2010.07.01 Press Conference

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I have to step in here and say that my daughter and I both have a similar birthmark (similar to Kyron's, it seems).
It's not always obvious, but if we get stressed out, excited, laugh or cry it flares up like a red "V" in the middle of the forehead. I'm very conscious of it but others don't notice it until it's pointed out - or until it flares up (kinda like a lil devil :innocent: )
I imagine this is similar to what the family is explaining about Kyron. It's possibly only something that'll be noticed up close and personal, not necessarily in a photo.

I can only assume some of this information was released in the case that Kyron has physically changed (i.e., he has had his hair cut/grown out maybe even colored.) It's quite possible that he could of been transported out of state and if my child was missing (and thinking what I just did now) I for sure would describe areas of my child's face that would be worth a second look.
I would assume, by now after being gone so long, that Kyron could/would be stressed out and or scared. That could be another thing to cause his birthmark to flare up.
I get heat rash on the top of my head sometimes, and if I am in public most everyone stares at me wondering what it is.

I think that this release was good, especially if they still have the intent of keeping this at a national level.
My problem with this um, event (re: the press conference), is if Terri did kill Kyron, then Kaine and Desiree asserting she didn't will assure her silence! If they think she's only an accomplice or somehow complicit in his abduction, she's certainly not going to cooperate with LE to the extent to prove her culpability in Kyron's death. It actually behooves her, to the extreme, to stay silent.

Having said that, there's been no indicator that TH isn't cooperating with LE. She's undergone two polygraphs, has submitted to intense interrogation, had her home searched, etc.
By all outward appearances, she's cooperated, but the actions of LE show that they're having a hard time verifying her moves on June 4...which would leave me to believe that she's been uncooperative in that she's not telling the truth about where she was that morning.

That said, my first reaction to the 'press conference' is WHAT THE EFF? A few days ago, the parents release a statement stating that they will communicate through LE, and then they turn around and do this 'not really a press conference for team players only'? And what's up with the 'team player' BS? I don't LIKE the way some media outlets have reported on this, and the family is totally within their right to chose who they speak to...but it's not smart, IMO, to antagonize the media. This whole case is just bizarre, and I cannot imagine WHY LE approved this latest move (if they approved it at all). I'm just baffled. I can only imagine what the locals thing about all of this.
I don't see any evidence that the Oregonian was thrown out. Does anybody see anything other than the WW article? Nothing in the Oregonian's report seems to indicate that.
With this news and the events on Saturday, my thoughts on what happened to Kyron are spinning out of control. Could it be that KH knows that TH spirited Kyron off somewhere, and whomever has him now has refused to give him back, so KH decides to go after TH? See, off in left field somewhere. This is the most frustrating case, as someone said on another thread, it feels like a cold case already and it hasn't even been a month.
Get outta my head! I've been sitting here asking myself....what birthmark on his forehead? :waitasec:

I think I saw a "stork bite" on his forehead in his newborn photos (on the cbs link?). It may come out, as they said, when he's upset and crying, even though it's not readily visible otherwise.
I have always had in the back of my mind that the white truck spotted by Mr. Kelly was down that road making a phone call. One at 3 to make sure the coast is clear and one at 2 am to make sure they(?) arrived ok. LE has never stated whom TH spoke to from the island on that day to my knowledge, I mean they got her pings , but to where?
Is this just wishful thinking?
A big IF here.....what if during the argument Sat. TH yelled out,"if you leave and take the baby you'll never see Kyron again!" It's as possible as anything else and I beleive something like that could explain: the divorce, the RO, hiring attorney(finally), and the strange presser.
I would like to know why it is now a fact that Kyron is ALIVE~~!!
What do they know now they didn't know before ?
But,IIRC, didn't TH make a statement at the very beginning,telling the public not to believe what the media reports ? And,at that time,hardly anything had been reported ! For some reason,it seems that both TH and KH dislike and distrust the media... Which is a huge problem,because the media are vital in disseminating info about Kyron.

IMO, withholding such important information as a birthmark and bee allergy is just baffling. IT makes no sense at all. Who could have possibly advised that ???



Maybe not. Maybe she was doing as she was told.
I don't see any evidence that the Oregonian was thrown out. Does anybody see anything other than the WW article? Nothing in the Oregonian's report seems to indicate that.

Apparently they were allowed back in.

The reporter at the scene said The Oregonian had somehow gotten back on the family’s good side and was among those waiting outside to hear the prepared statement.

"Blended" family might have been an euphemism....
I think you're referring to the incident from June 13th:


The note was posted in response to the Oregonian article that questioned the response time of the school and LE. I don't know how to imbed the image of the note, but the note read:

"Dear Oregonian:

Your implied criticism of law enforcement effort in this search is not the majority opinion by anyone we've talked to in this neighborhood.

Frankly, your Sunday article on the front page is .


The owner of this building
Removal of this notice gets media kicked off the property

(Stuart, we don't feel this way about you)"


Actually, this note helped narrow some things down for me. The ONLY person I don't suspect at this point is Stuart. I'm am 100% certain that Stuart was not involved. IMO.

TY Lavender! I'm no fan of Cindy Banks. From the beginning (after she posted her "talking points" in the Skyline Ridge newsletter), she had apparently, IMO, seemed to have appointed herself the Skyline community liaison on this case - advising the community what they should & shouldn't say to the media. I posted my opinion about Miss Cindy in another thread awhile ago. According to what I read, Cindy Banks wanted to 86 the press from the church property from day 1, but at the urging of LE, agreed to allow the press to remain, as long as they didn't trespass on private property or harass anyone.

However, I feel I must add that KH, et al. have every right, IMO, to choose who will disseminate info regarding Kyron & his disappearance. KH & DY have an understandably vested interest in seeing him found & hopefully returned alive & well. IMO, as private citizens, KH & DY have the right to decide who reports the story of their missing son.

There have been past comments during the course of this tragic case on how the media has, at times, behaved as vultures. I find it interesting that when a family member takes assertive action in terms of that behavior, in the best interests of his son, it's viewed as controlling or innuendos are made that he must be hiding something.

I also feel that today's presser, and the statement made regarding the belief that Kyron is alive, was sanctioned by LE.

As outsiders looking in, we aren't privy to what is going on behind the scenes in terms of the investigation & in terms of the conversations that may have occurred between LE & the family.

I would venture to say that there has likely been a whole lotta communication that has occurred between LE & KH, DY, and TY over the recent days.
I don't think I would be confident with any police investigation that seems to have turned up precisely nothing in an entire month.

We do not know that the investigation has turned up nothing. Seems the family knows a lot. Just because it's not public does not mean it's not there.

As an outsider to this story, I tend to agree with your frustration. But, if it were my little boy who was missing, I would stand on my head and suck my thumb if that is was LE thought might bring him home. I'm guessing that the family is following the advice of LE as far as what to say and when to say it. I'd swear on my life that I'd just seen a polka-dot unicorn if I thought it might bring my son (or daughter) home.

I'm with ya'. I think they seem very scared to say or do the wrong thing for fear of hurting the chances of recovery. I think they likely have gone step-by-step over everything they do or say with LE, including the RO, the motion to seal it, etc..
This is evident to me in the way they wanted to talk with reporters. No cameras, and off the record, so they could contact LE when necessary to ask if they could respond. It is odd but it does seem logical to me.
They seem like scared people. But I do think we should have heard about the identifying characteristics of Kyron long before now. That the public has not heard these things is wrong. Either scared or stupid, I don't know. But even LE hasn't put those things in the public and it's their job to know what to put out there, so I wonder why? Why did they all wait so long for this and additional pics and videos of Kyron that only came out recently? I am not criticizing LE or the family. I just want to know why. For now, though, I will assume LE knows what it's doing and is doing the right thing.

Maybe it's not as wackadoo as I'd thought it was:

Give the story a new slant. To give the story a new look, you may want to change the tone of your interviews. Try bringing in someone new to discuss the case, such as a politician, sports personality, popular entertainer, or someone close to the investigation.


Consider granting exclusive interviews. In the beginning, you probably will not want to grant an exclusive interview, because interest will be high and you will want the broadest coverage possible. Also, granting an exclusive interview to one news organization over another may offend the one that you leave out. Later, however, an exclusive interview may be appropriate, such as to one station that has developed a story independently or to a national media group such as ABC, CBS, CNN, or NBC. In some cases, an exclusive interview may be the only way to get a particular aspect of your story out.

I really think the most interesting thing about this is that the united 3 publicly implored TH to cooperate. I don't think they would have done that without LE's blessing or guidance (of course the LE spokeswoman could come out and contradict that but until then...). Anyway, that was a direct and moving plea and explicitly means a lot.
Although "exclusive interview" seems much different than what happened today. IMO
I have always had in the back of my mind that the white truck spotted by Mr. Kelly was down that road making a phone call. One at 3 to make sure the coast is clear and one at 2 am to make sure they(?) arrived ok. LE has never stated whom TH spoke to from the island on that day to my knowledge, I mean they got her pings , but to where?
Is this just wishful thinking?

In sleuthing here, though, we need to keep in mind that never once has LE said there were ANY pings on SI or ANY reason to believe she was not where she said she was. That has all come from rumor and undocumented, un-named sources who were for sure "not a part of the investigation". By assuming them to be true, the whole scenario is skewed and perhaps in entirely the wrong direction. For example, if that is true, then why is LE/FBI now going back to look at the RSO's from the area. How in the world does that fit with cell ping discrepancies of TH? The whole SI search could have come from a single tip of someone seeing something strange on the island that day, and may have never involved TH at all.

I have to step in here and say that my daughter and I both have a similar birthmark (similar to Kyron's, it seems).
It's not always obvious, but if we get stressed out, excited, laugh or cry it flares up like a red "V" in the middle of the forehead. I'm very conscious of it but others don't notice it until it's pointed out - or until it flares up (kinda like a lil devil :innocent: )
I imagine this is similar to what the family is explaining about Kyron. It's possibly only something that'll be noticed up close and personal, not necessarily in a photo.

Yes - my oldest daughter has a similar mark. It was more obvious when she was little, but has faded over the years to the point now that it can barely be seen, if at all.

Back in the day, we called them "stork marks".
I'm not ready to call balloon boy just yet, but there are a couple of red flags I saw with the father's behavior today to add to the obvious numerous red flags with the stepmother.

1st: The suggestion that they will likely hold ongoing press conferences two days a week going forward when one would think the focus would be upon Kyron being found at any moment, particularly if they think he's still alive.

2nd: It also makes no sense to try and control the press. The press is on the team of seeking the truth. If the father doesn't like investigative journalism toward that end, he should be the one ignoring that and shifting his own focus back onto finding his son which one would think would be easy for him -- just like how Mark Klaas always says it's easy for a parent to take the polygraph rather than being offended by an investigation because the parent's focus is upon moving the investigation forward in terms of finding your missing child and you could care less about anything else at that moment.

If we've all been Balloon-boy'd (thanks to the poster who coined that), these people better be prepared to move out of country and go deep underground for the rest of their lives. Forget any laws they may have broken, LE will be the least of their concerns.
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