Billie Dunn on Websleuths Radio

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So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)
The biggest problem with the stranger abduction scenario is MB's statement she did not plan a sleepover with Hailey. Shawn would have to be the unluckiest guy alive on this one day to a) walk out of a job after speaking to no one b) stop at his gma's but no-one be home prior to 7am c) be back in town where Hailey is for half an hour, half an hour after leaving his job then go off the radar d) get back just in time to have Hailey leave and lie to him about her plans and e) not have his gf give due diligence to her daughter's whereabouts until the following lunch time - on the day Hailey is abducted off the street.

I do think there seems to be big problems with the LE. From the way the search warrant is worded with regards to the child *advertiser censored* I think they used a long bow to try and get more info about Hailey in a search. There was misinformation given to the media about where certain images were found. And rather than say that they now seem to lack credibility and people suspect there is more going on child *advertiser censored* wise than there is.
So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)

You left out Shawn's drug use and abuse and his calling Hailey promiscuous.

Not that any of that is relevant. ;)
So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)

Brian is Clints elder half brother not step brother. Their mother is Connie Jones.
I think BD bringing up the "boyfriend" was just another way to say "Hey, look over there, not at me and Shawnnnn". jmhoooooooo.

EXACTLY. The truth is, if Hailey had gone walking across town in broad daylight, and met up with her friends at MB's house, where they all walked around together that evening, SOMEONE would have leaked that to the FBI.

Kids that age know everything about who was hanging out with who and when, and if Hailey was chilling with friends that afternoon and evening, a lot of kids would have known about it.

AND Hailey would have texted and called a lot more then that one, lone unanswered text. Has any 13 yr old girl ever made plans with her friends for the night by just sending ONE TEXT? And if it went unanswered, would she go over there anyway? I doubt she would.
I would love to look at the cell phone records on the days that Hailey was home alone on school vacation and had the cell phone. On those days, was there ever only ONE call and/or text from Hailey to her friends?
You guys are awesome! All have made valid points IMO. If anything my little experiment showed me there is a reason I value what you guys say.

Again, I am not defending BD's lack of action, but is it possible she was concerned, but figured she would just handle it when Hailey got home? I don't know, I have been turning all of this over and over and I am swaying back and forth. It would be so easy just to say " Horrible Mom, drug use and all,bad choice of boyfriend, all her fault." But there is just something there that I really think she just made a lot of bad choices. Did those choices result in Hailey going missing? Or was it just a series of unfortunate events?

The bottom line is we don't really know ALL LE knows. So we can't make a judgement call on their competence at this point. BD could very well be correct in her assessment. If I had time I would do some research.
The biggest problem with the stranger abduction scenario is MB's statement she did not plan a sleepover with Hailey. Shawn would have to be the unluckiest guy alive on this one day to a) walk out of a job after speaking to no one b) stop at his gma's but no-one be home prior to 7am c) be back in town where Hailey is for half an hour, half an hour after leaving his job then go off the radar d) get back just in time to have Hailey leave and lie to him about her plans and e) not have his gf give due diligence to her daughter's whereabouts until the following lunch time - on the day Hailey is abducted off the street.

I do think there seems to be big problems with the LE. From the way the search warrant is worded with regards to the child *advertiser censored* I think they used a long bow to try and get more info about Hailey in a search. There was misinformation given to the media about where certain images were found. And rather than say that they now seem to lack credibility and people suspect there is more going on child *advertiser censored* wise than there is.

I just picked up on this tonight. It may not be anything but a slip of the tongue, but iirc in the beginning the story was that SA stopped at his grandma's house and they were not home. I remember this because i thought to myself....What elderly couple would not be home at 6:30 in the morning unless they were out of town? I always thought that comment was a little strange.

Now the story is SA stopped and his grandma's and knocked, but no one was up...hmmmmm Just another indiscrepency that leads me back to SA.
I feel that trying to figure out this case is like trying to nail jello to a wall, they both seem impossible.
So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)

You left out Shawn's drug use and abuse and his calling Hailey promiscuous.

Not that any of that is relevant. ;)

Also that he, as the last person to see Hailey alive... is also the person that Hailey enjoyed throwing grasshoppers at to scare him. :giggle:
Might not be relevant... could just be humorous... but... you never know. :innocent: Go Hailey. :woohoo:
Shawn's grandfaher is deceased...the grandmother and a couple of other relatives lived there, as I understand it....odd no one home though isn't it
So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)

It has allready been established that the deviant *advertiser censored* images were not in the possession of either SA or BD, they were in someone else's home and have not been tied to either SA or BD. It is unrelated to this case, so put that to rest.

All of the other stuff mentioned is fairly typical for lower ecomomic stratas in society, it does not imply any sort of guilt. We need to rely on facts or evidence directly bearing on the case. Such as physical evidence of a crime or opportunity or motive to do so. If SA or BD can be excluded based on evidence which reasonably places them elsewhere when the possible crime could have occurred, they are excluded no matter what you might think of them as human beings. The fact that people don't like them does not make them suspects.

Well, if there really are pictures of HD wearing the earrings on the xbox the night before she dissappeared, and if the rings were subsequently found at the fathers house, it pretty much proves that she was there that day contary to what they claim. And it would be reasonable to question why. If that is true then it pretty makes everyone in that household and what they say questionable. It also means that HD must have been in one piece at least until SA got back from Big Spring, and he simply would not have had enough time to do anything in the window that would have been available.

So, if the earring allegations are true then SA is pretty much off the hook. I don't see how BD could believe he is involved if that is the case, it isn't rational. In fact, I would say that it is fairly clear where her suspicions lie, even if she isn't overtly saying so. Why she isnt being blunt about it, now that is an interesting question.

Like I said, if these allegations are true then whatever happened to HD probably happened after she left the house that afternoon. I don't see what other interpretation there could be. There are a whole lot of possibilities after that point, we simply don't have enough information beyond that to speculate. However, it would imply that at least some people in CD's residence and possibly others have not been forthcoming. As I said in a previous post, that does not imply guilt as all of the people involved in this case may have their own reasons for not being entirely truthfull, reasons that would likely have nothing to do with HDs dissappearance.

When I read posts here we see people say "I would do this" or "I would never do that", but they are not BD or SA or CD or any of the others, the posters don't know what is going on in these peoples lives, what is important to them personally and what other secrets (which have nothing to do with HD) they might not want the relatives or friends and especially LE knowing about. So, a little white lie here, a little less explanation there and so on in public. They might be hiding something, but that does not mean that something has to do with HD. It could be that is just standard practice in their social circles. That is why we need to focus on things which are fact, or claimed to be fact, and be objective in our assessment of these things, and not go on emotion based on whether we do or don't like a particular person.

Also, we know there is a discrepancy between what MB's mother publically claimed and the text message allegation. So, we do not have the full story there either.

Whatever the case, if there really is pictorial evidence of HD wearing the earrings the night before, it is a game changer.
If she only had one pair of similar earrings.

Does somebody remember her wearing those earrings the night before?
It has allready been established that the deviant *advertiser censored* images were not in the possession of either SA or BD, they were in someone else's home and have not been tied to either SA or BD. It is unrelated to this case, so put that to rest.

All of the other stuff mentioned is fairly typical for lower ecomomic stratas in society, it does not imply any sort of guilt. We need to rely on facts or evidence directly bearing on the case. Such as physical evidence of a crime or opportunity or motive to do so. If SA or BD can be excluded based on evidence which reasonably places them elsewhere when the possible crime could have occurred, they are excluded no matter what you might think of them as human beings. The fact that people don't like them does not make them suspects.

Well, if there really are pictures of HD wearing the earrings on the xbox the night before she dissappeared, and if the rings were subsequently found at the fathers house, it pretty much proves that she was there that day contary to what they claim. And it would be reasonable to question why. If that is true then it pretty makes everyone in that household and what they say questionable. It also means that HD must have been in one piece at least until SA got back from Big Spring, and he simply would not have had enough time to do anything in the window that would have been available.

So, if the earring allegations are true then SA is pretty much off the hook. I don't see how BD could believe he is involved if that is the case, it isn't rational. In fact, I would say that it is fairly clear where her suspicions lie, even if she isn't overtly saying so. Why she isnt being blunt about it, now that is an interesting question.

Like I said, if these allegations are true then whatever happened to HD probably happened after she left the house that afternoon. I don't see what other interpretation there could be. There are a whole lot of possibilities after that point, we simply don't have enough information beyond that to speculate. However, it would imply that at least some people in CD's residence and possibly others have not been forthcoming. As I said in a previous post, that does not imply guilt as all of the people involved in this case may have their own reasons for not being entirely truthfull, reasons that would likely have nothing to do with HDs dissappearance.

When I read posts here we see people say "I would do this" or "I would never do that", but they are not BD or SA or CD or any of the others, the posters don't know what is going on in these peoples lives, what is important to them personally and what other secrets (which have nothing to do with HD) they might not want the relatives or friends and especially LE knowing about. So, a little white lie here, a little less explanation there and so on in public. They might be hiding something, but that does not mean that something has to do with HD. It could be that is just standard practice in their social circles. That is why we need to focus on things which are fact, or claimed to be fact, and be objective in our assessment of these things, and not go on emotion based on whether we do or don't like a particular person.

Also, we know there is a discrepancy between what MB's mother publically claimed and the text message allegation. So, we do not have the full story there either.

Whatever the case, if there really is pictorial evidence of HD wearing the earrings the night before, it is a game changer.

Thing is IF the police have seen Hailey wearing earings on the x box..why is Shawn the suspect? and Clint and Naomi they believe had n othing to do with it..which makes me think personally that its not true about the photos.
So, just to recap, our potential short list of suspects should include:

MB's boyfriend
MB's uncle who lived in a trailer behind the house
Naomi's little boy
Naomi's mom, Patricia
Clint's stepbrother, Brian Glascow

However, despite possession of tens of thousands of deviant *advertiser censored* images, a serial killer fetish, documented threats to Hailey's mother, failing a polygraph, and of course, being the last known person to see Hailey alive on the day he inexplicably quits his job and then lies about it, we should EXCLUDE:

Shawn Atkins

Sound about right? :)

You have missed out that according to her nan she was afraid of Shawn.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned, but I may have missed it...There is always the Texas Rangers if Billie doesn't want to stay in contact with the Colorado City Police. It's not just the FBI or CCity. We know the Rangers have been very involved in this case.
Several months ago, billie posted on fb that LE told her that Hailey POSSIBLY was wearing earrings in Xbox pics. (even talked about jumping and hair flying back) She admittedly hasn't spoken to LE in months did it suddenly become definite she was wearing earrings. Please, please sleuthers. Does anyone have an Xbox. Are the images clear enough to determine earrings and type of earrings?
Several months ago, billie posted on fb that LE told her that Hailey POSSIBLY was wearing earrings in Xbox pics. (even talked about jumping and hair flying back) She admittedly hasn't spoken to LE in months did it suddenly become definite she was wearing earrings. Please, please sleuthers. Does anyone have an Xbox. Are the images clear enough to determine earrings and type of earrings? read all that lol. Was pretty interesting ;) read all that lol. Was pretty interesting

Have read ad nauseum about earrings. however, every discussion revolves around statements from POI...not taking that to the bank read all that lol. Was pretty interesting

Have read ad nauseum about earrings. however, every discussion revolves around statements from POI...not taking that to the bank

I agree totally with what you said...the story about these earrings change...yes the police saw them..the police may have seen them..that she looked happy in the pictures..and her "supporters" are using this to blame Naomi and Clint..when none of it has even been verified..and i doubt will be.
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