2011.05.18 Jury Selection Day Nine

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Total they only have 6 strikes left so that won't happen? Right?

They have 5 left total... 1 for the defense and 4 for the state, Jurors about to be questioned can still be excused for cause. For example if they think she is guilty and can't put aside their personal beliefs or they are against the death penalty etc
As long as no more than one of them is released for cause by the judge before they get to the striking part.

True. I forgot about that. But still we should end up with 12 plus maybe 5 alternates. That would work in my opinion. I thought 8 seemed to be a lot anyways.
Looks like AF is showing KC all the things her phone can do. Lots of technology changes in 2-1/2 years you know!! :great:

Hey... I just realized that CM isn't there... or at least I haven't seen him..
Casey sure seems amused right now.

Pretty ironic that she is still stealing - From the good people of the State of Florida.
Total they only have 6 strikes left so that won't happen? Right?

They can be dismissed for cause - no strike needed. If they come in with language barriers, hardships revisited, they are not DP qualified, they are biased etc. Those are dismisals without strikes.

JB had 12 good jurors then used a strike and the jury pot had to be refilled. He can keep doing that or try to dimiss for cause and blow through the 15 and we have to start over.

Back and forth at work here today... what did they decide about the PJ they were interviewing this morning?
Does AF seem upset with her teams shenanigans or with the SA taking so long in their discussions. I say let JP hear the case and forget the jurors. That's MO. It will result in a guilty verdict but JMO.

Is ICA getting snarky with JB??????????????
Look at KC. She has her chin on her hand like she is the thinker. She is looking a little smug. Her fantasy will be thwarted not that long from now. She may get her way but betcha this will backfire in the long run.
According to Channel 13's tweet the judge, court reporter and the attorneys are behind closed doors at the moment. Hope that's ok to post.
LOL - this is bad - I am catching myself doing the eyebrow swipes!!! Too funny!
Per ch 13 news the court reporter and attorneys are meeting with HHJP in chambers.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
The court reporter, judge and attorneys are behind close doors. #CaseyAnthony -fell
Sitting here fuming over the fact that Judge Strickland wanted to put a gag order on this case. But Jose, and Cindy and George had to do all of the rounds on TV. Well, we would not have the info we have, but they could have picked a jury right there in Orlando and already have the trial going. ALL of this is Jose's fault! MOO
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