CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #21

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Dylan Redwine, 13, in his baseball uniform this past summer.
La Plata County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to search for a 13-year-old Four Corners boy missing since Monday.

Dylan Redwine was reported missing Monday afternoon by his father, Mark Redwine, who lives in Vallecito, about 22 miles northeast of Durango.
Dylan is described as 13 years old, standing 5 feet tall and weighing 105 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes.

He was last seen wearing a black Nike shirt, black basketball nylon shorts, black Jordan tennis shoes and a two tone blue and white Duke Blue Devils baseball hat.

Anyone who may have information on Dylan’s whereabouts are asked to contact La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Investigators Dan Patterson (970-382-7015) or Tom Cowing (970-382-7045). People can also call the hotline for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE LOST (1-800-843-5678).

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Important Changes to the discussion :

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. To be clear, the victim in any case we cover is the victim (missing and/or deceased child and/or adult). Dylan Redwine is missing and he is our victim.

We are going to open discussion and sleuthing on Dylan's father Mark Redwine although he has not been named a person of interest. More often than not, we are finding that LE is reluctant to name a POI unless and until an arrest is imminent. However, the actions of LE may often times speak louder than words and for this reason, we are now going to allow discussion about Dylan's father.

Any questions or concerns with the above? Please personal message a moderator or administrator.
The discussion rules have been relaxed but that does not mean you can outright accuse him.

All opinions are welcome, please don't talk about being on one team or another. We all want the same thing... Dylan to be found safe and brought home!!!
Folks, we have allowed the discussion of Dylan's father in this case because there are a lot of questions surrounding Dylan's disappearance and he was the last person known to see him prior to his disappeance.

We do not know what happened to Dylan or who is responsible. It is not a foregone conclusion that MR is responsible for the disappearance of his son.

We are web sleuths and as web sleuths, we'd like to see any and all possibilities as to what may have happened to Dylan discussed here. Any members chastising other members for putting forth alternative theories will be hit with hefty timeouts.

All reasonable theories and discussion of facts are welcome in this thread.

Please carry on and let's do what we do best.

Thank you.
I am so sad for Dylan and his family. IMO I don't think he's alive and the perp is close and trusted to him.
IIRC the last "fact" we got was the House search didn't provide any clues. Then nothing. No word on the trucks. No word on anything :waitasec: I tend to think Reporters have been asking. This has to be big news in a small town. I tend to think they are getting what we are getting. No comment.
Can someone please explain how to bring over a post? I've never done it.

A lot of negative comments and accusations directed at MR on the FMDR FB page. Also a lot of questions about LE and why they have not held a press release.
This must be very frustrating for the locals. And terrifying. Wish we had some "boots on the ground". I guess that wouldn't be much help as the local buzz would be rumor and not open for discussion :banghead:
bringing this over from the last thread-
"Interesting isnt it!
Dad still owns the house they grew up in. He also has the house Dylan went missing from. and where does he stay when hes AWAY for work? Oh and he has that mobile home to boot! "

Does anyone know if the father's other properties and/or the areas around them have been searched? Are they all in the same general locale?

I wonder if there is a place that father and son used to frequent back in the day, a special or fun place? (assuming father is responsible) Or places that father is known to go to? Is he a hunter/fisher/camper/outdoors enthusiast? what is his history in the general area?
I am so sad for Dylan and his family. IMO I don't think he's alive and the perp is close and trusted to him.

I hear what you are saying and I agree that the perp is someone who should have been close to him and trusted. I am convinced that Dylan did not trust the perp because of the violent behavior he was a victim of in the past.

This is not the first time the perp has obliterated any trust Dylan might have once had for him. Dylan knew he was not safe.

I believe that Dylan would have clung to his phone like a lifeline. He did not turn his phone off or let the battery die. He needed that phone because he knew that he was not safe. The perp saw the phone as a hindrance to his plan and got rid of it asap.

Quote: Originally Posted by TxLady2
"I agree. BUT... my guess is that he couldn't return those texts and calls because LE was questioning him at the time they were made. Only a guess, mind you, but the first step in the investigation is usually to talk to the parent who last saw the child. These 'talks' usually lasts for hours, and they don't allow them to have phone contact with anyone during these interrogations. They might assign an officer to monitor the phones, in case the child should call.

But after she made the statement that she wouldn't put it past him to "get rid of him", my guess would be that he didn't want to be yelled at and accused of killing his son. Who wants to answer the phone and be yelled at? Maybe this is always how she talked to him, who knows? And that again, is not slamming her, she wouldn't be the first ex-wife who yelled at their kids' father every chance she gets. Some of them for good reason!"

Originally posted by azgrandma: "Ok, so the first evening he couldn't answer calls because he was being interviewed, her comment was after one week. What is the reasoning for not returning her calls or his s sons calls after day one or even day two? Getting yelled at by an ex is no excuse, your child! Be the adult, be the parent, take the high road, imo getting yelled at is not a reason, it's an excuse"
A lot of negative comments and accusations directed at MR on the FMDR FB page. Also a lot of questions about LE and why they have not held a press release.

I don't know how so many (what appear to be) sane rational people can pretty much come to the same conclusion and LE not see the same. They must! But my guess is they are trying to build a case and don't have much.
Isn't there a local newspaper reporter ?

Not even a single .."sources close to the investigation" comment or leak. Very odd.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote: Originally Posted by TxLady2
"I agree. BUT... my guess is that he couldn't return those texts and calls because LE was questioning him at the time they were made. Only a guess, mind you, but the first step in the investigation is usually to talk to the parent who last saw the child. These 'talks' usually lasts for hours, and they don't allow them to have phone contact with anyone during these interrogations. They might assign an officer to monitor the phones, in case the child should call.

But after she made the statement that she wouldn't put it past him to "get rid of him", my guess would be that he didn't want to be yelled at and accused of killing his son. Who wants to answer the phone and be yelled at? Maybe this is always how she talked to him, who knows? And that again, is not slamming her, she wouldn't be the first ex-wife who yelled at their kids' father every chance she gets. Some of them for good reason!"

Originally posted by azgrandma: "Ok, so the first evening he couldn't answer calls because he was being interviewed, her comment was after one week. What is the reasoning for not returning her calls or his s sons calls after day one or even day two? Getting yelled at by an ex is no excuse, your child! Be the adult, be the parent, take the high road, imo getting yelled at is not a reason, it's an excuse"

And we hear a lot about what one person's "reaction" would be as opposed to another person's "reaction" under the same circumstances. Many posters have asked us not to judge MR based on his "reactions" or his behaviors...past or present.
What about ER? Not saying she is a "yeller", but what IF she is? What if it is "normal" for her to yell when she is scared or upset? What if yelling is her usual response? Are we supposed to give MR a pass because ER might have "yelled" at him? He is Dylan's FATHER! He should have been responsible enough to place a phone call to ER to update her on Dylan's situation! If he got "yelled at", so what? I'm pretty sure he would have survived.
I am a yeller. When my daughter was laying comatose in a hospital bed and not expected to live, I yelled at everyone. I was terrified. I yelled because my fear and grief was overwhelming. I just plain yelled. My ex, (her father) didn't shut me out because I was yelling. My adult children and family members didn't shut me out because I was yelling. Neither did the hospital staff. If MR thinks it's "ok" not to talk to ER because he might have been yelled at, well then, I think someone maybe should have told him to find his big boy panties and deal with the situation because Dylan should have been the priority. JMO
I know there have been a lot of questions about whether or not LE has checked MR's phone pings and Dylan's phone pings (up until his phone died) and I would have to say of course they have. There are 3 places LE has searched to my knowledge. Florida Rd, Vallecito Lake and MR's house (albeit late). We are assuming they searched the lake because of MR's comment about the fishing pole being gone but it's quite possible one or both of those phones pinged at that lake. I think it's highly likely there were pings along Florida Road too. (and an interesting note that some locals have made comments that Florida Road would not be the route most people would take from Durango to Vallecito). LE does give us clues as to what they have. IMHO that is where Dylan will eventually be found. Either the lake or along Florida Road somewhere. And my gut says it's going to be the lake. I don't think LE believes Dylan ever made it to MR's house and thats the reason for the late search. I think they did it as a formality but knew they wouldn't find anything proving Dylan was ever there and at that point they were honing in on MR. They know more then they're letting out. If they want an eventual prosecution and conviction they have to cross their T's and dot their I's. ALL JUST MY OPINION.
I think the Lake is key. Have from the start. Unfortunately it is winter and hampered the dive searches. Will it be spring/summer before a really hard look at the Lake? I'm guessing so. Sigh.....
Wow - WS'ers, you move awfully fast. Has Dylan's footprint on Social Media been covered (I'm sure it has). I have a 15YO DS, and I can absolutely pinpoint the last time he was on line (I'm a helicopter mom like that). His X-box will tell me when was last on line, or the computer history will tell me the sites he visited. Did Dylan have a twitter or FB account? I believe he had a cell phone -- wonder if that's been pinged. And if he plays on-line games, the provider can determine when he last logged in (ie, League of Legends -- which my son plays).

It's just so hard these days for teens to fall off the face of the earth without being able to pin-point an exact time. I heard 8 PM and wonder how that conclusion was made.

Sorry if this has been re-hashed, but whew -- 20 threads! I just pray for his safe return and pray this isn't another Hailey Dunn scenario - kwim?


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