WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #4

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Thread 3

Thread 2

Thread 1

Thanks for keeping the focus on Shantina and Azriel.

When I saw the thread closed, I had hope that she was found.
I understand the rule of not sleuthering minors, and I accept it wholeheartedly.

But, I would like to point out that if those "significant others" of victims couldn't be sleuthered, Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, Casey Anthony, Josh Power, etc... etc... etc... would've never be spoken of in this bulletin board until they were arrested.

I hope this doesn't get me in trouble. Just wanted to point this out in the nicest way.

I wonder if they had the third row seats in the car since they have the three kids.

If the third row was in, they wouldn't have been able to fold it down without removing the head pieces.

Unless she opened all of the doors remotely by accident, this IMO, gives us more to think about regarding the overnight bag, etc.

Also, the side front door being opened could have been to grab her purse. Maybe she didn't see the wallet in the backseat since it was dark and she had it out all night.

I wonder if she got out the passenger door or the driver side door...Just trying to get some ideas of her thought process.

Photos of the interior:

I understand the rule of not sleuthering minors, and I accept it wholeheartedly.

But, I would like to point out that if those "significant others" of victims couldn't be sleuthered, Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, Casey Anthony, Josh Power, etc... etc... etc... would've never be spoken of in this bulletin board until they were arrested.

I hope this doesn't get me in trouble. Just wanted to point this out in the nicest way.

No it won't get you in trouble. Your point is taken and it is a good one, but we would rather err on the side of caution.

But the big difference here is those people were all named suspects or POI's by LE. We take our cues from law enforcement. If they are investigating them as perpetrators of a homcide then so are we. But what we don' do is sleuth family members that are currently victims of crime or accident. I concede that it can be a gray area and we do our best to roll with the news and the latest updates. Our rules are liquid and we change them as we need to.

There was a case in CT where a doctors entire family was brutally murdered and he was the only survivor. natural reaction was to suspect the surviving husband. but we did not allow it because he was a victim too. I am always so glad we did not allow sleuthing of that man because he did nothing wrong, LE never suspected him and he was a true victim. i always think of that case and how following the leads of LE is our safest way to avoid making mistakes regarding whose personal information we post.
Do we have any close up photos of the van/and the place the tires dug in?

I would also like to know if the emergency brake was on.

This news article is very interesting if only b/c of these things:

"Thurston County Sheriff's detectives are still 'following up leads' in an effort to find Shantina Smiley, but are not conducting any searches for the missing Silverdale woman."

"Detective Lt. Chris Mealy said Monday that investigators are working on several tips that have come into their office."
I wonder what such "leads" would consist of?
Do we have any close up photos of the van/and the place the tires dug in?

I would also like to know if the emergency brake was on.


I wonder what such "leads" would consist of?

me too. but they must be worthwhile enough for them not to be searching and instead pursuing what leads they have as well as soliciting for more (at the end of the article it asks for folks w/ info to call the Thurston crime tip hotline & gives #)
me too. but they must be worthwhile enough for them not to be searching and instead pursuing what leads they have as well as soliciting for more (at the end of the article it asks for folks w/ info to call the Thurston crime tip hotline & gives #)
True. Very interesting......I wonder what will come of it......thanks for the piece
I'm surprised the media isn't talking more in depth to the people she crossed paths with that night.....Or interviewing her friends and co-workers, etc.
What happens in some places is along these lines:

  • Suspect is arrested;
  • Poster looks them up on social media sites, phone books, etc.;
  • Poster lists the names of every single friend they have listed;
  • Other posters start digging up public records, calling these people on the phone, etc.
  • Big old mess.

In the cases you listed, all the people we discussed here were mentioned by the police, news reporters, in interviews with family members, and so forth.

I had one poster in the Scott Peterson case accuse me of being part of the vast conspiracy that killed Laci (since Scott was innocent) because I would not let her post her "research", which consisted of going through the phone book and calling people whose phone numbers were close to the phone numbers of Laci's various family members - and therefore must be close by and know things - and report back on the conversations. She felt it was a legitimate method of investigation, but she was disturbing people that had no connection whatsoever to the events.

Use common sense, and think about how you would feel if you were sitting home one night, got word that a relative/friend/coworker/roommate had been arrested - and then started to see all your publicly accessible information plastered all over a message board and discussed.

It does make sense.

I just thought that since in this case the BF went public giving interviews on national television, GMA, FOX, and also in local newspapers... and that the ONLY account we have of what happened that night is what he published in his public web page, that he was fair game for us to sleuther.

I get the point now, so I'll refrain from it.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Yes, bogus would be bad, very bad......:banghead: But wouldn't LE know better than to take those seriously? hmmm

I believe they have to follow up the leads regardless of how silly they may be.

Are LE even considering a possible abduction? 2 women go missing in WA within 2 weeks of eachother. One was an experienced hiker that somehow fell off a cliff, and now the 'lost" mom and child end up with a car in the lake. Staged? I think by someone else. Isn't it possible that Shantina picked up a hitch hiker? I also found it odd that the wallet was in the car, but not the purse. Maybe Shantina dropped her wallet so LE would have some trace of her. RIP Azriel...
Are LE even considering a possible abduction? 2 women go missing in WA within 2 weeks of eachother. One was an experienced hiker that somehow fell off a cliff, and now the 'lost" mom and child end up with a car in the lake. Staged? I think by someone else. Isn't it possible that Shantina picked up a hitch hiker? I also found it odd that the wallet was in the car, but not the purse. Maybe Shantina dropped her wallet so LE would have some trace of her. RIP Azriel...

Or *someone* put it there.
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