Ebola outbreak - general thread #3

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Who thinks they have Ebola then walks into a CareNow clinic? Call 911 say I came into contact with Duncan can you please send an ambulance over here in full gear to take me to a hospital that can help me.

Great minds think alike.
Thanks for the info...I wondered about the "lying" part, since I haven't been keeping as up to date as many of you, and maybe that charge had been refuted. I suppose when it's your family member, you want every possible thing to be done, even when it's evident it won't work (blood transfusion).
The only possible "refutation" of him lying are the neighbors in Liberia, who claim he didn't know, but the officials in Liberia believe he lied- and today it came out in print that Marthalene was vomiting and convulsing as well. So let's see- she was sweating, bleeding vaginally, and out her mouth, vomiting, and convulsing. Sound like symptoms of a miscarriage to anyone???
Wouldn't a First Responder phone in for medical help rather than walk into a Care Now facility?

Not sure he was technically a 'First Responder' Maybe just one of the deputies watching the apt to make sure they stayed inside. Or one that delivered food to them?

ETA I see the post above. He went in with Health workers.
Wow... and if this IS Ebola, how did he get it. I know he didn't have a suit on, but supposedly he would have needed to have fluids from Duncan introduced into his body through a cut or something, right?

ETA: New tweet says that this is just a precaution because the deputy was experiencing stomach pain and had been expose to Duncan.

Oh hell! It looks like it may have been one of the responders that went into Duncans apartment!

Meagan Harris @MeaganMHarris · 10m 10 minutes ago

BREAKING: SUV surrounded by tape at Frisco CareNow belongs to one of the Dallas Co deputies that went into the #Ebola patients apartment.

This makes me so incredibly sad. This could have been completely avoided.
You are so right Schmae. There is a stomach bug going around north Texas. I have two family members with it as we speak. Hope and pray that's what this patient has. If it isn't I'm now officially anxious.

Well, I just realized there is still a good chance this guy merely has a bad stomach bug and it is NOT ebola. So let's pray hard people. I had a friend on the other side of the metroplex say a stomach bug is going around, so hopefully it's just that. Remember , ebola like symptoms can be lots of other things and this guy did walk into the ambulance, so ......
This attitude is so disturbing to me. He was patient zero, clearly the hospital did not suspect Ebola. He had excellent medical care with serious risk to his caregivers. Heroic measures were taken. Experimental drugs. Ventilator. Dialysis.

He had Ebola! Chances were high that he would not survive it. His family needs to stop - I am also suspect of their agenda.

If Mr Duncan has received care the first time he went to the ER he might still be alive. He may also have been able to save others by donating blood for the serum as others have. He told staff he came from Liberia but they were either ignorant to what he was saying or didn't want to admit him for lack of insurance. Trust me, it happens. That hospital blew it!
Oh No! I so wish Youngor had said the word "Ebola", rather than just "virus". She too didn't want Duncan to be stigmatized by it and didn't want to diagnose it, but now this poor man's life is endangered.

If this is one of the County Deputies who went to the apartment with the judge, then they knew about Duncan who had already been admitted to the hospital by the time they visited the apartment. So surely it has nothing to do with anything Youngor said, does it?.
I think the health director Thompson went into that apartment last wednesday ( i believe ) to serve the papers quarantining the family, without protective gear. He took some ' muscle' the Deputies with him so the family would know he meant business. When the deputies asked if they needed gear **SPECULATIVE** the health director assured them they were safe unless they touched fluids of the victim, so dont' get near or touch any vomit or blood , etc. and you will be fine ** SPECULATIVE** so the deputies went with him having no idea that HE, THOMPSON is a careless risk taker and was putting their lives in danger. All of this post is speculative on how it may have gone done. This part is not,,,, if this deputy tests positive for ebola, then Mr Thompson has some serious explaining to do. I think if you're the deputy and you're not familiar with this virus and the local county health director from a big county like Dallas tells you it's safe to go in somewhere without gear, that you would believe him, because he has more knowledge about illnesses than you do. UGH!
:please: be negative
I'm going to be cautiously optimistic that this is a false alarm. According to the article linked in an above post, this deputy was very vocal about going into the apartment without protective gear (AS I WOULD BE AS WELL!!!!!).
Your mind can do crazy things if you fear you may have been exposed to something horrible like this. Also, this would make quite a point, if you were trying to get a point across to someone, about how seriously the govt should take this, how honest the govt should be, and just how many people could potentially be exposed. ***All just opinion, theory, thoughts****
Wow... and if this IS Ebola, how did he get it. I know he didn't have a suit on, but supposedly he would have needed to have fluids from Duncan introduced into his body through a cut or something, right?

ETA: New tweet says that this is just a precaution because the deputy was experiencing stomach pain and had been expose to Duncan.


What would he do other than that? All clinics and ERs have people in them.
Stop worrying about our dogs, or cats transmitting the virus. Worry about HUMANS transmitting it! Because that transmission will make you sick!

Respectfully snipped with all due respect and BBM. Sonya I know you from many other threads and like you and respect you as a person. So my words are in no way a challenge or a debate.

Ebola has been known to disappear from human record for decades and then just spring up again. Why? Because it is being hosted in animals at that time. For about 20 years it was passed from one animal host to another deep in the jungle and then sprung up again. Primates and Fruit bats have been pinpointed as most likely host with the fruitbat being the "natural reservoir" (sorta like the unending spring from which Ebola comes forth from).

People in Africa had contact with those animals, or with their body fluids (feces or saliva on fruit) and got Ebola. Even if it is only one in a million, considered what ONE human Ebola case can do and costs (not just financially) to treat, manage and contain, then one in a million is too much of a risk for me.

Considering the part that animals have played in this in Africa, I simply cannot dismiss animals as being no danger. You may disagree and I respect that.
Wow... and if this IS Ebola, how did he get it. I know he didn't have a suit on, but supposedly he would have needed to have fluids from Duncan introduced into his body through a cut or something, right?

ETA: New tweet says that this is just a precaution because the deputy was experiencing stomach pain and had been expose to Duncan.


If that is all he is having by way of symptoms, then why did every channel stop broadcast and go to it? Surely not,,, stomach pain could be gas! FFS, media be responsible !!!!!!!!!!

ETA Every local channel is harping on ' ebola like ' symptoms and if that is merely stomach PAIN then shame on every dfw news station for grossly sensationalizing things. Not to mention if this guy just had too many tacos for lunch, I'm sure he's delighted the whole world will now know . Not to mention whipping everyone into a frenzy with fear. As much as I hope it is just a little indigestion, the media is making me furious! Be responsible in reporting the ' FACTS' in case you know what facts are. Otherwise, everyone with a belly ache in Texas will be rushing to an ER the next 48 hrs saying " i have ebola like symptons , too , it's stomach pain''. This is so irresponsible and I'm sorry to rant....... :gaah:
If this is one of the County Deputies who went to the apartment with the judge, then they knew about Duncan who had already been admitted to the hospital by the time they visited the apartment. So surely it has nothing to do with anything Youngor said, does it?.
Was it a deputy? I've seen deputy, I've seen first responder, which implies E.M.T. to me. My CNN has shown no coverage of it.
***if this was one of the first responders, and he was a deputy, the list of his contacts could be enormous.

For example if he was a deputy in a courtroom, the exposure could be all of the court Watchers, the inmates, the other deputies, the judge, clerk, other courtroom personnel...just in the course of one day.

if he was married with children and went to church, the supermarket, a family birthday party, there's a whole lot of people he could have been in touch with. And then you think about all of the people those people would have come in contact with for example he's in the deputy breakroom,and sneezes. Because he he's late getting back to his courtroom, he doesn't wash his hands. Break room his coffee mug, the doors to the courtroom, and then the doors into the inmate holding center. Many other hands touch those door knobs. And who knows where it goes from there.

Yes, all of the above is speculative. But it's realistic. I'm not panicking, what transpires after this. But I'm thinking things just went from bad to worse.

I will have my prayers for everybody in the area, for all of the children, parents, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, and veritable strangers thT somehow this is not ebola, just a nasty stomach flu.

OMG...the CDC press conference. This is seriously messed up.

The Dept. of Homeland Security will issue a DETAILED QUESTIONAIRE! And check for FEVER when they arrive! And fevers are common! And Malaria is common!

Okay then. As upset as we the public are over these press conferences, I am sure the officials at the CDC are even more upset, they know better and they are MADE to say these ridiculous things.
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