2010.07.01 Press Conference

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Possible reason they may not have given info about allergy to bee stings and strawberry birthmark showing up when Kyron cries...they didn't know. They were not his primary caretaker. Like those things only a "mom" knows ("mom" does not have to be a bio mom but the one who knows it all - favorite color, favorite food, how each scar got there). Maybe it is info TH has provided to LE or it was learned during lie detector tests and the others didn't know.

I am not sure if I believe he is hidden and if he is that TH is responsible for this but assuming for a moment that she is....only reason I could see her doing that is to protect him from someone. She sent her own son away. Who is she protecting them from if so?

Just speculating out loud here. All cases of missing children bother me but this is eating my heart out as badly as CA.
Yes! And oddly enough she also wrote her own article in that paper.... And then went on to post on their site "rules" for locals on how to handle and not talk to media.

They need to get rid of her asap.
Yes they should They should be on KYRON'S team IMO and ONLY Kyrons team right now. Air the Dirty Laundry after the baby has been found. MOO

I agree! And what ever you do, don't focus on dad. That's being a team player according to Kaine's rules. moo mho
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of... "What do you MEAN they wouldn't let you into the press conference?!?!!?!?!?!"

But that is just me.... if it was just "Portland news outlets" then they were not included. And if WW and Oregonian were booted do you REALLY think Nancy's would have stayed? :waitasec:

Well that depends if they notice the allergy and birthmark being released a month later.

I am STUCK, so STUCK on hearing two key pieces about Kyron coming out a month later. Actually I am :furious:
I agree! And what ever you do, don't focus on dad. That's being a team player according to Kaine's rules. moo mho
I think he meant don't focus on the divorce and IMO They should focus on Kyron over the Divorce. I am sure they have been told what they can and can't answer by LE or what can and can't hurt the case if answered. I am not going to judge bc I am not him and I am not walking in his shoes.
To read the WW article, one gets the impression that Kaine (speaking for "the family") believes he can and should control the press, kicking reporters in and out at will based on whether they are "team players" or not.

Am I the only one who finds this suspect and inappropriate?

Let's assume that the WW is accurately reporting the family meeting and the suggestion that the news reports what the family wants them to report ... only ... as team players ...

if this is so... I hope all the reporters walk out. On principal.

Oh to be a fly on the reporters' wall that hour they were all waiting to be called back in for "the statement".

I really hope the WW reporting is just wrong - so I can return and edit this post.

I don't think they were. In the video I watched, the reporter said the family spoke with "select" members of the media.

I should have read further before I commented, because I totally agree. They all should have walked the heck out of there.
Just watched. Um, wth?

Dad sure was guilty looking (hands in pocket, looking everywhere but at anyone or camera, licking lips a lot, fidgeting, looking at cell phone), mom well she did what they said, step-dad was just there. Why the adamant finger pointing at TH? Where is the plea to Kyron, the we love you, we are here, (wherever that may be), drop him off somewhere, I could say more, but will not right now.

Can you post the link to the one you watched. I watched a video but it was totally zoomed on Desiree, couldn't see anyone or anything else.
I dont know if I called it strange first , but I know withing 2 days something was weird with this case, real weird.....

The minute the LE started holding the "after the press conference" conference with the press I knew something was hinky, weird, strange, and not at all right.

The bee allergy is dangerous and not to release that day 1 is mind-boggling.

This case is so bizarre it almost makes you wonder who is going to be making the first movie deal. (I know that's a bad thing to say but as bizarre as this all is...)
Maybe Kaine told his friends to shut down that other website...
Well one things for sure, you can't make this stuff up...no one would believe you.
Let's just say I've climbed back up on the fence and I'm not getting knocked off so easily next time.
If I was a reporter, I'm not sure if I'd show up at the next one if it means passing a popularity contest.
I'm angry. I feel like I'm being Balloon Boy'd.
"Kaine Horman and Desiree Young invited a group of Portland news organizations to Brooks Hill Historic Church across from Skyline School. The family spoke to the crowd of more than a dozen journalists from behind a table with two teddy bears and three stuffed frogs."

Major, major, media control going on here - a dozen journalists - only after they kicked out the ones they didn't like. And how about the suggestive setting/imagery? I know engineers are controlling, exact, and somewhat obsessive, but this is getting ridiculous. Deciding what media can stay based on who is being a 'team player' - this is still America isn't it?

I understand their need to think of Kyron as still being alive, but after LE has searched SI, waterways, dense, thick forests, for a month, Kyron is still alive? How about the possibility of both, dead and alive, that way people can keep their eye out in all places. moo mho
Step-dad Tony, is an LE detective - wonder how much of this has his approval?

I suspect the Hormons will regret their high handed treatment of the press. The press is actually one of their best friends in terms of getting info out to the public about their missing son.

If my kid were missing, I'd be kissing the boots of every scribe with a pencil. Too bad they have no idea how to properly leverage their very sad position.
i cannot believe they waited 27 stinking days to report he's allergic to bee stings.

seroiusly? i mean seriously?

this is so messed up. maybe they forgot on day one....ok they were rattled obviously. but 27 days later?

you know i didnt like reading this case because it was heartbreaking. now i'm totally disgusted by it and everyone involved in it.

i hope wherever kyron is he is ok. he is obviously the only one i can say is free and clear of any guilt


Everyone wondered when they were going to speak out. Now I wish they had just kept quiet.
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