2011.06.26 WEBSLEUTHS RADIO with Beth Karas & Richard Hornsby

Area code 803: missed WS name! Sorry! ask BK what she thinks of ABC financing defense fund for woman accused of killing her baby.

BK: They are within their rights. Believe that money went pretty quickly.

Caller: Ethically, as a journalist?

BK: It is ok if it's a licensing fee. Can make argument if it's really high, you are buying story. My network ok's minimal fees but Turner family doesn't have those rules.

RH: If ICA testifies, will the ABC deal be admissible?

BK: Hadn't thought about it but I think it would be...
What was the answer to the phone, computer question?

Thanks for the updates. I can't get the radio to play on my iPad. If anyone has any tips they would be appreciated.

Eta...I see the answer. Thanks!

Check the app store for apps that will play blog talk radio. I use Cinch but I think there are others.
I'm curious as to Beth's opinion of all the leading questions that JB asks...why is he being allowed to lead all these witnesses. I know JA objects and is sustained but the harm is done by then

I first saw Beth during the Westerfield case....she explains everything so we can understand and "see" what she's seeing!

jacassa question: Is JA guilty of wit tampering?

BK: Rodriguez issue... we don't know all the facts about that. There may be gamesmanship going on there, but not mistrial--DOD saw him on TV, not surprising given coverage of case if his bosses saw him there. Doesn't think JA wit tampered.

RH: Fed gov't can fine him (not sure Rodrig or JA), not a big surprise that feds had problem, you can't just go subpoenaing fed employees.

Why would Casey subject herself to a DP trial when all she had to do was confess to this supposed drowning theory and get a lighter sentence?
RH: fed gov't makes a big deal when you start subpoenaing fed employees which is why DT bowed out on him

BK: Threat of firing should not keep him off the stand if he is needed for defense

RH: Think DT backed off bc did not dot i's cross t's so they backed off
Maybe this has been asked answered but ...

I am just so uncomfortable that Cindy & George have play such significant roles testifying yet they are allowed to stay in the courtroom. Is this typical? For witness parents and witness victims to be allowed to stay in the courtroom?
For anyone - can't the SA bring back the neighbor, Brian Burner, to testify about the fight on the 15th ? I believe he was the one who originally mentioned it to LE. Or would that be hearsay ?

I remember reading that the neighbor who heard the fight was not sure of the date so they were unable to do anything with that news.
NewsJunkie: Compound question! Rodriguez, was he the one who wouldn't return JB phone calls?

(No one remembered for sure)

NJ: Are CA/GA/LA still not allowed to discuss case among selves or other wits, what did LA go to JB's office with, and who reported that? Is he being tailed?

RH: LA testified to that, it's a mystery.

NJ: What did he go there for and how did State know?

BK: All A's subject to recall

RH: They have all been exempted from sequestration, no one has said they can't talk amongst themselves, but they've all been in courtroom, so??? No rule LA can't talk to lawyers, still question as to how SA found out.

BK: JA couldn't go into detail with LA bc beyond scope
Caller: Q about JB asking leading questions and keeping talking

(missed BK)

RH: Wit knows what answer should be even when JB rephrases. This underscores his inexperience. JB should know you can lead expert wits, and can also declare wits as hostile bc they are aligned with state.

Tricia: What is a hostile wit?

RH: You can question wit using cross exam techniques.

BK: More leeway to lead them through what you want.
One hour is just not long enough!!!!

Thank you Tricia, Beth and Richard.

Kimster great as always.

Much appreciated.
IIRC: Kathy Reichs declined phone conversations with Baez as she was "on vacation"

Barry Logan was the person who had not returned Baez's calls regarding the "due date" of the "touch DNA' from his laboratory. HHJP managed to reach the offices of Dr. Logan the next day AND have a "chat" with the individual who preformed the testing procedure (or as Baez would put it PROTOCOL)
Great question, Tricia - asking if CA will be charged with perjury.

RH: Zero possibility.
Tricia: Is there any chance CA will be charged with perjury

BK: Highly doubt it. Perjury hard to prove, ppl understand her motivations, perjury not easy to prove. But tenor of LDB cross was certainly to convey to CA and jury that SA not happy with her and jury should take note.

RH: Zero chance of perjury charge. I 100% think this case will come back on appeal and she will be wit then, if she is being prosecuted for perjury at that time, zero percent she would cooperate at that point if she is being prosecuted for perj
Can someone in the know figure out why the show cut out for me? Did anyone else have issues? Could it be a geographical thing?
Thank you Tricia, Beth and Richard - GREAT show, questions and discussion! :clap: :clap: :clap:
I remember reading that the neighbor who heard the fight was not sure of the date so they were unable to do anything with that news.

I remember it the same. MF said that CA told him about the fight and he told LE. LA told JG about the fight too.

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