Anna Christian Waters (Missing 1/16/1973 from Half Moon Bay, CA)

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Annasmom, Joe, Annasbro, Doogie and the woman who was Anna's classmate, I just wanted to say how much it helps that you are all here. I'm sure you've been told this many times but I just wanted to say I think it is such a good thing when a victim's family, friends etc post here with us. You all can give us info and perspective we can't get anywhere else. Even though I haven't posted until now on this particular thread I have been following it everyday. Everything I have thought of has been covered by other posters so I haven't posted but I wanted to just thank you for being here. We have other family members here on Websleuths, like Janice Pockett's sister, members of the Sodder Family, and a few others that pop in from time to time. I hope more family and friends of the victims we discuss here will join in the future.

Being a mother myself I can't imagine what you have been through. It may sound kind of corny but I kind of identify with Anna because, like her I was born in 1967, was in kindergarten the 1972-73 school year, and thinking if she is alive she is the same age as me (of course). Is that one picture that is often seen in her case file, where she has that great big smile, her kindertgarten picture? It is the picture that I first saw of her several years back when I discovered sites like the Doe Network and Charley Project.

I wish I had some ideas to add but for now I just wanted to thank you again for being here.
Annasmom said:
Medusa, all there seems to be is a report by the Public Guardian. The death certificate was in the name of Brody, but had no SSN or other information (the statement was given by Dr. Waters), with a highly unlikely birth date. There was no will; there were no heirs; Dr. Waters said he had no property except two safety deposit box keys to boxes in an unknown location. So there was nothing to probate--despite the unclaimed property Doogie found in Brody's name from a bank it seems likely that Brody patronized.

Sounds like Brody kept his own secrets, even from Waters. Waters didn't know where the bank boxes were, and didn't seem to be aware of the $17,000. Since he took such care to get rid of everything Brody owned, I would have expected him to empty those boxes too, and maybe make an anon donation of the $17,000 to some charity or church or oddball org before his death.
Annasmom said:
Medusa, all there seems to be is a report by the Public Guardian. The death certificate was in the name of Brody, but had no SSN or other information (the statement was given by Dr. Waters), with a highly unlikely birth date. There was no will; there were no heirs; Dr. Waters said he had no property except two safety deposit box keys to boxes in an unknown location. So there was nothing to probate--despite the unclaimed property Doogie found in Brody's name from a bank it seems likely that Brody patronized.
Annasmom and Joepoke, hi. A million questions, take your time.:angel:

What did you do the day Anna disappeared in regards to notifying Dr. Waters? I mean I don't talk to my ex either, but if one of my sons were missing I would call him that very day, him being their father. Did you? If so, what was his reaction? Was he concerned? Did he offer a theory about her being missong? Did he offer to come right over and search? Was Brody concerned? Did he offer theories or encouragement?

Did he, while still alive ever inquire at all like: "What's the latest on Anna?"

When Brody died, how did you guys find out? Through Dr. Waters?

When Dr. Waters died, did he leave Anna anything at all? Did he leave Annasmom anything? Or the boys? A note?

Annasmom, who initiated the divorce between George Waters and yourself? Reactions?

Annasmom, did your sons ever ask to see Dr. Waters after the divorce? He them? Did you ever bawl him out to come see Anna or her bros at all?

Joe, was Dr. Waters jealous of you, do you think? Did you meet Brody ever?

I love that there is such a bonding going on between us all to get to the truth.

P.S., call B of A in S.F. and explain. I bet they can help.
Peace and hope,
Sorry, in regards to the girls in the area missing theories, Michelle, etc. Any boys missing? I'll check. This is a new avenue I would like to see explored. I swear if I find one more abduction/murder in that area and timeframe, I will get the chills.

Annasmom said:
Kshamgochian, how utterly wonderful to see your letter this morning. I printed it out and have had to read it several times so I could assure myself that it was really you. I didn't know that the teachers believed Anna was abducted. I think that in the past people have been afraid of hurting me by talking about it. Mrs. R. is one of the wisest people I've ever known, and her opinion has tremendous weight with me. The same for your dear mother. Regarding the Brandy business, we think maybe Anna liked the name because she heard it in a song which was popular in 1972; she probably heard it on one of the older kids' radios, on the school bus. This forum has made Anna seem so alive to me. And, yes, Doogie IS amazing.

I am touched that you remember me, in all that was happening to you and your family. I still have my kindergarten picture and I remember liking Anna's jumper so much more than my dress (even though my Mom made it). I TOTALLY agree with you about Mrs. R, she is the wisest and kindest person I have ever known. My Mom and she are very dear friends. She is wonderful. My Mom and Mrs. R are both very interested in learning more and helping in any way possible. My Mom is confident that the bus driver is still alive and may be able to offer some insight. It will be interesting to see what she has to offer.

KShamgochian - Anna's Friend
viking said:
When Dr. Waters died, did he leave Anna anything at all? Did he leave Annasmom anything? Or the boys? A note?...Annasmom, did your sons ever ask to see Dr. Waters after the divorce? He them? Did you ever bawl him out to come see Anna or her bros at all?
Viking: I'll leave some of the more personal questions for the individuals you asked, but some of these I can answer quickly.

Anna's two brothers are "half-brothers" to Anna - they share Annasmom as the mother, but have a different father from Annasmom's first marriage. The brothers had no desire to hear from George Waters mostly because they thought he was a total nutcase and were happy to have him not in their life.

GW did not leave anything to anyone other than his personal belongings that were passed on to his brother as his next-of-kin by the SF Coroner. (This is a sign of how parasitical Brody was- here was a medical doctor working three jobs and living in low-rent housing that had accumulated absolutely no wealth to his name.)
viking said:
P.S., call B of A in S.F. and explain. I bet they can help.
Unforunately, they have been absolutely no help. They insisted that I would need a court order to access that information - and that even if I obtained the warrant, they did not maintain those records that far back.
joellegirl said:
Is that one picture that is often seen in her case file, where she has that great big smile, her kindertgarten picture? It is the picture that I first saw of her several years back when I discovered sites like the Doe Network and Charley Project.
Yes, that's the kindergarten picture. It must have been made about four months before she disappeared. Thank you for your post.
viking said:
I love that there is such a bonding going on between us all to get to the truth.
Amazing, isn't it? In answer to your questions, it would be misleading to offer simple answers to some of them. Dr. Waters went to extraordinary lengths to keep his whereabouts secret, and we didn't even know where he lived, much less have a phone number for him, until the sheriff's deputy began investigating. We had to write to a P. O. Box. I think the police tracked him down at work and told him Anna had disappeared. My memory is that he had very little reaction other than to say he had nothing to do with it, but this was his illness speaking and we can't make him a villain because of it. Brody was not questioned. We found out about Brody's death after Dr. Waters died two weeks later, and GW's brother telephoned us. The only evidence that GW thought of Anna was that he had saved an article I wrote. He left nothing to anyone except more than a million dollars in insurance documents, all made out to Brody (who was dead, of course, by then.) I don't think he was jealous...he didn't even know who Joe was until he treated his injured foot some time after we got together.
I posted this on the Sharon Marshall board, though I know not why, I feel funny about posting on here because I never have even though I've followed Anna's story from the beginning. Tomorrow night at 8 p.m , As a way of honoring all these little children that went missing, Anna, Sharon, Dessie, I am going to light a single white candle in their honor. Thought maybe all of you would like to join me. Just a gesture of remembrance.
What a great gesture. I do this for my deceased sister's birthday at the time of her birth each year, along with my other family members. We know that wherever we are, our candles are burning for her at that particular time together. It's a wonderful ritual.

I'll light mine for the missing little ones---Anna, Sharon, and all the others tomorrow night at 8 so count me in.
Mullins said:
What a great gesture. I do this for my deceased sister's birthday at the time of her birth each year, along with my other family members. We know that wherever we are, our candles are burning for her at that particular time together. It's a wonderful ritual.

I'll light mine for the missing little ones---Anna, Sharon, and all the others tomorrow night at 8 so count me in.
So sorry about your sister.
Hey there Annasmom, gosh I cannot believe how quickly and politely you answer all of our questions, Thanks! You too, Joe and Doogie.

Annasmom, you mentioned an article you wrote about Anna that was found among Dr. Waters posessions. Would you share the article with us?

Thanks so much,

Hollow said:
I posted this on the Sharon Marshall board, though I know not why, I feel funny about posting on here because I never have even though I've followed Anna's story from the beginning. Tomorrow night at 8 p.m , As a way of honoring all these little children that went missing, Anna, Sharon, Dessie, I am going to light a single white candle in their honor. Thought maybe all of you would like to join me. Just a gesture of remembrance.
Hollow, that's a great idea. Shall we mark our calendars and make this an annual WS event? Hopefully, with each passing year, at least one name will be listed as "FOUND".
itsreenw said:
Hollow, that's a great idea. Shall we mark our calendars and make this an annual WS event? Hopefully, with each passing year, at least one name will be listed as "FOUND".
That is a great idea. Maybe it could even get nationwide. We already have 3 candles being lit at 8 tomorrow.:)
Hollow said:
That is a great idea. Maybe it could even get nationwide. We already have 3 candles being lit at 8 tomorrow.:)
Hollow, You and the others are so thoughtful. It is heartwarming.

note: In 1983, a rise in public awareness of the volume of missing children prompted then President Reagan to declare May 25th "National Missing Childrens Day". Each president since then has continued the tradition.
viking said:
Annasmom, you mentioned an article you wrote about Anna that was found among Dr. Waters posessions. Would you share the article with us?
Mary, the article was called "The Search for Anna Waters" and ran in the April 20, 1975 edition of California Living, the magazine of the San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle. I don't know how to post it here (and they own the copyright on it); do their archives go back that far? I don't know. It might be worth a try at I think the forum has all the information contained in the article, however.
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