2011.04.26 Today's Current News **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

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Key Evidence Rulings Made In Anthony Case

Judge Rules To Allow Hair, K-9, Sticker Evidence At Trial

UPDATED: 5:36 pm EDT April 26, 2011

MORE DETAILS http://www.clickorlando.com/tu/5YeWK4AFc.html


Heart Sticker http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2011/0426/27677751.pdf (Denied)

Hair Band http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2011/0426/27678196.pdf (Denied)

Cadaver Dog http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2011/0426/27678163.pdf (Denied)

This will be the first time such evidence is presented to jurors in a Florida courtroom.
Judge Denies Motions To Block Evidence In Casey Case

"Snip" Updated: 5:59 pm EDT April 26, 2011

Read More At Link: http://www.wftv.com/news/27677578/detail.html

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Rulings made by Judge Perry are so important they could impact the outcome of Casey Anthony's murder trial.


Heart Sticker http://www.wftv.com/pdf/27677501/detail.html

Postmortem Banding http://www.wftv.com/pdf/27677704/detail.html

Cadaver Dogs http://www.wftv.com/pdf/27677667/detail.html

VIDEO BILL SHEAFFER: Analysis Of Judge's Rulings http://www.wftv.com/video/27679226/index.html

The Defense did not want the jury to hear about key evidence that indicates Caylee's dead body was in her car trunk.

Chief Judge Belvin Perry is the first Florida judge to allow the postmortem hair banding evidence in a criminal case.

A scientist, found evidence of human decomposition and massive amounts of deadly chloroform, when he ran tests on air and the carpeting in Casey Anthony's car trunk.

Prosecutors say it's further proof that could show how Caylee was murdered.

If Judge Perry allows that evidence in, he would be the first judge in the country to do it.
Judge in Casey Anthony case denies motion to exclude evidence
"Snip" By Adam Longo, Reporter
Last Updated: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:37 PM

The stain in the trunk in the shape of a child will be allowed.

An FBI analyst remarked that a stain in the carpet liner from the trunk looked like the outline of a child in the fetal position.

The heart-shaped residue on duct tape found with the remains will be admitted at trial.

Another FBI analyst said that there appeared to be the shape of a heart on that duct tape, leading investigators to try and match heart stickers found at the Anthony home.

K-9's from the Orange and Osceola Sheriff's offices were "alerted" to the presence of human remains in the Anthony backyard, and on Casey's car.

The hair from the trunk of Casey's car that showed signs of decomposition will be allowed.

Judge Perry hasn’t ruled on the following motions yet:

Testimony of the state's expert botanist has not been decided by the judge.

The air samples from the trunk of Casey's car.

Tests conducted by scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee indicates decomposition in the trunk of Casey's car.

The tests showing high levels of chloroform in the trunk of Casey's car.

Searches for chloroform on Anthony’s computer either.

An ORNL report showed unusually high levels of chloroform in Casey's trunk.

References to the smell of the car.

Article: http://www.cfnews13.com/article/new...nthony-case-denies-motion-to-exclude-evidence
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6397707&postcount=413"]Prime News Coverage Of The Anthony Case 4/26/11][/ame]
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