Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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Aug 15, 2010
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Malaysia Airlines says it has lost contact with a plane travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with 239 people on board.

The airline said in a statement that flight MH370 disappeared at 02:40 local time on Saturday (18:40 GMT on Friday).

I'm praying the plane is found and people on the plane survive.

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The moderators have been wading in a pool of alerts this morning - and most are coming from this forum. :yow: I wanted to review some of the issues that happened yesterday because if the issues continue, some of our members are going to find themselves on the outside looking in. :(

- Discuss the topic and not each other. If you have a problem with a fellow poster, alert via the little red triangle in the upper corner of the post and the mods will review privately

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Members can create topic specific threads for in depth discussion, new developments in the case or as the need arises. New threads will go under mod review and a decision will be made whether to approve and open the thread for posting. Most threads are approved immediately.
Hi CARIIS, I just heard the audio they played on CNN.

Just caught (maybe) something, did anyone else catch it? Ok in the beginning it seems to be co-pilots voice - voice is younger and also has less of an accent. Then, beginning at "Malaysian Three Seven Zero maintaining level three five zero," the voice is different. I'm assuming Captain Shah, but who knows? I just know it's different than the beginning voice. This voice is older and has more of an accent.

For example, if you listen to the word "zero" coming from co-pilot, it sounds more Western, with less accent on the "r." But starting from where the voice changes, the "zero" gets said with more accent and different sound of "r."

Can u please tell me if u or anyone else noticed this??
Audi Recording


Yes, I just caught that after listening to it again
It's at the 2:12 mark and the person who said Departure 3 7 0..that voice sounded different, younger, had a bit more clarity in the voice...not as mumbled and when he said the ZERO it sound very much American
*BBM* :facepalm:

I know...I couldn't bring myself to even I just posted the link

After listening to the audio again..It does sound like a microphone was held up to record from the source
And I did pick up on some breaks in the audio..but I really couldn't tell if its editing or someone speaking before they push the TALK button LOL
I agree with the guys on CNN..Malaysia Airlines certainly did add to the confusion when the Airline told the ATC's that the plane was in Cambodian Air Space when it wasn't and then saying the plane was on its flight path to Beijing...
Originally Posted by CARIIS Thread #23
OH I dont know that math ---I will delete post but if your good at it trying to figure out how big the batteries were!

Intermezzo Reply
your numbers are correct but it's the Metric System not Imperial system that is used.

133 pieces with Gross weight of 1990.0 K
(14.96k each equals 32.98lbs)

67 pieces with Gross weight of 463.0 K
(6.9K each equals 6.91lbs)

Dimensions (as typed on Waybill)
60x 26x 22x 58
42x 36x 19x 9
Originally Posted by Hatfield Thread #23
From reading transcripts it is interesting how the cockpit switches from using MAS370 over to Malaysian 370. The ATC just repeats so the actual change to begin using Malaysian is done by cockpit. Hmmmmm

Intermezzo Reply
I have been listening to the audio and I keep hearing them say MALAYSIAN..though mumbled or garbled at times and a few times it seems like the beginning of the word Malaysian is cut off....I don't hear them say MAS as it is written in some parts of the transcript

Shouldn't a transcript used the exact or precise wording in an audio recording and if not they but in brackets (inaudible) and if a transcript does us acronyms it should state so?
That is he way NTSB does it for sure to the milisecond!!

TY for the math !

133 pieces with Gross weight of 1990.0 K
(14.96k each equals 32.98lbs)

I am confident we are all on the same page that ones laptop and cell phone batteries do not come in at a handy 32 pounds!

Originally Posted by Hatfield Thread #23
From reading transcripts it is interesting how the cockpit switches from using MAS370 over to Malaysian 370. The ATC just repeats so the actual change to begin using Malaysian is done by cockpit. Hmmmmm

Intermezzo Reply
I have been listening to the audio and I keep hearing them say MALAYSIAN..though mumbled or garbled at times and a few times it seems like the beginning of the word Malaysian is cut off....I don't hear them say MAS as it is written in some parts of the transcript

Shouldn't a transcript used the exact or precise wording in an audio recording and if not they but in brackets (inaudible) and if a transcript does us acronyms it should state so?
Please continue here........

Thank you LambChop, Harmony2, MarlyWings, and all WS Mods for all of your hard work on the MH370 threads.

The twists and turns as each new thread opens has been rather mind boggling, to say the least.

I keep telling myself, "This will be the thread! Surely we can't go back to the drawing board....AGAIN!" And yet, well, you've all been here, putting in far more to the threads than I have :blushing:, along with the very dedicated WS posters.

I subscribe, post whenever I have a moment, :lurk: constantly, and maintain as much hope as I possibly can. In the end, the lives of those aboard hang in the balance, as well as the lives of their loved ones, who have essentially had no concrete answers since the first thread opened, many many moons ago. :(

Keep asking the tough questions, sleuthing for the truth, wherever it leads.

I will continue to pray, because I feel really helpless at the moment, and don't know quite what else to do.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Per the rules and generally speaking the cockpit must use the "official" callsign until ATC shortens it. Not a real big deal in this instance but in a flight using the registration NQTL it would go like this on initial call up.

Cockpit: November quebec tango lima, Toronto tower request....
Tower: Toronto tower, November quebec tango lima request...
Cockpit: November quebec tango lima requests flight level one seven zero.....
Tower: Toronto tower, Quebec Tango lima, flight level one seven zero approved...
Cockpit: Approved flight level one seven zero, Quebec tango lima.
I don't find anything too strange about the differences in the ATC sign-offs.
Different pilots, different sign-offs.
I guess as long as the right airline and flight number are being spoken, I don't find anything suspect about it.
I don't find anything too strange about the differences in the ATC sign-offs.
Different pilots, different sign-offs.
I guess as long as the right airline and flight number are being spoken, I don't find anything suspect about it.

Perhaps nothing of significance, however, the latest revelation regarding editing is just another piece of the mystery surrounding this missing aircraft. Contradictions abound with every "new" piece of information.


Malaysia releases report on MH370 investigation, while airline tells families to head home

Malaysian authorities on Thursday released a report on the investigation into the disappearance of Flight 370, which revealed that air traffic controllers did not realize that the plane was missing until 17 minutes after it vanished from radar.

The release of the report came as Malaysia Airlines told relatives of passengers who were aboard MH370 to move back home and wait for news on the search for the missing plane.

more at

Flight vectors ... this map released by the Malaysian authorities shows the probable route of MH370, with the westerly turn
sending the plane back over the Malaysian peninsula. The coloured rectangles refer to possible search zones for the aircraft
— red designating the zone of highest probability, yellow the zone of lowest probability and green the zone of middling probability.
Source: Supplied
How about when they find something this thread gets closed and a new thread entitled "Holy :censored: they found something" be opened. :dunno:
Perhaps nothing of significance, however, the latest revelation regarding editing is just another piece of the mystery surrounding this missing aircraft. Contradictions abound with every "new" piece of information.



This whole thing is a mystery :facepalm:
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