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Feb 18, 2009
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Gerard Bayden-Clay has been arrested and charged with the murder of Allison Bayden-Clay

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Bail Hearing Documents

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Allison Baden-Clay case
itsthevibe verified insider
Squizzey1 is a verified insider
XyzQuestions is a verified insider
redlightthroughpaper is a verified insider

DrWatson is a Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon

alioop is a verified attorney (solicitor)
he was checking up on her insurance policies before she went 'missing'..

calculating that windfall.....he did a spreadsheet that laid out his idiotic debt to the tune of over a million. before she went 'missing'..

he had approached people for tremendous sums, cryin and desperate before she went 'missing'...

he had no chance of a loan from any bank or institution.

All his loans, agreements, were due come July 1st.

He didnt have an asset to his name, or hers, in his control that could be cashed in and applied to these loans.. before she went 'missing'..

he couldnt, or didnt even pay the interest due on the loans he already had, before she went 'missing'..

he knew, to within a few thou how much he was in the red.... ...

he knew, to almost the exact dollar, what chance he had of knocking off those due payments.

he even .. and this bit did surprise me, actually, tell Toni how much fiscal slime he was in.. ' he couldnt look me in the eye' .. says Toni.

So he knew this before Allison went 'missing'.....

Yes, he knew the extend of his debts, but Allison did call the insurance company also. I'm not saying I don't believe he killed her, I just don't believe he planned it ... IMO it happened as an argument that escalated out of control and unfortunately he did not know when to stop. IMO.
MS ANNIE ... Punches, scratches, etc. could have happened during a struggle ending with a punch from him? But, chances are that we will never know how it really happened.
Web based SMS. Telstra used to offer it 5 or 10 freebies. The only record of it was in your browser history that you visited that page, not that you sent an SMS. It didn't appear on bills. Or a public phone, any in the vicinity? Walkie talkies, CB radio. Half thoughts here as to how he could have called parents etc.
no body on earth wanted Allisons body found more than Gerard BadenClay... everyone else on earth wanted a live Allison to stroll out of the scrub.

That was Gerards million dollar payout lying out there, and it must have driven him nuts that the Search and Rescue didnt find it, every minute was crucial.. it was imperative that the body be found and a death certificate issued. .. before July 1st.

Having to wait 7 years for a coroner to declare a missing person most probably dead was of no use to Gerard.. no use at all.

Was it planned for that night?? I doubt it. Then again... in the light of what we do indeed know of Gerards capacity for 'planning' and 'outcome recognition'. its not outside the realms of possibility.. he certainly had a bit of a cackhanded story ready quite early....going over Gerards business operations, his partners take on things, and even thru Toni's nuttiness we do get a glimpse of his idea of 'planning' stuff..

So its not unreasonable to conclude that was the plan. That is, Gerard wasnt what could be termed an astute planner. .. quite the contrary.
no body on earth wanted Allisons body found more than Gerard BadenClay... everyone else on earth wanted a live Allison to stroll out of the scrub.

That was Gerards million dollar payout lying out there, and it must have driven him nuts that the Search and Rescue didnt find it, every minute was crucial.. it was imperative that the body be found and a death certificate issued. .. before July 1st.

Having to wait 7 years for a coroner to declare a missing person most probably dead was of no use to Gerard.. no use at all.

Was it planned for that night?? I doubt it. Then again... in the light of what we do indeed know of Gerards capacity for 'planning' and 'outcome recognition'. its not outside the realms of possibility.. he certainly had a bit of a cackhanded story ready quite early....going over Gerards business operations, his partners take on things, and even thru Toni's nuttiness we do get a glimpse of his idea of 'planning' stuff..

So its not unreasonable to conclude that was the plan. That is, Gerard wasnt what could be termed an astute planner. .. quite the contrary.

In my opinion, the insurance windfall was an afterthought and the body was placed where it was found and not hidden under leaves/shrubs/buried etc. I agree he wanted her body found, however I think this realisation came after he had killed her.
Another half thought. He helped Toni sell her house. He would know she had that money. I think he told Toni hinting at T spotting him a few dollars. He lead her into that convo about money. The whole thing about not being able to afford to divorce Allison, he was manipulating Toni into giving him what she had which would keep him afloat temporarily. There was something in it for her if she coughed up cash, he'd be a step closer to being afford divorce . He didn't outright ask because that is how cons work, they talk all around it and expect you to get the hint and offer, then "You offered, I didn't ask" (therefore I don't owe you).
Web based SMS. Telstra used to offer it 5 or 10 freebies. The only record of it was in your browser history that you visited that page, not that you sent an SMS. It didn't appear on bills. Or a public phone, any in the vicinity? Walkie talkies, CB radio. Half thoughts here as to how he could have called parents etc.

Well, there is also the possibility that he acted alone and cleaned up everything BEFORE he contacted NBC and OW Friday morning. It may be the case, that nobody in his family helped him after the fact (but I doubt this).
There were two things , at the committal hearing, that fascinated me.

I was always going to be more interested in the questions Davis asked, than the answers given... the statements of the witnesses called were already laid down, and there was no reason to believe they would deviate from them, .. which they didnt,...

But Davis surprised me in the angle of his questions on two matters, and he spent a lot of time, considering time wasnt exactly infinite.. not only a lot of time, but 4 witnesses, wait, I think it was 5.......

He wanted to know who had told Toni of the other women in Gerards life.. 2 witnesses, and I think about 50 mins on that..

And... Who told Gerard not to join in the search.. 3 witnesses on that and a fair bit of time..

Davis is instructed by Gerard.. this is how it works. Davis isnt running this thing, Gerard is, Gerard is paying Davis to be his advocate, and thats what Davis does.. he isnt a free agent...

So why were these two matters, seemingly utterly irrelevant on the face of things , important to Gerard?
I think that, although it is true that the Client instructs the Defence team, the lawyers are the experts, i.e. they are the ones being paid to find a way to defend the Client. They come up with strategies to discredit witness, etc. and I highly doubt they consult the Client every day of the week as to how to proceed. "Get me out of jail, I don't care how you do it!" sort of thing. IMO Davis' questioning regarding who told TM about the other 2 women and who told GBC not to go to the Command Post were only to instil doubt on the veracity of the Police statements, trying to show that the investigative team "had it in" for GBC from the word go. IMO.
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