Forensic Astrology - ROBERT MANWILL 8 yr old missing 7/24/09 Boise, ID

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The person or persons who filed the missing child report are fresh out of luck because Uranus rules that person or persons and is square the Part of Fortune. Fractured skull a misdemeanor? Well, that was then. This is no misdemeanor.
The person or persons who filed the missing child report are fresh out of luck because Uranus rules that person or persons and is square the Part of Fortune. Fractured skull a misdemeanor? Well, that was then. This is no misdemeanor.

I can see the Uranus influence causing question of the 'accounting' given by the mother for that evening's activities around the time Robert went missing. Hence, LE has refrained from calling this an 'abduction' after all these days.

I'd be curious to know when someone other then the mother and bf or one of their good buddies, last saw this child.
Thank you so much for working on Robert M's chart.
It does not look like good news, but I think a lot of us had a bad feeling, the longer he went without being found. And his mother's criminal history.
Can we tell where Robert might be?
And if he will ever be found?
These cases get worse & worse..........

This child was born with SUN in a degree of homicide (17 Gem) close conj. HADES (19 Gem), partile conj. CUPIDO (17 Gem) (family), close conj. MEDUSA (15 Gem) (evil/murdering mother).

MOON (mother) is posited in cold uncaring Capricorn (no matter what time Robert was born), disposited by SATURN which is opp PLUTO. How appropriate for a child whose mother cracked his infant sibling's skull..........

I wouldn't hone in on such testimonies in a natal consult, but in a missing child case they are chilling.

In light of the news reports on family background, you have to wonder how kids like Robert stand a chance......

ETA: Here is the chart for the time Robert was reported missing to police:


With Reported Missing SUN in 6th House, we have another crisis in caretaking, made exponentially worse by SUN being close conjunct malefic SOUTH NODE. Crisis was caused by 7th House person (Leo on 7H) or a removal from the home (7th House is the House of Removals). This child is hidden (Lord 5 MOON intercepted in 7H). MOON the 5th House Child is about to conj. SATURN, classic significator of death. Lord 8 VENUS is in 4th House of Endings in kill or be killed 22nd degree and conjunct HADES. This is alarming and more so because VENUS is the Day Ruler. Event SATURN squares Robert's natal SUN.

Mother is a piece of work. Her natal MARS is conj. Robert's natal SUN, her MARS opp his PLUTO and possibly inconjunct his MOON, her SATURN square his SUN, SATURN and PLUTO; her URANUS inconj. his SUN, quindecile his VENUS; her PLUTO inconj. his VENUS and possibly square his MOON.

If she hasn't already abused him, she will --- assuming he is alive & found and returned to her 'care.'

I'm not sure exactly what happened here --- interceptions across 1/7 suggest someone's lying or hiding something or just doesn't know --- but it doesn't look good. As usual, no one really knows when this child was last seen...

THank you Soulscape Tuba, Dreamweaver, Angel Who Cares and others for the posting information on Robert's disappearance. Especially for the charts. I wish that the the time he disappeared could be determined so a chart could indicate where the searchers should look. My hubby is going to search with a large group and it would be so wonderful if information was available to be able to direct searchers to specific areas and not waste all their time searching in unproductive areas.
Many thanks for all the help that everyone has put into charts, etc. It is too bad that the visitation wasn't monitored. The mother sounds so horrible. I don't doubt that she is capable of causing great injury to this child given what charts say and her criminal background.
Bless you all for all your help.:)
THank you Soulscape Tuba, Dreamweaver, Angel Who Cares and others for the posting information on Robert's disappearance. Especially for the charts. I wish that the the time he disappeared could be determined so a chart could indicate where the searchers should look. My hubby is going to search with a large group and it would be so wonderful if information was available to be able to direct searchers to specific areas and not waste all their time searching in unproductive areas.
Many thanks for all the help that everyone has put into charts, etc. It is too bad that the visitation wasn't monitored. The mother sounds so horrible. I don't doubt that she is capable of causing great injury to this child given what charts say and her criminal background.
Bless you all for all your help.:)

My prayers will be with your hubby in his search for little Robert. Not only will this be a physical strain on him but the emotional strain will also be draining. God bless all of you for what you do!!:blowkiss:
My comments in post #8 above are based upon the Reported Missing time. I will add the chart later this evening.


There are so many places if Robert was taken to be hidden. Boise has desert to the south, swift moving water in canals, river running thru the middle of town, and forest area an hr. North of town. There are so many possibillities. And I only pray that he can be found in whatever circumstances so family members will have peace and those who caused his disappearance brought to account.
Many, many thanks, :blowkiss:
Thanks so much for your help in this all of our amazing astrologers & Fifth too! :blowkiss:

I will add the media that I think is important for you all & add the daily new ones for you too!

Search for missing boy continues
Thursday, July 30, 2009 9:22 AM CDT
Robert Manwill, 8, has been missing since Friday, July 24, and was last seen near his mother&#8217;s apartment complex in the 9200 block of Cherry Lane, Boise, southwest of Vista and Overland.

According to the Boise Police Department, police will continue to investigate and conduct interviews to pursue approximately 50 leads. In addition, a Idaho Army National Guard helicopter will conduct an aerial search targeting sites where an 8-year-old boy could potentially walk or wander to, according to the Web site. Search teams comprising of officers and approximately 120 volunteers are inspecting public areas near Manwill&#8217;s apartment home.

According to the BPD Web site, Manwill is considered an endangered missing child because of his age and the duration he has been away from home. Several agencies, including the FBI, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children &#8220;Team Adam,&#8221; Ada and Canyon County sheriff&#8217;s offices, Meridian Police Department, Garden City Police Department, Idaho State Police and officers with the Treasure Valley Metro Violent Crimes Task Force are assisting.

Robert Manwill

Can you help find missing Boise 8-year-old Robert Manwill?
Police want 1,000 people or more to scour Boise for the missing 8-year-old
Published: 07/30/09
Boise police and the family of Robert Manwill are asking anyone who can to join a massive search for the boy on Friday.

Police put off the search a day to give volunteers a chance to rest after several days of work and to have a chance to recruit officers from around the Valley to lead groups from 10 to 12 residents.

A map of the search area for 8-year-old Robert Manwill, who had been missing since Friday, July 24.

Police looking for up to 1,000 volunteers for massive search
Story Created: Jul 29, 2009 at 2:36 PM MDT
Story Updated: Jul 29, 2009 at 10:20 PM MDT
"This is a one day push," said Jim Kerns, Boise Police deputy chief. "The time is now for new volunteers."

"Robert is still missing," Kerns said. "(The effort to find him) is a tremendous commitment to the citizens of this city."

Officers are asking volunteers to take a day off from searching on Thursday as organizers gear up for the massive push on Friday. "I think that giving people a day off is probably a wise idea," said George Gunn, a search manger with Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue. Gunn says by giving volunteers a day to recoup and recover it will help get them ready to go come Friday. "We're moving out into areas that haven't been searched before so people need to be fresh," he said. The Friday search will be operated at three spots in Boise.

VIDEO: Police looking for up to 1,000 volunteers for massive search 2:43

Deputy chief: 'We have a single focus - to find Robert'
Story Created: Jul 25, 2009 at 9:54 AM MDT
Story Updated: Jul 28, 2009 at 3:46 PM MDT
Family members told police that Robert Manwill was last seen walking out of his home Friday evening on Cherry Lane.

Manwill is still missing after an extensive area search Saturday and Sunday by Boise Police, Mountain Search and Rescue, and local volunteers.

About 20 FBI agents and dozens of local residents were assisting in the search over the weekend.

According to police, crews drained the pond at the Oak Ridge Apartments to see if the boy's body could be inside.

As of Monday evening Police say they're following nearly 75 leads. Because of the nature of the leads police would not provide any more details. More than 40 officers assisted with house to house searches.

Police have also been and continue to interview registered sex offenders in the area where Robert was last seen.

Police say on Tuesday they will expand their search by another half mile radius.

VIDEO: Deputy chief: 'We have a single focus - to find Robert' 3:07

ISP outlines AMBER alert criteria
Story Created: Jul 27, 2009 at 4:38 PM MDT
Story Updated: Jul 27, 2009 at 5:36 PM MDT
When 8-year-old Robert Manwill went missing Friday, Boise police officers requested an AMBER alert through Idaho State Police but the request was denied.

But Dawn Peck with The Idaho State Police says Boise investigators had no solid leads the child had indeed been abducted, a top requirement for an alert.

"Without any evidence of abduction, we could not proceed with an AMBER alert," said Peck.

According to the Department of Justice, AMBER plans require law enforcement to confirm an abduction prior to issuing an alert. This is essential when determining the level of risk to the child. Clearly, stranger abductions are the most dangerous for children and thus are primary to the mission of an AMBER Alert.

The Justice Department, on the AMBER website, says to allow activations in the absence of significant information that an abduction has occurred could lead to abuse of the system and ultimately weaken its effectiveness.

The main criteria for an AMBER alert are: reasonable belief by police an abduction has occurred, imminent danger of serious injury or death, sufficient description of the victim and abduction, the child is 17 years or younger and the name is entered into the national crime information center system.

VIDEO: ISP outlines AMBER alert criteria


Day Three Of Neighborhood Search
Posted: July 28, 2009 09:50 PM EDT
They may be strangers, but hundreds of volunteers are working towards one goal -- to find Robert Manwill.

This is the third day the community has swept the neighborhood. Despite the heat, and despite the possibility of finding something you would never want to find, hundreds of volunteers are still searching for this missing little boy.

"I don't think anyone could fit there. I don't know he's pretty small though," said Kara Hoge while looking into a storm drain.

No rock unturned, no alley unsearched.

"No leads, darnit," said Hoge.

That's the force driving hundreds of volunteers looking for 8-year-old Robert Manwill. Each volunteer has a different story for being out there.

VIDEO: Update On Robert Manwill Search 2:12 On Robert Manwill Search

VIDEO: Hundreds Of Volunteers Searching For Robert Manwill 2:17 Of Volunteers Searching For Robert Manwill

VIDEO: Searching For Robert Manwill 1:55 For Robert Manwill

VIDEO: Thursday Mornings Headlines 2:03 Morning Headlines

VIDEO: More Thursday Morning Headlines 2:04 Thursday Morning Headlines

Family members of missing boy have criminal histories
11:30 AM MDT on Thursday, July 30, 2009
Robert Manwill lives with his father in New Plymouth most of the year but is spending the summer with his mother in Boise.

While we have seen Robert's mother and her boyfriend at many of the news conferences, we know very little about them.

But court records obtained by NewsChannel 7 say Robert's mother, Melissa Scott Jenkins, was charged with felony injury to a child in October 2008. She later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.

The documents say Jenkins hit her 9-month-old son's head on a surface.

The infant suffered a fractured skull that caused not only physical pain, but mental suffering as well.

The mother's boyfriend, Daniel Edward Ehrlick, is the father of the infant.

Ehrlick has a criminal history including burglary and has served time in prison.

According to sealed documents obtained by the Idaho Statesman, during a visitation hearing for Jenkins' two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Jenkins stated she did not want her boyfriend, Ehrlick alone with her daugther. The reason she said that was not stated.

Robert's father, Charles Manwill, has had custody of Robert since January of 2008.

According to the Statesman, a former wife served 10 years in prison for the voluntary manslaughter of the couple's 4-year-old son, an incident that happened 15 years ago while he was stationed on a military base in Louisiana.

The Statesman uncovered federal court documents saying "upon sudden quarrel and in the heat of passion" Silke Manwill stabbed the child in the chest.

VIDEO: Family members of missing boy have criminal histories

VIDEO: A massive call to action in search for missing boy

VIDEO: Searching for clues in boy's disappearance

VIDEO: Hundreds of volunteers resume search for missing boy

VIDEO: CNN Missing 8 year old Boise Idaho~ Robert Manwill 7/30/09
[ame=""]YouTube - Missing 8 year old ~ Robert Manwill~Boise Idaho[/ame]
VIDEO: Nancy 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 1
[ame=""]YouTube - Nancy 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 1[/ame]

VIDEO: Nancy 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 2
[ame=""]YouTube - Nancy 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 2[/ame]
VIDEO: Issues 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 2
[ame=""]YouTube - Issues 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 2[/ame]

VIDEO: Issues 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 3
[ame=""]YouTube - Issues 7/29/09 Robert Manwill Part 3[/ame]
VIDEO: Prime News 7/27/09 Robert Manwill
[ame=""]YouTube - Prime News 7/27/09 Robert Manwill[/ame]
VIDEO: Nancy Grace~Idaho 8 year old vanishes 1:58
Added On July 29, 2009
Eight-year-old Robert Manwill is still missing after disappearing from his home Sunday night.
VIDEO: Issues w/Jane~Search for missing 8-year-old 8:15
Added On July 30, 2009
HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell reports on the search for missing 8-year-old Boise boy, Robert Manwill.
"No good leads" in 8-year-old boy's disappearance
10:20 AM MDT on Tuesday, July 28, 2009
During a Monday morning news conference, police say they have received a number of leads - but nothing concrete that tells them where the boy may be.

The child&#8217;s family thanked the community for the response they&#8217;ve received, and for the large-scale search response.

Twenty FBI agents are in the area, and more may be called in.

"We're leaving no stone unturned in that investigation,&#8221; Kerns said. &#8220;We're looking at all of the potential leads. We're looking at all possibilities in our attempt to find out what's happened to Robert.&#8221;

Search crews have been looking in sheds, garages, abandoned cars, homes, in bushes, behind fences and anywhere a small boy could hide.

Officers and volunteers say they will not stop until he's found.

&#8220;I don't recall a time where I've seen this much community support in Boise come out for a search,&#8221; said Lt. Doug Shoenborn. &#8220;It's really been nice to see a lot of support from the local community.&#8221;

VIDEO: Search for Robert Manwill expands(INCLUDED IN ARTICLE!

Google Map For Missing Robert Manwill


Search for missing Boise boy, Robert Manwill, will continue Wednesday
Published: 07/28/09
Boise police worked Tuesday to recreate a detailed timeline of what Robert Manwill did on Friday &#8212; the day the 8-year-old disappeared and sparked a more than three-day intensive search in his neighborhood around south Vista Boulevard in Southwest Boise.

Police now say the boy was last seen wearing a faded blue T-shirt with a Superman logo, blue jeans and dark tennis shoes. He went missing from his mother's apartment complex near the intersection of Vista and Targee Street &#8212; about half a mile from Interstate 84 and even closer to the New York Canal.

Police, FBI agents and more than 100 volunteers have scoured the neighborhood, looking for nooks and crannies where the boy may have hidden &#8212; including tiny places where a small boy could tuck himself.

"Act like you're looking for a lost baseball," Officer Will Reimers told a group of volunteer searchers Monday.

"The family has said that he likes to sneak around and crawl in little places. He's an inquisitive little kid," said police spokeswoman Lynn Hightower.

Robert lives with his father in New Plymouth, but was visiting his mother and her family Friday, police said.

Police stopped traffic and searched nearby homes over the weekend. They have interviewed more than 100 registered sex offenders living nearby and chased 100 leads &#8212; none of which have panned out.

Video: Latest news conference about the search for Robert Manwill

Missing boy's dad grateful for all the public support
UPDATED: 04:53 PM MDT on Thursday, July 30, 2009
The National Guard is now involved in the search for 8-year-old Robert Manwill who has been missing for six days.

And for the first time today Robert&#8217;s father speaks out publically about the search for his son.

"My heart goes out to the community for all the help we have received in the search for my lost son. I also want to thank the Boise Police Department for their tireless effort, the FBI and my brothers in the National Guard, they're family men, family women, they want to bring this boy home, that all that matters to us at this point," said Charles Manwill, Robert&#8217;s father.

Today is the first day since the search began that citizens didn't go out and search, but that doesn't mean people weren't out searching.

Between last night and today, 135 men and women from the Idaho National Guard and the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security searched for Robert.

Lt. Col. Tim Narsano with the Idaho National Guard says they add a skill set that the general public doesn't necessarily have.

VIDEO: Dad's thankful remarks

New Plymouth holds out hope Robert will come home
07/30/2009 05:08 PM MDT
NEW PLYMOUTH -- Robert Manwill had just completed the second grade at New Plymouth Elementary School.

NewsChannel 7 talked to Robert's teacher today about the 8-year-old boy that so many people are desperately trying to find.

Christy Morales has been in education for 17 years and never had one of her students go missing.

She is now active in helping with the efforts to find Robert.

Robert had only been at the school for a year after recently moving in with his father.

Morales describes Robert has a kind, loving child who was smart.

A mother herself, she worries about being alone and vulnerable, and hopes he would be able to defend himself in a tough situation.

They are asking anyone over 18 to meet at the elementary school at 1:15 p.m. Friday.

School busses and others willing to carpool will then travel to Boise to help with the massive search for Robert.

VIDEO: Hear from his 2nd grade teacher

Search for 8-year-old Robert Manwill - 07-28-2009
VIDEO Searchers Taking Thursday Off 0:39 Taking Thursday Off
Idaho National Guard Join Search For Missing Boy
July 30, 2009
Members of the Idaho National Guard and Bureau of Homeland Security map out their locations in the search of missing 8-year-old Robert Manwill. Guardsmen and women canvassed remote areas looking for clues that could possible lead them to Robert.

"We have personnel out there that are scouts, they are trained in looking for things that the untrained eye may not see", says Lt. Col. Tim Marsano.

They checked fields and garbage bins hoping to find a trace of the young boy missing now for 6 days.

"We're looking for items of interest that may not have been uncovered", Marsano said.

At the day six briefing Police and Guardsmen would not comment on what lead them to begin looking in this direction but National Guard officials say they are equipped for the job and can provide more resources in the quest to find the 8-year-old boy who vanished from home.

"We know that area, we work out there, we drive those roads everyday do we can see things maybe the average person couldn't", says Marsano.

VIDEO: Idaho National Guard Join Search For Missing Boy 1:39

VIDEO: No Suspects In Search For Missing Boise Boy 2:09

VIDEO: Police Expand Search For Missing Boy 2:09

UPDATED: Massive Volunteer Search For 8-Year Old Boy
Updated: July 30, 2009 08:22 PM EDT
For six days search crews have combed Boise streets looking for Robert Manwill and tonight, on the eve of an unprecedented volunteer effort, he remains missing.

75 police officers will put their efforts to coordinate 3 massive volunteer search groups.

Police from all over the Treasure Valley are asking anyone and everyone to dedicate their time tomorrow to find the missing 8-year old boy.

Taking a deep breath and fighting back tears, Robert's father thanked everyone for helping the family look for his son.

My heart goes out to the community for all the help and support we've received and the search for my lost son," said Robert's father Charles Manwill.

As Robert's family stood strong, they said they don't want the public to concentrate on the family's troubled past. Instead they should have only one thing on their minds.

"We do not know why people think any of this, matters. We are asking everyone to stay focused on our target on hand and that's to bring Robert home," said Robert's Aunt Trisha Burrill.

Even the Boise Police Department spoke about their dedication in finding Robert.

Detectives are working around the clock, trying to follow more than 200 leads.

That's why they're asking everyone to take the search seriously.

VIDEO: Massive Volunteer Seach For 8-Year Old Boy 2:00

VIDEO: Massive Search For Missing Boy Set For Friday 2:34

Day Four of Robert Manwill Search Comes Up Empty
Posted: July 25, 2009 07:26 PM EDT
Updated: July 29, 2009 12:13 AM EDT
Detectives have no suspects or people of interest in 8 year-old Robert Manwill's disappearance. The announcement came at a press conference late Tuesday night.

Investigators have also questioned more than 100 registered sex offenders with in a two mile radius of the home.

Police are calling Robert an endangered Missing child, but have not said he was abducted. "We are not ready to say that Robert was abducted we don't not have any indication that Robert was abducted", Kerns said early Monday.

In the meantime family members still holding out hope Robert will be found safe and sound.

"This is Robert's bear that has always been close to his heart and our family would love to reunite them together," Robert's Aunt Tricia Burrill said Tuesday night.

Boise Police Department

July 30, 2009 Latest News Conference on Missing Boy (Video) - Media Information
July 30, 2009
Deputy Chief Jim Kerns, Boise Police Department
Idaho National Guard Lt Colonel Tim Marsano
Family representative Trish Burrill

Media Contact Information:
Lynn Hightower, Communications Director, Boise PD, (208) 570-6180

All the latest information will be posted at
News media briefings will be held daily, until further notice, at Boise City Hall West, 333 N. Sailfish Place.

Watch the latest News Conference


Robert Manwill Flyer

Police need your help to find a missing boy! July 30, 2009
Fact sheet, Thursday, July 30th, 2009, 2:00 p.m.
Robert is being considered an endangered missing child, and has been since he was reported missing, because of his age and the length of time he&#8217;s been away from home.

Robert was reportedly last seen sometime Friday evening, July 24th, around the Oak Park apartment complex 2800 W. Cherry, near Vista and Targee. Reported missing to Boise Police at 10:11 p.m. Friday night.

So far, no evidence of an abduction.

Robert&#8217;s family is continuing to cooperate with investigators. New family members have arrived from around the country for support.

Today, approx. 40 officers continued their house to house search, talking to anyone who may have seen Robert. Specifically, the officers are, not only looking for evidence, but still trying to determine a timeline of Robert&#8217;s activities on the day he disappeared.

More than 120 Registered Sex Offenders within a 2-mile radius of where Robert disappeared have been questioned at least once by detectives.

The Find Robert Tip Line has become more active. More than 125 leads have been received and are being actively followed. Citizens are encouraged to continue to provide any information, including sightings of Robert beginning Friday morning, July 24th.

There are many questions about the nature of the leads detectives are following. We understand the public has those questions and has the right to ask them. But we hope folks understand, it&#8217;s the very nature of police investigations, that until the case is conclude, in this case, until we find Robert&#8230; specifics and details of this very active, ongoing, priority investigation cannot be released.

Until Robert is found, every lead in any direction is being worked. Nothing is being discounted, everything is being scrutinized.

Approx 35 Volunteers continued their grid search today, being coordinated by Boise Police and experts from the Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue. Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue volunteers have been a terrific help to this investigation.

Sunday, July 26th, volunteers searched the public areas from the child&#8217;s apartment residence to ½ mile out. Monday, July 27th the volunteer grid search covered public areas ½ mile to 1 mile from where Robert was reported missing. Other areas since then have been re-searched as directed by the needs of the investigation.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children recommends searching public areas up to one-mile from where the child was reported missing, so at this time, the volunteer search has gone beyond that.

Assisting Agencies:
Because of the importance of this investigation, investigators from national law enforcement and missing children&#8217;s associations, and several local, Treasure Valley law enforcement agencies are helping Boise PD in the search and investigation including; FBI, National center for Missing and Exploited Children &#8211; Team Adam, Ada County and Canyon County Sheriff&#8217;s Offices, Meridian, Garden City, Idaho State Police, officers with the Treasure Valley Metro Violent Crimes task Force.

Helicopter Search:
An Idaho Army National Guard helicopter conducted an aerial search of the area Monday, July 27th, searching for a different perspective from the air, looking over an area where an 8 year old boy might walk or wander from his home.

Missing Child Reports made to Boise Police:
2008 &#8211; 154
Jan 1 thru June 30, 2009 &#8211; 86
Some of those reports turned into runaway reports. All other missing child reports were resolved, typically within few hours, some with the public&#8217;s help following a media release.

Much more info is included in the Boise Police Link!
Comments from Deputy Chief Jim Kerns of the Boise Police Department, 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 30th media briefing!

Comments from Deputy Chief Jim Kerns of the Boise Police Department, 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 29th media briefing!

Comments from Deputy Chief Jim Kerns of the Boise Police Department, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 28th media briefing!



JVM.....mother and her boyfriend are being 'looked at'..........
Based on what little we know this sounds plausible. The aunt sounds wonderful however and genuine in their loss.
we know about mother.....boyfriend??? he is a felon!
mother did not allow her daughter to be alone with him? sex perp?
rape little Robert? in the charts?
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