AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #3

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So here is my thought- why aren't family members organizing anything to look for AS? Canvas the neighborhood? Hand out flyers? I haven't heard of any searches or anything? It's still early enough someone might remember something. Someone in the apartments maybe? It just seems very off to me. I would be out everyday if it my family member. Has anyone heard of anything down in Tempe?
It's like everything has stopped.

Except that beach ball. ;)

But seriously... WHAT IS GOING ON? Could we get an update from LE? ANYTHING? Tell us all has gone cold so we know that we need to think way out of the box... or anything.

I hit a wall with my little friends of friends project.
What happens if someone goes missing and then turns up again? Are they under any obligation to notify LE or the news? Is there a procedure of any kind that anyone knows about?

As I understand it, if you are an adult it is no crime to be missing. So I'm assuming you can go missing, resurface, go missing, resurface again, whatever you want to do, as long as you are an adult.

Could it be that she's come home or that they know where she is now and that's why all search efforts have come to a halt?

Are they under any obligation to let the public know what happened?
What happens if someone goes missing and then turns up again? Are they under any obligation to notify LE or the news? Is there a procedure of any kind that anyone knows about?

As I understand it, if you are an adult it is no crime to be missing. So I'm assuming you can go missing, resurface, go missing, resurface again, whatever you want to do, as long as you are an adult.

Could it be that she's come home or that they know where she is now and that's why all search efforts have come to a halt?

Are they under any obligation to let the public know what happened?

ALL excellent queries. Wouldn't it be common courtesy to let the public know so they don't continue to look?

ETA: Because um.... we're still looking!
Police will notify the public if a missing person turns up, as they don't want people searching, possibly getting injured or trespassing or whatever. They would not announce where she had been, that is up to the family/person.
Does the family have to notify the police immediately if the missing person turns up or if they discover where he/she might be?
I don't know how the family could be forced to notify police...but I also do not see any reason to think she has turned up.
Cluciano, since you've been here for hundreds of cases, what's your take on this?
What makes me think she might have turned up is that I don't think this family would stop searching and hounding the police and the news unless she had come home or they found out where she is. The fact that today marks the one month anniversary of her disappearance and there is NOTHING about it on their FB pages or in the news, as well as no LE updates, makes me think they know where she is and they are possibly trying to get things together to possibly make a public statement.
There is a post to "pray" from about 7 hours ago.

I think she is still missing. There are always lulls in these cases and sometimes the family is trying to get media, but without something new are unable to interest them, and other times, the family needs a break to regroup. It is really hard to move forward in these cases without new evidence.
That post on the 'missing' page about prayer doesn't say much and it could also be interpreted as meaning that their prayers have worked. I saw that too first thing this morning.

What I didn't see was the pleading to keep searching, to keep sharing the reward etc.

It just seems so very quiet. But I understand what you are saying about it being difficult to move forward without new evidence. But look at us here on this forum!

We haven't stopped. We continue to do what we can do. I can't imagine my daughter being missing and not being out there every single opportunity, searching, inquiring, asking people to help, distributing fliers, organizing walks, car washes, talking to reporters, asking for help on Facebook and anywhere else I could.

I just think something is going on. I think there's something new we are not being told. At least not yet.
Well I hope you are right in this case. It hasn't happened in other cases where there has been silence for weeks or even months. It has often just been that nothing is new. When people have been found or come home, usually the Fb page is shut down with a brief message requesting privacy and that is the end of it. But who knows.
This entire case has been strange from the beginning so I wouldn't be surprised it has a strange ending. JMO
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