SPOTLIGHT CASE Human Trafficking Awareness Thread

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Sep 11, 2008
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The time has come to open this thread. My hope is that more people are reading to discuss the reality of the horror that children are being "sold" to become slaves - not only in other countries - but our country as well.

To start, here is a snip of Marc Klaas' website:

It is estimated that 14,500–17,500 individuals are trafficked into the U.S. each year. However, these numbers pale by comparison to the U.S. citizen victims of Human Sex Trafficking.

* Between 1.6 and 2.8 million children run away annually in the U.S., half of which are girls.
* Within 48 hours of hitting the streets, one third of these children are lured or recruited into the underground world of prostitution or *advertiser censored*.
* The average age at which girls first become victims of prostitution is 12-14.
* For boys, the entry age is 11-13.
* Approximately 55% of street girls engage in formal prostitution.
* Of the girls engaged in formal prostitution, 75% work for a pimp.
* It is estimated that as many as 300,000 American children are working as prostitutes in the U.S.A.
* Many of these children are missing: many have run away or are throwaway children.

We have learned that the U.S.A. is as much a supply country as it is a demand country for human trafficking. In fact, we are supplying much of our own demand. President George W. Bush has committed the United States Government to lead in combating the serious 21st century challenge of Human Trafficking. The best way to lead is always by example. The best example that the U.S.A. can present to its own citizens and the world at large is to acknowledge the extent that human sex trafficking has affected our own society, and then repair the damage. We must seek legislative solutions and change society’s perception. We must impact the victim’s mindset as we rescue and recover them. Finally, we must identify and criminalize the traffickers.
Thanks Kimster for starting this thread.
I had NO IDEA til Shaniya's case just how bad this is!
Instead of our politicians worrying about other crap,
let's get them started on this issue!
This human trafficing is getting worse than drugs!
We need each town to have petitions for politicians to address this 'secret' in USA!!!
Once in awhile, someone would mention that a missing person quite possibly had been sold. My reaction was disbelief because we live in North America and if that happened here, it was only going on with certain cultures like Russian or Thai types...certainly NOT Americans!

Then one day...

A dear friend of mine that I've known for ten years stopped by to see me about some regular question in our lives. During the time we chatted, it rolled around to his past. He had told me that 30 years ago he did things he was ashamed of, but for some reason on this day, the conversation moved into more detail.

He had been involved in drug trafficking. During that time, he had heard that babies were used to transport drugs. WARNING: THE NEXT PART IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!! He said that these were not live babies...they were babies that were hollow inside to put the drugs in them. I was stunned. Beyond stunned, actually! This is a man who is outstanding in my community, has a lovely home and family, and a humble man. He said he had recently shared with his kids, who are young adults, the truth. That is the kind of man he is - honest and full on integrity. So, that is why I believe him.

Then he told me that there were kids who were sold. He once saw some in the corner of a room, wide-eyed and scared. He said that image will never leave his mind. He sees them all the time and it sickens him and he still has a huge problem forgiving himself because he did NOTHING at the time. We talked then about the Lord's forgiveness and all the things he has given back to people in the thirty years since he became a Christian and stopped using drugs. That is the only thing that keeps him from going mad.

If anyone else knows any stories about these kids who are sold, please share them. Once we know what is really going on, we can learn together what we can do to bring awareness to this evil and SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!
Innocence Lost National Initiative

In the five years since its inception, the Initiative has resulted in the development of 34 dedicated task forces and working groups throughout the U.S. involving federal, state and local law enforcement agencies working in tandem with U.S. Attorney's Offices.

Statistics (as of October 2009)
Founded: June 2003
Children Recovered: 886
Seizures: Over $3 million
Convictions: 510
Task Forces & Working Groups: 34

To date, these groups have worked successfully to rescue nearly 900 children. Investigations have successfully led to the conviction of more than 500 pimps, madams, and their associates who exploit children through prostitution. These convictions have resulted in lengthy sentences including multiple 25-year-to-life sentences and the seizure of real property, vehicles, and monetary assets.
Protecting the Powerless: Child Trafficking in the United States

All that Kaela* wanted was the security she'd never had. "When I was 12 and living at home, my father was an alcoholic who verbally and physically abused me," says Kaela, a 16-year-old from Toledo, Ohio.

"One day I was out avoiding the house when an older man approached me on the street. He drove a beautiful car, had business cards, and said he had so much money he could give me anything I wanted. I’d never had nice things — or had an adult treat me that well — so after we talked for a while, I got in his car and drove off with him."

Thus began Kaela's four years as a child prostitute. The man, a pimp took her to a truck stop in Harrisburg, Virginia, where she met his stable of six underage sex workers. Together, they shared a motel room and all the marijuana and crack cocaine they could smoke. Turning 8 to 15 tricks per night, Kaela gave her $500 to $1,000 nightly wages to her pimp, who in exchange paid for her food, lodging, clothes, and drugs. She was robbed, raped, and nearly lost to the streets until she entered drug rehab in May 2007 and joined a program to help the victims of child trafficking
Trafficking and Sex Tourism

"Each year an estimated 800,000 to 900,000 human beings are bought, sold, or forced across the world's borders [2003 U.S. State Department estimate]. Among them are hundreds of thousands of teenage girls, and others as young as 5, who fall victim to the sex trade.

There's a special evil in the abuse and exploitation of the most innocent and vulnerable. The victims of [the] sex trade see little of life before they see the very worst of life, an underground of brutality and lonely fear. Those who create these victims and profit from their suffering must be severely punished. Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others."
Thank you for starting this I have wanted to since the start of the Caylee case. (I actually started a thread but it was pulled b/c I was too afraid to "come out") Since then I have seen so many disturbing stories I am ready to talk. I think many are naive and think it doesnt happen in their town, only the Big Cities. NO WAY Many times the perps are never caught. They lay low off the radar of LEO and have more advanced equiptment than LEO (as reported to me by Federal Attorney) The perps are often difficut to prosecute b/c the vics are afraid, brain washed, or too young. we need to step up and change the laws. Many may know my story but I will give a quick overview...

My adopted kids were removed from a child *advertiser censored* ring in which their mother offered them to the perp in exchange for shelter, food , and clothing. In my state this is very hard to prove if she says she is his GF (they were not intimate, the children slept with the perp, mom slept on the couch) (I will call her EG b/c she is simply an egg donor) EG was aware of BF's perping she even watched but in my state thats a disdemeanor. My kids were removed at ages 2 and 5 ---the youngest was failure to thrive couldnt eat solid food but could do provacative dances. Yes she was a vic too. She will never get justice b/c 'The accused has the right to face the accuser' Most courts will not allow someone 5 and under to testify. This creates the perfect victim---and as somonelse said you can sell a child over and over. The other awful thing is that if this is all you know any other way to live.
It has been 6yrs and I am finally speaking out (a little bit) so that others can learn this is not just a t.v. show Its real life My children are still learning what it means to live in family ----the oldest will probably never get out of the institution he had to enter b/c he doent know how to give or recieve love he equate's love with sex. Example: when they 1st arrived our son seemed depressed (understandably) it was later reveiled that he thought my husband didn't like him b/c they never "slept together" to show their love. Their are many other stories but this shows you how brainwashed they become. Children sold into these situations dont understand the "good touch-bad touch" conversation b/c they are told its good and are reinforced with treats when they "do it right" and are beaten when they "do it wrong". The boundaries are so messed up they dont find it odd to take a shower and wash a complete stranger. This IS their normal. We have been to so many "experts" but very few know how to handle these situations b/c they are so complex. We were told that the 2yr old may never be functional b/c the most crucial years were used to gratify others. (We refuse to accept that b/c we know God is more powerful and can do anything) She is more of a 5-6 yr old at 8 but she is reading and writing and potty trained (we thought it would never happen -she was almost 5) She is a miracle. We know all the stats ( we are praying we wont be grandparents in 6 yrs) about her future but we know she will be able to function on her own.

Sorry i just vented so much but it sure feels good... Thanks for reading
USA: Activism to Stop Human Trafficking

The organization Stop Child Trafficking Now estimates that over 2.5 million children—most of them girls—are sold into the sex trade every year. Victims can be as young as 4 or 5 years of age, who often are abducted from their homes never to be heard from again. Human rights groups and individuals are working towards educating the local community about this issue as well as making efforts to combat human trafficking in the U.S. and helping victims caught up in the human trafficking networks.
I'm thankful this is being talked about too. When I talk to my children about child trafficking I always spoke of Thailand. I am really shocked to know what is going on right here. Last nights revelation about Shania being sold and used has just sickened me. It was a shock when I read it because I never expected that. I pray she will be found soon and those guilty will be put away.
Kimster Thanks for starting this thread !

After the news of Shaniya Davis yesterday I am just in complete and total shock, a huge wake up call to what is in our backyards!

I did more research here for Colorado and it seem human trafficking is rampant here I had know idea.
It is unfortunate that a case like Shaniya's is the only reason now that I am really aware of how bad it is in our country. I only hope this to be a wake up call for alot of Americans as it is a huge slap in the face for me HUGE!

I hope this thread here at WS will bring more awareness to this Multi Billion Dollar Industry and we can make a difference.

Rosa's Story: The High Price Of Human Trafficking
Share: by CJaye | May 29, 2009 at 05:33 am

This story is no different from other girls, Rosa was 13 years old when her ordeal started. All these girls want is a chance at a better life. It sickens me to hear story after story of the same scenario. This is why I advocate for these children and adults. If you look hard enough you might be amazed at how many cases happen right in your own back yard so to speak.

Her name is Rosa and she was just 13 years old when her life changed forever. She went from being a young waitress in a small Mexican village to being held captive as a prostitute and a slave

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