Finding Katherine and Sheila--Before it's 40 Years Since They Have Been Missing!!!

I have to wonder about some of the eyewitness accounts.
I think that people have a tendency to look back with the eyes of today and that we think things should have been different but there were not the same resources.
I think the answers to this case are close at hand.
... And you, of the tender years
can't know the fears
that your elders grew by,
And so please help them with your youth,
they seek the truth
before they can die...

From "Teach Your Children"
Crosby, Stills, and Nash
I understand what you are saying.

However, there is a reason the National Center for Missing and Exploited Persons website still have both girls information on it.

They have the information about this.

Time will hopefully tell what the truth is.

I would never put this much time and research into something I thought was a hoax.
I have so much compassion and feel so bad that ANYONE would make prank calls or hoaxes to Mary or John Lyon.

I have NEVER contacted Mary and John about this matter.

There is a reason that NCMEC still has their info up,along with many others...they haven't been found yet and someone may see their case info and remember LE. It's not because they think the girls are alive. People don't take kids that are 10 and 12 because they want a child to raise as their own. Was Kate taken and then allowed to not only go to college and Med school but also left the country to help victims of sex trafficking and her abductor(s) were not at all worried that she'll turn them in? Nothing about that is logical to me. JMO
There is a reason that NCMEC still has their info up,along with many others...they haven't been found yet and someone may see their case info and remember LE. It's not because they think the girls are alive. People don't take kids that are 10 and 12 because they want a child to raise as their own. Was Kate taken and then allowed to not only go to college and Med school but also left the country to help victims of sex trafficking and her abductor(s) were not at all worried that she'll turn them in? Nothing about that is logical to me. JMO

Motherof5, as I had stated, Dr. KW has stated she is not KL.
You have not seen graycat on here anymore to discuss it and I have chosen to respect Dr. KW's statement and perhaps have LE sort through the unsanwered questions and links to Dr. KW.

I think I would disagree with you on the NCMEC photos being left for people ONLY for the purpose of solving cases.

Richard just posted a link to someone missing for many decades who has just been found!

I guess the best way to answer that question is to ask the NCMEC or read up on what they say about themselves at:

I am not PLANNING to openly discuss this anymore and since I don't see graycat discussing it here either, I think no one should be concerned about it anymore.

As I have mentioned on other threads, if someone has questions about Katherine or Sheila, they can send me a personal message.
Motherof5, as I had stated, Dr. KW has stated she is not KL.
You have not seen graycat on here anymore to discuss it and I have chosen to respect Dr. KW's statement and perhaps have LE sort through the unsanwered questions and links to Dr. KW.

I think I would disagree with you on the NCMEC photos being left for people ONLY for the purpose of solving cases.

Richard just posted a link to someone missing for many decades who has just been found!

I guess the best way to answer that question is to ask the NCMEC or read up on what they say about themselves at:

I am not PLANNING to openly discuss this anymore and since I don't see graycat discussing it here either, I think no one should be concerned about it anymore.

As I have mentioned on other threads, if someone has questions about Katherine or Sheila, they can send me a personal message.
Graycat has not discussed this since 2014 when he was hear for 6 posts. I don't understand how so much importance was put on this. But The lyon girls are dead. It is obvious now with the police looking and searching the mountain that they know more than we do and that they are using the resources because they believe that that is where they will find them.

I feel so bad for that woman to have to be put through people accusing her of being someone she is not and trying to connect her to a really high profile case in essence making her a target.
Motherof5, as I had stated, Dr. KW has stated she is not KL.
You have not seen graycat on here anymore to discuss it and I have chosen to respect Dr. KW's statement and perhaps have LE sort through the unsanwered questions and links to Dr. KW.

I think I would disagree with you on the NCMEC photos being left for people ONLY for the purpose of solving cases.

Richard just posted a link to someone missing for many decades who has just been found!

I guess the best way to answer that question is to ask the NCMEC or read up on what they say about themselves at:

I am not PLANNING to openly discuss this anymore and since I don't see graycat discussing it here either, I think no one should be concerned about it anymore.

As I have mentioned on other threads, if someone has questions about Katherine or Sheila, they can send me a personal message.

I didn't say," ONLY for the purpose of solving cases" and I was speaking of the Lyon case in particular. Clearly, if a child goes missing tomorrow,the photo and case info on NCMEC serves the purpose of making the public aware that they need to be on the look out for this child. Kate and Sheila did not go missing yesterday. It has been 40 years so the photos of them at NCMEC are not going to help in the same way that they would in a more current case. Their photos and case info could help spark someone's memory of an event that happened four decades ago but the photos won't help us find them now. Their info is still helpful. This Dr.Welch,she has blonde hair and blue eyes just like Kate did at age 10. I too had blonde hair when I was 10...just like Kate. Now I'm an adult with dark brown hair. The only way for me to still be a blonde is to color my hair. My point is that I don't look like I did when I was 10 and if Kate were alive,she probably wouldn't either. You have mentioned Jaycee Dugard and Elizabeth Smart. They were abducted and held instead of being killed,very true. However,they were both under the control of and still living with their abductors when they were found. Dr. Welch doesn't seem to be held her against her will. That's all I have to say about that.
I didn't say," ONLY for the purpose of solving cases" and I was speaking of the Lyon case in particular. Clearly, if a child goes missing tomorrow,the photo and case info on NCMEC serves the purpose of making the public aware that they need to be on the look out for this child. Kate and Sheila did not go missing yesterday. It has been 40 years so the photos of them at NCMEC are not going to help in the same way that they would in a more current case. Their photos and case info could help spark someone's memory of an event that happened four decades ago but the photos won't help us find them now. Their info is still helpful. This Dr.Welch,she has blonde hair and blue eyes just like Kate did at age 10. I too had blonde hair when I was 10...just like Kate. Now I'm an adult with dark brown hair. The only way for me to still be a blonde is to color my hair. My point is that I don't look like I did when I was 10 and if Kate were alive,she probably wouldn't either. You have mentioned Jaycee Dugard and Elizabeth Smart. They were abducted and held instead of being killed,very true. However,they were both under the control of and still living with their abductors when they were found. Dr. Welch doesn't seem to be held her against her will. That's all I have to say about that.

This article clarifies the subject in a very balanced way.

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