Brandon Nathan Tyson- SC teen shot dead by friend’s dad

The blog post leaves out many details. That was the first thing I read and I was outraged. But once I read more into it and learned of the things that were left out of the blog it seems clear what happened.

Many are trying to claim this is a cover up or conspiracy of some sort. That they are living about what happened and it was a set up because Brandon was going to be a witness.

For one, how would any of them have known that? He just went earlier that day to the police.

Secondly, I do not believe a teen would have the forethought to make up lies on a 911 call in the middle of the incident. He had no way to know Brandon would be shot and killed. There was no reason for him to lie about what was happening at that point.

Seems like the story the homeowner should be a suspect could be true even if the caller wasn't lying.
The homeowner has the right to protect his home and family and he doesn't have a duty to retreat.

When it's OK to kill in S.C.
In South Carolina you are not required to retreat before you come out with guns blazing at in your home, car, or business. That's why, as in Florida and 23 other states, this type of law is known as a "Stand Your Ground" law. Our state holds that a person who is being attacked in his castle "has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his ground and meet force with force."

This is a case of stand your ground. The kid bit the man's face and he required ICU treatment. I agree with LE and not charging him. It's the law!

I thought you had to be inside your residence for this to apply when defending your home.
so he made a report to LE witness to a robbery and at least one kid suspect was at the same friends house that night! That would be safe to say there were other suspects of said robbery, kids? adults? any info on alleged robbery. and if that is known about this case that alone should throw red flags and not one of them are even listed as part of the case or as witness. I have my doubts about their"story" and every person there should be questioned exrensively... There something all kinds of wrong about that.
Look, I get what you’re both saying and if it were a clear cut and dry case, I’d agree with you 100%.

But it’s not.

If you read more on it, pull up the (public record) court documents you’ll understand. It’s not the castle doctrine here, it’s not about the bite to the face. This kid was so beaten with a broken jaw, broken arm, hands, fingers, etc. How could he even bite the homeowner that viciously w a broken jaw unless it was broken after the homeowner caught him.

It’s not all in the police report bc it’s being hushed up. Small town mentality. That’s all I’m saying. If the truth were reported by the police and media it puke be all over the news. But this small town is working hard to keep it quiet so we all just think this killing is justified. It’s anything but... MOO
i agree..with all his injuries and broken bones..they beat that kid..and not just the dad either IMO..i think many beat this kid for talking to police.
How horrible! I read comments saying the teen tried to eat the man's face, I didn't believe it. The father was lucky he was armed. Magic Mushrooms are terrible things.
The 911 call. Homeowner was bit, then went and got gun, came back and shot in the air, then went looking for Brandon. The kid who called was terrified, thought homeowner Mark was going to shoot him. Mark was hunting Brandon, shot him but missed ... at some point, found him and shot him again, this time killing him.
I’m all about SYG ... but you or your son invited these KIDS to your home which to me means it’s your responsibility to protect them - not kill them.
I understand the kid was drugged and fighting with everyone - he definitely needed to be subdued so my PROBLEM is WHY didn’t the homeowner call 911 after being bit instead of getting a gun???
There was NEVER a call from homeowner. Why? If he had called, then shot him, I might have a different opinion.
Was this kid a dopehead? A bully? A criminal? Why is he at your house?
Too many questions - will have to research more.
Listen: Teen's frantic 911 call captures moment Wren High School student was fatally shot
The 911 call. Homeowner was bit, then went and got gun, came back and shot in the air, then went looking for Brandon. The kid who called was terrified, thought homeowner Mark was going to shoot him. Mark was hunting Brandon, shot him but missed ... at some point, found him and shot him again, this time killing him.
I’m all about SYG ... but you or your son invited these KIDS to your home which to me means it’s your responsibility to protect them - not kill them.
I understand the kid was drugged and fighting with everyone - he definitely needed to be subdued so my PROBLEM is WHY didn’t the homeowner call 911 after being bit instead of getting a gun???
There was NEVER a call from homeowner. Why? If he had called, then shot him, I might have a different opinion.
Was this kid a dopehead? A bully? A criminal? Why is he at your house?
Too many questions - will have to research more.
Listen: Teen's frantic 911 call captures moment Wren High School student was fatally shot
He shot Brandon because Brandon was going after his wife with a wood plank. Brandon was out of his mind due to drugs. It was a tragedy, and it was ruled self defense. I think a similar thing, complete with biting a person's face, happened under shrooms just a month or so afterwards. I thought those ended in the 1980s. Many people died from ingesting shrooms.

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