2008.08.18 Tony R. Interview and messages *revisit*

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The stuff released so far is at this link. I realize we aren't to jam it all into one topic. Anyway, I just wanted to get it out there.

Tow guy interviews are there too....for another thread perhaps?
KC called Caylee a "little snotnose" to AR?!?! Way to be a loving mother, if true!
Casey also wrote to him, "Seriously, spending the day with Caylee is ten times more exhausting than working a twelve hour event." (page 18)
"Did she tell you of any sexual transmitted disease she has?"
Line 17, Page 640
And then asks if they used protection during sex. Sounds like she may have a serious problem!!
Snot nose and "the offspring" - it doesn't sound like either of them really cared to talk about Caylee.


And in a later conversation when Casey says her mom can't babysit and implies she is sick, his response is "call that other bi$$$"
If true? I thought the LE took that from a Instant Messenger file. Saved IMs dont lie.

I made that comment based on the interview referenced at the beginning of this thread. Anyone can lie in these interviews. In fact, this interview is with an individual fired from the police department for lying.

Where is the IM to back that up? Provide a link please. This forum is so busy and full that I have not read the IMs in spite of being online for many hours.
I made that comment based on the interview referenced at the beginning of this thread. Anyone can lie in these interviews. In fact, this interview is with an individual fired from the police department for lying.

Where is the IM to back that up? Provide a link please. This forum is so busy and full that I have not read the IMs in spite of being online for many hours.
I am sorry thought you had read the LE/AR transcript when you made the comment. AR did not admit to that comment until the officers read him the IM.
Here is the link: http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0926/17564670.pdf
From PDF
(det. John Allen=JA, AR = Anthony R. (former LE))

JA ......"Your telling her "come over and I'll cook"
AR Uh hum (affirmitive)
JA ..........."You want me to bring the little snothead?"
From what I have read from his interview he seems a bit "shady" to me, for some reason.
From what I have read from his interview he seems a bit "shady" to me, for some reason.
I agree Nancy, he seems to be dodging questions about the Nanny and the child. Seems like he is saying she never talked about Caylee or the nanny to him. Then they start reading him the IMs and he has to kind of back track. She mentions the nanny several times in IMs with him and Caylee several times. He seems to be using the excuse that maybe he was drunk when they talked or IMed or at least thats what it appears he is saying to me.
Snot nose and "the offspring" - it doesn't sound like either of them really cared to talk about Caylee.


And in a later conversation when Casey says her mom can't babysit and implies she is sick, his response is "call that other bi$$$"

yeah, I really don't feel bad for this guy. He's an a-hole.
Line # 24
Casey says, "At least the kids passed out".
Didn't anyone find that terminology a bit odd?
I don't want to defend Casey, AT ALL, but three times in the last week I've had texts with my husband (I'm at home with the toddler, he's at work) where I'll say something like "dd FINALLY passed out, I'm gonna go run some laundry and bbl". All I mean is that she's asleep, and it's common usage for us with all 3 of our kids. I've never drugged them and never would.

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