Overhaul of Social Services? Stop these tragedies before they happen???

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Nov 16, 2009
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I am very disturbed by so many many cases that have one thing in common...the kids/family/etc are all well "known" to their respective state's social services before the kid goes missing/found dead/murdered

over and over

why bother with "missing kid id kits">> most of the missing/murdered kids already have all their info/pictures and pics/mug shots of their "bioparents" and various step parents/hanger ons/whatevers

over and over....Trenton Ducket's biomom threatened him, even with a knife...
Gabriel's violent biomom called him Thing, left him in dirty diapers for hours, wanted to adopt him out, destroyed his clothes and toys, destroyed her apartment, her bf's clothes etc....

Little Marc in NY>>> his "accused" murderer was the father of his older half brother...who was severely beaten by Cory and he went to prison for it....
his biomom had him to another (decent it seems) man when Cory was in another prison stint and then she got back with the monster...so far she seems more concerned about him than about her son

Avieone Lewis....that sad case...

Shannon Dedrick..."baby in the box">> a miracle NO thanks to her biomom
DCF listed her as in "intermediate danger" !! yet let her stay

Shaynia's Biomom had been investigated

and so many others....I am sure Sarah Fox was well known to the courts etc

and on and on...they don't need to ask for a "picture" of these missing kids...they have them in their files I am sure

we need new/tough/enforced laws regarding family "services"...we need accountability

My personal thought is that we need swift justice and we need swift firings of any "supervisors" and any lax social workers

when a pilot misjudges...when a bus driver screws up...they can lose their job, license

we need to see the same for the social "slackers" in these cases...

I enjoy watching a good perp walk...I would like to see some good "fired" walks by slacker do nothing "misjudging" social workers

kick them out...overhaul...I have more ideas...what are YOUR ideas on this?

I have tons of proof about Florida...I will post them...show me your state

good or bad..what works..what doesn't

I am very disturbed by so many many cases that have one thing in common...the kids/family/etc are all well "known" to their respective state's social services before the kid goes missing/found dead/murdered

over and over

why bother with "missing kid id kits">> most of the missing/murdered kids already have all their info/pictures and pics/mug shots of their "bioparents" and various step parents/hanger ons/whatevers

over and over....Trenton Ducket's biomom threatened him, even with a knife...
Gabriel's violent biomom called him Thing, left him in dirty diapers for hours, wanted to adopt him out, destroyed his clothes and toys, destroyed her apartment, her bf's clothes etc....

Little Marc in NY>>> his "accused" murderer was the father of his older half brother...who was severely beaten by Cory and he went to prison for it....
his biomom had him to another (decent it seems) man when Cory was in another prison stint and then she got back with the monster...so far she seems more concerned about him than about her son

Avieone Lewis....that sad case...

Shannon Dedrick..."baby in the box">> a miracle NO thanks to her biomom
DCF listed her as in "intermediate danger" !! yet let her stay

Shaynia's Biomom had been investigated

and so many others....I am sure Sarah Fox was well known to the courts etc

and on and on...they don't need to ask for a "picture" of these missing kids...they have them in their files I am sure

we need new/tough/enforced laws regarding family "services"...we need accountability

My personal thought is that we need swift justice and we need swift firings of any "supervisors" and any lax social workers

when a pilot misjudges...when a bus driver screws up...they can lose their job, license

we need to see the same for the social "slackers" in these cases...

I enjoy watching a good perp walk...I would like to see some good "fired" walks by slacker do nothing "misjudging" social workers

kick them out...overhaul...I have more ideas...what are YOUR ideas on this?

I have tons of proof about Florida...I will post them...show me your state

good or bad..what works..what doesn't



Right now I in in a nightmare, my 4 yr old Grandson and his 7 yr old sister have told me and others including a principal at her school of beatings being tied to a chair and naked pics being taken by their moms new bf.I called the police about pics and dfys has been involved WHAT A JOKE.All they have done is have the mom move out of his apartment into his cousins apt.A cousin who thinks he is Mr.Wonderful.We even had taken the 2 kids to sex crimes prosecutors office they said the kids need couseling this way the whole story comes out, so they agree there has been abuse.DFYS is fully in charge ,over the police and prosecutors office which is a joke. DFYS went to him and asked him about the naked pictures WTF the police should have went there and taken his camera.All Dfys did was give him notice to get rid of evidence! I even applied to the court for temporary custody of my Grandson but the Judge denied me without ever seeing me or hearing me because DFYS is involved its up to them to take kids out of her home.Now I know why people take the law in their own hands.In the mean time children are being bullied to keep quiet when my 4 yr old was telling me of how Kenny hit him with a belt his mom was screaming at him calling him a liar!!!!! I was on the phone telling him I believe everything he has said! Now his mom is hoping she is pregnant to hook this gem.She already has tried that twice before.At least my son and the other childs father are decent man.This time her 3rd babies daddies is a creep and an abuser.I have been crying for months and praying my grandson does not become a headline.If anything happens to him you all will be reading about me!!!! also 7yr old stated to DFYS how her mom and boyfriend( abusing piece of sh%t)have smoked WEED as she called it and blown it in their faces and DFYS did not even make them take drug test!!!!!! They are INCOMPETENT IN THE TRENTON NJ OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand your disgust and anger. Not all social workers are lazy. They don't all turn a blind eye. The problem is our system. Our laws are made to protect the accused before the accuser. Often, the authorities hands are tied, even when it is so obvious. The way to resolve this is to get the civil liberty, pedophile protecting, liberals to shut TFU. They are clueless as to the realities of child abuse. Our politicians are so quick to change the law when it affects their interests, but when children's interests are at hand......Kids can't vote. The ACLU and the like have lots of money and can help keep them in office. Kids don't. Normal folks like us don't. Any country that would allow a child killer out of prison is F'ed up. But guess what? It's our stupid law thanks to idiots.
I understand your disgust and anger. Not all social workers are lazy. They don't all turn a blind eye. The problem is our system. Our laws are made to protect the accused before the accuser. Often, the authorities hands are tied, even when it is so obvious. The way to resolve this is to get the civil liberty, pedophile protecting, liberals to shut TFU. They are clueless as to the realities of child abuse. Our politicians are so quick to change the law when it affects their interests, but when children's interests are at hand......Kids can't vote. The ACLU and the like have lots of money and can help keep them in office. Kids don't. Normal folks like us don't. Any country that would allow a child killer out of prison is F'ed up. But guess what? It's our stupid law thanks to idiots.

Blaming child abuse on a particular idealogy accomplishes nothing but the proliferation of falsehoods.
Blaming child abuse on a particular idealogy accomplishes nothing but the proliferation of falsehoods.

Yes, you are right. There really isn't one single group or reason why these things happen. I shouldn't blame a certain group of people for the problem. But I do still think we need to change the laws.
blaming child abuse on a particular idealogy accomplishes nothing but the proliferation of falsehoods.

what does accomplish getting the division of family services to remember who they are trying to protect ? Why are children being left in harms way? What can make a change?
I personally think that they need some sort of "emergency" system....some safe house/safe place for women and kids to go in dire situations...

I think they need to have more "supervised" parenting in some cases...they need court supervised visitation if they have any visits at all....there are so many of these cases where a good parent has to let an abusive/dangerous/druggie/drunk parent have their "visits" and the bad parent takes off with the kid or does some unspeakable thing, kills them

There is an interesting thread on "alternative" foster care ideas....maybe something like that would work??

I just keep seeing case after case where some poor "kidnapped" child or murdered child is in a family that is already well known to the state children's agency/s
Mikeysmommom....I keep thinking and worrying about your family's horrible situation

what is wrong with the principal at the school?? I thought they HAD to follow up on abuse/protect kids from predators??

why weren't the cops called??? Have you spoken to them?? Is there federal help? This is child *advertiser censored*....FBI??

This insanity has to stop....we need Jessica's law ONSTEROIDS IN EVERY STATE IMHO
Mikeysmommom....I keep thinking and worrying about your family's horrible situation

what is wrong with the principal at the school?? I thought they HAD to follow up on abuse/protect kids from predators??

why weren't the cops called??? Have you spoken to them?? Is there federal help? This is child *advertiser censored*....FBI??

This insanity has to stop....we need Jessica's law ONSTEROIDS IN EVERY STATE IMHO

It is a horrible situation, and thank you for caring.It is the law for the principal to call in abuse,her excuse was she did not want it to look like she was singling out the child.We called her and begged her to report it so they would see it was not just 2 grandmothers doing it out of spite.I called the Trenton NJ police about the pics they have left it all in DYFS hands.The police let DYFUS go to the house and tell him the kids said he took pics I am sure as soon as they left he deleted the pics.Police should have been there to take cameras.I have called the FBI they said its under state not federal because Division of youth and family services is a state program so Feds wont help.The police did make appt with sex crimes prosecutors office but they interviewed both kids but could not ask them pointed questions,both kids told about the sis being tied being hit with a belt by moms bf who has not fathered either child,they also told of going hungry.But it will take some time for kids to feel comfortable to come out with more.The have to go to counseling,and kids are not suppose to be around the bf till investigation is all done but the mom and kids are living in his cousins home so who knows if he has been kept away.When the DYFS worker said to me what do you expect me to do,I said I felt both kids should be kept away from mom till counseling started so they would not be further abused by her and boyfriend.When they said the were ok to live with his cousin I went to court for emergency custody.I write the horrors the kids told me and begged the judge to please hear me he denied it without even seeing me.The judge said I can retry for custody once DYFS is done investigating.By then it may be too late.
What makes this even worse the mom is now happily pregnant with Kenny the baby so no way is she not letting him around the kids.She has screamed in my 4 yr old Grandsons face your a fn liar why are you ruining my life.I wanted to go thru the phone and strangle her.Now she wont let any family see the kids.Last time I saw him was Jan 11,I talked to him once on phone since then.He sounds robotic sad keeps saying mom mom came I come stay with you for a long long time.It is breaking my heart.My son filed for custody but it takes months to get in court he goes next week lets see what happens.All I can say is she and her bf are very lucky I do not own a gun because the people and laws are not keeping him safe.
Yes, you are right. There really isn't one single group or reason why these things happen. I shouldn't blame a certain group of people for the problem. But I do still think we need to change the laws.

Laws do need to be changed .They give total controll to DYFS even the police's hands are tied.I am really suprised after being in this nightmare that no one has ever gone postal at DYFS when a case worker does not do their job and a loved ones child dies because of it.I am a very loving and peaceful person but we all have our limits.
What a nightmare....Mikeysmommom I think the "weak link" is the principal

I think you need to sit down with her and tell her you are going above her head to the school board...and if she can't help you then do it

go to the school board...and see if you can get some reporter (if there are any reporters left, newspapers seem to be going extinct LOL)...get some reporter to cover this

As for "federal">> more and more I think that when it comes to the safety of kids, we need uniform federal protection....child *advertiser censored*, pedophiles should IMHO be federal crimes, swift justice, national databases, hopefully that will come about but I know you need help right now

IMHO the prinicpal is the weak link you need to push on here...I feel she has negated her responsibility ...it is the law that they MUST report abuse....hit by a belt?? Good Lord....what is wrong with these people
What a nightmare....Mikeysmommom I think the "weak link" is the principal

I think you need to sit down with her and tell her you are going above her head to the school board...and if she can't help you then do it

go to the school board...and see if you can get some reporter (if there are any reporters left, newspapers seem to be going extinct LOL)...get some reporter to cover this

As for "federal">> more and more I think that when it comes to the safety of kids, we need uniform federal protection....child *advertiser censored*, pedophiles should IMHO be federal crimes, swift justice, national databases, hopefully that will come about but I know you need help right now

IMHO the prinicpal is the weak link you need to push on here...I feel she has negated her responsibility ...it is the law that they MUST report abuse....hit by a belt?? Good Lord....what is wrong with these people

Beaten with a belt so bad for a month he was not taken out of the house,would not let family see him and always had excuse not to put him on the phone.The 7 yr old was tied to a chair with rope because she would not eat for 3 hours.Then he took pics of 7 yr old female sneakily while she took off her pants to change.He also has taken my grandson who is 4 with him to job site and taken nude pics and he was not locked up.I am going to keep pushing them all till they do their jobs.The boyfriend kenny had a restraining order against him from his other babies momma and is not allowed to see him.The mother took 3 pregnancy tests all neg in dec but is telling everyone she is pregnant.I pray there is no baby because she should not even be allowed a cat let alone 3 kids.She isnt working either is he she is living free with his cousin and acts like we are all against him for no reason.She has been part of the abuse according to both kids.Her own mom wants to have her and him shot so this tells you how bad it is.
I agree that the system needs an overhaul... and I'm sure there are slacker social workers, just like there are some slackers at any job, but I am going to tentatively say this....

I'm not sure that it is the individual social workers as much as the regulations and laws that they are required to do their jobs by? And the lack of funding for more services for people/places to commit people that causes these regulations and laws to be so lax/forgiving?
I agree that the system needs an overhaul... and I'm sure there are slacker social workers, just like there are some slackers at any job, but I am going to tentatively say this....

I'm not sure that it is the individual social workers as much as the regulations and laws that they are required to do their jobs by? And the lack of funding for more services for people/places to commit people that causes these regulations and laws to be so lax/forgiving?

I have dealt with 3 different social workers trying to get help for these kids over the past 3 yrs,they ALL WERE SLACKERS and do not even follow their own rules. The sad part is even with police saying kids are in a very dangerous position the laws do not let them take over.Division of family services answers to no one and that is a very big problem they over see themselves.Many cases the workers do not even investigate families that are reported. I would not wish this on even my worse enemy.Sadly children are dying everyday because the system is failing our children. These people are well paid and get fantastic pensions and benefits no reason to keep even 1 slacker.
I 100% agree there needs to be changes made with CPS, the only way it will start is with the laws being changed in regards to how these social workers can approach the situation. I need to ponder it a little more ...

Mikeysmom I am horrified at your situation, it breaks my heart I am so sorry. Do you have a lawyer who is montoring social services actions ? It is not good she has cut off communication's with the family not good at all...
My prayers are with you and your family !
Unfortunately our savings have been wiped out trying to help my son fight for custody.He used a lawyer without a referral he was a supposed fathers advocate and very high priced.He was terrible.Hopefully within the next few months we will have the money for a Lawyer.I just hope it comes in time for these 2 children.Her own mom is facing foreclosure because of all the money she has cost her.
Ok, I feel I need to say something. I am a social worker and a damn good one. I know all this social worker bashing is not directed at me personally. I know that no one is saying ALL social workers suck. That being said.....Most of the case workers (at least in my state) are not required to have a master's degree. A person can become a child protection case worker, child abuse investigator, or whatever else they call themselves if they have a bachelor's degree in any related field. They call themselves social workers, but they are not. A professional social worker must have a professional degree in social work. Various states in the United States "protect" the use of the title social worker by statute. Use of the title requires licensure or certification in most states (Wikipedia).

I don't know the professional background of these case workers mentioned in this thread or others like it. Maybe they are "real" social workers. Maybe they aren't. I just want everyone to know that just because someone works in the field of social services, they are not necessarily a social worker. I want everyone to be clear on this matter because this common misunderstanding is giving social workers a bad name.

Bottom line--------we all need to protect children and fight for changes in our system. What we have is not working. Let's fix it!
Hi Spurser.....this is never meant against YOU or against any one particular "social worker"...however, one only needs to read through the many cases of missing murdered children on this board to see how very many of them were WELL KNOWN TO THEIR RESPECTIVE STATE AGENCY/S AND /OR COURTS

I live in Florida...where we have had some of the most horrific cases...and had our "dcf" overhauled various times

Yes, this is the state that at one point had admittedly 600 "missing" kids in state care....the state that had the Rilya Wilson case, where the case worker/s and supervisor signed off for 14 months that that precious child was "ok" ....when they never even visited....

it was documented that the case worker was out at the mall, getting pedicure, eating lunch with other "case workers", and at one point enjoying a bit of "afternoon delight" with her boyfriend

Meanwhile Rilya was in the clutches of 2 women "lovers", one mentally ill, the other a known felon, ...the court was to blame on this...the "grandmother" was NOT her grandmother....but the mother of one of the felon boyfriends that her birth mother (crack addict) had been hanging with....this woman got custody (how? why? with her record and her psychotic girlfriend ...but yeah the court gave her Rilya)

Rilya was dead and gone but the checks kept coming...and the case workers kept filing their reports

This particular case (you can google it) resulted in a huge overhaul .....tons of supervisors, case workers were fired, new "chief" put in place

and it resulted in a law that it is a felony for a case worker to file false reports (the case worker who did this could not be prosecuted as the law was only put in place after this debacle)

but...some years have gone by and we have more cases and kids who were "investigated" by DCF....Shannon, the "baby in the box" was considered at "intermediate risk"....that is a good example

Of course, we need laws for them to work with...and we need more "help"...more safe houses, a better foster care system....some form of "intervention" when there is immediate problems....I also think that here in Florida getting a job with DCF *and also Probation is a fall back job for a lot of college grads with no particular career skills or ambitions....in today's economy they probably just take it as a "j - o - b"....they may not have a real desire or passion for their work, just a steady govt paycheck and benefits

When my dad was ill, I did deal with hospital and hospice social workers and they were great, they were probably real "social workers" with master degree, and an interest in helping people

I am interested in your viewpoints ....what do you need to make your job more productive ?? Do you find cases where your "hands are tied" cause of laws etc?? thanks

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