GUILTY CA - Classic (Orson West, 3) & Cincere (Orrin West, 4), still missing, Calif. City, *Mistrial on counts 4 & 5)* 21 Dec 2020 #8


Mar 6, 2018
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Boys, 3 and 4, missing from California City | KGET 17

Police say two boys, ages 3 and 4, have gone missing.

An employee at the California City Police Department said she hadn’t been told by her lieutenant to release their names.


“2 MISSING MALE JUVENILES, LAST SEEN IN THE 10700 BLOCK OF ASPEN. ” from California City Police Department : Nixle

10700 block of Aspen Ave - Google Maps

Case Archive (courtesy of Websleuths member AmandaReconwith)


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There has been absolutely nothing in any approved sources to indicate these boys are disabled.

Also, discussion about possible financial gain on behalf of the adoptive parents is not victim friendly.

Posts related to the above have been removed. Please move on from those discussions.

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Making insinuations or direct accusations or bashing anyone is not allowed. This includes family. Members may respectfully discuss what is contained in MSM or what has been released by LE or other WS approved sources.

Only 1 video by the AV group has been allowed because it contains the neighbor’s surveillance video for discussion. Commentary by the hosts is not allowed .. only comments about the surveillance video itself. No other podcast by them has been approved and that decision has not changed.

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Asked how many biological kids his son Trezell West has, Phillip West broke down Friday as he testified in a murder trial.

Phillip West slowly began ticking off Trezell West and his wife’s Jacqueline West’s children after wiping his face with a tissue and Superior Court Judge Charles Brehmer quietly told him he could take a break. The father’s emotions overtook him while grappling with allegations his son Trezell and Jacqueline murdered their adoptive toddlers, Orrin, 4, and Orson, 3, West, after both were reported missing in California City about two years ago.

Phillip West explained Trezell and Jacqueline West’s four children, aside from Orrin and Orson, were dropped off at his house Dec. 19, 2020 to babysit. The Wests reported to the California City Police Department that their kids were missing on Dec. 21, 2020.

Chief Trial Deputy Eric Smith attempted to determine when Phillip West last saw Orrin and Orson through questioning. Smith has alleged both toddlers died three months prior to their adoptive parents reporting them missing in December 2020.
Phillip West testified it might have been around July 4, 2020 that he last saw all the kids together. He also said he never saw Orrin or Orson after Trezell and Jacqueline moved to California City from Bakersfield in September 2020.

Trezell West was raised to be a father, Phillip West testified — he himself didn’t have a father and knows what it takes to be one.

So when he heard all these accusations, Phillip testified, he couldn’t wrap his mind around them. These allegations don’t reflect the Trezell he raised or he knows, he added.

“I am still just mind-boggled,” Phillip said. “I don’t understand.”

So both JW and TW had broken phones at the same time , before Thanksgiving, and got new phones together, throwing away the old ones.
That is suspicious.
I don't remember JW giving a reason for that yesterday but I found it this morning in the article below. MOO

In the video of Officer Ryan interrogating Jacqueline from December 22, 2020, he told her we can’t go back in your phones. "You got new phones. You’re covering up. She said we didn’t want the bio family calling us. We didn’t want them to know our numbers," he said.
I don't remember JW giving a reason for that yesterday but I found it this morning in the article below. MOO

In the video of Officer Ryan interrogating Jacqueline from December 22, 2020, he told her we can’t go back in your phones. "You got new phones. You’re covering up. She said we didn’t want the bio family calling us. We didn’t want them to know our numbers," he said.
Yeah...those pesky bio family members who just will not stop asking questions and looking for answers.
I don't remember JW giving a reason for that yesterday but I found it this morning in the article below. MOO

In the video of Officer Ryan interrogating Jacqueline from December 22, 2020, he told her we can’t go back in your phones. "You got new phones. You’re covering up. She said we didn’t want the bio family calling us. We didn’t want them to know our numbers," he said.
Was there some early interaction between the bio family and the Wests early on where they had their contact info? I don't remember.
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Was there some early interaction between the bio family and the Wests early on where they had their contact info? I don't remember.
I'm not sure about contact info, just that RD had visits with the boys after they were placed with the Wests. MOO

In late 2018, both boys were removed from a foster home and placed with the Wests. Afterward, Dean noticed during visits that her children seemed scared and were losing weight, and Orson had scratches on his face, the suit says.
I'm not sure about contact info, just that RD had visits with the boys after they were placed with the Wests. MOO

In late 2018, both boys were removed from a foster home and placed with the Wests. Afterward, Dean noticed during visits that her children seemed scared and were losing weight, and Orson had scratches on his face, the suit says.
That's right, thanks for finding that Pommy. So I guess that could make some sense if they changed service providers and got new phones.
At age 3 and 4 I would question why they weren’t potty trained and out of diaper.
According to a few different things JW has said, the boys did have some behavioral problems. I think Josiah West also said there were issues being able to communicate? So delayed potty training issues wouldn’t be surprising. What gets me is JW has never mentioned she was pursuing help for Orrin or Orson. Wouldn’t they qualify for free services post adoption?
According to a few different things JW has said, the boys did have some behavioral problems. I think Josiah West also said there were issues being able to communicate? So delayed potty training issues wouldn’t be surprising. What gets me is JW has never mentioned she was pursuing help for Orrin or Orson. Wouldn’t they qualify for free services post adoption?
That's a good point. Seeing a doctor can be a major expense if a family doesn't have health insurance, but I would think adopted kids would be covered by Medicaid?
I don't remember JW giving a reason for that yesterday but I found it this morning in the article below. MOO

In the video of Officer Ryan interrogating Jacqueline from December 22, 2020, he told her we can’t go back in your phones. "You got new phones. You’re covering up. She said we didn’t want the bio family calling us. We didn’t want them to know our numbers," he said.

Eisenhower was our President when I was born -- and I know how to block a number on my phone.

That's a good point. Seeing a doctor can be a major expense if a family doesn't have health insurance, but I would think adopted kids would be covered by Medicaid?

Foster kids are definitely covered. Any foster-to-adopt situation I've ever heard of included state health coverage for the child.

(In at least one state the adoptive parents can request a tuition/post-secondary grant, ensuring that the child can attend college at a state university.)

IMHO, excuses.

APR 16, 2023



Last week saw testimony from Maria Martinez, the mother of Jacqueline West, who often had conflicting testimony and couldn’t remember some answers. Martinez, whose primary language is Spanish, testified with a interpreter.

Smith attempted to show, through his line of questioning, that Martinez didn’t like Trezell West while defense attorneys elicited testimony softening this image.


Josiah West, the brother of Trezell West, testified this week he often babysat Trezell and Jacqueline West’s children when they dropped them off. Josiah lived with his parents, Wanda and Phillip West, in Bakersfield.

He testified he never saw Orrin or Orson after Trezell and Jacqueline West moved to California City.

Jesse Hightower, the chief of California City Police Department, testified he didn’t review his body-worn camera footage before coming and testifying last week. ...

Hightower also took part in questioning the Wests soon after Dec. 21. ...


A lighter moment happened during testimony by Phillip West, the father of Trezell West.

Smith asked to further understand Phillip's job. He explained he made canes and staff out of wood or metal. He held up a cane he brought for himself, looked to be made out of golden wood, wrapped with colorful ribbons.

"That's a pretty nice cane," said Judge Charles Brehmer, who's presiding over this trial.
That elicited a few laughs.



Prosecutor Smith finished playing footage lasting almost three hours of officers questioning Jacqueline West about her missing children.


Smith had begun questioning Ryan when the court recessed Friday. It’s expected Ryan will return to the stand and begin testifying about evidence which prosecutors allege shows the Wests lying about what happened to Orrin and Orson.

The jury is also scheduled to go on a jury view Wednesday afternoon and Thursday to separate locations, including California City. Brehmer told jurors to wear comfortable shoes as they may be walking in desert-like areas.

Morning Testimony, Part 1
DAY NINE - April 17, 2023

Trial has resumed in the case of Trezell and Jacqueline West, charged with murder in the deaths of their adopted sons Orrin, 4, and Orson, 3. Bakersfield police Detective John Ryan is back on the stand. #WestsTrial

Ryan is being questioned by prosecutor Eric Smith. #WestsTrial

Ryan has identified an item shown to him as a warrant for bank records for the Wests. It's from Strata Credit Union. #WestsTrial

Smith ended his questioning and Alekxia Torres Stallings, lead counsel for Jacqueline West, is about to cross-examine him. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is going over his training. She asked how many missing persons cases he worked in the gang unit. "I don't recall any in the gang unit," Ryan said. When he was on patrol there were "numerous" cases involving missing people, maybe 1 or 2 with children. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he's a liaison with the FBI, but works for BPD. He said any training he had in that job is on the job training with them. #WestsTrial

He's the terrorism liaison officer, but it's not necessarily all terrorism cases, there are ones involving drugs and sex trafficking, whatever they give him. Only this one involved missing children, he said. #WestsTrial

Under questioning by Torres Stallings, Ryan said he was called to Cal City on Dec. 22, 2020, for a missing persons case, not a homicide investigation. #WestsTrial

Through questioning by Torres Stallings and followup by Judge Charles R. Brehmer, Ryan acknowledged human trafficking occurs through Interstate 5. #WestsTrial

Ryan testified he arrived Dec. 22 and was on the street but not in the Wests' house. Before he interviewed Jacqueline West, he didn't go into the home, he said. #WestsTrial

He searched fields, drove around looking for surveillance video, Ryan said. He did not speak with anyone from Cal City, he said. He said he did not review any video before interviewing Jacqueline West. #WestsTrial

Ryan said his initial canvassing of the area involved looking for the children, clues where they had been. He spoke with Cal City police once going to department headquarters. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings asked if there was a meeting with other law enforcement. Ryan said yes, a small meeting with other officers. He said the meeting occurred possibly around 7 p.m. on Dec. 22, 2020. #WestsTrial

Under further questioning, Ryan said he doesn't remember the exact time of the meeting but it was before the interview. He said he spoke with Cal City Officer Brian Hansen about interviews Hansen had with the other West children. #WestsTrial

Ryan testified he didn't review the video or transcripts of Hansen's interviews with the children before interviewing Jacqueline West. #WestsTrial

He said he did not review video or transcripts of initial interviews police had with the Wests before interviewing Jacqueline West. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he does not know if Jacqueline West slept or ate anything before the second interview. He gave the same answers for Trezell. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he has "zero" formal psychological and neurological training when it comes to interrogating people. He said there are differences when it comes to interviewing witnesses as opposed to suspects. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he knows what a ruse is. Torres Stallings asked if a story he told Jacqueline West regarding his sister was a ruse. Ryan said no, it's a true story. #WestsTrial

Ryan agreed the story was a way to connect with Jacqueline West. Torres Stallings asked if it was an intimidation factor to say Jacqueline's children would be taken away. Ryan said no, the kids had already been removed. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings asked if he recalled telling Jacqueline West she would also lose her house, car, family, friends and her husband. Ryan said yes. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he's not aware if any of the West children have cognitive difficulties and did not review school records. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings asked Ryan if he was aware 65,202 kids were reported missing in California in 2020. Smith objected, and she said she'll move on to Kern County statistics. In 2020, 4,227 kids in Kern County were reported missing in 2020, she said. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is using statistics from the Department of Justice. #WestsTrial

4,401 children were reported missing in Kern County, Torres Stallings said, correcting her earlier figure. 14 dealt with parental abduction. 8 were under suspicious circumstances related to stranger abduction, she said. Ryan said he wasn't aware of those numbers. #WestsTrial

Ryan testified all the other missing children cases he has investigated involved runaways. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is asking Ryan about surveillance footage he said he reviewed on Dec. 27, 2020, which showed ony 4 children entering the van on Dec. 19, 2020, with the Wests. The Wests had 6 children. #WestsTrial

Ryan said he could not identify the faces or ages of the children who entered the Wests' van. Torres Stallings is showing him a portion of the video he reviewed. She has asked to admit it into evidence and Brehmer admitted it. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is about to play the video. #WestsTrial

The camera points toward the West home and the white van is visible. It's from across a yard, at a distance at which it's difficult to make out clothing or distinguishing characteristics. #WestsTrial

"Do you know if any of the individuals were carrying children that day?" Torres Stallings asked. Ryan said it didn't appear so. She asked if he knew for sure. He said no. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings asked Ryan if he contacted a neighbor who is seen in the video after the van pulls away. Ryan said he doesn't know if anyone asked that neighbor if they saw 6 children enter the van. #WestsTrial

Torres Stallings is going to show a second video. Ryan said he watched this one, too. It's from the same camera, same angle. #WestsTrial

The video shows a van pull up, people get out. Torres Stallings asked again if he knows if anyone was carrying a child. Ryan said no. #WestsTrial

Ryan testified he watched those two videos on Dec. 27, 2020. He said he didn't know the first video Torres Stallings played had been digitally enhanced by the FBI, and doesn't know if other videos were enhanced. #WestsTrial

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