GUILTY Hong Kong - Robert Kissel, 59, murdered, wife charged, 2 Nov 2003

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Click here for link of Nancy Kissel appeals life sentence

Nancy Kissel was found guilty of the murder of her husband Robert, Andrew's brother.

Another link;
Michigan native appeals Hong Kong milkshake murder conviction

From that article;
Nancy Kissel's attempt to overturn the verdict in what became known as the "Milkshake Murder" will reopen a sensational trial in a case involving wealthy expatriates' alleged sexual abuse, cocaine use and adultery.
Kissel, who was born in Adrian, Mich., and studied business at the University of Minnesota, appeared fragile Monday, requiring help from a guard to sit down. The willowy brunette also burst into tears as she briefly talked to her parents before the hearing began.
She was found guilty of murder after a three-month trial in 2005 for killing her husband Robert Kissel on Nov. 2, 2003.

I just finished Joe McGuiness' NEVER ENOUGH. Riveting. I'm not usually a fast reader but I zipped right through this one. A page turner.

I have a question that, even though I have searched. What was the result of the April, 2008 appeal?
I just finished Joe McGuiness' NEVER ENOUGH. Riveting. I'm not usually a fast reader but I zipped right through this one. A page turner.

I have a question that, even though I have searched. What was the result of the April, 2008 appeal?

I just finished that book also. I agree it was a really good book. Very interesting. Well, I don't know the results of the appeal , but I hope she stays right there in prison where she belongs.

I feel she's a self centered liar and cold blooded murderer.
About the appeals; I can find lots of info about the begining of the appeals, April, 2008 but absolutley NOTHING sbout the outcome.
I, too, hope she stays in jail, in Hong Kong. But I'd really like to know. Someone is paying big bucks for lawyers for her.
About the appeals; I can find lots of info about the begining of the appeals, April, 2008 but absolutley NOTHING sbout the outcome.
I, too, hope she stays in jail, in Hong Kong. But I'd really like to know. Someone is paying big bucks for lawyers for her.

I wonder why there is no information about the outcome of the appeals.

I also would like to know why this anonymous person is paying her legal bills.
There seems to be two of us who hope she stays in jail.

I'm still trying to find out. How can there be NOT ONE WORD of the outcome????

If I do find out, I'll post it on here. Hope you will do the same.
There has been a update in the news about the appeal. I won't be a spoiler and reveal it here. It happened AFTER the TV movie was made so unless they were able to add it or have a text update at the end, it might not be included.

Again, I'm going to recommend Joe McGuiness' book, Never Enough. Story of the Kissels.
There has been a update in the news about the appeal. I won't be a spoiler and reveal it here. It happened AFTER the TV movie was made so unless they were able to add it or have a text update at the end, it might not be included.

Again, I'm going to recommend Joe McGuiness' book, Never Enough. Story of the Kissels.

Thank you for the book title- I didn't know there was a book. I remember the story from one of the news shows (48 Hours or one of those).
Court overturns milkshake murder conviction
But woman accused of drugging, clubbing banker husband faces retrial

updated 1 hour, 47 minutes ago

HONG KONG - In a stunning reversal, Hong Kong's highest court has overturned the murder conviction of Nancy Kissel, the American expatriate accused of drugging and clubbing her banker husband to death in a case widely known as the "milkshake murder."

Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal also ordered a retrial in its decision issued Thursday. The court, however, ordered Kissel, 45, kept in custody pending a bail application.

Kissel's lawyers argued during the appeal hearing that prosecutors broke the law by using evidence during the murder trial that drew from the American's initial bail hearing after she was charged.

The mother of two, who lost her first appeal, has been serving a life sentence since she was convicted in September 2005 of drugging her high-flying banker husband with a sedatives-laced strawberry milkshake before bludgeoning him to death in 2003.

more here
The Milk-Shake Murder: Hong Kong's Trial of the Decade Is Back

GREEN From Song not form article:
Robert Kissel lived one floor above me, before they moved from Manhattan.
They were the pretty people, the successful people, the social butterflies.
I knew them pretty well.....I was the Buildings Chairwoman he was the buildings Treasurer.
We were in a Condo conversion that did not happen.

LATER: His wife killed him in HK - this is a very shocking story. I was watching the first case and now
she is going up for a retrial. Her Children are with Roberts sister, the only surviving sibling.
His brother Andrew was murdered a year or two later (that is the next post)

FROM article:

One night in Hong Kong in November 2003, American expat Nancy Kissel smashed her husband's skull with a heavy lead ornament. Four days later, police discovered his rotting corpse, wrapped in a carpet in the basement storeroom of the luxury apartment complex where the couple lived. An autopsy found a cocktail of sedatives in his stomach and liver. The 39-year-old mother of three was accused of giving her husband a sedative-laced milk shake before clubbing him to death, and in 2005, Kissel was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life. In her first appeal, which she lost, the court called it "as cogent a case of murder as might be imagined."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more at link....

Read more:,8599,1964274,00.html#ixzz0fcTCZyiN

After 7 years in jail she looks pretty bad.(photo of Nancy)
but long article tells a lot.

>>>> snip
The story of the "Milkshake Murderer" Nancy Kissel took yet another surprise turn this week, when a Hong Kong court just ruled that there must be a retrial in the case of her husband's death. Nancy, who admitted early on that she did kill her husband but claimed it was in self-defense, was accused of conspiring to give him a poisoned strawberry milkshake, then beating him to death with a statue. But the HK court found that the prosecution had improperly relied on some hearsay evidence.
Can it Be more bazaar?

His brother was Murdered as well - but he was a con man.
Andrew M. Kissel Article is Andrew photo but includes both cases.


ROBERT was murdered by his wife - the milkshake murder in HK.
ANDREW was murdered by his Chauffeur in Connecticut.
Robert was honest and very handsome,
Andrew was not honest and not a stunner.

Very strange. and interesting too.

Thanks songline for the updates.

Lifetime did a movie about the Kissels. I also purchased a book about the case that I still haven't read. IIRC I saw a story on the Kissel family on 48 Hours or one of the mystery related news shows. I just couldn't believe that NK murdered Robert. How horrific. I was quite stunned that Andrew was murdered too and by the accounts of how different each brother was from one another.

In your opinion (or anyone else who'd like to chime in) do you feel NK murdered Robert in self defense? I tend to doubt 'self defense' when someone hides the body as she did. JMO.
Thanks songline for the updates.

Lifetime did a movie about the Kissels. I also purchased a book about the case that I still haven't read. IIRC I saw a story on the Kissel family on 48 Hours or one of the mystery related news shows. I just couldn't believe that NK murdered Robert. How horrific. I was quite stunned that Andrew was murdered too and by the accounts of how different each brother was from one another.

In your opinion (or anyone else who'd like to chime in) do you feel NK murdered Robert in self defense? I tend to doubt 'self defense' when someone hides the body as she did. JMO.

Well knowing them...After the shock wore off...I read everything I could. No I did not buy the book I know the story too well. IMHO she DID murder him.

I found out because Robert old friends remained in the building and immediately rang my door bell to tell me.
At first I was following this story on a HK paper on the internet.

At first I thought because I did know him, that he was controlling that she did not know what else to do.
(don't forget he was our Treasurer, so we did have meetings, and run into each other, and have an occasional glass of wine together too) I can still see them in my mind's eye...they were young and stunning couple then.
But I thought back long and hard - WHY... She admitted it, she also rolled him up in a rug and hid him
in the basement storage room. her BS story about him being abusive came later in the trial (guess she had time to concoct something)
I do not think the retrial is about anything other then maybe the first trial was not handles as best as it should have been, but not because the verdict was wrong.

Robert was so smittened by her that she can tell him the sky was purple and he would echo her words...YES honey the sky is definitely purple.
I remember when they renovated their apartment, (he had carpenter skills - he was a real talent of a guy) she was an artist and together they did a really nice job.
All she had to do was look at a flower and she would get 2 dozen of them. If you can get the picture.
YES he was controlling but she had him under control, totally and completely.

I think when Robert sent her with their 3 children back to the US to protect his family from SARS; When she met that TV repair man and wanted that, Nancy got what Nancy wanted.
But, Robert was the smart one and he had a feel for things... and he had a PI on her tail she no longer could run the show she was busted and that did it.
She gave her kid the milk shake to give to him common... that is premeditated.
- he suspected but did not want to believe that she was trying to poison him...He ate out all the time.
HE never suspected the child...Who gave him a milk shake that mom fixed.
But by that time I no longer had contact with them and I do not know them while they were gone.
Do people change that much? I do not think so....She went after all that he did have to offer. He was also the Romantic type, competitive, but not evil.

she is going after technicality not innocence. I can not imagine her go for innocence.
She tried to impress the jury that he was violent with her sexually...That would be hard for me to buy.
In fact I am not buying that.

When they left NY the first time; Nancy was in the lobby with her first born who was about a year or more in age, She told me they were going to London, they obviously returned to another address.
By then they had 2 girls; the interview with a neighbor is at their other NY address.
The interview with his friends is at my address, I know those guys too.
I've read multiple articles about the Kissels; what an intriguiging case. Songline, you have no problem believing she is guilty of murder. Even though you weren't close with the family, you do have insight. Looking back, was there a power struggle between them? I mean, he was possibly controlling but adored her & maybe she used that & stretched it to the limit? At home in social settings was their demeanor very different than business meetings re your building? Pick your brain for memories you can relate to us....... I remember thinking their father, Mr K Sr, came across as a really nice guy. Do you think $18M inheritance was the attraction for the rest of the family's competition to raise the children? When they moved to HK, did they keep the NY apartment? Tell us everything!
So....what hearsay evidence are they talking about?
I've read multiple articles about the Kissels; what an intriguing case. Songline, you have no problem believing she is guilty of murder. Even though you weren't close with the family, you do have insight. Looking back, was there a power struggle between them? I mean, he was possibly controlling but adored her & maybe she used that & stretched it to the limit? At home in social settings was their demeanor very different than business meetings re your building? Pick your brain for memories you can relate to us....... I remember thinking their father, Mr K Sr, came across as a really nice guy. Do you think $18M inheritance was the attraction for the rest of the family's competition to raise the children? When they moved to HK, did they keep the NY apartment? Tell us everything!

In the building we had 2 chair people, me and a Gentleman. Robert was Treasurer...He and I got into it one time...When the other Chairman went on vacation (MALE) Robert thought this was his chance to control...
I did leave my post because he was too controlling for me to deal with. it was at the very end of the potential conversion....but we sure patched it up...I don't stay mad long :) we were friends again.

He was very competitive with everything, and anything but somehow Nancy had him eating out of her hand, and yes she was both charming and talented artist.
After some time...I realized he was controlling on the outside, and not at home - He was not in charge at home, in fact he was P.whipped if you get what I mean. JMHO
I remember a couple of the guys remarking and saying "she has a body that does not quit" And since Robert was a very competitive type he had to have that too.
YES they went to all kind of parties including Political parties, Galas, Fund raisers...Vacations,
If you can paint a perfect picture Robert would set it up.

He used to bring her flowers every single Friday for the weekend, and every so often send her a special gift by messenger, or shipped to home, the real romantic type, like you see in the movies....
The more Robert grew in his position and became a bigger and bigger fish the less she could control him. He just gave her cart blanch to do what ever made her happy. He gave her everything, I imagine that being in HK away from everyone she really knew and him working so hard she grew lonely. She gt involved in many things with the children and Art and became busy too.

Whatever she wanted she got...That was always her MO - I think when Nancy wanted something New THAT IS when it all broke down - Robert had come into his own and was not controllable any longer. So when she came to the states and needed her TV installed - she wanted "the TV repair man" whom she met when Robert sent her back to the USA so she would not get SARS...
The TV guy A man many notches below - was controllable - she was a lottery for him. he lived in a trailer...Remember Robert was loving but no longer controllable. Bu Robert started to sense things, and got a PI, yet still wanted to work things out.
The fact that he found out, and curbed her, hopping that they can work things out..but again she could not control him, he wanted her to be with him if she wanted to be with him, other wise he was prepared for a divorce. hmmm Nancy had to make a plan....

TV man was easy for her to control, He never came close to that much money....She was a lottery for him...BUT, But, but, the PI was on her tail, and TV mans tail too.
And since Robert can prove it she would not be getting all that money unless he was dead...YES she was all about money.

Robert was his fathers favorite son. But Robert knew it and was sensitive and helped his brother in many way, brother was very successful too.
His father had all the social graces, and was also successful. brother successful, sister successful.
But Robert was his fathers heart and soul....
NO I do not think the 18 million had to do with the family at all. I think it did have to do with NANCY.
She was not the big fish He was; she did not have the perky *advertiser censored* anymore 3 kids later, and turn eyes on every corner, she wanted plastic surgery, it did not matter to him, but he said what ever you want do it.
he did not figure that a new guy to support was in the cards but that is what she was doing, bought the guy expensive watches, cloths, whatever and yes once more she was in control. OR out of control.
Robert had to go. And Robert was getting dizzy and ate all his meals out PI warned him....
So she gave her daughter a milkshake to give daddy that mommy fixed, he drank it.
His daughter knew how to put milk and fruit in the blender and fix a milk shake so he did not see a red flag.
Then he saw nothing more....
All this is MO based on observation, conversations, and much reading of the original case, I did know enough to feel confident in my Opinion, His friends feel the same way I do. And they are still shocked because who knew that getting what she wants when she wants it would ever end up that way. :(

Nancy made a piece of Art for me one time. Resembling Georgia O'Keeffe art, because back then I liked GO Then she said "that will be $300.00" - I told her no thanks..YES she was into money.
(I was not enamored or P.Whipped by her like Robert was LOL - but I did like her enough)
So....what hearsay evidence are they talking about?
Tell me where you read that...I did not read all the latest news. I read all the original case.
If you link for me I will try to figure it out. :)

-----She initially did admit to it.
-----But she also con coked some BS story after some time, about him being a sexually
abusive wife play the victim card.
-----She rolled him into a carpet padded with pillows to absorb smell, blood etc....
stored him in the basement. Yes hired some muscle after she rolled it all up.
went out to buy another rug, so the house is not looking like something is a miss...
-----Gave the daughter a milkshake to give to daddy that mommy fixed.
-----PI was suspecting that she is trying to poison him, because Robert was getting tired.
(Robert did not want to believe it) Robert ate out all his meals.

I think they used friends (character reference) who spoke at the trial
Maids, Roberts coworkers...etc.....One said that Robert knew his life was in danger. or that he was afraid for his life and going to get a divorce.....

But initially she did admit it, & she did hide him;
In a fight for your life you do not hide someone...
and lie to every one you come in contact with about his whereabouts.
Nancy Kissel Fails to Win All Legal Costs From H.K. (Update1)

In the judgment, Justice Bokhary and Justice Patrick Chan noted that an accused who wins an appeal is normally awarded costs. “There is, however, a judicial discretion to deprive such a person of some or all of his or her costs,” Bokhary added, without giving a reason for withholding some of Kissel’s expenses


Kissel testified that she had acted in self-defense, and appealed against her 2005 conviction, arguing that mistakes made by the judge and prosecutors tainted the verdict. Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal sided with her lawyers, quashed her conviction in February and ordered a retrial, which is slated to begin in November.

On March 2, Kissel was again indicted for murder by Hong Kong’s Department of Justice. Her lawyer had said an indictment for the lesser charge of manslaughter would be “sensible and just.”

SNIP >>>>>>>>>>
Kissel Fails to Win All Legal Costs From Hong Kong (Update2)

June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Nancy Kissel, who will be retried for the murder of her Merrill Lynch & Co. banker husband, has recovered partial legal costs for her original trial and appeals even though successful appellants are usually paid in full.


Read more:
Mrs Kissel's re-trial is set to begin in November.
The Court of Final Appeal has awarded American, Nancy Kissel, a large part of the legal costs incurred during her 2005 trial and appeal hearings. She was jailed for life after being convicted of murder, but Hong Kong's top court earlier this year ordered a re-trial. Mrs Kissel was dubbed the milkshake murderer after the prosecution said she served her banker husband a drug-laced milkshake before bludgeoning him to death in 2003.
However, the Court of Final Appeal quashed her conviction, citing material irregularities in the trial. Mrs Kissel has been awarded half the legal costs from the trial, one-third from her Appeal Court hearing, and all from the Court of Final Appeal proceedings. She had applied to recover the entire costs, while the prosecution opposed any payments. Mrs Kissel's re-trial is set to begin in November.

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