Identified! CA - Rancho Cucamonga, WhtFem 633UFCA, 15-30, in vineyard, Jun'79 - *GRAPHIC* - Karen Marie Heverly

We have a photo now:
Great to see!
Karen Heverly.png

The nose seems pretty close, but the facial expression is likely skewing my opinion about the similarity with the rest of the face.
I have a subscription to and there are no articles about her disappearance at all, and there are no info on Internet, looks like she wasnt even reported missing... Weird
It could be that way, but maybe her missing persons report was lost in a filing cabinet somewhere or, as I'm fearing, police refused to take a missing persons report due to the fact that Karen was a runaway. The report may have also been purged when she turned 18, which was only months after the murder.

Of course, Karen having not been reported missing is still a possibility.
I have a subscription to and there are no articles about her disappearance at all, and there are no info on Internet, looks like she wasnt even reported missing... Weird
Maybe not so weird in the '70s. Police may not even have been willing to take a report. And quite frankly, even if they had, who would look for a Pennsylvania kid in California?

Edit: even if it had been sent in, Doe Network might have rejected it on distance alone, and I couldn't blame them.
It could be that way, but maybe her missing persons report was lost in a filing cabinet somewhere or, as I'm fearing, police refused to take a missing persons report due to the fact that Karen was a runaway. The report may have also been purged when she turned 18, which was only months after the murder.

Of course, Karen having not been reported missing is still a possibility.
You're right, I forgot about how police operated in that time period.
Great to see!
View attachment 494999

The nose seems pretty close, but the facial expression is likely skewing my opinion about the similarity with the rest of the face.
I was a bit surprised that this is what Karen looked like. Though her 2 front teeth are unmistakable; she seemed to have a small jaw which make her teeth crowded. The photo also looks like it was taken when Karen was younger.

I wonder how she made it from Pennsylvania all the way to California and for what reason? That is impressive and it definitely indicates she was a hitchhiker imo.
Maybe not so weird in the '70s. Police may not even have been willing to take a report. And quite frankly, even if they had, who would look for a Pennsylvania kid in California?

Edit: even if it had been sent in, Doe Network might have rejected it on distance alone, and I couldn't blame them.
The parents could have talked to medias to bring attention to their missing daughter, especially because she left under unknown circumstances. No need for an official police report.

Edit : Grammar
The only girl I could find with the surname Heverly is Jersey Shore had a different first name. Maybe a relative, but I don't think Karen ever had a school photo taken.
Maybe. There's bound to be a high school in the area without an available yearbook for c. 1978 (when Karen's yearbook photo would've been taken).
There are a few schools in Jersey Shore, PA (relatively small area). The middle school has zero yearbooks available via Classmates, but the high school has several with the newest available being 1978. Depending on her birthdate, she was likely a freshman (9th grade) in 1978. Some schools consider 9th grade high school and some consider it junior high. I think I may have found the Heverly you found, but interestingly she is also listed as "not pictured."
There would surely be a yearbook photo somewhere (unless she was home schooled) but we don't know where she would've gone to school.

Again I just hope it's not too late for her to get justice.
I dont think there would have necessarily been a yearbook photo. Sometimes students elected not to get one taken or werent available during photo taking. I recall that from my own school days years ago.

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