2010.02.04 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2010.02.04 - Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

UPDATED: Gabriel Johnson's Father Fires Back, Hires Private Investigator
Logan McQueary Continues His Cross-Country Search For His Missing Boy
POSTED: 9:25 pm MST February 3, 2010
UPDATED: 2:26 pm MST February 4, 2010
On Wednesday, McQueary said he has grown tired of Tammi Smith and her attempts to play the victim.

At times, Smith blamed her troubles on Elizabeth Johnson, the woman police say she plotted with to steal Gabriel away from his father. Other times, She's blamed Tempe Police, Elizabeth's Grandfather Bob Johnson, and now fresh out of jail, she's focused her ire at the father of the missing boy.

Smith is accused of trying to rip custody of Gabriel away from Logan. And now, while he's on the road searching for his boy, Smith questions why it took him so long.

As soon as he got the go ahead, McQueary left for San Antonio, the last place Gabriel was spotted. He still thinks Tammi Smith knows more than she is saying, but wishes she would talk to fewer cameras and more to the police.

&#8220;She can say anything she wants, I don&#8217;t care, I don&#8217;t care about her. I think she&#8217;s making a fool of herself,&#8221; said McQueary.

McQueary actually spent most of Wednesday meeting with private investigator Jay J. Armes. Armes has agreed to take on the case free of charge. McQueary will meet with him again on Thursday morning before hitting the road again. He plans to meet with San Antonio investigators on Friday.

VIDEO REPORT: Private Investigator Joins Search For Baby Gabriel 2:46
A high profile investigator has agreed to heklp search for baby Gabriel at no cost.

VIDEO NEWS HIGHLIGHTS: Afternoon Webcast Updated - 3:15 P.M.

Interactive: Map Logan McQueary's Route To Texas

New details emerge in woman&#8217;s arrest in missing baby case
2/4/10 Last Update: 9:38 am
ABC15 has now learned a criminal complaint has been filed against Tammi Smith requesting the County Attorney&#8217;s office charge Smith with two class four felonies.

Those charges are forgery and conspiracy to commit custodial interference.

County Attorney Andrew Thomas plans to hold a news conference today at 11 a.m. to discuss the latest details.

"I love this baby and I will look for this baby until he's found," said Tammi Smith as she left the Maricopa County jail on bond Wednesday.

As the 37-year-old was being escorted into the Maricopa County jail, she told ABC15's Corey Rangel, "We all knew this was going to happen. I am innocent and God is with me

*More Info At Link!

*Not posted yesterday!

Search for baby Gabriel Johnson
Feb. 3, 2010 08:58 PM
Tammi Smith appeared tired and disheveled as she walked out of jail just before the sun came up on Wednesday morning. With her husband Jack there to pick her up Smith had a few choice words before heading home, "We are going to tear them apart, I'm not, my attorney is going to tear them apart," said Smith, referring to the Tempe Police Department.

The arrest is not the first for Smith. 12 News uncovered court records from Louisiana that show Smith was charged with forgery, simple battery and disturbing the peace.

McQueary is headed to San Antonio to search for his son. He has been posting flyers along the way during his drive to Texas. McQueary sent a text to 12 News after the arrest which stated: "I am very happy Tammi got arrested, maybe this is what we need for her to talk and maybe this is what we need to stir things up a bit."

Smith is expected to meet with her attorney on Thursday to discuss the charges.

Video: Tammi Smith Has Criminal Past 1:51
This is not Tammi's first time being arrested.

Video: I-CAST: Scott Brown & Tammi Smith 1:21
Baby Gabriel Case

Accusations against Scottsdale woman detailed in case of missing Tempe infant
February 4, 2010 - 10:31AM
A criminal complaint was filed into court Wednesday against a Scottsdale woman who police say is a key figure in the disappearance of a 9-month-old boy.

According to court documents, Smith pressured McQueary to sever his parental rights and give Gabriel to her, and she contacted a judge in McQueary&#8217;s and Johnson&#8217;s custodial case to request that he grant her guardianship of Gabriel.

Smith told the judge she believed Johnson would return the baby if she knew he would be safe.

Smith also admitted to naming her cousin as Gabriel&#8217;s father in paternity paperwork, which she filled out for Johnson, records state. The cousin told police he had never met Johnson.

Friends of Smith also told police she asked them if she could use their names for the paternity paperwork.

Gabriel Johnson still missing, Tammi Smith released from jail
February 4, 3:14 AM
&#8220;"They released a paper full of, full of things that I can't even describe it. It was ridiculous. It's basically like cutting and pasting little pieces of things together but forgetting this and this and this to prove my innocence. It was unbelievably ludicrous. And it's OK, because we have all those pieces to fit back in there that creates all of our innocence,&#8221; Tammi Smith stated.

Logan McQueary has said from the onset of the investigation into the whereabouts of his son that Tammi Smith was using manipulative tactics in an attempt to force him to relinquish custody of his daughter.

Tammi Smith continued to speak to media and referred to Logan McQueary, and accused him of not wanting his son or caring for his welfare, &#8220;I don't believe in my heart of hearts he ever cared about getting that baby. If he did, he had weeks to go get that baby but never once tried. Never once did he go to San Antonio and go to every hotel off of the interstate to say, 'Hey, have you seen this woman or this baby.&#8221;

Smith formally charged in baby Gabriel case
February 4th, 2010 @ 11:59am
Tammi Smith is charged with conspiracy to commit custodial interference and forgery. "These are the charges that our office is comfortable prosecuting right now. Our standard is whether there's a reasonable likelihood of conviction, based on the evidence in possession of our office at the time the charges were filed. That's where we are for now," said Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas.

She was originally accused of a third crime, custodial interference.

Thomas said his office is doing whatever it can to help Tempe police with their investigation. "Obviously, we all want to see this child found -- safe and sound hopefully -- and we'll continue to do what we can to make that outcome possible."

Complaint filed against woman in Tempe missing baby case
Feb. 4, 2010 01:52 PM
Tammi Smith, 37, was arrested Tuesday and has been accused of conspiracy to commit custodial interference and forgery, County Attorney Andrew Thomas said at a news conference Thursday. Both charges are class 4 felonies. The criminal complaint essentially is the step between an arrest and a preliminary hearing or indictment.

Tempe police arrested Smith on suspicion of trying to pressure the father of 9-month-old Gabriel Johnson into signing over his parental rights.

Police also accused Smith of providing the baby's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, 23, with contacts for a place to stay and adoption advice after Johnson fled with the child in December. Smith was also accused of falsifying documents stating that Smith's cousin was Gabriel's father, Thomas said.

Baby Gabriel Search Heads to TX Landfill
Updated: Thursday, 04 Feb 2010, 6:12 PM MST
Published : Thursday, 04 Feb 2010, 6:00 PM MST
Investigators in San Antonio are expected to search a landfill, looking for the body of Baby Gabriel. The area has been roped off, but so far police won't say when they will begin searching the landfill.

Detectives here in the valley conducted a similar search back in 1998, looking for the body of Cookie Jacobson. FOX 10's Miriam Garcia spoke with investigators who searched for Jacobson's body. They say it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Maricopa County prosecutors say 37-year-old Tammi Smith has been accused of conspiracy to commit custodial interference and forgery. The criminal complaint essentially is the step between an arrest and a preliminary hearing or indictment.

*Video Included At Link!

UPDATED: Criminal complaint filed against Tammi Smith in Baby Gabriel case
Posted on February 2, 2010 at 11:49 AM
Updated today at 11:57 AM
The Maricopa County Attorney's Office said Thursday that it has filed a criminal complaint against Tammi Smith, the woman who, along with her husband, wanted to adopt Gabriel Johnson, the Tempe baby who has been missing since his mother took him out of state back in December.

The criminal complaint accuses Smith of conspiracy to commit custodial interference and forgery.

Video: Criminal complaint filed against Tammi Smith in Baby Gabriel case 2:12

Baby Gabriel: Mike Watkiss talks about what goes into searching a landfill
Posted on February 4, 2010 at 7:37 AM
Updated today at 5:19 PM
Investigators in San Antonio are preparing search a landfill for the baby, who has not been seen since Dec. 27. The child's mother, Elizabeth Johnson, told Gabriel's father that she killed the baby. She later said she gave him to a couple in San Antonio.

Watkiss says there are several parallels between the imminent search for Gabriel and a 12-year-old case in Tempe -- the search for Cookie Jacobson. Investigators scoured 4,000 tons of trash looking for Jacobson's body.

Video: Baby Gabriel: Mike Watkiss talks about what goes into searching a landfill 4:27
3TV's Mike Watkiss talks about the search for 9-month-old Gabriel Johnson, explaining what goes into a searching landfill.

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