Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Woah - hold the phone. She even has George under her spell again? The person she accused of killing caylee and molesting her (Casey)? WTH is going on here?

Anthony – one of the most reviled criminal defendants in recent memory – has been living in a condo in Cape Canaveral, Fla., since late last year. In addition to regular contact with her mother, she has also reconciled with her father, George, who she previously accused of molesting her. (The condo was actually leased by George Anthony for his daughter to live in. The family attorney, Mark Lippman, had no comment.)


eta: and who exactly is paying the rent on this leased apartment. On her BK filing she has ZERO expenses. Did she call daddy-o and say "hey, can you lease me a condo and pay all my bills"? After what she put him through? If she were my kid, I'd tell her to find a box and a bridge to live under!

Well...she didn't actually really mean to accuse him for real. That was just there trial strategy "they came up with" to create reasonable doubt. They were all in on it.
One thing that did confuse me is that Ft. Myers was listed as part of the middle district. Ft. Myers is closer to Miami than Orlando. A pretty even drive between Tampa and Miami, but it's a lot more Southern than Central Florida.

Please do not tell me that she could have this handled in Ft. Myers? Just because it is considered part of the "district." She is not welcome here. At all!

Jacksonville is also listed as a Division in the Middle District of Florida
How does a person get away with accruing that much debt when they have had no income for over 6yrs?? If any one of us were in her shoes we would have been sunk way before now. She is not homeless or phoneless. She has clothes to wear and food to eat. How does she do it with NO income. How does she attract people to pay attention to her sad story and bail her out. Someone on T.V. today said she was cleared of the muder charges of her baby Caylee. I thought the jury said they didn't have pictures or proof. The word Cleared of Murder should not be used in the same sentence with Casey Anthony's name.
I'll believe it when I see him holding the document Beach.....
I simply cannot reconcile all those molestation accusations, which most took as "truth" with "reconciliation and leasing a condo". Why George? Why not CA? If that family really does have any Dr. Phil money - I don't believe for a second CA would let GA control it.

chances are they both signed the doesn't do anything without ca approval....jmo that an engagement ring that I see on her left hand? :what:

If it is, she didn't claim it on the BK doc:
Watch, pearl neclace, saphire and opal rings, and
miscellaneous sterling silver and costume Jewelry
(unless it qualifies under "costume jewelry" :giggle: )
It is my opinion that George was never estranged from FCA - ever.
I believe he went along with the defense schemes and lies and played his part on the witness stand, in order to save FCA from the death penalty. He knew it was all lies, but a "necessary evil". He KNEW the lies were going to be told in court. He accepted it. He has never sued his daughter nor Baez for defamation. He has never even come out publicly and strongly asserted that they were all lies. In my opinion, George is a skilled manipulator, deceiver, and liar.

It is my opinion that Steve Helling of PEOPLE magazine, did a lot of research and confirming of information before he printed the article about George leasing the condo for FCA to live in. MANY different people who do not know each other reported that FCA lives in Ocean Woods, but PEOPLE did not immediately publish their story, before checking it out. Interesting that George's attorney, Mark Lippman, had "no comment" when asked about the condo and George. No denial.

I'm sure PEOPLE has in-house attorneys that would not approve info being printed that has not been completely verified and can be proven to be true. They don't want a lawsuit. And George and Cindy seem to be SUE happy these days, just waiting for an opportunity to take someone to court for defaming THEM -- irony is rich.

I believe 100% that FCA lives in the Ocean Woods condo in Cape Canaveral, and that George/Cindy are paying her bills. Is that money coming out of the Dr. Phil money that was donated to CAYLEE charity? Investigation into the charity money should be done thoroughly.

How is it even legal for George to lease a condo, that HE does not live in?
On paper, FCA does not even live there. According to her bankruptcy filing, she has no rent to pay, no security deposit, no utilities, no furniture, etc.. How could the landlord evict her, if they wanted to? On paper - she doesn't live there! How can the management hold George responsible for damages to a condo that he does not live in -- only has his name on the lease? She included the realtor as a Creditor in her bankruptcy filing so he can never come after her for unpaid rent or damages. How is that even legal when she does not admit that she lives there! Is this fraud on the condo landlord?

It boggles my mind! Just like the probation reports .... she can write anything she wants on legal documents and nothing is done to verify truthfulness or lack thereof!

A taster of things to come.... :floorlaugh:


Wonder who's book that is....Aston or Baez?:what:
Just because you file for bankruptcy doesn't mean the judge automatically will grant it. No way will they forgive an IRS debt. They could put it as uncollectable, but if she ever makes any money it will need to be paid back. IMO also I don't think they will forgive the money she owes the city, they will probably make her file a chapter 7 (a liquidation) and if she makes any money in the future it will be applied toward her debts. As far as the civil suit, she hasn't won or lost that but if Gonzalez wins she can file a judgement that will be good for 10 yrs and then she can refile for another 10 yrs. So far the only one ironically, that may not get any money is Baez. He will probably make her give her rights to him and he will get his money back. So now what she has done is put the government on her back, for the rest of her life. Bad move IMO.
So did they just list all the Witnesses from her criminal trial as creditors?:furious::banghead:
Geez ... this is nothing more than a typical FCA Photo OP ... :waitasec: Who sits with their back to the water when you are on the beach ?

:waitasec: And where are the sharks when you need 'em ?


LOL Yeah we need a bigger boat......:floorlaugh:

Agreed, so staged .... like Ohio and the empty treelined streets, the outfit changes, the fake ponytail and the Starbucks. :crazy:
Just because you file for bankruptcy doesn't mean the judge automatically will grant it. No way will they forgive an IRS debt. They could put it as uncollectable, but if she ever makes any money it will need to be paid back. IMO also I don't think they will forgive the money she owes the city, they will probably make her file a chapter 7 (a liquidation) and if she makes any money in the future it will be applied toward her debts. As far as the civil suit, she hasn't won or lost that but if Gonzalez wins she can file a judgement that will be good for 10 yrs and then she can refile for another 10 yrs. So far the only one ironically, that may not get any money is Baez. He will probably make her give her rights to him and he will get his money back. So now what she has done is put the government on her back, for the rest of her life. Bad move IMO.

I don't know if its been answered or not...but rumor has she was paid $500.000. for interview/pics whatever (of course in installments) but wouldn't the bankruptcy court be interested in that income???????
So today my son oldest turns 8yrs old...hard to imagine how Caylee would have looked, acted at this age in 2nd grade. :(
I beleive one of the reasons for the bankruptcy is she does not want to speak at the trial,they are fighting that tooth and nail,she wants to sell that story,it will be told for free,hoorah,and she is not likeing that,although, I don't think,she is marketable, her team,(lol,lol) are hoping, Another thing who poses with their client like that,what lawyer,people file everday for bankruptcy they are not posing with their lawyers all over their local paper,if anything folks don't want the world to know they filed. They are all deranged if they think the public is that gullible,Yeah me thinks we will see Karma Unfold,slowly at first,then comments on looks,but yes she looks like her mother,I always thought so
Re. the BBM: Me too, strawberry. Me too. :( :sigh:

I know lots of people felt George went along with the defense but I really believed in him and felt a lot of people were too hard on him. I was furious - beyond appalled & outraged at how the defense maligned him. I guess I just really needed to believe that JoJo would do the right thing by Caylee. I dunno. This whole thing about Casey & George reconciling and him leasing a condo in his name for her benefit is more than I can stomach. Honestly, that has upset me far more than the bankruptcy filing. I am so disappointed in him.

I will never understand these people.

Me either, Beach. No dad in their right mind would pay for a condo after their daughter accused them of molestation with a graphic description in court by the daughter's lawyer. The only thing that makes sense is that GA was willing to be a sacrificial lamb to get Casey out of prison. Apparently she was always more important than Caylee. They are all probably like "Caylee who?" now, I bet. She was nothing more than a cute doll to be paraded around. This family is just lower than low. I am just so digusted by how much they were willing to do to get a murderer out of jail. And now her mother's promise is true. She'll never have to work again in her life. It's just sick.

Just because you file for bankruptcy doesn't mean the judge automatically will grant it. No way will they forgive an IRS debt. They could put it as uncollectable, but if she ever makes any money it will need to be paid back. IMO also I don't think they will forgive the money she owes the city, they will probably make her file a chapter 7 (a liquidation) and if she makes any money in the future it will be applied toward her debts. As far as the civil suit, she hasn't won or lost that but if Gonzalez wins she can file a judgement that will be good for 10 yrs and then she can refile for another 10 yrs. So far the only one ironically, that may not get any money is Baez. He will probably make her give her rights to him and he will get his money back. So now what she has done is put the government on her back, for the rest of her life. Bad move IMO.

I agree with you. I'm going to wait to see what the bankruptcy court actually does here. As far as I know, the IRS doesn't treat ANYONE special. I hear about celebrities all the time who have to pay back taxes and such and if they don't, they would face prison time. This is the Teflon Queen, but she may have met her match here. At least I ferverently hope so. But I'm going to be ready in case of more disappointment anyway.
It is my opinion that George was never estranged from FCA - ever.
I believe he went along with the defense schemes and lies and played his part on the witness stand, in order to save FCA from the death penalty. He knew it was all lies, but a "necessary evil". He KNEW the lies were going to be told in court. He accepted it. He has never sued his daughter nor Baez for defamation. He has never even come out publicly and strongly asserted that they were all lies. In my opinion, George is a skilled manipulator, deceiver, and liar.

It is my opinion that Steve Helling of PEOPLE magazine, did a lot of research and confirming of information before he printed the article about George leasing the condo for FCA to live in. MANY different people who do not know each other reported that FCA lives in Ocean Woods, but PEOPLE did not immediately publish their story, before checking it out. Interesting that George's attorney, Mark Lippman, had "no comment" when asked about the condo and George. No denial.

I'm sure PEOPLE has in-house attorneys that would not approve info being printed that has not been completely verified and can be proven to be true. They don't want a lawsuit. And George and Cindy seem to be SUE happy these days, just waiting for an opportunity to take someone to court for defaming THEM -- irony is rich.

I believe 100% that FCA lives in the Ocean Woods condo in Cape Canaveral, and that George/Cindy are paying her bills. Is that money coming out of the Dr. Phil money that was donated to CAYLEE charity? Investigation into the charity money should be done thoroughly.

How is it even legal for George to lease a condo, that HE does not live in?
On paper, FCA does not even live there. According to her bankruptcy filing, she has no rent to pay, no security deposit, no utilities, no furniture, etc.. How could the landlord evict her, if they wanted to? On paper - she doesn't live there! How can the management hold George responsible for damages to a condo that he does not live in -- only has his name on the lease? She included the realtor as a Creditor in her bankruptcy filing so he can never come after her for unpaid rent or damages. How is that even legal when she does not admit that she lives there! Is this fraud on the condo landlord?

It boggles my mind! Just like the probation reports .... she can write anything she wants on legal documents and nothing is done to verify truthfulness or lack thereof!

:rocker::rocker: :goodpost::goodpost: These are EXCELLENT points, ThinkTank !

And I totally agree with all of your points regarding George : he played his ROLE well ... GA FOOLED the Pinellas 12 -- BUT he did NOT fool ME !

I feel so so sorry for Mr. Ashton because he "trusted" George and George DUPED him :furious:

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