Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Seriously? I was sure she said ..bus...


Can you imagine the felon Anthony taking the bus anywhere? That was a downright FIB.

And that black hat and outfit looked eerily familiar to the Wicked Witch of the West.


Here's a youtube video of her before they pulled up. FCA is pulling a Jodi/Cousin It while she waits in the car.

Casey Anthony arrives in Tampa for bankruptcy meeting 03/04/13 - Raw Footage - YouTube

That's a great video for so many reasons! CM must have been on the phone saying "Don't you know who I am" What do you mean we can't sneak in?" Then the person calling her Baby Killer. Then someone asking what she had to say to people who think she's guilty of killing Caylee. And of course KB. Think about it, she has either been surrounded by sycophants or ignored for 1 1/2 years now. This is the first time she has heard people voice these things directly to her.
Blanche DuBois...I have always relied on the kindness of strangers....:floorlaugh: CA hasn't changed a bit!

No kidding. Think she thought that she would be coming down the courthouse steps to a rapt audience hanging on her every word?

I am sure she believes she is not guilty because the jury said so. Like she worked at Universal because she said so. Like she had a nanny because she said so. And on and on.


"Oh Mr DeMille, I am ready for my close up..."
because she is brash and brazen, I bet she was convinced that she would be allowed in through the security entrance the judges use. which I hadn't considered, because last week's reports stressed that there was only one entrance and that she would enter like everyone else. CM obviously knows that judges enter separately no matter the claim of one entrance (which we have learned now as well), and I would love to find out when and how he was told they had to use the front door

are hats allowed in a courtroom? I mean, ball caps, obviously not. but hats worn to complete an ensemble? (obviously the intention here.) because, if so, I bet she planned to saunter into the building wearing that hat w/ those sunglasses, and planned on losing the glasses and keeping the hat on in the courtroom. but the hat came off when the geezer grabbed her by the neck and started dragging her, and she couldn't keep the glasses on during that headlock either. she can't find a buyer for her story but strangers get paid for taking photos when she looks like she's getting the bum's rush out of a gin joint. all of which caused her to get flushtered

Thanks wasn't enough. LOL. I love your post.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I hope she lives in fear for the rest of her pathetic life.

I hope ALL of her so called friends use the hell out of her.
I am amazed at how many people are still interested as to what Casey Anthony is up to.
Even me.
Look at the views on just this page.
Nevermind her appearance made front page news.

If she wrote a book, sadly, it would make her millions. She is the Lizzie Borden of our times.
Fascination. People are fascinated about Casey Anthony.
Even me.

I have to disagree. I don't think anyone would pay to see or hear anything she has to say.

When it is free, well, it's like a train wreck - You can't help but look!
Does someone who is in fear for their life, who has had death threats, whose address can't be released because of those threats really take a bus??
Don't forget we also had a lawyer laughing in court.

Baez, more than once and JA didn't suggest she had committed suicide. A moron for sure is Baez! :floorlaugh:
Casey is discovering the cruel difference between being a "celebrity" and being a freak show. She is a freak show. There is no admiration in the attention paid to her...any crowd that forms around her...anywhere...will only radiate disgust, hostility, and revulsion. Stares that come her way will not be for a glimpse of her supposed "beauty" or "hot bod".... but for the spectacle of seeing her hands....the very hands that killed her loving little girl, bagged her like trash, and discarded her in a swamp. Even animals protect their young...but we stare at Casey for the hideous abberation that she is.

Casey craved attention in the past because that attention brought her admiration. She thrived on it. She sought it out. Now she must learn to live with unending, enormous attention that continually spews disgust, anger, outrage. "Take what you want, says God, and pay for it."

Perhaps this the most suitable prison of all.
Does someone who is in fear for their life, who has had death threats, whose address can't be released because of those threats really take a bus??

:waitasec: Where would she take it to? It isn't like she has a job or anything.
Don't forget we also had a lawyer laughing in court.

Baez on more than one occasion. He was also held in contempt ,but never followed through. I can cite others if you wish? Now go report what a good deed you did for him.:moo:

Can you imagine the felon Anthony taking the bus anywhere? That was a downright FIB.

And that black hat and outfit looked eerily familiar to the Wicked Witch of the West.



Yeah right ----------> Felon is so terrified of threats she can't return to Orange county to face her fraudulent BK (IMHO) but she rides a bike and takes the bus????????

Really - is that the best they can do to fool the public?
I am amazed at how many people are still interested as to what Casey Anthony is up to.
Even me.
Look at the views on just this page.
Nevermind her appearance made front page news.

If she wrote a book, sadly, it would make her millions. She is the Lizzie Borden of our times.
Fascination. People are fascinated about Casey Anthony.
Even me.

I agree, how this woman continues to get the time of day (from the media and others) continues to astound me. And the idea that she's in some hole afraid to come out is laughable to me because I don't think that's the reality. I think she comes and goes as needed and a vast majority of people probably could give a damn if they even recognized her. It would be great if everyone ignored her, I think her life would be really be miserable as she would be void of the attention she so desperately craves.

She knows people are still interested in her (for whatever the reason). She knows she could put out some grainy youtube video of her eating popcorn and talking about butterflies and trees and it'll be a blurb on all the news sites.
I am amazed at how many people are still interested as to what Casey Anthony is up to.
Even me.
Look at the views on just this page.
Nevermind her appearance made front page news.

If she wrote a book, sadly, it would make her millions. She is the Lizzie Borden of our times.
Fascination. People are fascinated about Casey Anthony.
Even me.

A book about what?

It has been over a year and half since the verdict....that is a long time to wait for her millions. Whatshername coulda used some of those millions to pay off her debt.
So Jose was the one who staged those pics? Ha! The guy is a piece of work. He (conveniently) wasn't her attorney in September, was he?
RH was talking about the rights to pics before then, right? Or does he think that all pics sold on her behalf would be a conflict?

My understanding is that he was still her attorney of record - until he resigned the following January. :what:
Yes, LIke what the heck is this about?? And why didn't she claim it as income?

"Anthony testified she only has $484 in cash to her name, and that since her acquittal, Jose Baez gave her $3,400. She also said that Baez had her participate in photographs in September 2012 and then sold the photos."

Read more:


How come I don't have $484 cash?!

Oh...because I didn't kill my kid?!

:furious: And while I am here in Rat mode....

What attorney lets a client run up a Five Hundred Thousand bill knowing there is no way it can be paid...well, unless it's Blood Money written in Caylee's Blood?

Good Lord ~ Just seeing this Witch briefly fired me up like it's Day 1 when I heard her name and game for the first time.
Casey is discovering the cruel difference between being a "celebrity" and being a freak show. She is a freak show. There is no admiration in the attention paid to her...any crowd that forms around her...anywhere...will only radiate disgust, hostility, and revulsion. Stares that come her way will not be for a glimpse of her supposed "beauty" or "hot bod".... but for the spectacle of seeing her hands....the very hands that killed her loving little girl, bagged her like trash, and discarded her in a swamp. Even animals protect their young...but we stare at Casey for the hideous abberation that she is.

Casey craved attention in the past because that attention brought her admiration. She thrived on it. She sought it out. Now she must learn to live with unending, enormous attention that continually spews disgust, anger, outrage. "Take what you want, says God, and pay for it."

Perhaps this the most suitable prison of all.

Thank you for this excellent post - I hadn't thought about it like this before but you have absolutely nailed it. IMO

BBM - I've never heard that expression before but how true is that? Wow!
You are correct. Laughing in court is a lot worse. It is a direct slap at the authority of the court and the judge. Cusssing out people, shoving people that are rudely in your way, and flipping off the media don't even rate n the meter compared to what Ashton did. By the way, what were the results of these actions? Ashton was reprimanded by the court, nothing has happened to Mr Baez, or Mr. Mason.

Yeah, you are right. Ashton is getting the last laugh; he's the one making money of Caylee. Remember her?

Laughing at a high pitched absurdity is nothing like cussing out people, shoving people and flipping the bird. Not to mention, that ole' JB might actually have done it this time and that Fl bar might have to respond.

BTW -- I know you won't like this, but I AM 100% confident, that
I have listened to the audio of the hearing. There were several things KC did and said that were real red flags for me. I'd like to know what others saw as red flags.

Here's a start:
1. The questions about who the computer belonged to .... and not knowing which email address her attornys communicated with her at.

2. The fact that she had to consult her lawyer to answer simple questions.

3. The attitude towards the whole proceedings. Her lawyer's snarky attitude in light of the position they are in, (essentially asking for a favour to the BK court).

4. She has a cellphone but doesn't pay the monthly bills on and won't give the name of the person paying.

5. Baez and others listed in the BK papers even though they represented her as an indigent.

6. She claims she rides the bus!

7. The gift cards...and other unsolicited donations not being listed in BK papers.

Surely the BK court sees this all the time and has a keener sense of "not quite right" than I do...

Please let me know what you guys think. :)
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