Found Deceased FL - Peggy Houser, 18, Tampa, 14 June 1981

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Pray for the Missing ♥
Sep 22, 2006
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Peggy Sue Houser

Photos of Peggy:


Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance

Missing Since: June 14, 1981 from Tampa, Florida
Classification: Endangered Missing
Date Of Birth: September 16, 1962
Age: 18 years old
Height and Weight: 5'4 - 5'5, 102 - 115 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian female. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Houser has a tattoo of a pink pig on her breast. She has a gap between her upper front teeth. Four of Houser's permanent upper teeth and two lower permanent teeth failed to erupt at the time of her disappearance. Her right wrist was broken during her childhood. Houser also chipped a bone in her left elbow in the years preceding her 1981 disappearance.
Medical Conditions: Houser has a history of drug and alcohol abuse.

Details of Disappearance
Houser was last seen at The B-52, a bar near the McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida on June 14, 1981. She apparently had an argument with friends and walked into the bar's parking lot in an attempt to solicit a ride. Houser disappeared shortly afterwards. She was not reported missing by her family for four days because she had a history of leaving without warning. She always kept in touch with her family wherever she was, however.
Houser called her mother a few weeks later from the Sohio gas station on North County Road 25A in what is now Piqua, Ohio. She asked if she could come home and her mother told her she could. Witnesses at the station identified Houser from a photograph and stated that she was accompanied by an unidentified male riding a motorcycle with Michigan license plates. The man apparently took the phone out of Houser's hand while she was speaking to her mother and disconnected the call. Houser and the man then disappeared on his motorcycle; nobody saw which direction they went. There has been no further contact from Houser since that time and her whereabouts are unknown. Piqua, Ohio authorities are handling Houser's case.

Investigating Agency
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Piqua Police Department
Today, June 14, 2007, marks the 26th anniversary of Peggy's disappearance. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. If you have any information regarding her disappearance, please call the Piqua Police Department at 937-778-2027 or your local police station.
The Tampa Doe looks a lot like it could be Peggy. Peggy contacted her mother from Picqua, Ohio two weeks after her disappearance, so it is suspected that she was there. That was the last confirmed sighting of her.Unless she made it back to Tampa and was killed there....
This is very confusing, she could be any where.
She may not have made it to Ohio either, do they have confirmation that the call indeed came from Ohio? The person who said they saw her could have seen another woman using a pay phone. Also, if theclerk saw a man take the phone from her and hang it up you would think he would have noticed which way they went.

What I think is odd is that if she was in danger why would someone take her all the way to her home town and have her call home and hang up the phone on her and then she disapears. See below, the mother had a feeling that she called from locally.

This may be why Hillsborough never looked into the Tampa Jane Doe because they where thrown off by the alleged sighting in Ohio.

What do you think? Possible? there is DNA on the doe. I wonder if Tampa would look into this and if there is any DNA still from a relative after all of these years.

from Doenetwork
Circumstances of Disappearance
On June 14, 1981, Peggy Houser was with friends in a Tampa bar called The B-52 near McDill Air Force Base. Over the course of the evening, she got angry with her friends and walked out.
A few weeks after she disappeared she called her mother, Hattie Oglesbee and asked if she could come home. Oglesbee said yes, but the phone just clicked. Oglesbee believed it had been a local call. She had a feeling Peggy was in Piqua, and went to the old Sohio station on North County Road 25A and took Houser’s picture and showed it to an attendant. Peggy had been there with a man on a motorcycle who took the phone out of her hand and hung it up. The attendant didn’t see which direction they were going, and by the time police responded, Peggy was gone. She has not been seen since.
So her mother thought it was a local call? ah I didnt see that before. But the man at the station said he saw Peggy there with the man that disconnected her call?
The Tampa Doe looks so much like it could be Peggy, the similarities are uncanny.
It looks like Peggy was missing several teeth. I would think that the UID description would mention something like that though. If they could reconstruct or imprint the UID's teeth so exactly there would have to be something said about 6 missing teeth in an 18 year old, wouldn't there? The following is a quote from the information on anglefire:

"...a gap between her teeth and she was missing six teeth that simply never erupted."

It looks like Peggy was missing several teeth. I would think that the UID description would mention something like that though. If they could reconstruct or imprint the UID's teeth so exactly there would have to be something said about 6 missing teeth in an 18 year old, wouldn't there? The following is a quote from the information on anglefire:

"...a gap between her teeth and she was missing six teeth that simply never erupted."

Yes, you are correct about the missing teeth but unfortunatly it did not give alot of info about the UID. If you look at the bottom of the UID link you can see a photo of the teeth and it does like the the UID is missing atleast a back molar or incizor on left side.

I sent this info to Todd at Doenetwork to see if they had ever ruled this one out already.
Will let ya'll know when I hear back.
Take a look at this

I am sure someone must have seen this before and checked it out.
Same height, hair simular, and teeth gap,notice missing teeth also.
This was skeletal remains so her death could have been several months or more. What do ya'll think?

I heard back from Doenetwork and this one has already been ruled out by LE.
Was Peggy Houser ever linked to the man who wrote the letter to Tim Miller? The person that claimed to have killed Tim's daughter, Laura, in the 80s?

He mentions a "convenient store phone"...?
Peggy was talking on a convenience store phone when witnesses say a man disconnected her call...?
Peggy also is causcasian and has brown hair, like the supposed killer says his victims were...
This Doe looks similar - from the Doe Network (won't link??)
Case File 424UFFL


Reconstruction of Victim by Wesley Neville
Unidentified White Female

  • The victim was discovered on January 3, 1982 in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida
  • Skeletal Remains
Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: 14-20 yrs. old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'4"-5'5" (65" measred)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Red-black hair, straight of moderate length.
  • Clothing: None
  • Fingerprints: Not Available skeletal
  • Dentals: Available. #'s 1,16,17,32- impacted. retained primary (deciduous) second molars K&T. #'s 8-9- Diastema. #2- pulp stone.
  • DNA: Available in FBI NMPDD

The dentals have me thrown off and the "pig" tattoo on Peggy. However, the UIDs remains were I'm assuming they couldn't tell even if there was a tattoo. I did a side-by-side in Photobucket and all I could say was "wow". The hairline is perfect, the eyes are a little "different", the nose is fairly close, the chin is really close. The height and age are within range.

I turned this one in and I really hope that someone hasn't done so already. I will keep you updated, if I receive a reply back.


Received reply back from LE (06/09/08)...not a match. Peggy was ruled out, via dentals, in 2005.
I've been trying to come up with a match for Peggy, and I'm striking out. Doesn't look like we've really looked at her case hard since 2008. Anybody have any suggestions??

Long missing Piqua teen identified as homicide victim

By Steve Bennish, Staff Writer
Updated 2:26 PM Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Her body was recently identified by police. It appears she is a homicide victim, said Karen Wood, 51, of Sidney. A DNA test on a body found in Hillsborough County Florida in 1982 has proven the identity. The body had been buried as “Jane Doe.”

... man who identified himself as the killer’s brother approached police. He told them the man died in an accident in the Carolinas. Wood said that given that story, the truth might never be known.

Long missing Piqua teen identified as homicide victim
... man who identified himself as the killer’s brother approached police. He told them the man died in an accident in the Carolinas. Wood said that given that story, the truth might never be known.
By Steve Bennish, Staff Writer
Updated 2:26 PM Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This is really disturbing. Who is this man, and who was his brother? It sounds like he waited until his brother died before coming forward about this in 2002. Or perhaps it just took him a while to put 2 and 2 together.

We need to know who he was and whether he's responsible for any other deaths, and whether he's really dead.

That article was difficult to read/understand (who is Karen Wood?, get to end of article to find out, etc.) constantly astonished by online reporting. /rant

Rest In Peace, Peggy Sue. :rose:

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