blog. So the stalker was probably on the roof the entire time, when they came out to search or the cops came out he hid back and under that little circular type dome on the roof. Seen here on this video:

Now she once had a prescription for the drug found in her body but that was 2 1/2 years prior she was on it. What I'M wondering is was the unused medication in the house, like during one of their outings could the stalker have entered the home and gotten the unused bottle of prescription pills? Also if the stalker is that guy down the street that was a check out guy in the grocery store that Morgan went to....did she also have any prescription's filled there in the past? Could this guy have accessed the computer and pull up any prescriptions she was on?
Omg, I just spent tha last hour+ reading it all from the very beginning. My heart started pounding in some parts.....especially when the hunters cam caught the stalker. How scary. This story is best read from the beginning and watching how each day changes the whole family.

I didn't find the layout that bad once I figured it out. Click next. Some post are long and some short. Some are all in one day, pictures and such, and some just go day to day.
My 15 yr old is going to read it every day too.

picture of stalker on cam:

She explains why she used the format she is using. I like it, she wants others to be aware of stalking, educating, bringing attention, also she explained she is posting one day at a time and going off her notes, she wants to readers to get a sense of living it as they did at the time. She did a damn good job doing that. Best written blog ever! It will be a book I'm sure. (deservingly so)

I don't think it was suicide at all, I do not think Morgan hid anything from her family. She was full of life. Not suicide at all.

I don't think it was adrenal and that "Fight or Flight" was the cause either

I do believe a drink, food was spiked. I believe the stalker upped his level of crime. He got bored doing the pebbles and taunting the family. It wasn't enough after a while. MOO
picture of stalker on cam:

She explains why she used the format she is using. I like it, she wants others to be aware of stalking, educating, bringing attention, also she explained she is posting one day at a time and going off her notes, she wants to readers to get a sense of living it as they did at the time. She did a damn good job doing that. Best written blog ever! It will be a book I'm sure. (deservingly so)

I don't think it was suicide at all, I do not think Morgan hid anything from her family. She was full of life. Not suicide at all.

I don't think it was adrenal and that "Fight or Flight" was the cause either

I do believe a drink, food was spiked. I believe the stalker upped his level of crime. He got bored doing the pebbles and taunting the family. It wasn't enough after a while. MOO

I agree with you and I don't know the whole story yet.I've decided to read each day from today as it happened a year ago. It NEVER seems like Morgan is suicidal to me. It actually seems like the life drained out of the whole family. The horror they went through. I swear, I had chills reading the blog.

I have the hunter cam pictures saved on my email. I will upload them in the morning on here. Don't know how to do it from my iPad. But of course, the mom uploaded so many good pictures throughout her blog. Especially of the trails of the berm.

The roof picture.....OMG. I had goosebumps come up on my body.

The whole fact that the LE were there, then left and didn't notice they were being snapped on hunters cam.....and the suspect was right there and turned and looked at the camera right as the police were leaving. WOW.
I know, and all I kept thinking how bad I felt for the family and all the hindsight. They worked so hard to try and figure out how he was about to do all the stuff without getting noticed. That was because I do believe he was up on the roof the entire time! When the cops where there, when Mr. I went outside to investigate...he was up there probably laughing. Hindsight, and I had wished Mr I would have looked up while sitting on the berm looking at his house and he thought what if the roof and gone up there to look. DANG DANG DANG!
cops want this case to go away because, they see how hard it will be to close this case and arrest someone, and even when they do arrest, they blew it during their non-investigation and then the coroner report so the DA won't touch it. They sent this case in an admin body bag!
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