Found Deceased NY - Jennifer Ramsaran, 36, Chenango County, 11 Dec 2012 - # 8

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Authorities say missing woman was on her way to shop at Destiny USA
Syracuse, NY – Authorities are looking for a Chenango County woman who has been missing since Tuesday when she told her husband she was driving to Syracuse to shop at Destiny USA.
She was driving a maroon 2006 Chrysler Town and Country minivan with a New York license plate of EFA1962.
Deputies said Ramsaran may have changed her hair color and style before she left. Her cell phone was found Wednesday on State Route 23 in the Town of Plymouth.
Deputies ask that anyone with information about Ramsaran call them at 607-334-2000 and push option 1.
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Finding Jennifer

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Ramsaran, Jennifer
Lavanda Dolce
rickblaine - verified insider
Jilllian - verified insider

case map

Please continue here...
A few things to remember...

We are a victim friendly forum. This includes Jennifer as well as the rest of her family. It doesn't mean we can't discuss what is known thru the media or law enforcement and ask questions about any inconsistencies. It does mean we will not outright accuse someone or make up a scenerio not based on the facts we know at this time.

Everyone here has a right to post their thoughts and opinions about this case without being attacked for it. This means they are not being told their opinion is 'not logical' , 'its not facing reality', etc. We are not going to accuse members here of being manipulative and we are not going to tell each other how to post or what to post. If you feel a post is against our terms of service then alert on it. Please don't respond to the the post you are alerting. It may mean you will get timed out as well.

Be kind to each other and when posting make sure its how you expect to be treated as well. We are not on separate teams, we all want Jennifer to be found and brought home to her family. We do have insiders on this case, they may or may not be able to answer all of your questions.
Rumors are not allowed. Discussing comments from the news, and Social Networks are not allowed, they are considered rumors. We are not going to allow fighting or discussing a fight that is or may be going on with Facebook pages. Do not bring it here.

Lets stay focused on Jennifer. Please continue here...
Body of missing woman ID'd as Jennifer Ramsaran
The body found Tuesday in the town of Pharsalia has been identified as 36-year-old Jennifer Ramsaran, according to her husband Ganesh "Remy" Ramsaran.

Remy Ramsaran said he received a phone call from the Chenango County Sheriff's office this afternoon informing him that the body was his missing wife.

Please continue here...

Rest in Peace Jennifer. Our prayers and thoughts go out to Jennifer's family and friends. She was loved and will be missed by many.
Thank you for the new thread, Imamaze!

Seems pretty quiet today. I am just copying over my long-winded theory based on the google map and the video posted by OffRoadRunner to spark some debate.

Watching it I get the sense of the route someone with local knowledge would take in broad daylight. It also suggests to me that the body may have been dumped first. First, since the phone was reportedly found on the north side of Rt 23 down the bank towards the creek, unless it was thrown out the passenger side, or over the roof at a high rate of speed (45-50 mph on Rt 23) it would not end up on the right side of the road and I can't see someone risking throwing out the phone while transporting a dead body. It also would not have survived at such a speed,. So I think the perp drove up Rt 23 and made the left onto Center Rd, possibly out of panic after a tense 3 minutes driving down a main road. He was probably still panicked passing so many houses on Center, so as soon as he passed the houses, he stopped abruptly and dumped the body of JR. Then instead of making a u turn and having to go by all those houses again, he made a left on Coy and took some back roads past the resevoir, a few minutes in the woods to get your head together after commiting a terrible crime. Maybe he has clothes and her purse and cell phone that he realizes he must get rid of. Eventually he comes to a T with Moon Hill Road, where he makes a left back towards Rt 23. Passing the town garage building, he comes to the intersection with Rt 23, where after a stop, he makes a right turn and at that slower speed, with the creek outside the drivers side, he tosses the phone as he turns right onto Rt 23. Then he drives south to the apartments, which are an easy right turn, a quick parking job and he could be jogging to the Y at 68 N Broad St which is only 1.1 miles away in minutes. As long as no one saw him in the few seconds it took to pull into the parking space and get out of the car and start running, he would be highly inconspicuously as an athletic looking guy jogging. In fact, he would look suspicious if he was not running.

Also, the Y is 6.5 miles from their home.

It just seems highly circumstantial that basically every piece of evidence is in a straight line so close to the home.
Just waiting for news on the COD or better still an arrest.

Watching that video left me pretty shaken up, and today I've wanted to think about the Jennifer we've read about more recently, with that lovely smile (the picture at the top here is one of my favourites) rather than Jennifer the victim, so I've only glanced through the thread.
Just wanted to post some info on the new thread, for any newbies dropping in who want to know a bit more about Jennifer.

Obviously, you'll have noticed by now she was lovely-looking, with a self-deprecating smile.
She was a home-carer for someone with severe health problems.
She was a scout leader.

I would post more, but I'm hoping some other posters could chip in with who Jennifer was - it'll be coming up on google guys, and you've got the time, at the moment......we are coming up seventh on google at the moment, if you google Jennifer Ramsaran.
Oh no, don't delete! I think that's really important!
Just wanted to post some info on the new thread, for any newbies dropping in who want to know a bit more about Jennifer.

Obviously, you'll have noticed by now she was lovely-looking, with a self-deprecating smile.
She was a home-carer for someone with severe health problems.
She was a scout leader.

I would post more, but I'm hoping some other posters could chip in with who Jennifer was - it'll be coming up on google guys, and you've got the time, at the moment......we are coming up seventh on google at the moment, if you google Jennifer Ramsaran.

I love that Jenny taught knitting classes!
And for anyone who might suggest something like, say, running, is less boring than knitting, take a look at this;

Jennifer was right up there with the creative souls.
Seems pretty quiet today. I am just copying over my long-winded theory based on the google map and the video posted by OffRoadRunner to spark some debate.

Watching it I get the sense of the route someone with local knowledge would take in broad daylight. It also suggests to me that the body may have been dumped first. First, since the phone was reportedly found on the north side of Rt 23 down the bank towards the creek, unless it was thrown out the passenger side, or over the roof at a high rate of speed (45-50 mph on Rt 23) it would not end up on the right side of the road and I can't see someone risking throwing out the phone while transporting a dead body. It also would not have survived at such a speed,. So I think the perp drove up Rt 23 and made the left onto Center Rd, possibly out of panic after a tense 3 minutes driving down a main road. He was probably still panicked passing so many houses on Center, so as soon as he passed the houses, he stopped abruptly and dumped the body of JR. Then instead of making a u turn and having to go by all those houses again, he made a left on Coy and took some back roads past the resevoir, a few minutes in the woods to get your head together after commiting a terrible crime. Maybe he has clothes and her purse and cell phone that he realizes he must get rid of. Eventually he comes to a T with Moon Hill Road, where he makes a left back towards Rt 23. Passing the town garage building, he comes to the intersection with Rt 23, where after a stop, he makes a right turn and at that slower speed, with the creek outside the drivers side, he tosses the phone as he turns right onto Rt 23. Then he drives south to the apartments, which are an easy right turn, a quick parking job and he could be jogging to the Y at 68 N Broad St which is only 1.1 miles away in minutes. As long as no one saw him in the few seconds it took to pull into the parking space and get out of the car and start running, he would be highly inconspicuously as an athletic looking guy jogging. In fact, he would look suspicious if he was not running.

Also, the Y is 6.5 miles from their home.

It just seems highly circumstantial that basically every piece of evidence is in a straight line so close to the home.

I totally agree, except I think they took Coy up to the CC Truck Trail, brought that all the way out to Blackman Road, that down to Resevoir Hill and then straight down onto Moon Hill Road to SR23.
We have many guests on this thread. Please, join us if you can. Although Jennifer has been found, there are still many unanswered questions about how she died. Your input would be very welcome. :)
:angel:Jennifer taught religious education classes at St. Paul's Church in Norwich.
From her pictures, she was very crafty and artistic...knitting, quilting, drawing/painting.
Our world needs more Jennifer types - friendly & warm, artistic, generous with her time, loving mother, considerate of others.....:angel: :loveyou:
no rest until there is justice for Jennifer.....I guess we're kinda like Jennifer's army :soldier:

Jilllian, Rickblaine....any new details from our verified insiders?? Anything you can share, please???
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