CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #6

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YES, but for good reason. The owner of the video store is the woman who hosts the finddylan FB page, and coordinated the searches. She is the family friend that spoke on NG as well. It is her store and she turned it into the SEARCH HdQTRS for Dylan.

Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for clearing that up.
I was thinking he's out drinking and getting movies and
that did not sit well with me. Sorry MR ... oops .
just a basic thought does anyone know if his (DR) room, computer, etc were searched at his old house to see if he himself possibly lined up some plans that no one knew about via internet--maybe he was meeting up with someone else??? just a thought
I find that video so disturbing. Lots of "me" and "I" but very little "Dylan. In fact, MR says he, him or his a great deal of time and avoids using Dylan's name.

Who the heck addresses their missing child and "my prayers are with you" is one of the first things out of their mouth? Strange, strange, strange.

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I would be BEGGING for anyone that saw my son, knew anything, saw anything to please call and I'd give the number. I would be standing there with his photo.

What's the point of doing an interview when a child is missing?

All he did was try to prove he's a nice concerned dad to get people to stop looking at him. That was the purpose of that interview. Imo
The same thing was said about Marlene Lamar. She smiled a lot in her interviews when Sierra first went missing.

Could be just nervous but it doesnt mean that a parent can smile ever again even though their child is missing. Smiling is a stress reliever imo anyway.


I don't have a problem with his smiling. I'm one of those people that use and can appreciate gallows humor, or simply a phony polite smile.

My problem is with everything that came after...
.<respectfully snipped> No pleas to whoever took him, hurt him, drove him somewhere, nothing. Does he believe his child was abducted by aliens? Sure seems that way after listening to this nonsense waste of time interview.

:fence: I have not heard what is BBM from Mom either. They both and family friend have said something akin to someone knows something (paraphrase)
Really, this is going on too long. I hope a lot of productive things are happening in the background, but are there any actual searches going on? Or is LE just waiting for forensics from the house? I just have a strange feeling that everything seems to hinge on that house and that LE thinks so too. No one seems to be putting out info to long-distance truckers, etc. or anything that might indicate Dylan could be alive.
I thought it was said that Dylan's scent was found at the lake?


NO. Cadaver dogs found HUMAN scent on the water at the lake, so they dove and searched, just in case. But the scent was not specifically Dylans.

In fact, they could not use scent dogs in the first sew days at all because there was nothing suitable to use from Dad's home because all of D's stuff was missing. Some of us find it odd there are no dirty socks from the night before though. Why would Dylan take his dirty socks with him that morning? I would expect to find them in a ball under the bed, not back in his backpack.
and in a totally different direction when the friend of the family had her chance on NG to totally exonerate dad....she danced WAAAYYYY around I am certainly not sold on anything!
I think he is guilty but something another poster wrote gave me another thought.

In that interview MR seems very "me focused" and detached. Could it be that simple? Maybe he just has no vested interest in his son. He wouldn't be the first parent. So his son goes missing and his only vested interest in the situation is that HE has became the focus of it. Sure that would make him a donkey but not a murderer.

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Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for clearing that up.
I was thinking he's out drinking and getting movies and
that did not sit well with me. Sorry MR ... oops .

Your sure have some imagination! I think you missed your calling if your not a lawyer or a fiction writer. I sincerely mean that as a compliment.
I am wondering why there isn't much talk about the trip to Walmart after picking up Dylan at the airport. If dad and Dylan went to Walmart, they should have video. Does it make sense if MR was planning on getting rid of Dylan, that he would go buy a whole slew of groceries for him for the week? Just a thought...

I don't think Walmart was ever mentioned, only the "grocery store." Some locals assumed it might have been the Walmart, but the store name never came up on MSM, to my knowledge.
I'm sure this was posted a few days ago but it's worth a re-post...

To remind us why we're all "here"...

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up

So heartbroken.... please find this sweet child :please:

[ame=""]Candle Light Vigil For Dylan Redwine - YouTube[/ame]
In that interview MR seems very "me focused" and detached. Could it be that simple? Maybe he just has no vested interest in his son...

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Then why did he insist on court ordered visit?
He also claims Dylan meant everything to him.
Greetings all,
I'm a long time Websleuths lover, but infrequent poster!
I've read every bit of Dylan's threads and was completely stumped....UNTIL....I must have missed the fact that MR didn't go to Dylan's friends' house to look for him until 4:45. Sorry, but that's NONSENSE. Total nonsense. Your son is visiting you, he's gone missing without leaving a note or calling, and you wait about FOUR hours before starting to ask around with the ONLY other people he had plans to visit with?!?!!? He's THIRTEEN for God's sake! He's not, like, 17 or 18 years old!!!
Nope, sorry, that's it for me in that department.
LE just needs to sign on here and tell us WTH they KNOW!!!

JMO opinion!

Before we lose our minds. Or I get a vaycay :what: Wearing my very Diplomatic Poster Person Hat today :banghead:
Really, this is going on too long. I hope a lot of productive things are happening in the background, but are there any actual searches going on? Or is LE just waiting for forensics from the house? I just have a strange feeling that everything seems to hinge on that house and that LE thinks so too. No one seems to be putting out info to long-distance truckers, etc. or anything that might indicate Dylan could be alive.

Consider your whole post bbm and agreed and seconded and all that jazz.
When I consider there's always the potential for a completely random abduction that happened on the heels of any one of the scenarios we've discussed, LE hasn't done anything (that I've seen) to locate Dylan say, hours or states away. I assume at some point something pointed that back to Durango/Vallecito/the house and they couldn't put out an Amber Alert for a nationwide search.. and we don't know wth is going on behind closed doors... but imo the investigation has become very, very narrowed. If not people wise, area wise.
Well it can't be identified because they didn't find what they were looking for. I would bet it was a body.

But it was not Dylan's scent the dogs reacted to. Cadaver dogs react to the scent of decomposition. Tracking dogs would have reacted to Dylan's scent.
And we heard nothing about tracking dogs picking up Dylan's scent.
Then why did he insist on court ordered visit?
He also claims Dylan meant everything to him.

Not specifically talking about this case. But I've seen more times than I care to count where a parent uses the child and custody to hurt the other parent. Ya may want to go back and read what you missed, this has all been discussed up thread
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