Billie Dunn on Websleuths Radio

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I dont think Billie is trying to make anyone a suspect. I think Billie honestly has doubts and doesnt know where Hailey is or whom is behind Haileys disapearance.

I think it was nice to hear Billie say she didnt want to go into Clints issues. One question I would like to hear Billie answer is "Is there any information that CCity or the FBI asked her to hold back currently or at anytime,from the public.''

Is she really free to disclose all information she may or may not know to the public. Or are there some things she isnt supposed to mention?

Also as to the earing ,I believe it was found ,and Naomi confirmed that by making public statments about the issue. So I am leaning toward Hailey being at clints house on monday as well if the xbox pictures are true.
I'm so back and forth on this case that I feel like a fish on land - flopping around spraying water all over the place.

One thing I am wondering in this case, though, and I'm not going to post this lightly. I'm just not sure about the local LE. I will back up LE everywhere else on this forum, but in this case, I have concerns. I do wish the FBI or another LE organization would take this case on and run with it. Just to know that Hailey is getting the justice she deserves.
Kimster out of curiousity..why do you have concerns?

@Soulmagent..bearing in m ind she hasnt herself passed the lie detector, that her boyfriend didnt either, that her boyfriend is a suspect in the disappearance of Hailey..that she herself has lied to the police..and by her own admission she hasnt been in contact with CCity police in months and m onths..why would they be giving her any info at all? Are they really going to give her sensitive information when shes sleeping with the person they believe is involved for whatever has happened to Hailey?
responses respectfully bolded in red:

It has allready been established that the deviant *advertiser censored* images were not in the possession of either SA or BD, they were in someone else's home and have not been tied to either SA or BD. It is unrelated to this case, so put that to rest.
Thanks, but that is incorrect.
A flash drive AND CD containing such images were found in Billie's dresser drawer, in her bedroom. A drawer Billie herself states was used by Shawn Atkins.

All of the other stuff mentioned is fairly typical for lower ecomomic stratas in society, it does not imply any sort of guilt. Failing a polygraph is typical of persons in the "lower economic strata"? Wow, that's news to me!
We need to rely on facts or evidence directly bearing on the case. Such as physical evidence of a crime or opportunity or motive to do so. IMO being home alone with Hailey, at a time of day when she would not have expected him to be home qualifies as plenty of "opportunity". If SA or BD can be excluded based on evidence which reasonably places them elsewhere when the possible crime could have occurred, they are excluded no matter what you might think of them as human beings. There is no one other than Billie or SA who claims to have seen Hailey after she returned from Clint's on Sunday. The sightings that place Hailey on the street with two girls, as well as the account of the hairdresser have been investigated and cannot be verified.
The fact that people don't like them does not make them suspects. I don't particularly admire the conduct of most of the players in this case, however I do not regard them all as suspects.
Well, if there really are pictures of HD wearing the earrings on the xbox the night before she dissappeared, and if the rings were subsequently found at the fathers house, it pretty much proves that she was there that day contary to what they claim. And it would be reasonable to question why. Yes, it would. And I question why thus far, the only source for this claim appears to be Billie Dunn.
If that is true then it pretty makes everyone in that household and what they say questionable. It also means that HD must have been in one piece at least until SA got back from Big Spring, and he simply would not have had enough time to do anything in the window that would have been available.

So, if the earring allegations are true then SA is pretty much off the hook. I don't see how BD could believe he is involved if that is the case, it isn't rational. In fact, I would say that it is fairly clear where her suspicions lie, even if she isn't overtly saying so. Why she isnt being blunt about it, now that is an interesting question.

Like I said, if these allegations are true then whatever happened to HD probably happened after she left the house that afternoon. IF she in fact ever left the house that afternoon. We have no one other than SA to back up that claim. I don't see what other interpretation there could be. There are a whole lot of possibilities after that point, we simply don't have enough information beyond that to speculate. However, it would imply that at least some people in CD's residence and possibly others have not been forthcoming. As I said in a previous post, that does not imply guilt as all of the people involved in this case may have their own reasons for not being entirely truthfull, reasons that would likely have nothing to do with HDs dissappearance.

When I read posts here we see people say "I would do this" or "I would never do that", but they are not BD or SA or CD or any of the others, the posters don't know what is going on in these peoples lives, what is important to them personally and what other secrets (which have nothing to do with HD) they might not want the relatives or friends and especially LE knowing about. So, a little white lie here, a little less explanation there and so on in public. They might be hiding something, but that does not mean that something has to do with HD. It could be that is just standard practice in their social circles. That is why we need to focus on things which are fact, or claimed to be fact, and be objective in our assessment of these things, and not go on emotion based on whether we do or don't like a particular person.

Also, we know there is a discrepancy between what MB's mother publically claimed and the text message allegation. So, we do not have the full story there either.
You've mentioned this so-called discrepancy more than once. Could you please clarify?
The "WRUD" text was sent from Billie's phone just after 2pm that Monday. MB never responded. That doesn't sound like a confirmation of a sleepover to me, and we have no way of knowing it was actually Hailey who sent the text.

Whatever the case, if there really is pictorial evidence of HD wearing the earrings the night before, it is a game changer.
I agree, and will gladly believe that evidence when I see it for myself. :)
Several months ago, billie posted on fb that LE told her that Hailey POSSIBLY was wearing earrings in Xbox pics. (even talked about jumping and hair flying back) She admittedly hasn't spoken to LE in months did it suddenly become definite she was wearing earrings. Please, please sleuthers. Does anyone have an Xbox. Are the images clear enough to determine earrings and type of earrings?

And are the images clear enough to show the earrings if she is jumping and her hair is flying back???
Does this thing have a flash on it to take non blurry action shots??? :waitasec:

I'm so back and forth on this case that I feel like a fish on land - flopping around spraying water all over the place.

One thing I am wondering in this case, though, and I'm not going to post this lightly. I'm just not sure about the local LE. I will back up LE everywhere else on this forum, but in this case, I have concerns. I do wish the FBI or another LE organization would take this case on and run with it. Just to know that Hailey is getting the justice she deserves.

I agree. From the very beginning when they turned down outside help with actually experience in missing children...
I have not been comfortable with them. :twocents:

I agree. From the very beginning when they turned down outside help with actually experience in missing children...
I have not been comfortable with them. :twocents:[/QUOTE]

I understand what you are saying, but they did involve FBI and Tx Rangers, Nolan County provided "beat" cops so CCity could consentrate their force on this case. As for TES...the area is so vast, so much private property, so little public property..just don't know how effective they could have been. I want to believe Texas Rangers are still involved, but...
And are the images clear enough to show the earrings if she is jumping and her hair is flying back???
Does this thing have a flash on it to take non blurry action shots??? :waitasec:

I agree. From the very beginning when they turned down outside help with actually experience in missing children...
I have not been comfortable with them. :twocents:

Marc Klaas organisation was allowed in there..they have experience in missing children dont they?

I agree. From the very beginning when they turned down outside help with actually experience in missing children...
I have not been comfortable with them. :twocents:

I understand what you are saying, but they did involve FBI and Tx Rangers, Nolan County provided "beat" cops so CCity could consentrate their force on this case. As for TES...the area is so vast, so much private property, so little public property..just don't know how effective they could have been. I want to believe Texas Rangers are still involved, but...[/QUOTE]

I am pretty positive they are still involved ;)
I understand what you are saying, but they did involve FBI and Tx Rangers, Nolan County provided "beat" cops so CCity could consentrate their force on this case. As for TES...the area is so vast, so much private property, so little public property..just don't know how effective they could have been. I want to believe Texas Rangers are still involved, but...

Betcha CCPD would have loved to have TES search the property of SA's grandmother, but as you said, that would have required permission from the property owner.
Betcha CCPD would have loved to have TES search the property of SA's grandmother, but as you said, that would have required permission from the property owner.

Thing is if they have n othing to hide..why would they not simply offer to let TES search the place? I would if i had n othing to hide simply to show people i had n othing to do with it and my place was clean.
Kimster out of curiousity..why do you have concerns?

@Soulmagent..bearing in m ind she hasnt herself passed the lie detector, that her boyfriend didnt either, that her boyfriend is a suspect in the disappearance of Hailey..that she herself has lied to the police..and by her own admission she hasnt been in contact with CCity police in months and m onths..why would they be giving her any info at all? Are they really going to give her sensitive information when shes sleeping with the person they believe is involved for whatever has happened to Hailey?

I said if the xbox pictures are true.

I dont care about what investigators told her about any of the lie dectector tests,knowing what I know about LE tactics,nothing they said to her with or without witnesses can be proved to be the absolute truth. Even if she says they told her ,and it is not the truth it does not mean they didnt tell her it was the truth and that she is lying. It just might mean they are.

I hope Ccity is currently under investigation, I suspect there might be alot to discover.
I said if the xbox pictures are true.

I dont care about what investigators told her about any of the lie dectector tests,knowing what I know about LE tactics,nothing they said to her with or without witnesses can be proved to be the absolute truth. Even if she says they told her ,and it is not the truth it does not mean they didnt tell her it was the truth and that she is lying. It just might mean they are.

I hope Ccity is currently under investigation, I suspect there might be alot to discover.


This is the first episode of WS radio that I've listened to. I will be tuning in have a new fan, Tricia & Kimster! :) I was really impressed by how polite you were to Billie. I thought it was really cool that you kept thanking her for answering the questions and saying stuff like, "We are talking about perceptions...", and "the point of these questions isn't to make you feel bad or 'pile on Billie.'" I wasn't even on WS when Hailey first went missing so I will keep my opinions on this case under my hat, but regardless of what I think of Billie, I thought the interview was really classy and revealing. Like I said, I will be tuning in again. :)
Marc Klaas organisation was allowed in there..they have experience in missing children dont they?

Yes, but they didn't offer to come in within 24 hours of Hailey's disappearance. They were brought in after it got national media attention.

I am totally aware that Klaas Kids and Carrie and the FBI and all of them have been in there.
But when it REALLY counted. In those first crucial 72 hours... they refused outside help. What might they have found then?

Another Texas Police Force who had a missing children/child abduction unit offered to assist immediately and was turned away.
After they had to repeatedly call to even talk to CC in order to be told they were not wanted. They couldn't get an answer.
That is what I'm referring to. Those first crucial hours... the most crucial time... and they just let it go...
Ok, I cut out your responses and added responses in bold to those :)

Thanks, but that is incorrect.
A flash drive AND CD containing such images were found in Billie's dresser drawer, in her bedroom. A drawer Billie herself states was used by Shawn Atkins.

Those devices contained *advertiser censored*, but not anything illegal. The large amounts "deviant" stuff was on the computer at the mother's house, not the devices at BD's house. The connection to SA was exceedingly flimsy at best. The sheriff lumped them alltogether because he was either ignorant, misinformed, misquoted or was attempting to create a negative public image of BD/SA for reasons best known to himself.

Wow, that's news to me!

Not news to me. Those are fairly typical behaviours for those social strata as far as I can tell.

There is no one other than Billie or SA who claims to have seen Hailey after she returned from Clint's on Sunday. The sightings that place Hailey on the street with two girls, as well as the account of the hairdresser have been investigated and cannot be verified.

There was also the neighbor who saw her, and I seem to recall reading reports of girls who claimed to have seen her (not sure about that though). While LE claim not have been able to verify the sightings (likewise, they have not been able to disprove them either), there are quite a few people who say they saw her that day. You can't simply discount them because they don't agree with your theory of how events occurred.

I don't particularly admire the conduct of most of the players in this case, however I do not regard them all as suspects.

Just the ones you particularly dislike. I don't like the conduct of any of the players, but my net of suspicion is cast broader than most here for the simple reason that there were quite a lot of people who behaved out of the ordinary that day and I dont have any preconcieved ideas about what a guilty person is like. In some cases that behaviour was downright bizarre. Now, if there was a reasonable explanation for that behaviour, if they would or could say why they were doing that, or there was evidence placing them elsewhere at the time, then ok. But until I see that I wont discount them

Yes, it would. And I question why thus far, the only source for this claim appears to be Billie Dunn.

But she is the only one who would both know about that and talk about it. LE would not comment on evidence like that without direct questioning. They have no incentive to release information like that because it detracts from their theory that SA did it. CD and his clan would not either, since it would obviously direct the light of suspicion on them. While BD might be the only who has talked about it, you should bear in mind that the other people who would know about the pictures (if they exist), namely LE and CD/family, have not denied it either. And if they do not exist, that will come out sooner or later.

We have no one other than SA to back up that claim.

Actually, since she wasn't there when DD arrived back she obviously left the house. We also have all those sightings and the text message placing her at home or CC that occurred when SA was in Big Springs. So that is at least 4 independent lines of evidence placing her there. Taking into account the time stamp of his last cell call or text from Big Springs and the travel time to CC, SA would have had at most 30-40 minutes to do whatever crime he is supposed to have done, disposed of her body and cleaned up the scene so thoroughly that there was no trace of wrongdoing at all. There simply is not enough time to have done all of that. I know that most people here do not want to accept it, but it is pretty much what the situation boils down to based on the evidence we have.

If SA really did do something to her it would have made more sense for him to say she was not there when he got home. People who commit crimes like that rarely place themselves as the last person to see the victim unless they are expected to have been the last person to see them.

You've mentioned this so-called discrepancy more than once. Could you please clarify?
The "WRUD" text was sent from Billie's phone just after 2pm that Monday. MB never responded. That doesn't sound like a confirmation of a sleepover to me, and we have no way of knowing it was actually Hailey who sent the text.

MB supposedly had no communication with HD on that day, but if she recieved a text message she clearly did. So why did the mother not mention that.

If someone recieves a text message it is not necessary to reply, if she was in walking distance she could have easily simply have walked over. They could have arranged something prior and the text was the prompt to get things going. There are any number of reasonable explanations why there was no reply. The sleepover would have been something HD told SA, she may have had no intention of doing a real sleepover, it could simply have been a cover to mask what she really was doing. If BD had poor monitoring skills (and she clearly did) HD would have known that, so if she was up to something it would have been a reasonable cover story to give, knowing that the probability of it being checked up on was low.

As to who sent the text, it obviously was not SA since he was in Big Spring at the time, nor was it BD since she was at work. If the phone was at either of those places one of them would probably have been arrested by now. It certainly would have been the subject of a warrant. If the phone had a password the only other people it could have been would be HD, DD and possibly CD. No one else, so take your pick. It would also have to be someone who knew who MB was and what her relationship with HD was, that limits the pool of candidates down as well.
It has allready been established that the deviant *advertiser censored* images were not in the possession of either SA or BD, they were in someone else's home and have not been tied to either SA or BD. It is unrelated to this case, so put that to rest.

All of the other stuff mentioned is fairly typical for lower ecomomic stratas in society, it does not imply any sort of guilt. We need to rely on facts or evidence directly bearing on the case. Such as physical evidence of a crime or opportunity or motive to do so. If SA or BD can be excluded based on evidence which reasonably places them elsewhere when the possible crime could have occurred, they are excluded no matter what you might think of them as human beings. The fact that people don't like them does not make them suspects.

Well, if there really are pictures of HD wearing the earrings on the xbox the night before she dissappeared, and if the rings were subsequently found at the fathers house, it pretty much proves that she was there that day contary to what they claim. And it would be reasonable to question why. If that is true then it pretty makes everyone in that household and what they say questionable. It also means that HD must have been in one piece at least until SA got back from Big Spring, and he simply would not have had enough time to do anything in the window that would have been available.

So, if the earring allegations are true then SA is pretty much off the hook. I don't see how BD could believe he is involved if that is the case, it isn't rational. In fact, I would say that it is fairly clear where her suspicions lie, even if she isn't overtly saying so. Why she isnt being blunt about it, now that is an interesting question.

Like I said, if these allegations are true then whatever happened to HD probably happened after she left the house that afternoon. I don't see what other interpretation there could be. There are a whole lot of possibilities after that point, we simply don't have enough information beyond that to speculate. However, it would imply that at least some people in CD's residence and possibly others have not been forthcoming. As I said in a previous post, that does not imply guilt as all of the people involved in this case may have their own reasons for not being entirely truthfull, reasons that would likely have nothing to do with HDs dissappearance.

When I read posts here we see people say "I would do this" or "I would never do that", but they are not BD or SA or CD or any of the others, the posters don't know what is going on in these peoples lives, what is important to them personally and what other secrets (which have nothing to do with HD) they might not want the relatives or friends and especially LE knowing about. So, a little white lie here, a little less explanation there and so on in public. They might be hiding something, but that does not mean that something has to do with HD. It could be that is just standard practice in their social circles. That is why we need to focus on things which are fact, or claimed to be fact, and be objective in our assessment of these things, and not go on emotion based on whether we do or don't like a particular person.

Also, we know there is a discrepancy between what MB's mother publically claimed and the text message allegation. So, we do not have the full story there either.

Whatever the case, if there really is pictorial evidence of HD wearing the earrings the night before, it is a game changer.


I wonder if there was a response from that phone. With the way that kids are nowadays... don't you think that would be weird that she didn't get a response? Unless, MB's mother had the phone and HD didn't get a response and just walked over to MB's house. Didn't the bloodhounds lead to MBs.

What is different... Police released the info of the text in the local media.
BILLIE DUNN: Yes. I kind of don`t know what to say now since I heard police were being tight-lipped about it, but I`ll go ahead and say they started toward her dad`s house. They didn`t go there. They stopped, turned around, went to her friend`s, went to that motel, where they told me they`re reviewing video surveillance. There was video surveillance there. But didn`t have much luck there.

My recollection is that Billy Dunn is the only one who ever said the dogs tracked to MB's house. In fact I have searched repeatedly for a MSM link that states where the dogs tracked and never found one that said that the dogs tracked to MB's.

And it is widely reported that the dogs did not as stated above go to the motel, they were transported there. They didn't track there.

If anyone can find a MSM Link that says the dogs tracked to MB's house I'd love to see it.
doesn't even specifically say MB's house...just "her friend"
I'd have to dig thru mounds- but I do not recall any MSM article stating any quote straight from LE where any dogs may have gotten a specific hit...I will try to look

okay here is one early article-
snipped- Hailey's mother, Billie Dunn, confirmed that dogs were brought in and indeed tracked Hailey's scent to the hotel. Local authorities have not yet confirmed this information to the news media, according to KTAB's Priscilla Luong.

there may be more- IMHO is it safe to say there are one, some or all

eta-I still can not find anything direct from LE stating dogs tracked to the friends home-maybe someone else can find something
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