GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #4

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Jill has been found and returned to her family and a suspect has been arrested for her rape and murder.

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The Mod Squad.

Thread 1

Thread 2

Thread 3





Re gotcuffs! Comment on the previous thread..

I wonder if where you can see Jill lean on the shop front window in the very final frame of CCTV (left of screen) continues after the CCTV public footage stops. Maybe the police know she stood there for 2 minutes?
Ah - I thought I'd broken something I've been lying in bed with the iPad wondering what I had done wrong

The Sunday Age yesterday accompanied Ms Scaife to the Brunswick street where she said the confrontation occurred in December.

She says the man crept up behind her on a dark side-street wearing a black, hooded leather jacket, jeans and white shoes. He ''wrenched'' his black leather gloves and told her he was going to strangle her with nunchukkas.

At the time, Ms Scaife lived in a flat about 500 metres from Jill Meagher, who was abducted in what police have described as an opportunistic, random attack on Sydney Road.

The first time Ms Scaife was approached by the man in her experience was near the corner of Sydney Road and Hope Street in November, metres from where Ms Meagher's discarded handbag was found.

Ms Scaife says she was with a group of friends when a man with ''gingerish'' hair singled her out and started talking to her at a rapid pace about how he used to ''smash people with his brother in a boxing ring''.

The nurse believed he was either on drugs or having a manic bipolar episode.

He started to punch and kick the air around her, ''pretending like he was in a boxing ring''. When the lights turned green she crossed the street to get away from him.

About six weeks later, Ms Scaife was with a group of women friends at her flat on the corner of Hope and Breese streets when they decided to catch a train into the city about 11pm.

The group was walking along the dimly lit Upfield Bike Path towards Anstey railway station when Ms Scaife fell behind the others to send a text message.

Ms Scaife said the same man ''came up behind me, close to my ear and started talking in a loud whisper''.

He had black leather gloves, the hood of his black leather jacket was pulled up, he had a backpack, and jeans and white shoes. ''I remember everything,'' she said.

''He was saying something about nunchukks and strangling me with them. He was talking really fast again like last time and he just kept describing to me how he was going to kill me. He kept saying it over and over, 'I'm going to kill you'.''

As he was talking, the man was continuously pulling his gloves up and moving his hands ''like he was imagining strangling someone''.

''There was no swear words, it was more just him describing how he was going to do it. It was his voice and the way he was moving his hands. His demeanour was like he was really trying to frighten me. Had I been alone, I think he would have killed me,'' she said.

I always knew Brunswick was a suburb <modsnip>?
Re gotcuffs! Comment on the previous thread..

I wonder if where you can see Jill lean on the shop front window in the very final frame of CCTV (left of screen) continues after the CCTV public footage stops. Maybe the police know she stood there for 2 minutes?

Are you thinking she stood there for two minutes and then thought he'd gone away and so she continued?
Re gotcuffs! Comment on the previous thread..

I wonder if where you can see Jill lean on the shop front window in the very final frame of CCTV (left of screen) continues after the CCTV public footage stops. Maybe the police know she stood there for 2 minutes?

That's my point. That is right at the end of the CCTV footage at 1:43:08 (according to the clock from the footage) and that is the time police said she made the call - it ends abruptly there and I can't see that she is still leaning on the shop front window, that's not to say she isn't.

the people that think there was a gun involved are referring to the footage when the clock on the CCTV is at 1:42:34. Other people believe they see a gun and Jill pulling back - supposedly because she has seen it.

I don't understand that a gunman would allow her to make a call after brandishing a weapon or that Jillian would see a weapon and stop to make a call to her brother.

We haven't heard from her brother since all this started, maybe looking back his answers may be different, but he did state that they spoke about her dad's health, but there was nothing out of the ordinary (paraphrasing) - she sounded worried but who wouldn't be when your dad has had a stroke recently (I do hope that man is doing ok).

So I don't think in the footage a gun is displayed. imo
For those nervous about posting, one of us (I apologize for not remembering who), posted this link earlier, explaining the laws a little clearer.

&#8221;Individuals need to ask themselves: does what I&#8217;m doing have the potential to interfere with a fair trial? Could my sense of moral outrage lead to someone not being able to get a fair hearing?&#8221;

According to Polden, the most important no-go areas in cases that may be heard before a jury are:

Commentary on the guilt or the innocence of the accused
Details of prior criminal convictions or charges
The publication of photos of the accused.
&#8220;The prudent view is that from the moment of arrest people are under the protection of the courts,&#8221; Polden told Crikey.
For those nervous about posting, one of us (I apologize for not remembering who), posted this link earlier, explaining the laws a little clearer.

”Individuals need to ask themselves: does what I’m doing have the potential to interfere with a fair trial? Could my sense of moral outrage lead to someone not being able to get a fair hearing?”

According to Polden, the most important no-go areas in cases that may be heard before a jury are:

Commentary on the guilt or the innocence of the accused
Details of prior criminal convictions or charges
The publication of photos of the accused.
“The prudent view is that from the moment of arrest people are under the protection of the courts,” Polden told Crikey.

We sure need to take utmost care.

”Individuals need to ask themselves: does what I’m doing have the potential to interfere with a fair trial? Could my sense of moral outrage lead to someone not being able to get a fair hearing?”

I always knew Brunswick was a suburb full of weirdos and psychopaths. I wonder what it is that makes these freaks all live close together?

Bayley is from Coberg, and he has only lived there for 6 months.

I think Brunswick is one of those suburbs that is going through a major change. Look how many people walked past the CCTV around 2am on a Friday night - bars were just closing( and they look like boutique type bars) -restaurants open for 24 hours, new apartment complexes - looks like the city is making a huge effort to change the place around. It's close to the city attracting young couples that work there.
Just a thanks to the mods and the owners at Websleuths. They do an incredible job monitoring posts, keeping everyone in line and making sure everything said is legal.

The time they put in is unbelievable - there is always a mod around to help out when you get stuck.

So thanks mods and your families that share you with us.

Suck up for the day complete lol ;)

Seriously - Thank You.
Is anyone heading to the peace march? I had planned on going but my face is swollen from an infected wisdom tooth and on pain killers and antibiotics, so best to leave it.

Sometime after the moment Ms Meagher was captured on CCTV speaking to her alleged killer, police will allege he removed the SIM card from her phone, sources told The Sunday Age yesterday.

But not before investigators used information provided by Vodafone and the operators of the CityLink tollway to narrow the search for their main suspect. The Sunday Age understands cameras on the Tullamarine Freeway may have captured footage that helped lead to Adrian Bayley's arrest

Read more:
I think all cities and highly populated areas should follow Ipswich,QLD's lead.
There were a few times last year I had to use the Ipswich train, late, and often the last train for the night. I remember one night not being able to get a taxi so I walked to see if I could find one. Obviously I was nervous but trying to act confident. I looked up and behind at one stage to see a camera following me.It was actually moving. It did reassure me at the time.
I was fortunate enough to see the CTV room in Ipswich city and it's amazing what they can see. Yes it's a slight invasion of privacy but as they say, those with things to hide are the ones to be concerned.

Anyway here's the info on their safe city campaign -

The Success of Security Cameras

Ipswich City Council has been visited by law enforcement agencies internationally to inspect our camera monitoring system.

Police from three states in Australia and approximately twenty-five local authorities from across Australia have visited the Ipswich Monitoring Facility. The Safe City facility has been recognised as the benchmark for a fully integrated crime prevention program that is not solely reliant on cameras and utilises a co-ordinated approach of all agencies in Ipswich.
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