GA - Man Abuses 3 Daughters on the Internet

We just, well I just thought you were posting those things here to make a point about how many scumbags there were doing things like this.
OK, new day, have had time to think this through. If these babies mother have any "overies" about herself, she will beg for a conjigal (sp) visit, get this (I still feel the same about him) all worked up, for maximum growth, and chop his little pee pee right off, then walk out to the front desk and say, he is in there bleeding out and I am here to turn myself in.

See y'all, I'm still pissed.

I cannot wait to see how i'll feel about this tomorrow.
2XL said:
I hope that while this is in jail that he is repeatedly raped until his bumhole is so ripped he walks around leaving a trail of SH**. He doesn't diserve to breath air. Lord have mercy this makes me ANGRY.

How about if its filmed and distributed to all the perverts on the internet and all the profits go to the therapy of the girls.. maybe then he may have a small inkling of what he has done to the girls.. or for that matter let all the pervs in prision take turns defiling and degrading the *advertiser censored**hole while its filmed..then distribute to the internet for enjoyment of others and at a profit. This disgusting peice of trash does not deserve to breathe let alone walk this earth with this little angels. I hope and pray that the Mom is able to provide these girls with the emotional and medical support needed. I would agree on the part of her doing something physical to him but think the girls need her more to be there than she needs to get revenge at this point.
It's just too damn good for him, I realize he won't ever get out, but there is no punishment that fits the crime for what he did. How could a father do this? We will never understand it, nor accept it. I pray that God heals these 3 little girls, physically and emotionally and spiritually. May he remove this evil from their memories and I hope they never see this piece of vomit again. Rereading this thread just brings me to tears as to what he has done to the girls. So precious, so little, so innocent.

He doesn't deserve to be left breathing, hopefully the other prisoners will help us out with that one, but not before a little torture ensues!
What's up with his attorney....:bang:

From the above link:
"Pease's attorney, Monique Walker, had asked for probation, while suggesting chemical castration as a way to ensure no one else is victimized. She showed the judge the results of a mental health evaluation, which stated that Pease did not meet the clinical definition of a pedophile.

She pointed out that Pease admitted his crimes by pleading guilty in January to rape, incest, child molestation, aggravated child molestation and aggravated sexual battery. "From Day One, he has accepted responsibility. He has been deeply regretful," Walker said."

NOT a Pedophile???? I hope his time in prison is pure H*LL!!!! A little bit of lipstick and he's gonna look real cute!!!
kahskye said:
Excuse me while I throw up! This is just totally disgusting. This is no father! God help him, he will surely pay big time for his acts on his own precious daughters. He will answer for it and it won't be pretty. My prayers are w/ these little girls that only wanted a daddy to love them, not molest them.

To the sick, sick perverts who wanted the girl to undress, your days are numbered! You will one day have to answer for your perverted thoughts.
I agree kahskye. He is a bio sire and that is it. Of course, he is a twisted child predator with absolutely no conscience nor the ability to ever have one, too.

I hope and pray for those three children to recover and to live happy, healthy lives.

After I reread where he took requests from viewers for what he should do to them, I think we should take requests for what we should do to him.
kahskye said:
After I reread where he took requests from viewers for what he should do to them, I think we should take requests for what we should do to him.
Me first! Me first! I have some ideas....:furious: :furious: :furious:

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