Billie Dunn on Websleuths Radio

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It was my understanding from listening to the show last night that LE told BD (&/or Carrie?) that *all* of the RSOs were checked out & cleared. However, BD & Carrie's beef with that statement from LE is the fact that this RSO (of whom they couldn't immediately call his name) had a warrant in another state for some type of crime & he was still in the area.

Therefore, BD & Carrie believed LE to be lying about checking out all of the RSOs in the area.


Personally i think she needs to get herself and her boyfriend checked and cleared before she worries about accusing yet more people. still curious to know what she is doing to find Hailey. She told us what Courtney is doing..and Hollie..but not herself.
Personally i think she needs to get herself and her boyfriend checked and cleared before she worries about accusing yet more people. still curious to know what she is doing to find Hailey. She told us what Courtney is doing..and Hollie..but not herself.

She did say she called FBI about three weeks ago... :rolleyes:

She did say she called FBI about three weeks ago... :rolleyes:


Lol true :) but that was weird cause the searchers are out searching all the time..the way she contacted FBI about that particular search was weird...which makes me think maybe they should do more searching in that area.
I didn't listen to the interview, didn't have any intention of listening to the interview, and I see it turned out pretty much as I expected.

Billie Dunn and Shawn Atkins - where is Hailey?
"Were you taking any narcotics the night or the day after Hailey went missing?"


"Ummm, the same, same night I did. Monday night I did. Hydrocodone and antibiotics for a bad tooth."

Is that the same bad tooth she had a hydrocodone prescription for way back when she called CCPD and complained that Shawn had broken into her house and threatened her?

Just curious.
I wish LE would release their established timeline. Tell us directly about the pings, any calls made or texts sent from all the involved parties. Whether or not this Xbox photo story is true....if it is, why didn't they release that photo, that would be the most current photo of her and may possibly show what she was last seen wearing. I am not sure I buy it, but if it's true, it's a big deal and I would like to hear it from LE.

Following this case for the past year, my feelings have been all over the place. I still think Shawn has too many odd coincidences that day for me to not believe he is the prime suspect. I have been back and forth on Billy. I think now I am back, barely, in believing she is not involved. In fact, as frustrating as she has been, I wish every parent of a missing child put as much effort into getting info out to the public. It has backfired on Billy at times, because we all want to scrutinize any detail we can, but at least she has put it out there. Far too often over this past year, kids disappear and no info is really available. I wish everyone would put out detailed timelines for us to examine.
Well I finally was able to listen. Any other episode ,I might not have given the effort. ( I canceled plans for Ashton) I did want to listen to the show without having any of your thoughts floating around in my noodle. I wanted to see what I would take from the show solely on my on.
After my first attempt to listen ,during which Tricia’s voice lulled me to sleep, I decided to listen this morning while working. Of course I am taking everything with a grain of salt, but, it makes a difference that Amber’s mother is saying “Hey I know what she means,etc”.
Then Billie commented on the CCPD. That it was where people go that cannot make it on a police force anywhere else. That clicked for me people. I know of what she speaks. My small town also had that type of police department. It got so bad the State Law Enforcement Division had to come in.
Taken with that in mind, I can totally see Billie’s point of view. Now granted, I do not think she was a great mother, she has her faults and I think she is a little too trusting of Shaun. Honestly, I think she was a scared, naïve woman who may or may not have an idea of where her daughter is. Do I think she is responsible? I am honestly gonna go out on a limb here and say, No, I do not think she is. I honestly do not think Shaun is either. And as far as her failing the lie detector, I believe her story. Call me kooky.
I really think, In My Very Humble Opinion, that this is a stranger abduction, that LE has botched from the start. When she started talking about how Officers do not last on the force a year, that the force was full of officers that could not get jobs anywhere else, I had an “Ah Ha!” moment. Seriously. Our local PD does not even bother to check with the State Academy if officers are hirable.
Our local PD does not even bother to check certification, check references,check backgrounds,etc. So yeah I can see her version of it.
Now I am not defending her more questionable actions and there are families everywhere that have some skeletons. I just think we need to revisit how we view her actions.
"Were you taking any narcotics the night or the day after Hailey went missing?"


"Ummm, the same, same night I did. Monday night I did. Hydrocodone and antibiotics for a bad tooth."

Is that the same bad tooth she had a hydrocodone prescription for way back when she called CCPD and complained that Shawn had broken into her house and threatened her?

Just curious.

Even drug abusers have valid needs for meds occasionally.Especially as they do not seem to be the type to have regular checkups KWIM?
I wish LE would release their established timeline. Tell us directly about the pings, any calls made or texts sent from all the involved parties. Whether or not this Xbox photo story is true....if it is, why didn't they release that photo, that would be the most current photo of her and may possibly show what she was last seen wearing. I am not sure I buy it, but if it's true, it's a big deal and I would like to hear it from LE.

Following this case for the past year, my feelings have been all over the place. I still think Shawn has too many odd coincidences that day for me to not believe he is the prime suspect. I have been back and forth on Billy. I think now I am back, barely, in believing she is not involved. In fact, as frustrating as she has been, I wish every parent of a missing child put as much effort into getting info out to the public. It has backfired on Billy at times, because we all want to scrutinize any detail we can, but at least she has put it out there. Far too often over this past year, kids disappear and no info is really available. I wish everyone would put out detailed timelines for us to examine.

I am confused? the last six months or so what info has she tried to put out to the public? Yes she did the interview with Tricia but i imagine that was at Carries doing? Most of the information put out the last few months has been by Connie Jones, by the searchers etc and due to the activities that were arranged to cause money for the fund ie the ball game and BBQ.
Well I finally was able to listen. Any other episode ,I might not have given the effort. ( I canceled plans for Ashton) I did want to listen to the show without having any of your thoughts floating around in my noodle. I wanted to see what I would take from the show solely on my on.
After my first attempt to listen ,during which Tricia’s voice lulled me to sleep, I decided to listen this morning while working. Of course I am taking everything with a grain of salt, but, it makes a difference that Amber’s mother is saying “Hey I know what she means,etc”.
Then Billie commented on the CCPD. That it was where people go that cannot make it on a police force anywhere else. That clicked for me people. I know of what she speaks. My small town also had that type of police department. It got so bad the State Law Enforcement Division had to come in.
Taken with that in mind, I can totally see Billie’s point of view. Now granted, I do not think she was a great mother, she has her faults and I think she is a little too trusting of Shaun. Honestly, I think she was a scared, naïve woman who may or may not have an idea of where her daughter is. Do I think she is responsible? I am honestly gonna go out on a limb here and say, No, I do not think she is. I honestly do not think Shaun is either. And as far as her failing the lie detector, I believe her story. Call me kooky.
I really think, In My Very Humble Opinion, that this is a stranger abduction, that LE has botched from the start. When she started talking about how Officers do not last on the force a year, that the force was full of officers that could not get jobs anywhere else, I had an “Ah Ha!” moment. Seriously. Our local PD does not even bother to check with the State Academy if officers are hirable.
Our local PD does not even bother to check certification, check references,check backgrounds,etc. So yeah I can see her version of it.
Now I am not defending her more questionable actions and there are families everywhere that have some skeletons. I just think we need to revisit how we view her actions.

Hmm..its funny the other locals dont share her opinion of the local police force. Regarding i said before and someone else did..this case and Carries are two different things..what applies in her case doesnt necessarily follow in here. Additionally..Carrie has more than made it clear what she thinks of Texas AND its Police Department..which i imagine is causing problems between her and the local LE.

The other thing as Tricia said the other day Carrie is on Haileys side....her job is to find Hailey and get at the truth..all that she says in public..isnt what she necessarily believes ;)
Hmm..its funny the other locals dont share her opinion of the local police force. Regarding i said before and someone else did..this case and Carries are two different things..what applies in her case doesnt necessarily follow in here. Additionally..Carrie has more than made it clear what she thinks of Texas AND its Police Department..which i imagine is causing problems between her and the local LE.

The other thing as Tricia said the other day Carrie is on Haileys side....her job is to find Hailey and get at the truth..all that she says in public..isnt what she necessarily believes ;)

Good points! Like I said I wanted to record my impressions from listening without reading anything. I could very well be 100% off base. I just know that I would hate to be in her shoes. Especially if I had no knowledge that would help. She does not help her own credibility, this is true...but still. Again, MOO.:twocents: and all that. Subject to change.
Hmm..its funny the other locals dont share her opinion of the local police force. Regarding i said before and someone else did..this case and Carries are two different things..what applies in her case doesnt necessarily follow in here. Additionally..Carrie has more than made it clear what she thinks of Texas AND its Police Department..which i imagine is causing problems between her and the local LE.

The other thing as Tricia said the other day Carrie is on Haileys side....her job is to find Hailey and get at the truth..all that she says in public..isnt what she necessarily believes ;)


Whoa,..Wait a sec. Who said that? Tricia or is that a huge assumption on your part?

Oh and btw...I think we are ALL here for Hailey and only Hailey!

Whoa,..Wait a sec. Who said that? Tricia or is that a huge assumption on your part?

Oh and btw...I think we are ALL here for Hailey and only Hailey!

Tricia said that Carrie is on Haileys side or words to that effect..and that is true :) The second part..people are saying because "well Carrie believes in her" but..if Carrie didnt believe in her..would she really say on a interview? that would blow any chance of Carrie and Billie getting on.
I am confused? the last six months or so what info has she tried to put out to the public? Yes she did the interview with Tricia but i imagine that was at Carries doing? Most of the information put out the last few months has been by Connie Jones, by the searchers etc and due to the activities that were arranged to cause money for the fund ie the ball game and BBQ.

What I mean many cases, as soon as people start picking apart the parents, the parents stop commenting publicly. They stop giving the media updates. Billy was out hosting press conferences in her front yard, with detailed notes trying to address every little thing that had come up. She didn't have to do that then, and a year later she doesn't have to still do do shows like this. Even if you take what she says with a grain of salt, I am just saying that I appreciate that she is even saying anything at all.
What I mean many cases, as soon as people start picking apart the parents, the parents stop commenting publicly. They stop giving the media updates. Billy was out hosting press conferences in her front yard, with detailed notes trying to address every little thing that had come up. She didn't have to do that then, and a year later she doesn't have to still do do shows like this. Even if you take what she says with a grain of salt, I am just saying that I appreciate that she is even saying anything at all.

In all honesty i think she should be doing far more interviews than she is. I also think she should be trying to cooperate with the cops..that she should contact them far more..if i was her and innocent..i would be ringing them daily..actually i would probably get arrested for phoning them so much :(
I don't think anyone knows how they would react in a situation such as this. If you believe you're totally innocent and feel in your heart that LE's only focus is you or your partner there is not much more that can be done until there is a break in the case. There are children who have been missing for years (and adults).

The family never gives up hope but after a while what else is there to do?

There is finally a POI in Lindsey Baum's case after 2 1/2 years as an example.
I don't think anyone knows how they would react in a situation such as this. If you believe you're totally innocent and feel in your heart that LE's only focus is you or your partner there is not much more that can be done until there is a break in the case. There are children who have been missing for years (and adults).

The family never gives up hope but after a while what else is there to do?

There is finally a POI in Lindsey Baum's case after 2 1/2 years as an example.

I so agree. I can sit here and say " Well I would do this this and this" But how do I know? I can adamantly state how I would react in certain situations because I have been through them- a bad wreck, my teenager missing for more than 10 minutes ( she took a different way home) a dog bite, etc. But my child really missing? And I have questionable habits and relationships? How do I really know what I would do?
I listened to the show live and thought that Tricia did a tremendous job in the almost 3 hour interview.. Thanks so much Tricia for allowing us the chance at hopefully getting closer to bringing Hailey home..

I too made notes throughout and they seem to be pretty much exact same as nannymo's(thanks for posting)..
Ok, so the new added detail of now on Monday night DD comes to Billie and says he doesn't like Hailey staying over at MB's due to the fact that her bf is always over there.. Billies's response was that it was good to know and she'd not be allowing Hailey to go over there anymore.. Period end of story and on to the next point for Billie..

Why does this bother me so very much??? If true, obviously there was something bothering DD about the fact his sister was at MB's.. Bothering him to the point that he goes and tells Billie this information.. That for me says a lot and that it must have been really weighing on his mind for a 16yr old boy to even go to a parent with such a concern.. Most 16yr olds don't have time to be bothered sitting around thinking about his sister hanging out with her friends.. Much less to be bothered enough to actually go speak to a parent voicing such a concern.. If true IMO Billie's lacksadaisical attitude about this is appalling .. She was already supposedly upset that Hailey had not followed the "usual protocol" of going thru mom first hand when making plans to sleep over somewhere.. But as we know it wasn't enough for Billie to call Hailey about.. Now you add to that your son comes to you and voices his very real concerns for his sister being at MB's house.. And Billie's response is GOOD TO KNOW?!?!!..

Yea, it is good to know so that you as the parent take the initiative to do something about it!!! That is why DD came to you as the parent so that you COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT what he has told you is bothering him..

Yet.. Billie does nothing.. It does not result in so much as even an attempted call of concern to check on Hailey.. To find out was the bf down there with Hailey being there???.. To talk to Hailey about if the bf does come over she is to call and we'll come get you to come home.. Nothing at all is done or said, period.. DD's words of concern in no way whatsoever altered Billie's actions of concern.. She never even attempts a call down to MB's.. It does nothing at all and is left as is all the way through the night into the next day and sometime after lunch she supposedly contacts DD to finally attempt to make contact with Hailey for the first time since Sunday night when Billie supposedly told her daughter good nite.. Even tho, DD came to her Monday evening and expressed his worry and concern for his sister.. Yet still Billie attempted absolutely no contact of Hailey or Hailey's well being until after noon of Tuesday, the 28th with her telling DD to call MB's and have Hailey come home..

If this new info is true not only did Billie do nothing to even lift a finger of concern after being told this by her son.. But also more than 14mos have passed where she has still never brought up this seemingly crucial information.. I mean really wth??
I think BD bringing up the "boyfriend" was just another way to say "Hey, look over there, not at me and Shawnnnn". jmhoooooooo.
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