Deceased/Not Found UK - April Jones, 5, Machynlleth, Wales, 1 Oct 2012 #5 *M. Bridger guilty*

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Jul 26, 2012
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This is why the UK should adopt the Amber Alert system

April Jones was last seen playing on her bicycle with friends near her home in the town around 7:30 BST on Monday.

She was seen getting into a light coloured van which then drove off.


thread #1
thread #2
thread #3
thread #4
yeah, you're right. its just, while i've been lurking, silently agreeing with what you and some others have been saying, i've been trying to think of other explanations as to where she could be as they still haven't found a body. IMO he doesn't seem the type to hide a body this well and then with being charged, still not tell when he knows the family. They must have something on him, i agree. But i'd really like to know what.
Quoting/continuing from last thread

not sure about that, he's been reported as having love of outdoor sports, camping, fishing, knowing the trails and so on.

I too am wary that if they havent got the right guy the actual culprit and any clues will have got further away. But as you say they must have something for such grave charges. We can only wait and see. As to where? Such a vast outdoor terrain, could be anywhere. Police have taken his cottage and garden and nearby area apart, so not likely there.

Eta did I imagine it that he used to work at a quary? i wonder if they took cadaver dogs there, they can scent underground and rubble several feet IIRC.
veggiefan/Ingejones you can bring your last posts on the old thread over here If you like as its not closed yet. you can do edit and then copy the lot and paste in a new post.
bbm: no they are not suspects... they are victims.

As for what media report to believe... well as I said upstream, it is largely with a grain of salt. I am positive the police know these answers.

Thing is though, there hasn't been a trial yet. It's not done and dusted. At the moment the only person anyone knows for sure to be a victim is April herself. If the suspect is eventually found not guilty (and he is currently meant to be assumed innocent anyway), then it leaves anyone eligible to be the perp. I don't like to assume who is perp and who is victim before a verdict is in. He's a suspect, not a convict.

Agreed about the media, though.
Thing is though, there hasn't been a trial yet. It's not done and dusted. At the moment the only person anyone knows for sure to be a victim is April herself. If the suspect is eventually found not guilty (and he is currently meant to be assumed innocent anyway), then it leaves anyone eligible to be the perp. I don't like to assume who is perp and who is victim before a verdict is in. He's a suspect, not a convict.

Agreed about the media, though.

At Websleuths the family are victims until or unless law enforcement says otherwise. They are considered victims here.

Fair enough, if that is a forum convention then I consider myself bound by those rules :)
If I attempt to put myself in the position of having killed this child and needing to dispose of a body quickly, I would do one of three things.

The first, I would weight her down in deep water.

The second, I would take her body up high to a place where people would be too afraid, or lazy to go.

Third, I would bury her where a new building project was taking place. Under the foundations, or something like that, or an old place like a slate mine.
Morbid,but what about the local landfill, is that nearby?

There is the possibility it was not MB and the perp has her in their house/garden in Machynlleth somewhere. i posted before that house to house searches with both sar and cadaver dogs might yield something. but that would be a mammoth task and where would they start and wouldnt that alert a perp to move the body. just thinking out loud. Much of the time the body is found very near to where someone went missing from. Sometimes the police put out to the public to be on look out for anyone seeming suspicious, out of character, and even with a suspect think an accomplice could be involved.

Eta also people newish to the area

And Below yet another version by the press!!

April’s parents, Coral and Paul, were reportedly still at the parents’ evening when April, who was playing outside on her bicycle, disappeared.

The secret is to look for sources. The Guardian article quoted Powys County Council, so it would be possible to verify their report from the Council.

The Telegraph article simply said "were reportedly" - which means that the reporter had no idea and quite possibly made up the statement. They give no source for the claim, unlike The Guardian.

In a case like this, I'd trust The Guardian, not The Telegraph.
It is very difficult to know in fast-breaking cases what is true or incorrect in media reports; they often print what they hear and don't bother to correct it later on ; instead they often write the newer articles with info learned since the last one, so there you have two versions already; and so on...
Bringing some logic to the timeline've got a scheduled weekly swimming lesson so in your response slip for parents evening you ask for the earliest appointment. You get it at 3:20 - school close and it's over by 3:30. You go off to the swimming class with your elated daughter, who you tell is a very good girl for trying so hard. You go home after swimming class and its now getting on for 5:30pm - lesson at 4, which ends at 5, 30 mins to get dried and dressed - but she wants to play out. Normally you have her in at 6pm for dinner, but she feels she has had no time to play so you say OK 6:30 as a treat. You get on with peeling veg etc. She is not outside in your eyeline and the light is fading. Dinner is ready so you get your coat on and go to shout her, no sign. You go next door and already the other kid is in. Story comes out. Makes sense of where everybody was and how timing got pushed back doesn't it?
I never fed my children before a swimming lesson as all that exercise on a full tum is not a good mix. I suspect the parents were there throughout. As a mum, working or not, you DO NOT miss your child's first parents evening. We know she went so it means she was free to go to the swimming lesson also.
The more I think about this, the less I think it was a stranger. Machynlleth is not just off a main route. This IMO now is someone with reason for being there.
Bringing some logic to the timeline've got a scheduled weekly swimming lesson so in your response slip for parents evening you ask for the earliest appointment. You get it at 3:20 - school close and it's over by 3:30. You go off to the swimming class with your elated daughter, who you tell is a very good girl for trying so hard. You go home after swimming class and its now getting on for 5:30pm - lesson at 4, which ends at 5, 30 mins to get dried and dressed - but she wants to play out. Normally you have her in at 6pm for dinner, but she feels she has had no time to play so you say OK 6:30 as a treat. You get on with peeling veg etc. She is not outside in your eyeline and the light is fading. Dinner is ready so you get your coat on and go to shout her, no sign. You go next door and already the other kid is in. Story comes out. Makes sense of where everybody was and how timing got pushed back doesn't it?
I never fed my children before a swimming lesson as all that exercise on a full tum is not a good mix. I suspect the parents were there throughout. As a mum, working or not, you DO NOT miss your child's first parents evening. We know she went so it means she was free to go to the swimming lesson also.
So the press stating parents evening began at 5pm were lying.
The more I think about this, the less I think it was a stranger. Machynlleth is not just off a main route. This IMO now is someone with reason for being there.

You mean not MB? someone else who comes there to work?
Ok, so taking the police and information provided by them, we can assume that April was taken at 7pm. At 7pm it was just starting to get dark.

We have the alleged killer MB driving erratically with a dodgy car and a dead body in the dark. MB now has to dispose of the body in the dark. Shining a torch about when the police had already been alerted isn't something you'd do outdoors as you'd soon be spotted. Disposing of a body anywhere near a public place with street lighting would also get you caught.
Ok, so taking the police and information provided by them, we can assume that April was taken at 7pm. At 7pm it was just starting to get dark.

We have the alleged killer MB driving erratically with a dodgy car and a dead body in the dark. MB now has to dispose of the body in the dark. Shining a torch about when the police had already been alerted isn't something you'd do outdoors as you'd soon be spotted. Disposing of a body anywhere near a public place with street lighting would also get you caught.

She can't be abducted ten minutes after a call was made by her mother to the Godmother, can she?
To be fair, the press probably didn't get to interview anyone *directly* involved with April in her last hours - who were probably being monopolised by the investigating police, so they had to make do with friends of friends and neighbors of neighbors, with whatever chinese whispers they had picked up.
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