CA CA - Jamie Bordenkircher, 2, North Lake Tahoe, 12 June 1965

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This guy isn't on the NCMEC yet, at least I couldn't find him by searching. But he's got an NCMEC-made age progression at the article link.

Old case returns

40 years later, man believes brother was kidnapped

By David Bunker
4:01 a.m. PT Jun 20, 2007
Whitecaps were forming along the Kings Beach shoreline when the Bordenkircher family pulled up to their Beaver Street cabin high above Lake Tahoe on June 12, 1965.

After the family's four children piled out of the car, 2-year-old, blond-haired Jamie Bordenkircher walked to the wooden swing in the front yard.

Jamie's brother Mike, 18 at the time, ducked inside the cabin for just a moment. When he came back outside, the swing was empty, swaying gently in the wind.

Jamie was never seen again....
This photo of an unknown child found by police in convicted serial killer Rodney Alcala's storage unit resembles the missing James Dwyer Bordenkircher


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  • J D Bordenkircher.jpg
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There are so many missing from the Lake Tahoe areas, and majority are children, missing from around the same decades.
Bumping up for Jamie:

I think below is the same article mentioned above, but it might be easier to access:


PS. My question would be, how long was his brother Mike inside the cabin? "Just a moment" really could be just a moment, or a few minutes. I lean towards an abduction in this case, because I think it would take several minutes for Jamie to completely vanish from sight and never be found again. Accounts were that it would take a long time for a two-year old to get through the rocky terrain to the lake.

The take that Jamie might have been taken by someone who wanted a child to raise is interesting.

I found another article about Jamie here: Note that this article says Jamie may have been left alone for up to ten minutes, not "just a moment" as other sources claim. If true sadly, this would be more than enough time for him to wonder off and let lost, get abducted, or some other tragic fate. Ten minutes is too long for a child of only two to be left alone.

Father is deceased. Other family members still living and searching. Older brother Mike, listed at age 16, other sites say 18. Noted differences are that other sites say Mike went back into the cabin for "just a minute." This article below says that all the children were together at or around the swing set. Eventually, everyone went back to the cabin except Jamie, who was left alone for about ten minutes.


From: Sacramento Bee (Sacramento, CA) Date: August 25, 2007

Byline: Art Campos

Aug. 25--One moment he was there. The next moment he was gone.

Jamie Bordenkircher was 2 years old, playing in the backyard of his family's summer cabin in Kings Beach, when he vanished.

The date was June 12, 1965. The time was 1:30 p.m.

The frantic search that day and in the days that followed made national headlines and attracted thousands of volunteers but yielded nothing.

Forty-two years later, the devastating loss that scarred each of the remaining family members has become a cause that binds them together for one last search.

Over the past six months, the Bordenkircher family has initiated a nationwide campaign to find Jamie, offering a $50,000 reward for his "discovery or recovery."

Working with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the family has given DNA samples so potential matches can be made if someone comes forward.

A reconstruction artist from the national center made a sketch of what Jamie might look like today at 44 years old.

The Placer County Sheriff's Department, reacting to the family's request, has reopened the case, assigning two detectives to it.

"This was a huge case in 1965," said Undersheriff Steve D'Arcy. "But when the family got in touch with us earlier this year, we knew nothing about it. Everyone who worked here in 1965 is either dead or retired."

In addition, the family is trying to find a national television show to publicize the mystery.

Jamie, whose given name was James, disappeared just after his parents, Jesse and Helen Bordenkircher, arrived at the cabin on Beaver Street near Lake Tahoe from the family's home in Yuba City.

As the parents were unloading the car, Jamie and his older siblings ran to the backyard and began playing on the swing set.

Eventually, all of the older children -- Mike, 16, Jay, 8, and Liz Ann, 6 -- trickled back into the house. Jamie was left unattended for about 10 minutes.

By the time the family missed him, Jamie was gone.

The backyard swing he had been using was still swaying in the brisk wind that was causing whitecaps on Lake Tahoe.

Jay seemed to recall last seeing him in the area of the front porch.

Frantic family members searched for an hour before calling the Placer County Sheriff's Department, which brought dog teams, divers and helicopters.

Over the next five days, rescue teams and volunteers combed the area around the cabin.

They canvassed the woods behind the home and searched in and around Lake Tahoe, which is across the highway from the cabin. Nearby homes were checked.

The searchers found nothing, not even a child's footprint.

What happened to Jamie Bordenkircher?

Did the toddler wander into the woods? Did a bear or other large animal get him? Did he walk across busy Highway 28 and drown in the lake?

If he died, why has the body never been found?

His mother, now 81, still keeps the calendar page where she noted his disappearance.

"There was a lot of guilt in our family over Jamie's disappearance," said Jay Bordenkircher. "We all blamed ourselves for leaving him alone."

Because of that guilt, there was little family discussion of the disappearance over the decades. But prompted early this year by a televised report on missing children, Jay Bordenkircher broached the topic with family members. All were ready to embrace the theory that Jamie was kidnapped.

They suspect Jamie walked to the highway, where he was picked up by a passing driver.

"We don't understand how he could have crossed that road and not have been seen by someone," Helen Bordenkircher said.

His family believes it is possible that Jamie was raised by another family and doesn't know he was kidnapped.

Had he made it across the highway to the lake -- 2,500 feet from the cabin -- and fallen into the water, the body would have been spotted, family members insist.

Jay Bordenkircher, now 50, is a fire captain in Yuba City and has participated in the recovery of drowning victims.

A body would have floated to the surface of the lake after several days, and "someone would have seen it," he said, and a helicopter crew would have had no trouble seeing a body in shallow water.

Max Bennett, 71, a lieutenant for the Placer County Sheriff's Department in 1965, led the search for Jamie. He has never believed Jamie is dead.

"This was the only case in my whole career that I couldn't let go of," said Bennett, who left the Sheriff's Department in 1980. "I think the boy was walking, and a motorist and his wife took him."

Bennett, who later had a 13-year career as a private investigator, said his searchers looked everywhere -- multiple times.

"We looked in the lake, but he couldn't have been there," he said. "The lake was too shallow, and it was clear water. You could see right through it."

And there were no clues in the woods.

"We looked for a sock -- anything," he said. "But, nothing. I doubt that he is dead."

Earlier this year, the family thought it had found Jamie.

A cousin of the Bordenkirchers who lives on the Hawaiian island of Maui began to suspect an acquaintance there might be Jamie.

Facially, the man was nearly identical to the composite sketch of Jamie. The cousin learned that the man had been adopted by a Utah family that also had a cabin at Lake Tahoe.

But the promising lead vanished when DNA samples showed no match between the man and the Bordenkirchers.

The Bordenkircher family realizes that finding Jamie is a long shot, but they desperately want to end the mystery.

They note that Jamie's father, Jesse Bordenkircher, died of cancer in 1984 at age 60 without knowing the fate of his son.

"For years, we never really talked about it. But over the past six months, we've probably talked about it more than we did in the past 42 years."

Marsha Gilmer-Tullis, director of the family advocacy division of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, said the pain and guilt suffered by Jamie's family are natural.

"I'm certain there's not a day that goes by where they don't think of (Jamie)," she said. "Closure is just not possible."

Gilmer-Tullis said there were few or possibly no programs available in 1965 to help the family get through its anguish.

"They were dealing with it at a time when resources were very little and very slim," she said. "I imagine they had to deal with it all alone."

She urged the family not to give up hope.

"We can never say that a missing child who is now an adult can never be found," Gilmer-Tullis said. "There are cases where children were taken, and they turned up years later as adults.

"Miracles happen every day. They really do."

Taken from Chris' Crime forum: (last post)

This guys case is interesting. This boy was found in Newark, NJ on July 2, 1965 abt. 2 weeks after James went missing.

This boy was claimed by parents who thought he was their son who was abducted at abt. 30 hours old from hospital 2 years prior, Paul Fronczak. So he grew up as Paul and recently had DNA tests done, guess what, he IS NOT related to the parents who claimed him. So where is the original baby Fronczak? Who is this man who grew up as Paul Fronczak. He looks like James.... See recent posts FB page there are some other photos of this man as a little older child. Eye color may be off though.
Attached, (I think) is a comparison of pics of "Paul" and James.


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His shape and facial structure seems similar, but his eye color and hair color (as kids) seem off. A great find though, you never know! Eye color can actually change over time, my dad had brown eyes in his younger years, and now they are a hazel/blue-green.
Are there any pictures of Jamie's family members that can be compared to Paul F? See if there are any similarities?
This guys case is interesting. This boy was found in Newark, NJ on July 2, 1965 abt. 2 weeks after James went missing.

This boy was claimed by parents who thought he was their son who was abducted at abt. 30 hours old from hospital 2 years prior, Paul Fronczak. So he grew up as Paul and recently had DNA tests done, guess what, he IS NOT related to the parents who claimed him. So where is the original baby Fronczak? Who is this man who grew up as Paul Fronczak. He looks like James.... See recent posts FB page there are some other photos of this man as a little older child. Eye color may be off though.

Jamie and Paul can not be the same person. Paul was found July 1965 but not picked up by the Fronczak's until June 1966 when he was about 2. So when Paul was found in a stroller in 1965 he was only about a year old. The photos of the two boys being compared were taken at least a year apart.

From the article:
This timeline revisits the period from April 1964, when infant Paul Joseph Fronczak was kidnapped from Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, to June 1966, when Dora and Chester Fronczak took possession of a boy they believed was the one stolen from them.
Jamie and Paul can not be the same person. Paul was found July 1965 but not picked up by the Fronczak's until June 1966 when he was about 2. So when Paul was found in a stroller in 1965 he was only about a year old. The photos of the two boys being compared were taken at least a year apart.

From the article:
This timeline revisits the period from April 1964, when infant Paul Joseph Fronczak was kidnapped from Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, to June 1966, when Dora and Chester Fronczak took possession of a boy they believed was the one stolen from them.

James Bordenkircher DOB is 4/1963, so he is a year older than the Fonczak's biologilcal son born 4/1964. Neward NJ boy is said to have been about 2 years old in June 1966, so his approx. year of birth is 6/1964. Give or take 6 to 8 months on the real birth date of Newark boy could put his DOB as early as November 1963. You are probably correct that James could not be the Newark boy, who is now Paul Fronczak. Also geography wise, Lake Tahoe in two weeks to New Jersey. Possible, but not probable. I still think that DNA testing to rule this out for sure would be a good idea.
Just a thought, but maybe someone saw him wandering alone by the highway and took him not to do anything bad to him but maybe because they felt he was unsupervised or neglected since he was all alone by the highway. Maybe they took him for their own.
DNA tests were done and Fronczak was a negative match to the Bordenkircher family.
Another article here:

I read the above linked article last night and today have found that ABC, NBC, as well as the New York newspapers, and other networks are running this story. Diane Sawyer did a brief interview with Paul Fronczak on the ABC World News tonight, and played excerpts from an earlier interview he did with Barbara Walters. So the networks are all getting his story out.

In my opinion, finding the real Paul J. Fronczak, the day-old infant that was kidnapped from the Chicago Hospital in April 1964 may be the most difficult goal. Obviously, the woman who presented herself as a nurse and took the infant, was successful in kidnapping the baby. No doubt she was miles away by the time it was realized that the baby was gone, and out of Chicago within hours. Having gotten away with kidnapping a baby, I doubt she ever told anyone. So the real Paul Fronczak may still be alive and completely unaware of his true identity.

The man who was raised as Paul Fronczak, but not the biological son of Dora and Chester Fronczak, found abandoned in a stroller outside a variety store in Newark, N.J. in 1965, has a better chance of finding out his identity. Someone had a son who was between 12 - 18 months old, and then suddenly no longer had that child.

Perhaps it was a deliberate abandonment with someone from outside Newark opting to abandon their child in a busy area where they weren't known. But with the publicity this case is getting from national news media, it might ring a bell with someone.

I hope this case is finally solved.
Given the fairly large age gap between the oldest and second-oldest children, I'm wondering if the oldest possibly had a different father? If so, what were the circumstances of his separation from Mom (e.g. bitter divorce, etc.)? If Mom had indeed had a previous man in her life, then perhaps he took Jamie as "payback". Just speculation, of course, based on nothing other than the ages of Jamie and his siblings.

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